Are Republicans just plain stupid?

Hillary did not have the power to do that. Obama was the one who by-passed Congress, refused to ask them for the authority to go to war, and then took the nation to war to help the perpetrators of 9/11/01 (and 9/11/12) take over Libya.

Obama was against the Libya mess. Hillary persuaded him to go through with it. Obama doesn't really want to get involved in anything anywhere.

More evidence ^^^ the OP's question is pertinent and answered affirmatively.

Wrong! Obama went into Libya based on France, but it would seem that a far left drone like this one will deny that fact..

Here you go: Iraq War Redux: Hillary Clinton Manufactured “Stupid Facts” that Led to the Invasion of Libya

ALEX JONES!! No wonder you're a dolt.

Ha! I just posted to this very thing. This right-wing reliance on radical bloggers
1. No Hillary did not start birtherism and has never made such a claim

2. Trump is the leading GOP candidate and an active birther. Why does Trump apply citizenship standards to Obama that he ignores with Cruz

1. RW, you are WRONG, which means your credibility about anything else is pretty much shot. When Hillary started to lose to this 'up-start' her 'Politics-of-Personal-Destruction' Team whipped out the rumors and story of the Birth Certificate
- Birther row began with Hillary Clinton
-- LINK: Birther row began with Hillary Clinton

2. Ask Trump
Repeating a myth does not make it true

Show me a single quote where Hillary questioned Obamas birth. Trump has done it hundreds of times and then says he wants a Vice President who was born outside the country

Are Republicans that stupid?
Educate yourself, just this once. A recent article in the Harvard Law Review:

On the Meaning of “Natural Born Citizen”

Cruz is a "natural born citizen." There is no issue here, except among left-wing bots who only get their news from left-wing sources.

Ask Trump

He made the accusation against Obama and claimed he was not eligible to be President.
Are you claiming Trump was wrong or just lying?
My ego isn't the one that just got shred by a Liberal educating a conservative on the Constitution.


As I said, enjoy your pathetic victory while you can. It doesn't amount to a hill of beans.
If it didn't, you wouldn't be such a sore loser over it. Your snide remarks make it even better as they reveal how badly that stung.

I'm not a sore loser. You're the one who keeps bringing it up. I understand when you keep getting your face pushed into the pavement that you would gloat over any meager victories you can manage.
Suuure, uh-huh.

If getting educated on the Constitution by a Liberal didn't hurt you so much .... you wouldn't keep posting about how much it didn't hurt.


I'm only responding to your relentless gloating, asshole.
I"m only replying to you pretending not to be butthurt.
Conservatives are scared shitless. Listen to con-talk-radio and Faux News. They have an elephant sized load in their pants.

Tad Cruz says we should let Christians from the middle east in but exclude all Muslims.

A religious test from a presidential candidate. Hmmm, let us project a little forward if this dimwit is still in the race. Any commercials with Cruz sound bites where he is separating people by their religion?

Tagline: Isn't that what Isis does?

Conservatives see a landslide victory on the horizon. Thank you Liberals.
And you see that despite Hillary holding a double-digit lead in the latest poll over Trump? :cuckoo:

She's behind Carson and Rubio. Once Trump gets the nomination, he'll stomp her. You can't be a quisling who supports open borders and importing muzzie savages and win this election.
So That? Trump is way ahead of them and Hillary is ahead of Trump.
Obama was against the Libya mess. Hillary persuaded him to go through with it. Obama doesn't really want to get involved in anything anywhere.

The Secretary of State does NOT have the power to take the country to war or use the military in a war! Obama was / is the only one who can do so! WAKE UP!

She's the one who voted to go kill Bin Laden. She said so herself on the debate.

The ONLY one? Let's stop lying by omission, shall we?
I'm not trying to provoke a debate, I'm asking a serious question

Is there a level of stupidity in Republicans when it comes to supporting Donald Trump?

Trump names Cruz when asked about VP spot

Trump wants to select Ted Cruz as his running mate?
The same Trump who spent four years proclaiming the Obama was not eligible to be President due to some bogus claim that he was not born in America?
Now he wants to name someone who without question was born in Canada?

Are Republicans really this stupid or is it some reality TV show being orchestrated by Trump and mainstream Republicans just don't get it
Is Ted Cruz, born in Canada, eligible to run for president? (Updated)

Most legal experts contend it means someone is a citizen from birth and doesn’t have to go through a naturalization process to become a citizen.

If that’s the definition, then Cruz is a natural born citizen by being born to an American mother and having her citizenship at birth. The Congressional Research Service, the agency tasked with providing authoritative research to all members of Congress, published a report after the 2008 election supporting the thinking that "natural born" citizenship means citizenship held "at birth."

There are many legal and historical precedents to strongly back up this argument, experts have said.
1. No Hillary did not start birtherism and has never made such a claim

2. Trump is the leading GOP candidate and an active birther. Why does Trump apply citizenship standards to Obama that he ignores with Cruz

1. RW, you are WRONG, which means your credibility about anything else is pretty much shot. When Hillary started to lose to this 'up-start' her 'Politics-of-Personal-Destruction' Team whipped out the rumors and story of the Birth Certificate
- Birther row began with Hillary Clinton
-- LINK: Birther row began with Hillary Clinton

2. Ask Trump
Repeating a myth does not make it true

Show me a single quote where Hillary questioned Obamas birth. Trump has done it hundreds of times and then says he wants a Vice President who was born outside the country

Are Republicans that stupid?

Yes, all but the RINO's seem to be.
Conservatives are scared shitless. Listen to con-talk-radio and Faux News. They have an elephant sized load in their pants.

Tad Cruz says we should let Christians from the middle east in but exclude all Muslims.

A religious test from a presidential candidate. Hmmm, let us project a little forward if this dimwit is still in the race. Any commercials with Cruz sound bites where he is separating people by their religion?

Tagline: Isn't that what Isis does?

Conservatives see a landslide victory on the horizon. Thank you Liberals.
And you see that despite Hillary holding a double-digit lead in the latest poll over Trump? :cuckoo:

She's behind Carson and Rubio. Once Trump gets the nomination, he'll stomp her. You can't be a quisling who supports open borders and importing muzzie savages and win this election.
So That? Trump is way ahead of them and Hillary is ahead of Trump.

That will change once he's the nominee.
rightwinger: How is Ted Cruz qualified in Trumps mind?

Man, you must have a short attention span or be unable to retain information... something is obviously wrong with your brain. We need look no further than 2008 for an answer to your stupid question... How was Obama qualified?

You see, with Obama, many people said... How can he be qualified when we don't know for sure if he was born in Hawaii as he claims? Turns out, this is part of the political party's vetting process and if the DNC says he meets the qualifications, that's all that matters. So Nancy Pelosi said Obama was qualified, thus able to be on the ballot as a Democrat candidate. After winning the nomination, this was challenged of course, but the SCOTUS ruled (as it always has before) in favor of the voters who nominated him.

So now, you are ignorantly running to the very same exact "natural born" clause that republicans cited against Obama, as if the rules are going to change because you think different standards apply to Republicans but they don't. It's clearly a sign of either total imbecilic incompetence or mental retardation, take your pick.
Conservatives are scared shitless. Listen to con-talk-radio and Faux News. They have an elephant sized load in their pants.

Tad Cruz says we should let Christians from the middle east in but exclude all Muslims.

A religious test from a presidential candidate. Hmmm, let us project a little forward if this dimwit is still in the race. Any commercials with Cruz sound bites where he is separating people by their religion?

Tagline: Isn't that what Isis does?

Conservatives see a landslide victory on the horizon. Thank you Liberals.
And you see that despite Hillary holding a double-digit lead in the latest poll over Trump? :cuckoo:

She's behind Carson and Rubio. Once Trump gets the nomination, he'll stomp her. You can't be a quisling who supports open borders and importing muzzie savages and win this election.
So That? Trump is way ahead of them and Hillary is ahead of Trump.

That will change once he's the nominee.

I know for a fact that you're just plain stupid. You prove it in every post you make.
rightwinger: How is Ted Cruz qualified in Trumps mind?

Man, you must have a short attention span or be unable to retain information... something is obviously wrong with your brain. We need look no further than 2008 for an answer to your stupid question... How was Obama qualified?

You see, with Obama, many people said... How can he be qualified when we don't know for sure if he was born in Hawaii as he claims? Turns out, this is part of the political party's vetting process and if the DNC says he meets the qualifications, that's all that matters. So Nancy Pelosi said Obama was qualified, thus able to be on the ballot as a Democrat candidate. After winning the nomination, this was challenged of course, but the SCOTUS ruled (as it always has before) in favor of the voters who nominated him.

So now, you are ignorantly running to the very same exact "natural born" clause that republicans cited against Obama, as if the rules are going to change because you think different standards apply to Republicans but they don't. It's clearly a sign of either total imbecilic incompetence or mental retardation, take your pick.
Cruz was born by an American citizen. How is it even a question?
Obama's mother was an American citizen too yet you don't think that makes him an American but Cruz is? haw haw haw haw

You claim that if Cruz was born outside of America since his mother was American it make him an American citizen --- but the exact same rule does not hold for Obama!!!!!!

Hypocrite much?

Both of Cruz' parents were American citizens. Obama's father was a Kenyan citizen, his mother was a minor. If he was born in Kenya, he is not an American citizen.

If he was born in Hawaii, he is an American.

The only question is the legitimacy of the HI birth certificate, and the claims of Obama's publisher (which Obama let stand for many years) that he was born in Kenya.

At this point it really doesn't matter because the traitor will be out of office in a little over a year.

Cruz's father was a Cuban living in Canada
Only his mother was a US citizen

Minors are still citizens

a minor mother living outside the USA cannot convey US citizenship to her offspring. Look it up, you might learn something.

If Obozo was born in Hawaii, he is a citizen, we agree on that. But if his publisher was telling the truth that he was born in Kenya, then all bets are off.

A minor outside the US is not a citizen?
You read too many conspiracy web sites

Cruz was born in Canada....according to Trump himself, that would make him ineligible to President

I didn't say that his minor mother outside the US was not a citizen. The issue is whether such a minor mother can convey citizenship to a child whose father is not a US citizen when the birth happens outside the US.

Look it up. If you find it yourself you will learn something, if I post it for you, you will just hurl more bullshit.
So lets hear it from our board conservatives

Is Trump full of shit or not?
Will you admit he was playing you for fools with his Obama birtherism?

Many people question the validity of Obama's HI birth certificate. After being questioned for years, Obama produced a BC that experts have called a forgery.

I personally don't give a shit at this time.

Has Cruz refused to release his BC or his college records (still waiting for barry's college records by the way). Did Cruz' book jacket say he was born in Kenya?

Look dude, we all know that you are up Obama's ass. Your credibility on this board is zero.
I'm not trying to provoke a debate, I'm asking a serious question

Is there a level of stupidity in Republicans when it comes to supporting Donald Trump?

Trump names Cruz when asked about VP spot

Trump wants to select Ted Cruz as his running mate?
The same Trump who spent four years proclaiming the Obama was not eligible to be President due to some bogus claim that he was not born in America?
Now he wants to name someone who without question was born in Canada?

Are Republicans really this stupid or is it some reality TV show being orchestrated by Trump and mainstream Republicans just don't get it
Progressives are, that being career politicians "r" or "d" it makes no difference...
Conservatives see a landslide victory on the horizon. Thank you Liberals.
And you see that despite Hillary holding a double-digit lead in the latest poll over Trump? :cuckoo:

She's behind Carson and Rubio. Once Trump gets the nomination, he'll stomp her. You can't be a quisling who supports open borders and importing muzzie savages and win this election.
So That? Trump is way ahead of them and Hillary is ahead of Trump.

That will change once he's the nominee.

I know for a fact that you're just plain stupid. You prove it in every post you make.

Everything you know is wrong. You've proved that 26,000 times.
And you see that despite Hillary holding a double-digit lead in the latest poll over Trump? :cuckoo:

She's behind Carson and Rubio. Once Trump gets the nomination, he'll stomp her. You can't be a quisling who supports open borders and importing muzzie savages and win this election.
So That? Trump is way ahead of them and Hillary is ahead of Trump.

That will change once he's the nominee.

I know for a fact that you're just plain stupid. You prove it in every post you make.

Everything you know is wrong. You've proved that 26,000 times.

You're really smart. (now it's 26,001 times)

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