Are Republicans just plain stupid?

So lets hear it from our board conservatives

Is Trump full of shit or not?
Will you admit he was playing you for fools with his Obama birtherism?

1. Hillary started the 'Obama Birtherism', which is funny since she is your 'candidate of choice' now.

2. WHY are you Liberals so focused on Trump, aside from being fearful of the coming ass-kicking he will give Liberals? You would think you have more to worry about since one of your candidates is barely staying 1 step ahead of the law, and the other is a professed Socialist Party member...NOT really even a member of the Democratic party....and both of them being wealthy, rich white people.

You Libs keep pointing out how 'Liberal' Trump is. Considering who the DNC's candidates are, do you REALLY want to help sell Trump to Democrats by pointing out how Liberal he is, potentially getting a lot of them to vote for Trump? :p
So lets hear it from our board conservatives

Is Trump full of shit or not?
Will you admit he was playing you for fools with his Obama birtherism?

1. Hillary started the 'Obama Birtherism', which is funny since she is your 'candidate of choice' now.

2. WHY are you Liberals so focused on Trump, aside from being fearful of the coming ass-kicking he will give Liberals? You would think you have more to worry about since one of your candidates is barely staying 1 step ahead of the law, and the other is a professed Socialist Party member...NOT really even a member of the Democratic party....and both of them being wealthy, rich white people.

You Libs keep pointing out how 'Liberal' Trump is. Considering who the DNC's candidates are, do you REALLY want to help sell Trump to Democrats by pointing out how Liberal he is, potentially getting a lot of them to vote for Trump? :p

1. No Hillary did not start birtherism and has never made such a claim

2. Trump is the leading GOP candidate and an active birther. Why does Trump apply citizenship standards to Obama that he ignores with Cruz
1. No Hillary did not start birtherism and has never made such a claim

2. Trump is the leading GOP candidate and an active birther. Why does Trump apply citizenship standards to Obama that he ignores with Cruz

1. RW, you are WRONG, which means your credibility about anything else is pretty much shot. When Hillary started to lose to this 'up-start' her 'Politics-of-Personal-Destruction' Team whipped out the rumors and story of the Birth Certificate
- Birther row began with Hillary Clinton
-- LINK: Birther row began with Hillary Clinton

2. Ask Trump
Conservatives are scared shitless. Listen to con-talk-radio and Faux News. They have an elephant sized load in their pants.

Tad Cruz says we should let Christians from the middle east in but exclude all Muslims.

A religious test from a presidential candidate. Hmmm, let us project a little forward if this dimwit is still in the race. Any commercials with Cruz sound bites where he is separating people by their religion?

Tagline: Isn't that what Isis does?

No, that's not what ISIS does.

Cruz is debating policy on who we should invite into our homeland.

ISIS is murdering and raping and pillaging in it's homeland.

That the two look the same to you is proof of your insanity.
The criteria Trump applied against Obama

“Why doesn’t he show his birth certificate? The fact is, if he wasn’t born in this country, he shouldn’t be the president of the United States,” the billionaire developer said in a CNN interview that aired Sunday. The Constitution requires that the president be a “natural-born citizen.”

Why doesn't this apply to Ted Cruz?

"Why doesn’t he show his birth certificate"

As I said.
Is Trump just playing you guys for suckers?

He strings you on with birther claims for four years and then says he would pick a Canadian as his running mate

Honestly, you can't make this shit up

It is all about being able to remember what happened last week and the week before that and the year before that and seven years ago and then 15 years ago. Republicans have a hard time remembering what they were told last week and they think American history started in 2009
No Republicans think the world began in 1980 and Ronnie Raygun was THE FOUNDING FATHER --- no one else had anything to do with creating the United States.

He wrote the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

He created mankind.
I'm not trying to provoke a debate, I'm asking a serious question

Is there a level of stupidity in Republicans when it comes to supporting Donald Trump?

Trump names Cruz when asked about VP spot

Trump wants to select Ted Cruz as his running mate?
The same Trump who spent four years proclaiming the Obama was not eligible to be President due to some bogus claim that he was not born in America?
Now he wants to name someone who without question was born in Canada?

Are Republicans really this stupid or is it some reality TV show being orchestrated by Trump and mainstream Republicans just don't get it

The real question is, Are you just too much of a bot to do any credible research before posting nonsense like this? Seriously. Are you not aware the Cruz is a "natural born citizen"? Even colonial British law recognized as British citizens children who were born to a British parent outside the British Empire.

Legal scholars from both ends of the spectrum agree that Cruz plainly and clearly qualifies as a natural born citizen.

Furthermore, look at the differences between Cruz's case and Obama's case:

* Cruz's short-form birth certificate does not have a certificate number that is out of sequence with certificate numbers of short-form BCs issued before and after his form was allegedly issued.

* Cruz did not spend millions of dollars to keep his BC forms sealed.

* When Cruz first released his short-form BC, the certificate number was not blacked out. (Gee, why did Team Obama black out the cert number? Because they knew/feared it would prove problematic?)

* Cruz's long-form BC never needed "confirmation" and the supposed "confirmation" did not describe a BC that bore little resemblance to the one that was finally released. Go read the Hawaii officials' description of the Obama BC they examined and then go look at the BC that Obama finally released--and tell me with a straight face that the Hawaii officials were describing the same document.

* Cruz has never denied that he was born in Canada. He didn't need to because the circumstances of his birth clearly qualify him as a natural born citizen.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

bripat screams, "HELL, YES!!!" at the top of his lungs to the OP.

But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States.

You are correct. I searched the document for anything saying the VP had to be a natural born citizen, but apparently didn't use the correct search terms.

Take your pathetic little victory, if that salves your bruised ego.
My ego isn't the one that just got shred by a Liberal educating a conservative on the Constitution.


As I said, enjoy your pathetic victory while you can. It doesn't amount to a hill of beans.
If it didn't, you wouldn't be such a sore loser over it. Your snide remarks make it even better as they reveal how badly that stung.

I'm not a sore loser. You're the one who keeps bringing it up. I understand when you keep getting your face pushed into the pavement that you would gloat over any meager victories you can manage.
Suuure, uh-huh.

If getting educated on the Constitution by a Liberal didn't hurt you so much .... you wouldn't keep posting about how much it didn't hurt.

Conservatives are scared shitless. Listen to con-talk-radio and Faux News. They have an elephant sized load in their pants.

Tad Cruz says we should let Christians from the middle east in but exclude all Muslims.

A religious test from a presidential candidate. Hmmm, let us project a little forward if this dimwit is still in the race. Any commercials with Cruz sound bites where he is separating people by their religion?

Tagline: Isn't that what Isis does?

Conservatives see a landslide victory on the horizon. Thank you Liberals.
And you see that despite Hillary holding a double-digit lead in the latest poll over Trump? :cuckoo:
Yes. Hillary said in the debate that she wanted 65,000 refugees brought in. Trump says he will put a stop to the refugees being brought in. Where do you think the American public weigh in on this?
Both of Cruz' parents were American citizens.
You're just not capable of telling the truth about anything, are you? Ted Cruz was an adult before his father became a U.S. citizen.
So lets hear it from our board conservatives

Is Trump full of shit or not?
Will you admit he was playing you for fools with his Obama birtherism?

1. Hillary started the 'Obama Birtherism', which is funny since she is your 'candidate of choice' now.

2. WHY are you Liberals so focused on Trump, aside from being fearful of the coming ass-kicking he will give Liberals? You would think you have more to worry about since one of your candidates is barely staying 1 step ahead of the law, and the other is a professed Socialist Party member...NOT really even a member of the Democratic party....and both of them being wealthy, rich white people.

You Libs keep pointing out how 'Liberal' Trump is. Considering who the DNC's candidates are, do you REALLY want to help sell Trump to Democrats by pointing out how Liberal he is, potentially getting a lot of them to vote for Trump? :p
Hillary did not start birtherism. You whacked out righties are just nuts. :cuckoo:
You are correct. I searched the document for anything saying the VP had to be a natural born citizen, but apparently didn't use the correct search terms.

Take your pathetic little victory, if that salves your bruised ego.
My ego isn't the one that just got shred by a Liberal educating a conservative on the Constitution.


As I said, enjoy your pathetic victory while you can. It doesn't amount to a hill of beans.
If it didn't, you wouldn't be such a sore loser over it. Your snide remarks make it even better as they reveal how badly that stung.

I'm not a sore loser. You're the one who keeps bringing it up. I understand when you keep getting your face pushed into the pavement that you would gloat over any meager victories you can manage.
Suuure, uh-huh.

If getting educated on the Constitution by a Liberal didn't hurt you so much .... you wouldn't keep posting about how much it didn't hurt.


I'm only responding to your relentless gloating, asshole.
Conservatives are scared shitless. Listen to con-talk-radio and Faux News. They have an elephant sized load in their pants.

Tad Cruz says we should let Christians from the middle east in but exclude all Muslims.

A religious test from a presidential candidate. Hmmm, let us project a little forward if this dimwit is still in the race. Any commercials with Cruz sound bites where he is separating people by their religion?

Tagline: Isn't that what Isis does?

Conservatives see a landslide victory on the horizon. Thank you Liberals.
And you see that despite Hillary holding a double-digit lead in the latest poll over Trump? :cuckoo:

She's behind Carson and Rubio. Once Trump gets the nomination, he'll stomp her. You can't be a quisling who supports open borders and importing muzzie savages and win this election.
Every sane person should be concerned with the bellicose rhetoric on going during Republican debates and in the stump speeches of several of those who want to be POTUS.

Am I scared? Nope, I have faith in the American people, to misquote G. W. Bush, fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.

Trump, Fiorina, Rubio are fear mongering, and the American People are not foolish enough to once again vote out of fear. They may get the nomination, as it seems the current arch conservative set in the Republican Party is willing to put the neo cons back in power.

Most of us are appalled by seeing boots and weapons lined up as the bodies who once wore and carried these articles stand by in a body bag waiting to go home.

We don't need to work harder to combat pathological criminals who murder innocent civilians - be they Muslim, Christian or Jew - we need to be smarter and that does not describe the neo cons or their fellow travelers so willing to send American Citizen's kids into harms way.

Any sane person would never vote far left under any circumstances..

The far left, which means (but you don't) the Socialist Worker's Party as the leading far left party and ideologically far left of the current Democratic Party.

Here's some food for thought, too bad you're on a life-long diet:

List of political parties in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

See how the far left will deny who they are?

As they know they are extremists, yet do want to admit to it..

Part of the religious programming!

Well, as a KNOWN LIAR there is no benefit to posting the platforms and goals of the Socialist Worker's Party vis a vis the Democratic Party for your edification.

Keep on pretending you have anything of value to offer by posting. It must give your pitiful little life some value to you, and evidence those like you on the right are (being nice) not very bright.

The irony impaired far left drones and their comments!

Yes they will deny who they truly are!

They coming out of the closet is liberating.

When will you come out of the far left closet?


When will you stop lying? Never!
You including Hillary in that? Hillary caused the ISIS takeover of Libya. Hillary voted for the Iraq war. Hillary is a war hawk.
Hillary did not have the power to do that. Obama was the one who by-passed Congress, refused to ask them for the authority to go to war, and then took the nation to war to help the perpetrators of 9/11/01 (and 9/11/12) take over Libya.

Obama was against the Libya mess. Hillary persuaded him to go through with it. Obama doesn't really want to get involved in anything anywhere.

More evidence ^^^ the OP's question is pertinent and answered affirmatively.

Wrong! Obama went into Libya based on France, but it would seem that a far left drone like this one will deny that fact..

Here you go: Iraq War Redux: Hillary Clinton Manufactured “Stupid Facts” that Led to the Invasion of Libya

ALEX JONES!! No wonder you're a dolt.
It is all about being able to remember what happened last week and the week before that and the year before that and seven years ago and then 15 years ago. Republicans have a hard time remembering what they were told last week and they think American history started in 2009
As continuously demonstrated on this board it is the Liberals who willfully forget the past and count on Americans forgetting it - easier to re-write history and fill the blank pages with propaganda and lies.

Rewrite? I don't write history at all. I just post links to reliable sources because my opinion, like yours, isn't worth the pixels and bandwidth needed to publish it. Fact is, righties on here rarely refer to reliable data to back up their commentary. They seem to prefer bloggers.

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