Are Republicans just plain stupid?

Well the NeoCommies/DemocRATS still have THIS to fall back on...

Her husband also raps women.
Hmmmm..... The GOP is supporting a successful business man while the Libs are pushing a scandal-plague, self-serving, corrupt, lying millionaire elitist who is up to her neck in crimes and an FBI investigation and a crazy, old, millionaire official member of the socialist Party....

...and Republicans are stupid? :lmao:
The fact that Obama's mother was an American citizen was never in question

Why would Trump spend millions of dollars to prove he was not born in Hawaii, if it had no bearing on hiss eligibility?

If he was born in Kenya, as he claimed before running for president, and as his publisher stated in his biography, then it would have a bearing.

But this is over, Obozo has been president for two terms, his damage to this country is obvious. His goal of bringing the USA to its knees as punishment for being successful is being realized. His muslim brothers are attacking the free world and killing innocents while that asshole claims ISIS is contained and on the run.

Forget the birth bullshit, focus on the disaster that is named Obama.
Damage to this country in the form of 5% unemployment and an 18K Dow? That kind of damage?


real unemployment is around 20%, add the under employed and its around 30%. Cooking the books does not change the facts.

Tell us what specific obozo policies caused the dow increase.
Wow. YOu did NOT pretend to not be able to read those and claim that Trump had no policies.

RW, you are the second most reasonable and least asshole like liberal on this site. I know, I know that is a low bar, but I wanted to give credit where it is due.

Thank you for not dishonestly pretending to not be aware of Trumps policies and being prepared to actually discuss them.

I wonder why so many of your fellow libs are afraid to do that?
Trump is a phony

He never cared about vets till he trashed McCain

How many vets have leading roles in Trump International?


As a businessman he played by the rules Politicians made. NOw he is running to make the rules.

That he was not active in this issues when he was a businessman does not bother me.
Trump is worth $10 billion

He is capable of making the lives of vets much easier. He could hire them, contribute to veterans programs, support their causes

Trump has done nothing.....phony

Wow. YOu did NOT pretend to not be able to read those and claim that Trump had no policies.

RW, you are the second most reasonable and least asshole like liberal on this site. I know, I know that is a low bar, but I wanted to give credit where it is due.

Thank you for not dishonestly pretending to not be aware of Trumps policies and being prepared to actually discuss them.

I wonder why so many of your fellow libs are afraid to do that?
Trump is a phony

He never cared about vets till he trashed McCain

How many vets have leading roles in Trump International?


As a businessman he played by the rules Politicians made. NOw he is running to make the rules.

That he was not active in this issues when he was a businessman does not bother me.
Trump is worth $10 billion

He is capable of making the lives of vets much easier. He could hire them, contribute to veterans programs, support their causes

Trump has done nothing.....phony

That is one possible interpretation of your claimed facts.

DO you really care about his charitable giving?

I find that hard to believe.

Let's go there

When is Trump releasing his tax returns so we can see where his contributions go?

Come on RightWinger. Quit evading my question. I asked you what has Hillary or Bernie done for the veterans? Hillary is a multi-millionaire. Put something up here that shows her contributions to veterans. Do something for your candidate besides just running your usual smear campaign against Republican candidates. You're going to have to argue your candidate's platforms. Smear campaigns won't cut it.

Outside of the last six months, when has Trump ever lifted a finger to support any of those things?

When has Trump international ever done anything for vets or the second amendment ?

Wow. YOu did NOT pretend to not be able to read those and claim that Trump had no policies.

RW, you are the second most reasonable and least asshole like liberal on this site. I know, I know that is a low bar, but I wanted to give credit where it is due.

Thank you for not dishonestly pretending to not be aware of Trumps policies and being prepared to actually discuss them.

I wonder why so many of your fellow libs are afraid to do that?
Trump is a phony

He never cared about vets till he trashed McCain

How many vets have leading roles in Trump International?

And what has Obama done for our troops? Besides getting more killed in Afghanistan, than under bush. Because of his incompetence.

Michelle Obama has done quite a bit for our veterans in helping to find them employment after they return in addition to veterans services
The fact that Obama's mother was an American citizen was never in question

Why would Trump spend millions of dollars to prove he was not born in Hawaii, if it had no bearing on hiss eligibility?

If he was born in Kenya, as he claimed before running for president, and as his publisher stated in his biography, then it would have a bearing.

But this is over, Obozo has been president for two terms, his damage to this country is obvious. His goal of bringing the USA to its knees as punishment for being successful is being realized. His muslim brothers are attacking the free world and killing innocents while that asshole claims ISIS is contained and on the run.

Forget the birth bullshit, focus on the disaster that is named Obama.
Damage to this country in the form of 5% unemployment and an 18K Dow? That kind of damage?


real unemployment is around 20%, add the under employed and its around 30%. Cooking the books does not change the facts.

Tell us what specific obozo policies caused the dow increase.

Unemployment is at 5% and is measured the same as it has always been
The fact that Obama's mother was an American citizen was never in question

Why would Trump spend millions of dollars to prove he was not born in Hawaii, if it had no bearing on hiss eligibility?

If he was born in Kenya, as he claimed before running for president, and as his publisher stated in his biography, then it would have a bearing.

But this is over, Obozo has been president for two terms, his damage to this country is obvious. His goal of bringing the USA to its knees as punishment for being successful is being realized. His muslim brothers are attacking the free world and killing innocents while that asshole claims ISIS is contained and on the run.

Forget the birth bullshit, focus on the disaster that is named Obama.
Damage to this country in the form of 5% unemployment and an 18K Dow? That kind of damage?


real unemployment is around 20%, add the under employed and its around 30%. Cooking the books does not change the facts.

Tell us what specific obozo policies caused the dow increase.

Unemployment is at 5% and is measured the same as it has always been

bullshit. you need to come out from under your rock once in a while. People who have stopped looking for jobs are no longer counted as unemployed. your messiah changed that. Wake TF up, idiot.

Outside of the last six months, when has Trump ever lifted a finger to support any of those things?

When has Trump international ever done anything for vets or the second amendment ?

Wow. YOu did NOT pretend to not be able to read those and claim that Trump had no policies.

RW, you are the second most reasonable and least asshole like liberal on this site. I know, I know that is a low bar, but I wanted to give credit where it is due.

Thank you for not dishonestly pretending to not be aware of Trumps policies and being prepared to actually discuss them.

I wonder why so many of your fellow libs are afraid to do that?
Trump is a phony

He never cared about vets till he trashed McCain

How many vets have leading roles in Trump International?

And what has Obama done for our troops? Besides getting more killed in Afghanistan, than under bush. Because of his incompetence.

Michelle Obama has done quite a bit for our veterans in helping to find them employment after they return in addition to veterans services
Lol the Obama's despise our troops.
The fact that Obama's mother was an American citizen was never in question

Why would Trump spend millions of dollars to prove he was not born in Hawaii, if it had no bearing on hiss eligibility?

If he was born in Kenya, as he claimed before running for president, and as his publisher stated in his biography, then it would have a bearing.

But this is over, Obozo has been president for two terms, his damage to this country is obvious. His goal of bringing the USA to its knees as punishment for being successful is being realized. His muslim brothers are attacking the free world and killing innocents while that asshole claims ISIS is contained and on the run.

Forget the birth bullshit, focus on the disaster that is named Obama.
Damage to this country in the form of 5% unemployment and an 18K Dow? That kind of damage?


real unemployment is around 20%, add the under employed and its around 30%. Cooking the books does not change the facts.

Tell us what specific obozo policies caused the dow increase.

Unemployment is at 5% and is measured the same as it has always been

Not according to Bernie Sanders. During the debate, Bernie stated that the real unemployment rate was 10%. He also stated that the unemployment rate among Blacks was 15% and that the unemployment rate among Black males with a high school education was 51%.
You really do need to learn something about your own candidates instead of just being a smear merchant.
I'm not trying to provoke a debate, I'm asking a serious question

Is there a level of stupidity in Republicans when it comes to supporting Donald Trump?

Trump names Cruz when asked about VP spot

Trump wants to select Ted Cruz as his running mate?
The same Trump who spent four years proclaiming the Obama was not eligible to be President due to some bogus claim that he was not born in America?
Now he wants to name someone who without question was born in Canada?

Are Republicans really this stupid or is it some reality TV show being orchestrated by Trump and mainstream Republicans just don't get it

The stone TRUTH is that Republicans DON'T WANT to win the Presidency.

If they < did > they would have to DO something instead of just bitching and moaning.

They KNOW they have no solutions for the countries problems, especially so since they refuse to pay any taxes to pay down the debt they caused with their two unfunded wars.

It is far easier and much more fun for a Republican dominated Congress to just say " no " to anything and everything the Democrats try to do.

They have trotted out this clown car on purpose to make damn sure they don't win.
I'm not trying to provoke a debate, I'm asking a serious question

Is there a level of stupidity in Republicans when it comes to supporting Donald Trump?

Trump names Cruz when asked about VP spot

Trump wants to select Ted Cruz as his running mate?
The same Trump who spent four years proclaiming the Obama was not eligible to be President due to some bogus claim that he was not born in America?
Now he wants to name someone who without question was born in Canada?

Are Republicans really this stupid or is it some reality TV show being orchestrated by Trump and mainstream Republicans just don't get it

Bullshit. You're the typical leftwing asshole. You do nothing but provoke and aren't man enough to admit it.

Address the topic

Hypocricy on the part of Trump?
Cruz was born by an American citizen. How is it even a question?
Obama's mother was an American citizen too yet you don't think that makes him an American but Cruz is? haw haw haw haw

You claim that if Cruz was born outside of America since his mother was American it make him an American citizen --- but the exact same rule does not hold for Obama!!!!!!

Hypocrite much?
I'm not trying to provoke a debate, I'm asking a serious question

Is there a level of stupidity in Republicans when it comes to supporting Donald Trump?

Trump names Cruz when asked about VP spot

Trump wants to select Ted Cruz as his running mate?
The same Trump who spent four years proclaiming the Obama was not eligible to be President due to some bogus claim that he was not born in America?
Now he wants to name someone who without question was born in Canada?

Are Republicans really this stupid or is it some reality TV show being orchestrated by Trump and mainstream Republicans just don't get it

Bullshit. You're the typical leftwing asshole. You do nothing but provoke and aren't man enough to admit it.

Address the topic

Hypocricy on the part of Trump?
Cruz was born by an American citizen. How is it even a question?
Obama's mother was an American citizen too yet you don't think that makes him an American but Cruz is? haw haw haw haw

You claim that if Cruz was born outside of America since his mother was American it make him an American citizen --- but the exact same rule does not hold for Obama!!!!!!

Hypocrite much?
Did I say he wasn't? Why the fuck would you waste your time putting words in my mouth?
I'm not trying to provoke a debate, I'm asking a serious question

Is there a level of stupidity in Republicans when it comes to supporting Donald Trump?

Trump names Cruz when asked about VP spot

Trump wants to select Ted Cruz as his running mate?
The same Trump who spent four years proclaiming the Obama was not eligible to be President due to some bogus claim that he was not born in America?
Now he wants to name someone who without question was born in Canada?

Are Republicans really this stupid or is it some reality TV show being orchestrated by Trump and mainstream Republicans just don't get it

The stone TRUTH is that Republicans DON'T WANT to win the Presidency.

If they < did > they would have to DO something instead of just bitching and moaning.

They KNOW they have no solutions for the countries problems, especially so since they refuse to pay any taxes to pay down the debt they caused with their two unfunded wars.

It is far easier and much more fun for a Republican dominated Congress to just say " no " to anything and everything the Democrats try to do.

They have trotted out this clown car on purpose to make damn sure they don't win.

It sounds stupid but it seems they are more concerned about spouting their anger than they are about winning the White House

Trump plays them for fools ad they line up for it
I'm not trying to provoke a debate, I'm asking a serious question

Is there a level of stupidity in Republicans when it comes to supporting Donald Trump?

Trump names Cruz when asked about VP spot

Trump wants to select Ted Cruz as his running mate?
The same Trump who spent four years proclaiming the Obama was not eligible to be President due to some bogus claim that he was not born in America?
Now he wants to name someone who without question was born in Canada?

Are Republicans really this stupid or is it some reality TV show being orchestrated by Trump and mainstream Republicans just don't get it

Bullshit. You're the typical leftwing asshole. You do nothing but provoke and aren't man enough to admit it.

Address the topic

Hypocricy on the part of Trump?
Cruz was born by an American citizen. How is it even a question?
Obama's mother was an American citizen too yet you don't think that makes him an American but Cruz is? haw haw haw haw

You claim that if Cruz was born outside of America since his mother was American it make him an American citizen --- but the exact same rule does not hold for Obama!!!!!!

Hypocrite much?

Making it odd that Trump would embrace Cruz after campaigning that Obama was not eligible to be President
I'm not trying to provoke a debate, I'm asking a serious question

Is there a level of stupidity in Republicans when it comes to supporting Donald Trump?

Trump names Cruz when asked about VP spot

Trump wants to select Ted Cruz as his running mate?
The same Trump who spent four years proclaiming the Obama was not eligible to be President due to some bogus claim that he was not born in America?
Now he wants to name someone who without question was born in Canada?

Are Republicans really this stupid or is it some reality TV show being orchestrated by Trump and mainstream Republicans just don't get it

The stone TRUTH is that Republicans DON'T WANT to win the Presidency.

If they < did > they would have to DO something instead of just bitching and moaning.

They KNOW they have no solutions for the countries problems, especially so since they refuse to pay any taxes to pay down the debt they caused with their two unfunded wars.

It is far easier and much more fun for a Republican dominated Congress to just say " no " to anything and everything the Democrats try to do.

They have trotted out this clown car on purpose to make damn sure they don't win.

Well, please post the platform of the candidate you support. Let us see what your own candidate's solutions are.
The stone truth is that RightWinger is only a smear merchant. RightWinger has been challenged time and again to put something up here that supports his own candidate's platform. RightWinger is such a coward, he simply evades the challenge. RightWinger is openly admitting that neither of the Democrat candidates have anything of a viable platform to run on.

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