Are Republicans just plain stupid?

You including Hillary in that? Hillary caused the ISIS takeover of Libya. Hillary voted for the Iraq war. Hillary is a war hawk.
Hillary did not have the power to do that. Obama was the one who by-passed Congress, refused to ask them for the authority to go to war, and then took the nation to war to help the perpetrators of 9/11/01 (and 9/11/12) take over Libya.

Obama was against the Libya mess. Hillary persuaded him to go through with it. Obama doesn't really want to get involved in anything anywhere.

More evidence ^^^ the OP's question is pertinent and answered affirmatively.

the voters will decide that next November. Get ready, practice it. dream about it,

President Trump.
You including Hillary in that? Hillary caused the ISIS takeover of Libya. Hillary voted for the Iraq war. Hillary is a war hawk.
Hillary did not have the power to do that. Obama was the one who by-passed Congress, refused to ask them for the authority to go to war, and then took the nation to war to help the perpetrators of 9/11/01 (and 9/11/12) take over Libya.

Obama was against the Libya mess. Hillary persuaded him to go through with it. Obama doesn't really want to get involved in anything anywhere.

More evidence ^^^ the OP's question is pertinent and answered affirmatively.

Wrong! Obama went into Libya based on France, but it would seem that a far left drone like this one will deny that fact..
Obama was against the Libya mess. Hillary persuaded him to go through with it. Obama doesn't really want to get involved in anything anywhere.

The Secretary of State does NOT have the power to take the country to war or use the military in a war! Obama was / is the only one who can do so! WAKE UP!
You including Hillary in that? Hillary caused the ISIS takeover of Libya. Hillary voted for the Iraq war. Hillary is a war hawk.
Hillary did not have the power to do that. Obama was the one who by-passed Congress, refused to ask them for the authority to go to war, and then took the nation to war to help the perpetrators of 9/11/01 (and 9/11/12) take over Libya.

Obama was against the Libya mess. Hillary persuaded him to go through with it. Obama doesn't really want to get involved in anything anywhere.

More evidence ^^^ the OP's question is pertinent and answered affirmatively.

Wrong! Obama went into Libya based on France, but it would seem that a far left drone like this one will deny that fact..

Here you go: Iraq War Redux: Hillary Clinton Manufactured “Stupid Facts” that Led to the Invasion of Libya
Obama was against the Libya mess. Hillary persuaded him to go through with it. Obama doesn't really want to get involved in anything anywhere.

The Secretary of State does NOT have the power to take the country to war or use the military in a war! Obama was / is the only one who can do so! WAKE UP!

She's the one who voted to go kill Bin Laden. She said so herself on the debate.
You including Hillary in that? Hillary caused the ISIS takeover of Libya. Hillary voted for the Iraq war. Hillary is a war hawk.
Hillary did not have the power to do that. Obama was the one who by-passed Congress, refused to ask them for the authority to go to war, and then took the nation to war to help the perpetrators of 9/11/01 (and 9/11/12) take over Libya.

Obama was against the Libya mess. Hillary persuaded him to go through with it. Obama doesn't really want to get involved in anything anywhere.

More evidence ^^^ the OP's question is pertinent and answered affirmatively.

Wrong! Obama went into Libya based on France, but it would seem that a far left drone like this one will deny that fact..

Here you go: Iraq War Redux: Hillary Clinton Manufactured “Stupid Facts” that Led to the Invasion of Libya

Wrong! France did everything include get UN approval as their OIL supply was bout to be cut off. It was one of many of Obama illegal wars and truly blood for OIL..

Emails to Hillary contradict French tale on Libya war - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

Hillary Clinton emails reveal how French destroyed Libya | Veterans Today

I do not deny that Hillary's stupidity and incompetence did not HELP, but - AGAIN - the secretary of state can NOT take the country to war! This was all OBAMA!

he did not go before Congress to make a case and ask if he could use the military because he knew NO ONE would give him the authority to use the military to HELP THE PERPETRATORS OF 9/11/01! So Obama did it on his own!

Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Al Qaeida in Libya, ISIS in the ME...Obama has been a regular Terrorist 'King Maker'.

(Since Libs love Bush so much, I know this will piss them off, but here goes...) Bush vowed terrorists would have no safe haven in the world after 9/11/01.

Barak helped them come to power in Egypt, used our own military to help the perpetrators of 9/11/01 to get their own country - Libya (while convincing Americans they should change their lives and speech so as not to offend them), personally armed/ trained ISIS and allowed them to waltz into Iraq and take over much of the country our military had liberated at great expense. His failed policy of 'containment' has facilitated the massive spread of terrorism around the world and caused the death of Americans at home and abroad and the deaths of over 150 of our allies in France.
Hillary did not have the power to do that. Obama was the one who by-passed Congress, refused to ask them for the authority to go to war, and then took the nation to war to help the perpetrators of 9/11/01 (and 9/11/12) take over Libya.

Obama was against the Libya mess. Hillary persuaded him to go through with it. Obama doesn't really want to get involved in anything anywhere.

More evidence ^^^ the OP's question is pertinent and answered affirmatively.

Wrong! Obama went into Libya based on France, but it would seem that a far left drone like this one will deny that fact..

Here you go: Iraq War Redux: Hillary Clinton Manufactured “Stupid Facts” that Led to the Invasion of Libya

Wrong! France did everything include get UN approval as their OIL supply was bout to be cut off. It was one of many of Obama illegal wars and truly blood for OIL..

Emails to Hillary contradict French tale on Libya war - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

Hillary Clinton emails reveal how French destroyed Libya | Veterans Today

My source TRUMPS your source.
I'm not trying to provoke a debate, I'm asking a serious question

Is there a level of stupidity in Republicans when it comes to supporting Donald Trump?

Trump names Cruz when asked about VP spot

Trump wants to select Ted Cruz as his running mate?
The same Trump who spent four years proclaiming the Obama was not eligible to be President due to some bogus claim that he was not born in America?
Now he wants to name someone who without question was born in Canada?

Are Republicans really this stupid or is it some reality TV show being orchestrated by Trump and mainstream Republicans just don't get it

Bullshit. You're the typical leftwing asshole. You do nothing but provoke and aren't man enough to admit it.

Address the topic

Hypocricy on the part of Trump?
Cruz was born by an American citizen. How is it even a question?
Obama's mother was an American citizen too yet you don't think that makes him an American but Cruz is? haw haw haw haw

You claim that if Cruz was born outside of America since his mother was American it make him an American citizen --- but the exact same rule does not hold for Obama!!!!!!

Hypocrite much?

Both of Cruz' parents were American citizens. Obama's father was a Kenyan citizen, his mother was a minor. If he was born in Kenya, he is not an American citizen.

If he was born in Hawaii, he is an American.

The only question is the legitimacy of the HI birth certificate, and the claims of Obama's publisher (which Obama let stand for many years) that he was born in Kenya.

At this point it really doesn't matter because the traitor will be out of office in a little over a year.

Cruz's father was a Cuban living in Canada
Only his mother was a US citizen

Minors are still citizens
My source TRUMPS your source.

You seem to still not be able to get it through your head that the Secretary of State does NOT control the military and can not take the US military to war.

Hillary couldn't even handle the security detail for a US Ambassador let alone the entire US Military and the security of this nation, God forbid!.
Cruz's father was a Cuban living in Canada
Only his mother was a US citizen

Minors are still citizens

Yeah, and Cubans are known for beheading people, burning them alive, slaughtering minority religious groups, and engaging in terrorist activities.


See, UNLIKE CRUZ, Obama had a father who hated the United States and wanted to see it eliminated as a world power and influence. UNLIKE CRUZ, Obama ADMITTEDLY was tutored by Communist Frank Marshall Davis, studied Socialism and Socialist Saul Alynski, was mentored for decades by a racist hate-spewing Anti-American 'pastor', befriended criminals like Tony Rezco, and made friends with and hung out with domestic terrorists like Bill Ayers - people who bombed their own country and killed cops for sport. UNLIKE CRUZ's WIFE, Michelle declared she had never been proud of her country until her husband was elected President.

UNLIKE Obama, Cruz was not taught to hate the United States, to want to 'fundamentally change' it, and actually LIKES this country.
Bullshit. You're the typical leftwing asshole. You do nothing but provoke and aren't man enough to admit it.

Address the topic

Hypocricy on the part of Trump?
Cruz was born by an American citizen. How is it even a question?
Obama's mother was an American citizen too yet you don't think that makes him an American but Cruz is? haw haw haw haw

You claim that if Cruz was born outside of America since his mother was American it make him an American citizen --- but the exact same rule does not hold for Obama!!!!!!

Hypocrite much?

Both of Cruz' parents were American citizens. Obama's father was a Kenyan citizen, his mother was a minor. If he was born in Kenya, he is not an American citizen.

If he was born in Hawaii, he is an American.

The only question is the legitimacy of the HI birth certificate, and the claims of Obama's publisher (which Obama let stand for many years) that he was born in Kenya.

At this point it really doesn't matter because the traitor will be out of office in a little over a year.

Cruz's father was a Cuban living in Canada
Only his mother was a US citizen

Minors are still citizens

a minor mother living outside the USA cannot convey US citizenship to her offspring. Look it up, you might learn something.

If Obozo was born in Hawaii, he is a citizen, we agree on that. But if his publisher was telling the truth that he was born in Kenya, then all bets are off.
Address the topic

Hypocricy on the part of Trump?
Cruz was born by an American citizen. How is it even a question?
Obama's mother was an American citizen too yet you don't think that makes him an American but Cruz is? haw haw haw haw

You claim that if Cruz was born outside of America since his mother was American it make him an American citizen --- but the exact same rule does not hold for Obama!!!!!!

Hypocrite much?

Both of Cruz' parents were American citizens. Obama's father was a Kenyan citizen, his mother was a minor. If he was born in Kenya, he is not an American citizen.

If he was born in Hawaii, he is an American.

The only question is the legitimacy of the HI birth certificate, and the claims of Obama's publisher (which Obama let stand for many years) that he was born in Kenya.

At this point it really doesn't matter because the traitor will be out of office in a little over a year.

Cruz's father was a Cuban living in Canada
Only his mother was a US citizen

Minors are still citizens

a minor mother living outside the USA cannot convey US citizenship to her offspring. Look it up, you might learn something.

If Obozo was born in Hawaii, he is a citizen, we agree on that. But if his publisher was telling the truth that he was born in Kenya, then all bets are off.

A minor outside the US is not a citizen?
You read too many conspiracy web sites

Cruz was born in Canada....according to Trump himself, that would make him ineligible to President
Is Trump just playing you guys for suckers?

He strings you on with birther claims for four years and then says he would pick a Canadian as his running mate

Honestly, you can't make this shit up

It is all about being able to remember what happened last week and the week before that and the year before that and seven years ago and then 15 years ago. Republicans have a hard time remembering what they were told last week and they think American history started in 2009
It is all about being able to remember what happened last week and the week before that and the year before that and seven years ago and then 15 years ago. Republicans have a hard time remembering what they were told last week and they think American history started in 2009
As continuously demonstrated on this board it is the Liberals who willfully forget the past and count on Americans forgetting it - easier to re-write history and fill the blank pages with propaganda and lies.
So lets hear it from our board conservatives

Is Trump full of shit or not?
Will you admit he was playing you for fools with his Obama birtherism?

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