Are States Legally Obligated to Defy Obergefell (2015)? Silhouette vs the 50 States.

It doesn't say a thing about homosexual men scoring higher than heterosexual men. You lied your ass off. And I caught you red handed.

You said that the article said that homosexual families were at greater risk. There's no mention of homosexual families in the entire article. You lied your ass off again.

We're left with only two possible conclusions:

1) You're a useless liar who intentionally misrepresents the facts in an attempt to deceive and mislead. And you can't be trusted to confirm that the sun is shining at noon.

2) You're insane. And you hallucinated the passages into the article. In which case your tenuous grasp of reality makes you unreliable.

Pick one. As there is no third option.
My post contained two links, one that I provided to substantiate my post. You are illiterate, huh?

The article states families without a father are at a greater risk, does a lesbian family have a father? Hell, does two men pretending to be Woman equal a father? Or can a child see a man who is kissing another man as a father? Just about any way you look at it there is no father in your idea of a homosexual family.
Last edited:
Sounds like you are just dodging my pointing out that your posts are just homophobic smears
The men that rape children are child molesters.
Between 69%-90% of all child sexual molestation is by men against girls.
Like all homophobic bigots- you want to focus on the tragedy of boys who are molested- so you can blame it on homosexuals.
And then you ignore the vast majority of child molestation victims- who are girls- because you can't blame that on homosexuals.
Either you have a problem with little girls- and just don't care that they are being sexually assaulted or
Your point is just to attack homosexuals

You should read your links before you post them, are you familiar with the MMPI? Obviously not, it is certainly a red flag to me. I have two text books on the MMPI. I do not reference the MMPI, but seeing how you have it works very well in this instance

According to your link, pedophiles have elevated "F" scores on the MMPI.

According to the article heterosexual incest pedophiles abuse more victims and commit more acts against their victims than homosexual incest pedophiles.

But 'homosexual families' are a greater risk? I don't think risk means what you think it means. And the article makes no mention of 'homosexual families'. You made that up.

Oh, and here's the actual quote:

A study by Curnoe and Langevin,65 using the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory with pedophiles and other “deviant fantasizers” (n=186), showed significantly increased scores on the infrequency scale, the psychopathic deviance scale, the masculinity-femininity scale, the paranoia scale, and the schizophrenia scale. These results suggest that pedophiles are more socially alienated and less emotionally stable than most other people, traits commonly seen in patients with cluster A and B personality disorders.65 Many pedophiles also demonstrate narcissistic, sociopathic, and antisocial personality traits. They lack remorse and an understanding of the harm their actions cause

There's zero mention of homosexual men scoring higher on the 'F scale' than heterosexuals. You lied. With their explicit findings being that within their own families, heterosexual incest pedophiles commit more acts of sexual abuse upon children and have more victims.

In the study by Abel et al32 of anonymous nonincarcerated offenders, heterosexual incest pedophiles had abused 1.8 children and committed 81.3 acts, whereas homosexual incest pedophiles had abused 1.7 children and committed 62.3 acts

So why are 'homosexual families' at greater risk?

Nothing you've cited has backed a thing you've said. You even had to lie to try and support your claims. Why?
Of course nothing I have cited backed my claim, I was responding to syriusly's link, and how that link blew both of you out of the water. It was not my link nor presented to back my claims? You are drunk, huh. or....

You are simply stupid.

I just want to point out- after literally dozens of Elektra's posts in this thread- the 'citation' she has provided- is the one I provided.

And which she proceeds to lie about.

There is nothing in Dr. Hall's article about homosexual families- not one mention.

But Elektra blatantly lies and says that there is- is she a pathological liar- is she unable to control herself?
I just want to point out- after literally dozens of Elektra's posts in this thread- the 'citation' she has provided- is the one I provided.

And which she proceeds to lie about.

There is nothing in Dr. Hall's article about homosexual families- not one mention.

But Elektra blatantly lies and says that there is- is she a pathological liar- is she unable to control herself?
I did not provide that link, you did? Now you are upset when it states, that families without fathers are at a greater risk of men attacking the children?

I quoted your source, now you are upset that Lesbian families have no father? That you link states a family without a father is at greater risk of being victimized by a pedophile?

You are very stupid, you gave the link, I stated that, I did not pretend it was my source, and I made multiple quotes from it, which you ignore and come up with your own narrative of. That says it all, you don't read the link you provide and then you get upset when it blows up in your face.
Simple....because Elektra thinks any hapless batshit she makes up is objective fact. I'm not being allegorical or using hyperbole. I'm being quite literal. If she imagines it....she assumes it must be fact. Thus, why wouldn't she 'see' a passage in the article that simply isn't there?

For crying out loud, she opened her participation on this topic by claiming that she spoke for all children.

You can't teach that kind of delusion.

She and Silhouette come out of the same closet.

Why is self delusion such a common trait among their ilk? I don't get it.
Both of them are self-appointed advocates. I don't remember voting for them. Now that I know how they arrive at their findings just by "saying stuff" I know I wouldn't vote for them

Yeah, but they lie like breathing. It comes so naturally and so uncontrollably.....they can't help themselves. Look at Lek's lies about the article indicating that 'homosexual families' were at greater risk.

It said no such thing. She straight up lied her ass off. And Sil lies constantly. What is about their ilk that mandates such a profound lack of integrity AND hopeless self delusion.
I never stated what you attribute to me, I never even mentioned pedophiles or sexual abuse, that was brought up by you or syriously. I gladly corrected the both of you, but it was you two who brought it into the thread, not me, hence it was always your responsibility to support your position. I know you are scratching your head, thinking no way, but it is true, go back through the posts and you will see that you misunderstood and did not seek to clarify, what I wrote, which was simply about abuse. I never stated it was sexual abuse, but you being the perfect bigot, the perfect pervert, applied your prejudices and bigotry to my posts.

Not all abuse is sexual, dumb ass!

I just gave you enough rope to hang yourself with.

You claimed that children raised by homosexuals are abused.

No citation- no evidence- just Elektra citing Elektra.

I then raised the issue of sexual abuse- valild- since you did not specify the abuse.

From the time I mentioned sexual abuse of children until one or two posts ago- which constituted what- 2 dozen- 3 dozen posts of yours- you attacked pedophiles who raped boys- saying they were 'homosexuals'- but never once mentioned girls.

You outed yourself Elektra. Despite 69% to 90% of child sexual molestation victims being girls, molested by men- all you could mention were boys molested by men- AND then- only to claim that those men were homosexuals.

What about the girls Elektra?

What about the girls?
I just want to point out- after literally dozens of Elektra's posts in this thread- the 'citation' she has provided- is the one I provided.

And which she proceeds to lie about.

There is nothing in Dr. Hall's article about homosexual families- not one mention.

But Elektra blatantly lies and says that there is- is she a pathological liar- is she unable to control herself?
I did not provide that link, you did? Now you are upset when it states, that families without fathers are at a greater risk of men attacking the children?

The word 'father' is used three times in the article- all right here:

A significant number of fathers in the mgroup were absent for at least 3 years before the child
turned 16 years old. The fathers themselves tended to be of lower socioeconomic and educational levels than controls,

but this finding was not statistically significant probably
because a substantial amount of data were missing concerning the absentee fathers.

What does 'not statistically significant' mean Elektra? It means that number cannot be considered va
And where does it say anything about 'homosexual families'?

The study says among other factors:
  • Lower education of parents- do you think we should prevent lower educated people from marrying?
  • Higher rates with single parents- do you think we should take children away from single parents?
  • Children of divorced parents might have a higher rate of abuse- should we eliiminate divorce?
What you ignore is what ignore is the elephant in the room.

That according to the data of Dr. Hall's(Table 2) are the cold facts:
Girls are molested between 69% and 90% of the time
Family members are responsible between 49% and 24% of the time.
Men are the molesters between 88% and 97% of the time.

68% of child molesters had molested a family member
30% had molested a step child, adopted child or foster child
19% had molested one of their own biological children

And yet you argue- the danger is 'gay men adopting'

So here is the thing- statistically- the danger is men.

Not gay men- not straight men- men. If every gay man in America disappeared tomorrow there would still be boys being assaulted in America.

IF the criteria for adoption was to prevent children from being sexually assaulted- then lesbian couples should have a priority-

Followed by single females who promised never to marry, or have boyfriends in the house.

But that is not the criteria we follow- and thank god- because we have children who need to be adopted.

We should encourage responsible persons who want to be adoptive parents, who can pass stringent screenings to adopt.

And yes- men should require not only more screening- but more follow up visits- whether they adopt boys or girls.
Last edited:
Sounds like you are just dodging my pointing out that your posts are just homophobic smears
The men that rape children are child molesters.
Between 69%-90% of all child sexual molestation is by men against girls.
Like all homophobic bigots- you want to focus on the tragedy of boys who are molested- so you can blame it on homosexuals.
And then you ignore the vast majority of child molestation victims- who are girls- because you can't blame that on homosexuals.
Either you have a problem with little girls- and just don't care that they are being sexually assaulted or
Your point is just to attack homosexuals

You should read your links before you post them, are you familiar with the MMPI? Obviously not, it is certainly a red flag to me. I have two text books on the MMPI. I do not reference the MMPI, but seeing how you have it works very well in this instance

According to your link, pedophiles have elevated "F" scores on the MMPI.

According to the article heterosexual incest pedophiles abuse more victims and commit more acts against their victims than homosexual incest pedophiles.

But 'homosexual families' are a greater risk? I don't think risk means what you think it means. And the article makes no mention of 'homosexual families'. You made that up.

Oh, and here's the actual quote:

A study by Curnoe and Langevin,65 using the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory with pedophiles and other “deviant fantasizers” (n=186), showed significantly increased scores on the infrequency scale, the psychopathic deviance scale, the masculinity-femininity scale, the paranoia scale, and the schizophrenia scale. These results suggest that pedophiles are more socially alienated and less emotionally stable than most other people, traits commonly seen in patients with cluster A and B personality disorders.65 Many pedophiles also demonstrate narcissistic, sociopathic, and antisocial personality traits. They lack remorse and an understanding of the harm their actions cause

There's zero mention of homosexual men scoring higher on the 'F scale' than heterosexuals. You lied. With their explicit findings being that within their own families, heterosexual incest pedophiles commit more acts of sexual abuse upon children and have more victims.

In the study by Abel et al32 of anonymous nonincarcerated offenders, heterosexual incest pedophiles had abused 1.8 children and committed 81.3 acts, whereas homosexual incest pedophiles had abused 1.7 children and committed 62.3 acts

So why are 'homosexual families' at greater risk?

Nothing you've cited has backed a thing you've said. You even had to lie to try and support your claims. Why?
Of course nothing I have cited backed my claim, I was responding to syriusly's link, and how that link blew both of you out of the water. It was not my link nor presented to back my claims? You are drunk, huh. or....

You are simply stupid.

I just want to point out- after literally dozens of Elektra's posts in this thread- the 'citation' she has provided- is the one I provided.

And which she proceeds to lie about.

There is nothing in Dr. Hall's article about homosexual families- not one mention.

But Elektra blatantly lies and says that there is- is she a pathological liar- is she unable to control herself?

Looks like insanity is off the table then.

She's just a garden variety liar.
I just want to point out- after literally dozens of Elektra's posts in this thread- the 'citation' she has provided- is the one I provided.

And which she proceeds to lie about.

There is nothing in Dr. Hall's article about homosexual families- not one mention.

But Elektra blatantly lies and says that there is- is she a pathological liar- is she unable to control herself?
I did not provide that link, you did? Now you are upset when it states, that families without fathers are at a greater risk of men attacking the children?

The word 'father' is used three times in the article- all right here:

A significant number of fathers in the mgroup were absent for at least 3 years before the child
turned 16 years old. The fathers themselves tended to be of lower socioeconomic and educational levels than controls,

but this finding was not statistically significant probably
because a substantial amount of data were missing concerning the absentee fathers.

What does 'not statistically significant' mean Elektra?

And where does it say anything about 'homosexual families'?

Shocker. Elektra got caught lying again.
A significant number of fathers in the mgroup were absent for at least 3 years before the child
turned 16 years old. The fathers themselves tended to be of lower socioeconomic and educational levels than controls,

but this finding was not statistically significant probably
because a substantial amount of data were missing concerning the absentee fathers.

What does 'not statistically significant' mean Elektra?
And where does it say anything about 'homosexual families'?
What is significant, is how you hacked your cut and paste to eliminate the word, "molested". You call me a liar when you won't even quote your own source, you have to hack it to state something different and I am the one lying? You spent a lot of time and had a lot of fun flaming my posts, but when it gets down to your link, your article, your source, You are a liar.

Your link, LIAR! page 5/15

A significant number of fathers in the molested group were absent for at least 3 years before the child turned 16 years old.
It doesn't say a thing about homosexual men scoring higher than heterosexual men. You lied your ass off. And I caught you red handed.

You said that the article said that homosexual families were at greater risk. There's no mention of homosexual families in the entire article. You lied your ass off again.

We're left with only two possible conclusions:

1) You're a useless liar who intentionally misrepresents the facts in an attempt to deceive and mislead. And you can't be trusted to confirm that the sun is shining at noon.

2) You're insane. And you hallucinated the passages into the article. In which case your tenuous grasp of reality makes you unreliable.

Pick one. As there is no third option.
? Hell, does two men pretending to be Woman equal a father?

What men are pretending to be women?

The two men parenting in a gay marriage are called 'parents'- or gender specific 'dad'- 'father' - 'papa'- 'pa' - 'da'

Even if your misrepresentation of what Dr. Hall's article said was true- that would only support that a child raised by two men is safer from sexual predators than a child raised by a single mom.
syriusly, you are nothing but a liar, post #228 says it all, you will manipulate and cherry pick your own link, there are no words to describe how low you are.
A significant number of fathers in the mgroup were absent for at least 3 years before the child
turned 16 years old. The fathers themselves tended to be of lower socioeconomic and educational levels than controls,

but this finding was not statistically significant probably
because a substantial amount of data were missing concerning the absentee fathers.

What does 'not statistically significant' mean Elektra?
And where does it say anything about 'homosexual families'?
What is significant, is how you hacked your cut and paste to eliminate the word, "molested". You call me a liar when you won't even quote your own source, you have to hack it to state something different and I am the one lying? You spent a lot of time and had a lot of fun flaming my posts, but when it gets down to your link, your article, your source, You are a liar.

Your link, LIAR! page 5/15

A significant number of fathers in the molested group were absent for at least 3 years before the child turned 16 years old.

Frankly I had a real problem with the edit function(copying and pasting from PDF's is a pain)- nothing I posted was false- nor intentionally false- as compared to what you posted.

As I noted- Dr. Hall's said that what you noted was not statistically significant- this time I will just paste and not try to pretty up the nasty PDF formatting problems

The mothers of abused children had less education
than control group mothers and were more likely to be
single parents.
A significant number of fathers in the mo-
lested group were absent for at least 3 years before the child
turned 16 years old. The fathers themselves tended to be of
lower socioeconomic and educational levels than controls,
is finding was not statistically significant probably
because a substantial amount of data were missing con-
cerning the absentee fathers.

Similar findings occurred
in the study by Conte et al
(n=20) in which pedophiles
were interviewed about how they selected the children
they abused. The pedophiles stated they would choose
vulnerable individuals (eg, children living in a divorced
A significant number of fathers in the mgroup were absent for at least 3 years before the child
turned 16 years old. The fathers themselves tended to be of lower socioeconomic and educational levels than controls,

but this finding was not statistically significant probably
because a substantial amount of data were missing concerning the absentee fathers.

What does 'not statistically significant' mean Elektra?
And where does it say anything about 'homosexual families'?
What is significant, is how you hacked your cut and paste to eliminate the word, "molested". You call me a liar when you won't even quote your own source, you have to hack it to state something different and I am the one lying? You spent a lot of time and had a lot of fun flaming my posts, but when it gets down to your link, your article, your source, You are a liar.

Your link, LIAR! page 5/15

A significant number of fathers in the molested group were absent for at least 3 years before the child turned 16 years old.

Frankly I had a real problem with the edit function(copying and pasting from PDF's is a pain)- nothing I posted was false- nor intentionally false- as compared to what you posted.

As I noted- Dr. Hall's said that what you noted was not statistically significant- this time I will just paste and not try to pretty up the nasty PDF formatting problems

The mothers of abused children had less education
than control group mothers and were more likely to be
single parents.
A significant number of fathers in the mo-
lested group were absent for at least 3 years before the child
turned 16 years old. The fathers themselves tended to be of
lower socioeconomic and educational levels than controls,
is finding was not statistically significant probably
because a substantial amount of data were missing con-
cerning the absentee fathers.

Similar findings occurred
in the study by Conte et al
(n=20) in which pedophiles
were interviewed about how they selected the children
they abused. The pedophiles stated they would choose
vulnerable individuals (eg, children living in a divorced
You are a lousy liar, post #228 is there for all to see, you had trouble quoting, cut/paste, and only got the first letter and missed everything in between? You a lousy liar. Hiding the truth in your link/article.
It doesn't say a thing about homosexual men scoring higher than heterosexual men. You lied your ass off. And I caught you red handed.

You said that the article said that homosexual families were at greater risk. There's no mention of homosexual families in the entire article. You lied your ass off again.

We're left with only two possible conclusions:

1) You're a useless liar who intentionally misrepresents the facts in an attempt to deceive and mislead. And you can't be trusted to confirm that the sun is shining at noon.

2) You're insane. And you hallucinated the passages into the article. In which case your tenuous grasp of reality makes you unreliable.

Pick one. As there is no third option.
My post contained two links, one that I provided to substantiate my post. You are illiterate, huh?

Here's what you said, liar:

elektra said:
I love your link, it is full of great information, children or more vulnerable to abuse in a homosexual family, by outside predators, pedophiles.

Post 205

Are States Legally Obligated to Defy Obergefell (2015)? Silhouette vs the 50 States.

The article says no such thing. It didn't even mention 'homosexual families'.

You are a liar.

You made this claim ""most rapes of boys are by homosexuals."

Nothing you've offered backs that claim.

You are a liar.

Laughing....and you want us to accept that you speak for all children, huh?

Sorry liar. You're completely untrustworthy.
It doesn't say a thing about homosexual men scoring higher than heterosexual men. You lied your ass off. And I caught you red handed.

You said that the article said that homosexual families were at greater risk. There's no mention of homosexual families in the entire article. You lied your ass off again.

We're left with only two possible conclusions:

1) You're a useless liar who intentionally misrepresents the facts in an attempt to deceive and mislead. And you can't be trusted to confirm that the sun is shining at noon.

2) You're insane. And you hallucinated the passages into the article. In which case your tenuous grasp of reality makes you unreliable.

Pick one. As there is no third option.
My post contained two links, one that I provided to substantiate my post. You are illiterate, huh?

Here's what you said, liar:

elektra said:
I love your link, it is full of great information, children or more vulnerable to abuse in a homosexual family, by outside predators, pedophiles.

Post 205

Are States Legally Obligated to Defy Obergefell (2015)? Silhouette vs the 50 States.

The article says no such thing. It didn't even mention 'homosexual families'.

You are a liar.

You made this claim ""most rapes of boys are by homosexuals."

Nothing you've offered backs that claim.

You are a liar.

Laughing....and you want us to accept that you speak for all children, huh?

Sorry liar. You're completely untrustworthy.
Post #228, liar, you both have proved you not to be trusted, it was your guys' link!
A significant number of fathers in the mgroup were absent for at least 3 years before the child
turned 16 years old. The fathers themselves tended to be of lower socioeconomic and educational levels than controls,

but this finding was not statistically significant probably
because a substantial amount of data were missing concerning the absentee fathers.

What does 'not statistically significant' mean Elektra?
And where does it say anything about 'homosexual families'?
What is significant, is how you hacked your cut and paste to eliminate the word, "molested". You call me a liar when you won't even quote your own source, you have to hack it to state something different and I am the one lying? You spent a lot of time and had a lot of fun flaming my posts, but when it gets down to your link, your article, your source, You are a liar.

Your link, LIAR! page 5/15

A significant number of fathers in the molested group were absent for at least 3 years before the child turned 16 years old.

Frankly I had a real problem with the edit function(copying and pasting from PDF's is a pain)- nothing I posted was false- nor intentionally false- as compared to what you posted.

As I noted- Dr. Hall's said that what you noted was not statistically significant- this time I will just paste and not try to pretty up the nasty PDF formatting problems

The mothers of abused children had less education
than control group mothers and were more likely to be
single parents.
A significant number of fathers in the mo-
lested group were absent for at least 3 years before the child
turned 16 years old. The fathers themselves tended to be of
lower socioeconomic and educational levels than controls,
is finding was not statistically significant probably
because a substantial amount of data were missing con-
cerning the absentee fathers.

Similar findings occurred
in the study by Conte et al
(n=20) in which pedophiles
were interviewed about how they selected the children
they abused. The pedophiles stated they would choose
vulnerable individuals (eg, children living in a divorced
You are a lousy liar, post #228 is there for all to see, you had trouble quoting, cut/paste, and only got the first letter and missed everything in between? You a lousy liar. Hiding in the truth.

He's got you dead to rites, Elektra. You intentionally and willfully omitted this passage:

but this finding was not statistically significant probably
because a substantial amount of data were missing con-
cerning the absentee fathers.

.....intentionally trying to mislead and deceive. You knew it was not statistically significant. But you tried to hide that fact from us.

You are liar and completely untrustworthy. You speak for no child. You only speak for a hopelessly dishonest soul without a scrap of integrity.
skylar and syriously, busted lying and cheating and cherry picking, their own links. Not even cherry picking but deleting the worl Molested! check post #228
A significant number of fathers in the mgroup were absent for at least 3 years before the child
turned 16 years old. The fathers themselves tended to be of lower socioeconomic and educational levels than controls,

but this finding was not statistically significant probably
because a substantial amount of data were missing concerning the absentee fathers.

What does 'not statistically significant' mean Elektra?
And where does it say anything about 'homosexual families'?
What is significant, is how you hacked your cut and paste to eliminate the word, "molested". You call me a liar when you won't even quote your own source, you have to hack it to state something different and I am the one lying? You spent a lot of time and had a lot of fun flaming my posts, but when it gets down to your link, your article, your source, You are a liar.

Your link, LIAR! page 5/15

A significant number of fathers in the molested group were absent for at least 3 years before the child turned 16 years old.

Frankly I had a real problem with the edit function(copying and pasting from PDF's is a pain)- nothing I posted was false- nor intentionally false- as compared to what you posted.

As I noted- Dr. Hall's said that what you noted was not statistically significant- this time I will just paste and not try to pretty up the nasty PDF formatting problems

The mothers of abused children had less education
than control group mothers and were more likely to be
single parents.
A significant number of fathers in the mo-
lested group were absent for at least 3 years before the child
turned 16 years old. The fathers themselves tended to be of
lower socioeconomic and educational levels than controls,
is finding was not statistically significant probably
because a substantial amount of data were missing con-
cerning the absentee fathers.

Similar findings occurred
in the study by Conte et al
(n=20) in which pedophiles
were interviewed about how they selected the children
they abused. The pedophiles stated they would choose
vulnerable individuals (eg, children living in a divorced
You are a lousy liar, post #228 is there for all to see, you had trouble quoting, cut/paste, and only got the first letter and missed everything in between? You a lousy liar. Hiding in the truth.

He's got you dead to rites, Elektra. You intentionally and willfully omitted this passage:

but this finding was not statistically significant probably
because a substantial amount of data were missing con-
cerning the absentee fathers.

.....intentionally trying to mislead and deceive. You knew it was not statistically significant. But you tried to hide that fact from us.

You are liar and completely untrustworthy. You speak for no child. You only speak for a hopelessly dishonest soul without a scrap of integrity.
I omitted something from your link?

Post #228, you can not take it when you get busted doing what you falsely accuse others of. You both are liars, omitting words in quotes from your own links.
It doesn't say a thing about homosexual men scoring higher than heterosexual men. You lied your ass off. And I caught you red handed.

You said that the article said that homosexual families were at greater risk. There's no mention of homosexual families in the entire article. You lied your ass off again.

We're left with only two possible conclusions:

1) You're a useless liar who intentionally misrepresents the facts in an attempt to deceive and mislead. And you can't be trusted to confirm that the sun is shining at noon.

2) You're insane. And you hallucinated the passages into the article. In which case your tenuous grasp of reality makes you unreliable.

Pick one. As there is no third option.
My post contained two links, one that I provided to substantiate my post. You are illiterate, huh?

Here's what you said, liar:

elektra said:
I love your link, it is full of great information, children or more vulnerable to abuse in a homosexual family, by outside predators, pedophiles.

Post 205

Are States Legally Obligated to Defy Obergefell (2015)? Silhouette vs the 50 States.

The article says no such thing. It didn't even mention 'homosexual families'.

You are a liar.

You made this claim ""most rapes of boys are by homosexuals."

Nothing you've offered backs that claim.

You are a liar.

Laughing....and you want us to accept that you speak for all children, huh?

Sorry liar. You're completely untrustworthy.
Post #228, liar, you both have proved you not to be trusted, it was your guys' link!

Here is your reply in post 228 in its entirity:

Elektra said:
What is significant, is how you hacked your cut and paste to eliminate the word, "molested". You call me a liar when you won't even quote your own source, you have to hack it to state something different and I am the one lying? You spent a lot of time and had a lot of fun flaming my posts, but when it gets down to your link, your article, your source, You are a liar.

Your link, LIAR! page 5/15

A significant number of fathers in the molested group were absent for at least 3 years before the child turned 16 years old.

There is no mention of homosexual families. There is no mention of most boys being raped by homosexuals. just lied about Post 228.

You are a liar and completely untrustworthy. And you're trying to use children as part of your lies. You are beneath contempt.
syriusly, you are nothing but a liar, post #228 says it all, you will manipulate and cherry pick your own link, there are no words to describe how low you are.

Quote the lie I have posted- not your paraphrase- quote the lie- and show how it is a lie.

Here another of your specific lise:

According to your link, pedophiles have elevated "F" scores on the MMPI.

Dr. Hall's article refers to MMPI only once- in the notes- note '65'- going to the body to find note '65'- this is the note:

It is common for people who are diagnosed as having
pedophilia to also experience another major psychiatric
disorder (affective illness in 60%-80%, anxiety disorder in
50%-60%) and/or a diagnosable personality disorder
(70%-80%) at some time in their life.
An estimated
43% of pedophiles have cluster C personality disorders,
33% have cluster B personality disorders, and 18% have
cluster A personality disorders
(Table 3). A study by
Curnoe and Langevin,

Nothing about an 'elevated "F" Score- not anywhere in the entire article.

You just lie.

Over and over.
syriusly, you are nothing but a liar, post #228 says it all, you will manipulate and cherry pick your own link, there are no words to describe how low you are.

Quote the lie I have posted- not your paraphrase- quote the lie- and show how it is a lie.

Here another of your specific lise:

According to your link, pedophiles have elevated "F" scores on the MMPI.

Dr. Hall's article refers to MMPI only once- in the notes- note '65'- going to the body to find note '65'- this is the note:

It is common for people who are diagnosed as having
pedophilia to also experience another major psychiatric
disorder (affective illness in 60%-80%, anxiety disorder in
50%-60%) and/or a diagnosable personality disorder
(70%-80%) at some time in their life.
An estimated
43% of pedophiles have cluster C personality disorders,
33% have cluster B personality disorders, and 18% have
cluster A personality disorders
(Table 3). A study by
Curnoe and Langevin,

Nothing about an 'elevated "F" Score- not anywhere in the entire article.

You just lie.

Over and over.
A significant number of fathers in the mgroup were absent for at least 3 years before the child
turned 16 years old. The fathers themselves tended to be of lower socioeconomic and educational levels than controls,

but this finding was not statistically significant probably
because a substantial amount of data were missing concerning the absentee fathers.

What does 'not statistically significant' mean Elektra?
And where does it say anything about 'homosexual families'?
What is significant, is how you hacked your cut and paste to eliminate the word, "molested". You call me a liar when you won't even quote your own source, you have to hack it to state something different and I am the one lying? You spent a lot of time and had a lot of fun flaming my posts, but when it gets down to your link, your article, your source, You are a liar.

Your link, LIAR! page 5/15

A significant number of fathers in the molested group were absent for at least 3 years before the child turned 16 years old.

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