Are States Legally Obligated to Defy Obergefell (2015)? Silhouette vs the 50 States.

I did not label nobody, you could quote the post, but labeling, come on, we have gone round and round enough for you to know my position and me to know yours.

I never said homosexuals are child molesters, not even close. But than again, you stated child molesters are only heterosexuals, so in your politically correct world, you see yourself as right.


“but you can not protect boys from homosexual men”

"most rapes of boys are by homosexuals."

What we haven't seen from Elektra is one post mentioning child molestation by men of girls. Not one "most rapes of girls are by heterosexuals'.

And when I point out that lesbians don't rape boys or girls.......crickets.......

The only way she will discuss child sexual molestation is to claim that the men raping boys are homosexuals.

From her posts you wouldn't know girls even get raped.

Has Elektra provided any sourcing for that?
I did not label nobody, you could quote the post, but labeling, come on, we have gone round and round enough for you to know my position and me to know yours.

I never said homosexuals are child molesters, not even close. But than again, you stated child molesters are only heterosexuals, so in your politically correct world, you see yourself as right.


“but you can not protect boys from homosexual men”

"most rapes of boys are by homosexuals."

What we haven't seen from Elektra is one post mentioning child molestation by men of girls. Not one "most rapes of girls are by heterosexuals'.

And when I point out that lesbians don't rape boys or girls.......crickets.......

The only way she will discuss child sexual molestation is to claim that the men raping boys are homosexuals.

From her posts you wouldn't know girls even get raped.

Sounds like you are just dodging my pointing out that your posts are just homophobic smears
The men that rape children are child molesters.
Between 69%-90% of all child sexual molestation is by men against girls.
Like all homophobic bigots- you want to focus on the tragedy of boys who are molested- so you can blame it on homosexuals.
And then you ignore the vast majority of child molestation victims- who are girls- because you can't blame that on homosexuals.
Either you have a problem with little girls- and just don't care that they are being sexually assaulted or
Your point is just to attack homosexuals
I have a problem with little girls, talk about one reaching to flame another. You should start a thread about heterosexuals and little girls, that is not the premise of this thread, so quit reaching.
It is difficult to estimate the true prevalence of pedophilia
How come?

3 It is unknown how many individuals have pedophilic fantasies and never act on them or who do act but are never caught.1
Sounds like there is a whole lot that is not known, yet you state things explicitly?

The mothers of abused children had less education than control group mothers and were more likely to be single parents. A significant number of fathers in the molested group were absent for at least 3 years before the child turned 16 years old.
wow, absent fathers results in child abuse, who would of guessed, I think I can end here or do you want more from your link.

As I have stated, repeatedly, in reply to you, syriusly, specifically in other threads, fathers are what a child needs, according to your link, children are at risk in a family without a father, two fathers do not count. A mother and father make the best family as your link attests to.

You never read the link you gave, did you. I can not see how you did when it blows your position out of the water.
Has Elektra provided any sourcing for that?
I did not label nobody, you could quote the post, but labeling, come on, we have gone round and round enough for you to know my position and me to know yours.

I never said homosexuals are child molesters, not even close. But than again, you stated child molesters are only heterosexuals, so in your politically correct world, you see yourself as right.


“but you can not protect boys from homosexual men”

"most rapes of boys are by homosexuals."

What we haven't seen from Elektra is one post mentioning child molestation by men of girls. Not one "most rapes of girls are by heterosexuals'.

And when I point out that lesbians don't rape boys or girls.......crickets.......

The only way she will discuss child sexual molestation is to claim that the men raping boys are homosexuals.

From her posts you wouldn't know girls even get raped.

Where is your content or sourcing, just post the post # where you linked and sourced.
Sounds like you are just dodging my pointing out that your posts are just homophobic smears
The men that rape children are child molesters.
Between 69%-90% of all child sexual molestation is by men against girls.

Like all homophobic bigots- you want to focus on the tragedy of boys who are molested- so you can blame it on homosexuals.
And then you ignore the vast majority of child molestation victims- who are girls- because you can't blame that on homosexuals.Either you have a problem with little girls- and just don't care that they are being sexually assaulted or
Your point is just to attack homosexuals

I love your link, it is full of great information, children or more vulnerable to abuse in a homosexual family, by outside predators, pedophiles.

The pedophiles stated they would choose vulnerable individuals (eg, children living in a divorced home, emotionally needy or unhappy children)

Did you intend this link to help your case, that homosexual men have a right to adopt children, to create homosexual families, through adoption or test tubes?
Pedophiles can make themselves appear normal?
It is difficult to present a classic personality pattern for pedophilia because of the various subgroups that exist.53 Some individuals who have pedophilia are able to present themselves as psychologically normal during examination or superficial encounters, even though they have severe underlying personality disorders

Thank god that wanting to have blankety blank on the hershey highway is not a major psychiatric disorder.
It is common for people who are diagnosed as having pedophilia to also experience another major psychiatric disorder
Sounds like you are just dodging my pointing out that your posts are just homophobic smears
The men that rape children are child molesters.
Between 69%-90% of all child sexual molestation is by men against girls.

Like all homophobic bigots- you want to focus on the tragedy of boys who are molested- so you can blame it on homosexuals.
And then you ignore the vast majority of child molestation victims- who are girls- because you can't blame that on homosexuals.Either you have a problem with little girls- and just don't care that they are being sexually assaulted or
Your point is just to attack homosexuals

I love your link, it is full of great information, children or more vulnerable to abuse in a homosexual family, by outside predators, pedophiles.

The term 'homosexual family' never appears in the entire article. And when you get into the actual text of the article, it explicitly contradicts you:

In the study by Abel et al32 of anonymous nonincarcerated offenders, heterosexual incest pedophiles had abused 1.8 children and committed 81.3 acts, whereas homosexual incest pedophiles had abused 1.7 children and committed 62.3 acts

I'm pretty sure 1.8 and 81.3 are more than 1.7 and 62.3 respectively.

Math. Ain't it a bitch?
Last edited:
Sounds like you are just dodging my pointing out that your posts are just homophobic smears
The men that rape children are child molesters.
Between 69%-90% of all child sexual molestation is by men against girls.
Like all homophobic bigots- you want to focus on the tragedy of boys who are molested- so you can blame it on homosexuals.
And then you ignore the vast majority of child molestation victims- who are girls- because you can't blame that on homosexuals.
Either you have a problem with little girls- and just don't care that they are being sexually assaulted or
Your point is just to attack homosexuals
I have a problem with little girls, talk about one reaching to flame another. You should start a thread about heterosexuals and little girls, that is not the premise of this thread, so quit reaching..

The premise of this thread has nothing to do with 'homosexuals' raping boys- yet you had no problem with talking about that- but you were silent about men raping girls.

How would we know you have a 'problem with little girls'?

In this thread about gay marriage, when the subject of abuse came up- and I mentioned the issue of sexual abuse- you spoke only of 'homosexuals raping boys'- not one mention of 'heterosexuals raping girls'.

When you insisted that men raping boys were 'homosexual'- where was your insistence that men raping girls were heterosexuals? I even challenged you on that- and you ignored it.
I love your link, it is full of great information, children or more vulnerable to abuse in a homosexual family, by outside predators, pedophiles.

It doesn't say any such thing- why would you lie about such a simple thing- so easy to check?

The article mentions 'homosexual' 18 times. It mentions the word 'family' 9 times. Homosexual family not once.

The article is a great article about pedophilia. My experience is that people only read a few words of it.

Dr. Hall and Hall make a point of noting that 'heterosexual' pedophiles and 'homosexual 'pedophiles' have no direct relationship to their attraction to adults
I love your link, it is full of great information, children or more vulnerable to abuse in a homosexual family, by outside predators, pedophiles.

It doesn't say any such thing- why would you lie about such a simple thing- so easy to check?

The article mentions 'homosexual' 18 times. It mentions the word 'family' 9 times. Homosexual family not once.

The article is a great article about pedophilia. My experience is that people only read a few words of it.

Dr. Hall and Hall make a point of noting that 'heterosexual' pedophiles and 'homosexual 'pedophiles' have no direct relationship to their attraction to adults

Simple....because Elektra thinks any hapless batshit she makes up is objective fact. I'm not being allegorical or using hyperbole. I'm being quite literal. If she imagines it....she assumes it must be fact. Thus, why wouldn't she 'see' a passage in the article that simply isn't there?

For crying out loud, she opened her participation on this topic by claiming that she spoke for all children.

You can't teach that kind of delusion.
Sounds like you are just dodging my pointing out that your posts are just homophobic smears
The men that rape children are child molesters.
Between 69%-90% of all child sexual molestation is by men against girls.

Like all homophobic bigots- you want to focus on the tragedy of boys who are molested- so you can blame it on homosexuals.
And then you ignore the vast majority of child molestation victims- who are girls- because you can't blame that on homosexuals.Either you have a problem with little girls- and just don't care that they are being sexually assaulted or
Your point is just to attack homosexuals

I love your link, it is full of great information, children or more vulnerable to abuse in a homosexual family, by outside predators, pedophiles.

The pedophiles stated they would choose vulnerable individuals (eg, children living in a divorced home, emotionally needy or unhappy children)

Did you intend this link to help your case, that homosexual men have a right to adopt children, to create homosexual families, through adoption or test tubes?
Pedophiles can make themselves appear normal?

Once again- you compare homosexual men to pedophiles.

Frankly I don't think anyone has a right to adopt children. But I think children have a right to have a home- and every year 100,000 children are available and waiting for adoption- and 33,000 of them will wait 3 or more years to be adopted- some will never be adopted.

I think every prospective parent should be carefully screened- gay or straight- male or female.

Your apparent criteria is "No gay men"


Because you think for some reason that it is better for children to remain unadopted- even abandoned on the streets at maturity- rather than the terrible tragedy of being adopted by a loving gay man who wants to bring love and stability to a child's life.
I love your link, it is full of great information, children or more vulnerable to abuse in a homosexual family, by outside predators, pedophiles.

It doesn't say any such thing- why would you lie about such a simple thing- so easy to check?

The article mentions 'homosexual' 18 times. It mentions the word 'family' 9 times. Homosexual family not once.

The article is a great article about pedophilia. My experience is that people only read a few words of it.

Dr. Hall and Hall make a point of noting that 'heterosexual' pedophiles and 'homosexual 'pedophiles' have no direct relationship to their attraction to adults

Simple....because Elektra thinks any hapless batshit she makes up is objective fact. I'm not being allegorical or using hyperbole. I'm being quite literal. If she imagines it....she assumes it must be fact. Thus, why wouldn't she 'see' a passage in the article that simply isn't there?

For crying out loud, she opened her participation on this topic by claiming that she spoke for all children.

You can't teach that kind of delusion.

She and Silhouette come out of the same closet.
I love your link, it is full of great information, children or more vulnerable to abuse in a homosexual family, by outside predators, pedophiles.

It doesn't say any such thing- why would you lie about such a simple thing- so easy to check?

The article mentions 'homosexual' 18 times. It mentions the word 'family' 9 times. Homosexual family not once.

The article is a great article about pedophilia. My experience is that people only read a few words of it.

Dr. Hall and Hall make a point of noting that 'heterosexual' pedophiles and 'homosexual 'pedophiles' have no direct relationship to their attraction to adults

Simple....because Elektra thinks any hapless batshit she makes up is objective fact. I'm not being allegorical or using hyperbole. I'm being quite literal. If she imagines it....she assumes it must be fact. Thus, why wouldn't she 'see' a passage in the article that simply isn't there?

For crying out loud, she opened her participation on this topic by claiming that she spoke for all children.

You can't teach that kind of delusion.

She and Silhouette come out of the same closet.

Why is self delusion such a common trait among their ilk? I don't get it.
I love your link, it is full of great information, children or more vulnerable to abuse in a homosexual family, by outside predators, pedophiles.

It doesn't say any such thing- why would you lie about such a simple thing- so easy to check?

The article mentions 'homosexual' 18 times. It mentions the word 'family' 9 times. Homosexual family not once.

The article is a great article about pedophilia. My experience is that people only read a few words of it.

Dr. Hall and Hall make a point of noting that 'heterosexual' pedophiles and 'homosexual 'pedophiles' have no direct relationship to their attraction to adults

Simple....because Elektra thinks any hapless batshit she makes up is objective fact. I'm not being allegorical or using hyperbole. I'm being quite literal. If she imagines it....she assumes it must be fact. Thus, why wouldn't she 'see' a passage in the article that simply isn't there?

For crying out loud, she opened her participation on this topic by claiming that she spoke for all children.

You can't teach that kind of delusion.

She and Silhouette come out of the same closet.

Why is self delusion such a common trait among their ilk? I don't get it.
The internet provides a forum to these people who would otherwise be yelling on street corners and waving their fists at passing cars.
Sounds like you are just dodging my pointing out that your posts are just homophobic smears
The men that rape children are child molesters.
Between 69%-90% of all child sexual molestation is by men against girls.
Like all homophobic bigots- you want to focus on the tragedy of boys who are molested- so you can blame it on homosexuals.
And then you ignore the vast majority of child molestation victims- who are girls- because you can't blame that on homosexuals.
Either you have a problem with little girls- and just don't care that they are being sexually assaulted or
Your point is just to attack homosexuals

You should read your links before you post them, are you familiar with the MMPI? Obviously not, it is certainly a red flag to me. I have two text books on the MMPI. I do not reference the MMPI, but seeing how you have it works very well in this instance

According to your link, pedophiles have elevated "F" scores on the MMPI.
showed significantly increased scores on the infrequency scale

The infrequency scale is the "F" scale. Seems homosexual men score higher than heterosexual men? Why is that, is it significant, according to your link pedophiles score higher on the "f" scale.

You linked and did not read it, did not at all. You think links from google validate your position and your link destroys you. Abusers Based on the MMPI-2.pdf?sequence=1

To this day, many authors have attempted to define pedophilia to describe various aspects of behaviour and personality characteristics associated. The DSM-IV-TR (2000) mentions homosexual, heterosexual and bisexual pedophiles. We often read of different types of pedophiles divided in accordance to some particular characteristics (Berlin & Krout, 1986; Bradford, Bloomberg & Bourget, 1988; Olander, 2002). The MMPI is frequently used in the psychological analysis of this category of sexual delinquents (Erickson, Walbek & Seely, 1981; Erickson, Luxenberg, Walbek & Seely, 1987; Langevin & Watson, 1991; Johnston, French, Schouveiller & Johnston, 1992; Tardif & Van-Gijseghem, 2001). Precision in clinical evaluation assures success in treatment so it is essential in understanding a pedophile to ask him how he functions and how he has come to adopt this deviant style (Gudjonson, 1986). The present research was undertaken to answer the question, what are the relations between pedophilia and the sexual orientation at the personality level.
I love your link, it is full of great information, children or more vulnerable to abuse in a homosexual family, by outside predators, pedophiles.

It doesn't say any such thing- why would you lie about such a simple thing- so easy to check?

The article mentions 'homosexual' 18 times. It mentions the word 'family' 9 times. Homosexual family not once.

The article is a great article about pedophilia. My experience is that people only read a few words of it.

Dr. Hall and Hall make a point of noting that 'heterosexual' pedophiles and 'homosexual 'pedophiles' have no direct relationship to their attraction to adults

Simple....because Elektra thinks any hapless batshit she makes up is objective fact. I'm not being allegorical or using hyperbole. I'm being quite literal. If she imagines it....she assumes it must be fact. Thus, why wouldn't she 'see' a passage in the article that simply isn't there?

For crying out loud, she opened her participation on this topic by claiming that she spoke for all children.

You can't teach that kind of delusion.

She and Silhouette come out of the same closet.

Why is self delusion such a common trait among their ilk? I don't get it.
Both of them are self-appointed advocates. I don't remember voting for them. Now that I know how they arrive at their findings just by "saying stuff" I know I wouldn't vote for them
Sounds like you are just dodging my pointing out that your posts are just homophobic smears
The men that rape children are child molesters.
Between 69%-90% of all child sexual molestation is by men against girls.
Like all homophobic bigots- you want to focus on the tragedy of boys who are molested- so you can blame it on homosexuals.
And then you ignore the vast majority of child molestation victims- who are girls- because you can't blame that on homosexuals.
Either you have a problem with little girls- and just don't care that they are being sexually assaulted or
Your point is just to attack homosexuals

You should read your links before you post them, are you familiar with the MMPI? Obviously not, it is certainly a red flag to me. I have two text books on the MMPI. I do not reference the MMPI, but seeing how you have it works very well in this instance

According to your link, pedophiles have elevated "F" scores on the MMPI.

According to the article heterosexual incest pedophiles abuse more victims and commit more acts against their victims than homosexual incest pedophiles.

But 'homosexual families' are a greater risk? I don't think risk means what you think it means. And the article makes no mention of 'homosexual families'. You made that up.

Oh, and here's the actual quote:

A study by Curnoe and Langevin,65 using the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory with pedophiles and other “deviant fantasizers” (n=186), showed significantly increased scores on the infrequency scale, the psychopathic deviance scale, the masculinity-femininity scale, the paranoia scale, and the schizophrenia scale. These results suggest that pedophiles are more socially alienated and less emotionally stable than most other people, traits commonly seen in patients with cluster A and B personality disorders.65 Many pedophiles also demonstrate narcissistic, sociopathic, and antisocial personality traits. They lack remorse and an understanding of the harm their actions cause

There's zero mention of homosexual men scoring higher on the 'F scale' than heterosexuals. You lied. With their explicit findings being that within their own families, heterosexual incest pedophiles commit more acts of sexual abuse upon children and have more victims.

In the study by Abel et al32 of anonymous nonincarcerated offenders, heterosexual incest pedophiles had abused 1.8 children and committed 81.3 acts, whereas homosexual incest pedophiles had abused 1.7 children and committed 62.3 acts

So why are 'homosexual families' at greater risk?

Nothing you've cited has backed a thing you've said. You even had to lie to try and support your claims. Why?
I love your link, it is full of great information, children or more vulnerable to abuse in a homosexual family, by outside predators, pedophiles.

It doesn't say any such thing- why would you lie about such a simple thing- so easy to check?

The article mentions 'homosexual' 18 times. It mentions the word 'family' 9 times. Homosexual family not once.

The article is a great article about pedophilia. My experience is that people only read a few words of it.

Dr. Hall and Hall make a point of noting that 'heterosexual' pedophiles and 'homosexual 'pedophiles' have no direct relationship to their attraction to adults

Simple....because Elektra thinks any hapless batshit she makes up is objective fact. I'm not being allegorical or using hyperbole. I'm being quite literal. If she imagines it....she assumes it must be fact. Thus, why wouldn't she 'see' a passage in the article that simply isn't there?

For crying out loud, she opened her participation on this topic by claiming that she spoke for all children.

You can't teach that kind of delusion.

She and Silhouette come out of the same closet.

Why is self delusion such a common trait among their ilk? I don't get it.
Both of them are self-appointed advocates. I don't remember voting for them. Now that I know how they arrive at their findings just by "saying stuff" I know I wouldn't vote for them

Yeah, but they lie like breathing. It comes so naturally and so uncontrollably.....they can't help themselves. Look at Lek's lies about the article indicating that 'homosexual families' were at greater risk.

It said no such thing. She straight up lied her ass off. And Sil lies constantly. What is about their ilk that mandates such a profound lack of integrity AND hopeless self delusion.
Sounds like you are just dodging my pointing out that your posts are just homophobic smears
The men that rape children are child molesters.
Between 69%-90% of all child sexual molestation is by men against girls.
Like all homophobic bigots- you want to focus on the tragedy of boys who are molested- so you can blame it on homosexuals.
And then you ignore the vast majority of child molestation victims- who are girls- because you can't blame that on homosexuals.
Either you have a problem with little girls- and just don't care that they are being sexually assaulted or
Your point is just to attack homosexuals

You should read your links before you post them, are you familiar with the MMPI? Obviously not, it is certainly a red flag to me. I have two text books on the MMPI. I do not reference the MMPI, but seeing how you have it works very well in this instance

According to your link, pedophiles have elevated "F" scores on the MMPI.

According to the article heterosexual incest pedophiles abuse more victims and commit more acts against their victims than homosexual incest pedophiles.

But 'homosexual families' are a greater risk? I don't think risk means what you think it means. And the article makes no mention of 'homosexual families'. You made that up.

Oh, and here's the actual quote:

A study by Curnoe and Langevin,65 using the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory with pedophiles and other “deviant fantasizers” (n=186), showed significantly increased scores on the infrequency scale, the psychopathic deviance scale, the masculinity-femininity scale, the paranoia scale, and the schizophrenia scale. These results suggest that pedophiles are more socially alienated and less emotionally stable than most other people, traits commonly seen in patients with cluster A and B personality disorders.65 Many pedophiles also demonstrate narcissistic, sociopathic, and antisocial personality traits. They lack remorse and an understanding of the harm their actions cause

There's zero mention of homosexual men scoring higher on the 'F scale' than heterosexuals. You lied. With their explicit findings being that within their own families, heterosexual incest pedophiles commit more acts of sexual abuse upon children and have more victims.

In the study by Abel et al32 of anonymous nonincarcerated offenders, heterosexual incest pedophiles had abused 1.8 children and committed 81.3 acts, whereas homosexual incest pedophiles had abused 1.7 children and committed 62.3 acts

So why are 'homosexual families' at greater risk?

Nothing you've cited has backed a thing you've said. You even had to lie to try and support your claims. Why?
Of course nothing I have cited backed my claim, I was responding to syriusly's link, and how that link blew both of you out of the water. It was not my link nor presented to back my claims? You are drunk, huh. or....

You are simply stupid.
Sounds like you are just dodging my pointing out that your posts are just homophobic smears
The men that rape children are child molesters.
Between 69%-90% of all child sexual molestation is by men against girls.
Like all homophobic bigots- you want to focus on the tragedy of boys who are molested- so you can blame it on homosexuals.
And then you ignore the vast majority of child molestation victims- who are girls- because you can't blame that on homosexuals.
Either you have a problem with little girls- and just don't care that they are being sexually assaulted or
Your point is just to attack homosexuals

You should read your links before you post them, are you familiar with the MMPI? Obviously not, it is certainly a red flag to me. I have two text books on the MMPI. I do not reference the MMPI, but seeing how you have it works very well in this instance

According to your link, pedophiles have elevated "F" scores on the MMPI.

According to the article heterosexual incest pedophiles abuse more victims and commit more acts against their victims than homosexual incest pedophiles.

But 'homosexual families' are a greater risk? I don't think risk means what you think it means. And the article makes no mention of 'homosexual families'. You made that up.

Oh, and here's the actual quote:

A study by Curnoe and Langevin,65 using the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory with pedophiles and other “deviant fantasizers” (n=186), showed significantly increased scores on the infrequency scale, the psychopathic deviance scale, the masculinity-femininity scale, the paranoia scale, and the schizophrenia scale. These results suggest that pedophiles are more socially alienated and less emotionally stable than most other people, traits commonly seen in patients with cluster A and B personality disorders.65 Many pedophiles also demonstrate narcissistic, sociopathic, and antisocial personality traits. They lack remorse and an understanding of the harm their actions cause

There's zero mention of homosexual men scoring higher on the 'F scale' than heterosexuals. You lied. With their explicit findings being that within their own families, heterosexual incest pedophiles commit more acts of sexual abuse upon children and have more victims.

In the study by Abel et al32 of anonymous nonincarcerated offenders, heterosexual incest pedophiles had abused 1.8 children and committed 81.3 acts, whereas homosexual incest pedophiles had abused 1.7 children and committed 62.3 acts

So why are 'homosexual families' at greater risk?

Nothing you've cited has backed a thing you've said. You even had to lie to try and support your claims. Why?
Of course nothing I have cited backed my claim, I was responding to syriusly's link, and how that link blew both of you out of the water. It was not my link nor presented to back my claims? You are drunk, huh. or....

You are simply stupid.

Oh,'re so utterly transparent. I've got you and you know I've got you. I can utterly back up my claim. Here's the quote regarding the infrequency scale...the only one in the entire article:

A study by Curnoe and Langevin,65 using the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory with pedophiles and other “deviant fantasizers” (n=186), showed significantly increased scores on the infrequency scale, the psychopathic deviance scale, the masculinity-femininity scale, the paranoia scale, and the schizophrenia scale. These results suggest that pedophiles are more socially alienated and less emotionally stable than most other people, traits commonly seen in patients with cluster A and B personality disorders.65 Many pedophiles also demonstrate narcissistic, sociopathic, and antisocial personality traits. They lack remorse and an understanding of the harm their actions cause

It doesn't say a thing about homosexual men scoring higher than heterosexual men. You lied your ass off. And I caught you red handed.

You said that the article said that homosexual families were at greater risk. There's no mention of homosexual families in the entire article. You lied your ass off again.

We're left with only two possible conclusions:

1) You're a useless liar who intentionally misrepresents the facts in an attempt to deceive and mislead. And you can't be trusted to confirm that the sun is shining at noon.

2) You're insane. And you hallucinated the passages into the article. In which case your tenuous grasp of reality makes you unreliable.

Pick one. As there is no third option.
It doesn't say any such thing- why would you lie about such a simple thing- so easy to check?

The article mentions 'homosexual' 18 times. It mentions the word 'family' 9 times. Homosexual family not once.

The article is a great article about pedophilia. My experience is that people only read a few words of it.

Dr. Hall and Hall make a point of noting that 'heterosexual' pedophiles and 'homosexual 'pedophiles' have no direct relationship to their attraction to adults

Simple....because Elektra thinks any hapless batshit she makes up is objective fact. I'm not being allegorical or using hyperbole. I'm being quite literal. If she imagines it....she assumes it must be fact. Thus, why wouldn't she 'see' a passage in the article that simply isn't there?

For crying out loud, she opened her participation on this topic by claiming that she spoke for all children.

You can't teach that kind of delusion.

She and Silhouette come out of the same closet.

Why is self delusion such a common trait among their ilk? I don't get it.
Both of them are self-appointed advocates. I don't remember voting for them. Now that I know how they arrive at their findings just by "saying stuff" I know I wouldn't vote for them

Yeah, but they lie like breathing. It comes so naturally and so uncontrollably.....they can't help themselves. Look at Lek's lies about the article indicating that 'homosexual families' were at greater risk.

It said no such thing. She straight up lied her ass off. And Sil lies constantly. What is about their ilk that mandates such a profound lack of integrity AND hopeless self delusion.
I never stated what you attribute to me, I never even mentioned pedophiles or sexual abuse, that was brought up by you or syriously. I gladly corrected the both of you, but it was you two who brought it into the thread, not me, hence it was always your responsibility to support your position. I know you are scratching your head, thinking no way, but it is true, go back through the posts and you will see that you misunderstood and did not seek to clarify, what I wrote, which was simply about abuse. I never stated it was sexual abuse, but you being the perfect bigot, the perfect pervert, applied your prejudices and bigotry to my posts.

Not all abuse is sexual, dumb ass!

Yep, nice irrelevant link you two idiots posted, proving that the basis of all your arguments, which were few in the last ten pages of your spam, all your arguments were based on interviews and studies of men in prison which the researchers admit, are of little use.

When reviewing research studies on pedophilia, it must be remembered that there is a strong potential for sampling biases. Many studies obtained their pedophilic or sexual offender populations from prisons or legally mandated sexual treatment groups. This sampling raises questions about the subjects’ willingness to be honest and/or to incriminate themselves on self-report surveys.5,7,23 The prison populations also exclude pedophiles who have not been caught, those whose level of offense was not severe enough to result in jail time, those who could control their impulses, and those who were more financially successful and better able to prevail in their legal troubles through the retention of private attorneys.7,27 This sampling introduces the possibility that the findings of lower intelligence, personality disorder, and an overall reduced level of functioning are more characteristic of pedophiles who were arrested than the characteristics of the group as a whole.11,23 Also, many studies are based on small sampling sizes.7,27 Finally, the findings from one study may not be generalizable to another because of significant differences that exist between pedophilic subgroups and the children they abuse.

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