Are Republicans just plain stupid?

"I support Trump unless if he goes all Tea Party on us."


People keep using this stupid f*ing term / phrase, and have no idea what they are talking about.

Its not 'Tea' - it's 'T.E.A.', as in 'TAXED ENOUGH ALREADY'. looking at all of the fraud, waste, abuse, redundancy, cronyism, corruption, handing out billions to terrorists and countries that hate us, and using tax dollars to make sure asshole politicians live like kings off the blood, sweat, and tears of the Middle Class picking up the check, very FEW hard-working Americans would argue that we 'aren't paying enough in taxes'. If you are one of them, feel free to send in a check with extra money in it for Uncle Sam on April 15th - no one is stopping you from doing that.

The TEA party, original before being hijacked, wanted a smaller government, because - again - I don't think a lot of sane people believe that our government just isn't big enough. I could go into more, but it's like casting pearls before swine. Everything people bitch about regarding this government / administration is what the TEA Party stands against. Anti-Corrupt Washington Establishment GOP - TEA Party.

..but without even knowing what they are talking about yet declaring they are experts on it and can speak for them (which is BS), they throw phrases like that out.

God Forbid Donald Trump wans to protect religious freedom, wants to end Illegal Immigration / Importing of Terrorism / End Sanctuary cities, secure our borders, protect and defend the Constitution, Enforce the rule of law, protect American citizens and care for OUR homeless and our vets BEFORE bending over backwards to help criminal illegals who have no respect for this country or to help 'Refugees' won't fight for their own country (but want to come here and send US to do it), don't like the US but love the idea of our benefits, and some of whom want to kill us! God Forbid Trump shares any of those ideas the TEA Party has!

Conservatives are scared shitless. Listen to con-talk-radio and Faux News. They have an elephant sized load in their pants.

Tad Cruz says we should let Christians from the middle east in but exclude all Muslims.

A religious test from a presidential candidate. Hmmm, let us project a little forward if this dimwit is still in the race. Any commercials with Cruz sound bites where he is separating people by their religion?

Tagline: Isn't that what Isis does?

Says the far left drone that is in denial as America rejects the far left..
The criteria Trump applied against Obama

“Why doesn’t he show his birth certificate? The fact is, if he wasn’t born in this country, he shouldn’t be the president of the United States,” the billionaire developer said in a CNN interview that aired Sunday. The Constitution requires that the president be a “natural-born citizen.”

Why doesn't this apply to Ted Cruz?
Conservatives are scared shitless. Listen to con-talk-radio and Faux News. They have an elephant sized load in their pants.

Tad Cruz says we should let Christians from the middle east in but exclude all Muslims.

A religious test from a presidential candidate. Hmmm, let us project a little forward if this dimwit is still in the race. Any commercials with Cruz sound bites where he is separating people by their religion?

Tagline: Isn't that what Isis does?

Conservatives see a landslide victory on the horizon. Thank you Liberals.

Well it will be a landslide, better bring an umbrella though.
RW is scared LMAO

Every sane person should be concerned with the bellicose rhetoric on going during Republican debates and in the stump speeches of several of those who want to be POTUS.

Am I scared? Nope, I have faith in the American people, to misquote G. W. Bush, fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.

Trump, Fiorina, Rubio are fear mongering, and the American People are not foolish enough to once again vote out of fear. They may get the nomination, as it seems the current arch conservative set in the Republican Party is willing to put the neo cons back in power.

Most of us are appalled by seeing boots and weapons lined up as the bodies who once wore and carried these articles stand by in a body bag waiting to go home.

We don't need to work harder to combat pathological criminals who murder innocent civilians - be they Muslim, Christian or Jew - we need to be smarter and that does not describe the neo cons or their fellow travelers so willing to send American Citizen's kids into harms way.
RW is scared LMAO

Every sane person should be concerned with the bellicose rhetoric on going during Republican debates and in the stump speeches of several of those who want to be POTUS.

Am I scared? Nope, I have faith in the American people, to misquote G. W. Bush, fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.

Trump, Fiorina, Rubio are fear mongering, and the American People are not foolish enough to once again vote out of fear. They may get the nomination, as it seems the current arch conservative set in the Republican Party is willing to put the neo cons back in power.

Most of us are appalled by seeing boots and weapons lined up as the bodies who once wore and carried these articles stand by in a body bag waiting to go home.

We don't need to work harder to combat pathological criminals who murder innocent civilians - be they Muslim, Christian or Jew - we need to be smarter and that does not describe the neo cons or their fellow travelers so willing to send American Citizen's kids into harms way.

Any sane person would never vote far left under any circumstances..
I'm not trying to provoke a debate, I'm asking a serious question

Is there a level of stupidity in Republicans when it comes to supporting Donald Trump?

Trump names Cruz when asked about VP spot

Trump wants to select Ted Cruz as his running mate?
The same Trump who spent four years proclaiming the Obama was not eligible to be President due to some bogus claim that he was not born in America?
Now he wants to name someone who without question was born in Canada?

Are Republicans really this stupid or is it some reality TV show being orchestrated by Trump and mainstream Republicans just don't get it

Bullshit. You're the typical leftwing asshole. You do nothing but provoke and aren't man enough to admit it.

Address the topic

Hypocricy on the part of Trump?
Cruz was born by an American citizen. How is it even a question?
Obama's mother was an American citizen too yet you don't think that makes him an American but Cruz is? haw haw haw haw

You claim that if Cruz was born outside of America since his mother was American it make him an American citizen --- but the exact same rule does not hold for Obama!!!!!!

Hypocrite much?

Both of Cruz' parents were American citizens. Obama's father was a Kenyan citizen, his mother was a minor. If he was born in Kenya, he is not an American citizen.

If he was born in Hawaii, he is an American.

The only question is the legitimacy of the HI birth certificate, and the claims of Obama's publisher (which Obama let stand for many years) that he was born in Kenya.

At this point it really doesn't matter because the traitor will be out of office in a little over a year.
RW is scared LMAO

Every sane person should be concerned with the bellicose rhetoric on going during Republican debates and in the stump speeches of several of those who want to be POTUS.

Am I scared? Nope, I have faith in the American people, to misquote G. W. Bush, fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.

Trump, Fiorina, Rubio are fear mongering, and the American People are not foolish enough to once again vote out of fear. They may get the nomination, as it seems the current arch conservative set in the Republican Party is willing to put the neo cons back in power.

Most of us are appalled by seeing boots and weapons lined up as the bodies who once wore and carried these articles stand by in a body bag waiting to go home.

We don't need to work harder to combat pathological criminals who murder innocent civilians - be they Muslim, Christian or Jew - we need to be smarter and that does not describe the neo cons or their fellow travelers so willing to send American Citizen's kids into harms way.

You including Hillary in that? Hillary caused the ISIS takeover of Libya. Hillary voted for the Iraq war. Hillary is a war hawk.
I'm not trying to provoke a debate, I'm asking a serious question

Is there a level of stupidity in Republicans when it comes to supporting Donald Trump?

Trump names Cruz when asked about VP spot

Trump wants to select Ted Cruz as his running mate?
The same Trump who spent four years proclaiming the Obama was not eligible to be President due to some bogus claim that he was not born in America?
Now he wants to name someone who without question was born in Canada?

Are Republicans really this stupid or is it some reality TV show being orchestrated by Trump and mainstream Republicans just don't get it

Bullshit. You're the typical leftwing asshole. You do nothing but provoke and aren't man enough to admit it.

Address the topic

Hypocricy on the part of Trump?
Cruz was born by an American citizen. How is it even a question?
Obama's mother was an American citizen too yet you don't think that makes him an American but Cruz is? haw haw haw haw

You claim that if Cruz was born outside of America since his mother was American it make him an American citizen --- but the exact same rule does not hold for Obama!!!!!!

Hypocrite much?

Making it odd that Trump would embrace Cruz after campaigning that Obama was not eligible to be President

Could you please address Hillary's FBI investigation, the corrupt Clinton foundation, or Hillary's "successes" as SecState? or maybe you would like to talk about the millions of black babies murdered by planned parenthood during the Obama administration.
RW is scared LMAO

Every sane person should be concerned with the bellicose rhetoric on going during Republican debates and in the stump speeches of several of those who want to be POTUS.

Am I scared? Nope, I have faith in the American people, to misquote G. W. Bush, fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.

Trump, Fiorina, Rubio are fear mongering, and the American People are not foolish enough to once again vote out of fear. They may get the nomination, as it seems the current arch conservative set in the Republican Party is willing to put the neo cons back in power.

Most of us are appalled by seeing boots and weapons lined up as the bodies who once wore and carried these articles stand by in a body bag waiting to go home.

We don't need to work harder to combat pathological criminals who murder innocent civilians - be they Muslim, Christian or Jew - we need to be smarter and that does not describe the neo cons or their fellow travelers so willing to send American Citizen's kids into harms way.

Any sane person would never vote far left under any circumstances..

The far left, which means (but you don't) the Socialist Worker's Party as the leading far left party and ideologically far left of the current Democratic Party.

Here's some food for thought, too bad you're on a life-long diet:

List of political parties in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You including Hillary in that? Hillary caused the ISIS takeover of Libya. Hillary voted for the Iraq war. Hillary is a war hawk.
Hillary did not have the power to do that. Obama was the one who by-passed Congress, refused to ask them for the authority to go to war, and then took the nation to war to help the perpetrators of 9/11/01 (and 9/11/12) take over Libya.
RW is scared LMAO

Every sane person should be concerned with the bellicose rhetoric on going during Republican debates and in the stump speeches of several of those who want to be POTUS.

Am I scared? Nope, I have faith in the American people, to misquote G. W. Bush, fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.

Trump, Fiorina, Rubio are fear mongering, and the American People are not foolish enough to once again vote out of fear. They may get the nomination, as it seems the current arch conservative set in the Republican Party is willing to put the neo cons back in power.

Most of us are appalled by seeing boots and weapons lined up as the bodies who once wore and carried these articles stand by in a body bag waiting to go home.

We don't need to work harder to combat pathological criminals who murder innocent civilians - be they Muslim, Christian or Jew - we need to be smarter and that does not describe the neo cons or their fellow travelers so willing to send American Citizen's kids into harms way.

Any sane person would never vote far left under any circumstances..

The far left, which means (but you don't) the Socialist Worker's Party as the leading far left party and ideologically far left of the current Democratic Party.

Here's some food for thought, too bad you're on a life-long diet:

List of political parties in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

See how the far left will deny who they are?

As they know they are extremists, yet do want to admit to it..

Part of the religious programming!
I'm not trying to provoke a debate, I'm asking a serious question

Is there a level of stupidity in Republicans when it comes to supporting Donald Trump?

Trump names Cruz when asked about VP spot

Trump wants to select Ted Cruz as his running mate?
The same Trump who spent four years proclaiming the Obama was not eligible to be President due to some bogus claim that he was not born in America?
Now he wants to name someone who without question was born in Canada?

Are Republicans really this stupid or is it some reality TV show being orchestrated by Trump and mainstream Republicans just don't get it

Bullshit. You're the typical leftwing asshole. You do nothing but provoke and aren't man enough to admit it.

Address the topic

Hypocricy on the part of Trump?
Cruz was born by an American citizen. How is it even a question?
Obama's mother was an American citizen too yet you don't think that makes him an American but Cruz is? haw haw haw haw

You claim that if Cruz was born outside of America since his mother was American it make him an American citizen --- but the exact same rule does not hold for Obama!!!!!!

Hypocrite much?

Both of Cruz' parents were American citizens. Obama's father was a Kenyan citizen, his mother was a minor. If he was born in Kenya, he is not an American citizen.

If he was born in Hawaii, he is an American.

The only question is the legitimacy of the HI birth certificate, and the claims of Obama's publisher (which Obama let stand for many years) that he was born in Kenya.

At this point it really doesn't matter because the traitor will be out of office in a little over a year.

Cruz has more in common with Theodore John "Ted" Kaczynski, also known as the "Unabomber", than most other Pols running for the R. nomination (that is, he is brilliant and totally mentally fucked up).
RW is scared LMAO

Every sane person should be concerned with the bellicose rhetoric on going during Republican debates and in the stump speeches of several of those who want to be POTUS.

Am I scared? Nope, I have faith in the American people, to misquote G. W. Bush, fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.

Trump, Fiorina, Rubio are fear mongering, and the American People are not foolish enough to once again vote out of fear. They may get the nomination, as it seems the current arch conservative set in the Republican Party is willing to put the neo cons back in power.

Most of us are appalled by seeing boots and weapons lined up as the bodies who once wore and carried these articles stand by in a body bag waiting to go home.

We don't need to work harder to combat pathological criminals who murder innocent civilians - be they Muslim, Christian or Jew - we need to be smarter and that does not describe the neo cons or their fellow travelers so willing to send American Citizen's kids into harms way.

Any sane person would never vote far left under any circumstances..

The far left, which means (but you don't) the Socialist Worker's Party as the leading far left party and ideologically far left of the current Democratic Party.

Here's some food for thought, too bad you're on a life-long diet:

List of political parties in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

See how the far left will deny who they are?

As they know they are extremists, yet do want to admit to it..

Part of the religious programming!

Well, as a KNOWN LIAR there is no benefit to posting the platforms and goals of the Socialist Worker's Party vis a vis the Democratic Party for your edification.

Keep on pretending you have anything of value to offer by posting. It must give your pitiful little life some value to you, and evidence those like you on the right are (being nice) not very bright.
Bullshit. You're the typical leftwing asshole. You do nothing but provoke and aren't man enough to admit it.

Address the topic

Hypocricy on the part of Trump?
Cruz was born by an American citizen. How is it even a question?
Obama's mother was an American citizen too yet you don't think that makes him an American but Cruz is? haw haw haw haw

You claim that if Cruz was born outside of America since his mother was American it make him an American citizen --- but the exact same rule does not hold for Obama!!!!!!

Hypocrite much?

Both of Cruz' parents were American citizens. Obama's father was a Kenyan citizen, his mother was a minor. If he was born in Kenya, he is not an American citizen.

If he was born in Hawaii, he is an American.

The only question is the legitimacy of the HI birth certificate, and the claims of Obama's publisher (which Obama let stand for many years) that he was born in Kenya.

At this point it really doesn't matter because the traitor will be out of office in a little over a year.

Cruz has more in common with Theodore John "Ted" Kaczynski, also known as the "Unabomber", than most other Pols running for the R. nomination (that is, he is brilliant and totally mentally fucked up).

"totally mentally fucked up" the perfect description of Obama, Hillary, and Bernie.
You including Hillary in that? Hillary caused the ISIS takeover of Libya. Hillary voted for the Iraq war. Hillary is a war hawk.
Hillary did not have the power to do that. Obama was the one who by-passed Congress, refused to ask them for the authority to go to war, and then took the nation to war to help the perpetrators of 9/11/01 (and 9/11/12) take over Libya.

Obama was against the Libya mess. Hillary persuaded him to go through with it. Obama doesn't really want to get involved in anything anywhere.
You including Hillary in that? Hillary caused the ISIS takeover of Libya. Hillary voted for the Iraq war. Hillary is a war hawk.
Hillary did not have the power to do that. Obama was the one who by-passed Congress, refused to ask them for the authority to go to war, and then took the nation to war to help the perpetrators of 9/11/01 (and 9/11/12) take over Libya.

Obama was against the Libya mess. Hillary persuaded him to go through with it. Obama doesn't really want to get involved in anything anywhere.

Right, but he is determined to solve the greatest danger ever to humanity------------------the hoax known as man made climate change.

the guy is a total moron.
You including Hillary in that? Hillary caused the ISIS takeover of Libya. Hillary voted for the Iraq war. Hillary is a war hawk.
Hillary did not have the power to do that. Obama was the one who by-passed Congress, refused to ask them for the authority to go to war, and then took the nation to war to help the perpetrators of 9/11/01 (and 9/11/12) take over Libya.

Obama was against the Libya mess. Hillary persuaded him to go through with it. Obama doesn't really want to get involved in anything anywhere.

More evidence ^^^ the OP's question is pertinent and answered affirmatively.
RW is scared LMAO

Every sane person should be concerned with the bellicose rhetoric on going during Republican debates and in the stump speeches of several of those who want to be POTUS.

Am I scared? Nope, I have faith in the American people, to misquote G. W. Bush, fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.

Trump, Fiorina, Rubio are fear mongering, and the American People are not foolish enough to once again vote out of fear. They may get the nomination, as it seems the current arch conservative set in the Republican Party is willing to put the neo cons back in power.

Most of us are appalled by seeing boots and weapons lined up as the bodies who once wore and carried these articles stand by in a body bag waiting to go home.

We don't need to work harder to combat pathological criminals who murder innocent civilians - be they Muslim, Christian or Jew - we need to be smarter and that does not describe the neo cons or their fellow travelers so willing to send American Citizen's kids into harms way.

Any sane person would never vote far left under any circumstances..

The far left, which means (but you don't) the Socialist Worker's Party as the leading far left party and ideologically far left of the current Democratic Party.

Here's some food for thought, too bad you're on a life-long diet:

List of political parties in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

See how the far left will deny who they are?

As they know they are extremists, yet do want to admit to it..

Part of the religious programming!

Well, as a KNOWN LIAR there is no benefit to posting the platforms and goals of the Socialist Worker's Party vis a vis the Democratic Party for your edification.

Keep on pretending you have anything of value to offer by posting. It must give your pitiful little life some value to you, and evidence those like you on the right are (being nice) not very bright.

The irony impaired far left drones and their comments!

Yes they will deny who they truly are!

They coming out of the closet is liberating.

When will you come out of the far left closet?

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