Are Scientists Lying to us about Dinosaurs and The Flood?

Nobody doesn't ya dumbass.

Evolution is a process by which the genotypes found in a population of organisms change over time.

The theory of evolution states that all observed species share a common ancestor.

Nowhere in any of this does one find the hilariously stupid drivel you just posted.
Evolution can never be proven. It's a big fairy tale.

How about some real SCIENCE?

Explain to me Mitochondrial Eve and Y Chromosome Adam. Geneticists have confirmed that all humans come from a single pair of humans they call Adam and Eve.

Please explain why you think The Bible is a lie in light of the facts concerning Mitochondrial Eve and Y Chromosome Adam.
Ice ages thaw very slowly over thousands of years. They don't cause a sudden deluge world wide.

See, this is why "Bible criticism" is dogma rather than science.
What is it about the flood, and other collective human accounts
resonating with the Hebrew heritage, that endanger your agenda?

Maybe, you should be less dogmatic about what you claim to understand.

See, this is why "Bible criticism" is dogma rather than science.
What is it about the flood, and other collective human accounts
resonating with the Hebrew heritage, that endanger your agenda?

Maybe, you should be less dogmatic about what you claim to understand.

Lol lol 🤣🤣🤣 You don't believe the flood myth either.
Lol lol 🤣🤣🤣 You don't believe the flood myth either.

See, you have no argument, but why so dogmatic?

It has nothing to do with belief,
the Ice Age is not a myth,
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See, this is why "Bible criticism" is dogma rather than science.
What is it about the flood, and other collective human accounts
resonating with the Hebrew heritage, that endanger your agenda?

Maybe, you should be less dogmatic about what you claim to understand.

There was a huge inland Sea from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico. Do you think the Jews wrote about that?
There was a huge inland Sea from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico. Do you think the Jews wrote about that?

Not only Jews, the Hebrews,
the Ice Age was a global phenomena,
and similar accounts shared by all human civilization.

What endangers you about the Hebrew account to deny it so dogmatically?

See, this is why "Bible criticism" is dogma rather than science.
What is it about the flood, and other collective human accounts
resonating with the Hebrew heritage, that endanger your agenda?

Maybe, you should be less dogmatic about what you claim to understand.

Do you believe in Noah's flood? You all borrowed the story from Sumer.
Not only Jews, the Hebrews,
the Ice Age was a global phenomena,
and similar accounts shared by all human civilization.

What endangers you about the Hebrew account to deny it so dogmatically?

There were no Jews during the ice age. The end of the last ice age was 12,000 years ago.

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I had been poking around on You Tube, and doing some reading about strange artifacts that keep appearing at older dig site across the world.
What is strange about them? There is no way that any species of man according to scientists could possibly been on The Earth at the same time as when The Dinosaurs Roamed.

Evolution takes such a long time according to evolutionists, so long that you cannot fathom it so it must be that these creatures had to have existed millions of years ago, not a 5-10 thousands years ago. They could not have possibly been created as we come to know them let alone lived at the same time as man.

My view on it now is that these kind of life forms were all wiped out during the flood, and that these artifacts are Pre-Flood artifacts. Perhaps this is where we get the notion of dragons in some of our literature?

Apparently these creatures were trainable and tamable. What could be more awesome than riding a dinosaur?


Take a look:

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What would be scarier than being chased by a Dinosaur?

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View attachment 624598
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Unfortunately dinosaurs missed the boat by about 65 million years.
There were no Jews during the ice age. The end of the last ice age was 12,000 years ago.

Why insist on being so senseless?

People in the future are not going to stop reporting,
about neither the ice age nor Hiroshima only
to indulge your anti-Jewish illiteracy.
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Ancient people also saw ancient fossils.
And they had the technology to reconstruct "exact" replicas as those that are constructed today? These artifacts are of animals.....not fossils. Meaning they had to be either "imagined" or "witnessed"......these are the only logical possibilites.

Even if they were "imagined" and never witnessed there must have been an oral history handed down describing these animals from which the artifacts were constructed as the perfect match for those we find drawings of in modern museums today. Its most difficult to logically reason that these ancient people imagined something that was not to take place for hundreds of years in the future. There is no mistake......these ancient drawings are of animals as reconstucted today.
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