Are States Legally Obligated to Defy Obergefell (2015)? Silhouette vs the 50 States.

You mean the state didn't require her to remarry for the children's sake- or presuming she was ever married- prevent her from divorcing- because 'contractual law' wouldn't allow that?

What contract are the children of single parents bound by? None. Their situation is hoped to be temporary. That's why states give incentives to marrieds.

What contract are the children involved in "gay marriage" bound by? The marriage contract; which is for life, under specific and legally-binding terms.

ergo, "gay marriage" is institutionalized mental prison (abuse) to children. And hence the reason I'm reporting it to States' authorities...who are bound by law to investigate my allegations without prejudice or examination for "frivolity".
You're reporting your generalized proposition to state authorities to investigate? Who is going to pay for your broad brush investigation?

AS IF they don't have more pressing REAL cases to handle.

Silhouette years ago claimed that the Federal government was going to prosecute the California legislature and governor for passing Harvey Milk Day legislation.

I kid you not- she predicted how the feds would be arresting State officials for it.

Why? Another of Silhouette's loony child abuse fictions.
An opinion not corroborated by a shred of evidence. I am not too concerned b/c the only thing you can do about it is whine is on the Internet. Wallow in your irrelevance.
Yes, I know I am irrelevant, but that does not make me wrong, nor can you give evidence to the contrary. All I can do is protect my children from your ideology as long as I can. My kids will grow up to know you are wrong, and all with your ideology are wrong, even if you are in a position of power.

Good for you. You worry about your family and I'll worry about mine. All the best.
If you are simply going to worry about your family, why attack my posts?

I am not attacking your posts, drama queen.
Oh no, not at all, your comments have all been intellect, sharing facts, real stories relevant to your ideology. No attacks at all, of course not, you are above that.

Wallow in your irrelevance

Yes, that comment was simply a nice way of adding relevant content to a conversation.

You haven't added a supported fact to the thread.
You haven't added a supported fact to the thread.
Facts yes, supported, sure. Unless you mean the only thing that is "supported" is a google result. Which shows how weak your position is, you believe google results, validate your opinion, and then you post as if you have provided a "supported fact." Very weak.
You mean the state didn't require her to remarry for the children's sake- or presuming she was ever married- prevent her from divorcing- because 'contractual law' wouldn't allow that?

What contract are the children of single parents bound by? None. Their situation is hoped to be temporary. That's why states give incentives to marrieds.

What contract are the children involved in "gay marriage" bound by? The marriage contract; which is for life, under specific and legally-binding terms.

ergo, "gay marriage" is institutionalized mental prison (abuse) to children. And hence the reason I'm reporting it to States' authorities...who are bound by law to investigate my allegations without prejudice or examination for "frivolity".
You're reporting your generalized proposition to state authorities to investigate? Who is going to pay for your broad brush investigation?

AS IF they don't have more pressing REAL cases to handle.

Silhouette years ago claimed that the Federal government was going to prosecute the California legislature and governor for passing Harvey Milk Day legislation.

I kid you not- she predicted how the feds would be arresting State officials for it.

Why? Another of Silhouette's loony child abuse fictions.

Sil also insisted that both Kagan and Ginsberg were going to be 'impeached' when the republicans took the senate.

You'd figure based on a strict law of averages that eventually Sil would get something right. I mean guessing will net you *some* positive results.

But in defiance of all odds, her record of predicting legal outcomes remains one of perfect, pristine failure.
Crazy talk.
Nope, just a simple fact. It is abuse to force Children into a homosexual family. Crazy talk is ignoring that a larger percentage of children are abused in Homosexual families.

Elektra has shown over and over she wouldn't recognize a 'fact' if she was slapped in the face by one.

There are very few homosexual familes- more than half of those are headed by lesbians- the fact is that 90-95% of all child molestation is by men- by a huge margin towards girls. And by a large margin is more likely to be by a family member- step father, grandfather, brother.

A girl whose mother divorces and remarries is much more likely to be molested- than a girl being raised by two lesbians.

But like all homophobes- you don't give a damn about whether a child is more likely to be molested or not- you just want to rail against homosexuals.

As far as who abuses children more, of course it is going to be men, which includes rape of boys, Homosexual men are the only men that rape boys, it is a fact. As far as your opinion goes about fathers and or brothers raping girl family members, you have never ever been able to substantiate that..

No- homosexual men are not the only men who can rape boys- a sterling example was Jerry Sandusky- an openly heterosexual man who raped little boys. Child molesters are almost exclusively men- and some rape girs, some rape boys, some rape both- and that is not necessarily related to what gender- if any that of the adults that they have sex with.

I am not expressing my opinion- I am expressing a statistical fact- a child is far more likely statistically to be molested by a male family member than by any lesbian- since 90-95% of child sexual predators are men- and 30% of child molesters are close family members

About 30% of those who sexually abuse children are relatives of the child, such as fathers, uncles, or cousins.

Child Sexual Abuse - PTSD: National Center for PTSD

When it comes to protecting a child from sexual molestation- statistically- any child- boy or girl- is safer in a home with two lesbian mothers- than any home with a male in it- any male.
You haven't added a supported fact to the thread.
Facts yes, supported, sure. Unless you mean the only thing that is "supported" is a google result. Which shows how weak your position is, you believe google results, validate your opinion, and then you post as if you have provided a "supported fact." Very weak.

Feel free to show us a substantiated fact in this thread you have posted.

Go for it.

I haven't seen one- all I have seen are your bizarre opinions which you claim are facts.
But either way, a terrible fact for you to admit, is most rapes of boys are by homosexuals. I am surprised you wanted to speak of rape, seeings how it exposes the danger posed by homosexual men, I mean, "some" homosexual men.

The men that rape children are child molesters.

Between 69%-90% of all child sexual molestation is by men against girls.

Like all homophobic bigots- you want to focus on the tragedy of boys who are molested- so you can blame it on homosexuals.

And then you ignore the vast majority of child molestation victims- who are girls- because you can't blame that on homosexuals.


Either you have a problem with little girls- and just don't care that they are being sexually assaulted or
Your point is just to attack homosexuals.
What a homophobic delusional bigot.

There are no 'special rights' for gay Americans- no they are treated like heterosexual Americans- instead of having to face discriminatory laws that harmed them.

A Gay couple has the same legal rights as my wife and I have.

I think marriage equality is a good thing- you are appalled by people being treated equally.
Yes, equality, you are all for it except when it comes to children.

I believe that children should be treated equally in marriage- so that the children of gay parents can have married parents just like my child has married parents.

Why would you prefer that the children of gay parents suffer legal harm by denying those children married parents?
I will take funny ratings all day long, it shows me that I got your attention and you don't like my post, perfect response, exactly what I hoped for.

So you are just trolling?
Is that what you believe you have spent all your time responding to?

Apparently so.

Since all you are looking for is attention- which as you said is what you hope for.

You certainly provide no facts, no citations, you don't actually respond to what is said in a post.

But it is still fun to point out what bigoted idiocy your posts are.
There are very few homosexual familes- more than half of those are headed by lesbians- the fact is that 90-95% of all child molestation is by men- by a huge margin towards girls. And by a large margin is more likely to be by a family member- step father, grandfather, brother..

No- homosexual men are not the only men who can rape boys- a sterling example was Jerry Sandusky- an openly heterosexual man who raped little boys. Child molesters are almost exclusively men- and some rape girs, some rape boys, some rape both- and that is not necessarily related to what gender- if any that of the adults that they have sex with.

I am not expressing my opinion- I am expressing a statistical fact- a child is far more likely statistically to be molested by a male family member than by any lesbian- since 90-95% of child sexual predators are men- and 30% of child molesters are close family members

About 30% of those who sexually abuse children are relatives of the child, such as fathers, uncles, or cousins.

Child Sexual Abuse - PTSD: National Center for PTSD

When it comes to protecting a child from sexual molestation- statistically- any child- boy or girl- is safer in a home with two lesbian mothers- than any home with a male in it- any male.
Statistically safer with Lesbians, than any male, so all males are child molesters in your book, good to know, and you go on to state that a man having sex with a boy is a heterosexual, not a homosexual? Man/Boy sex is not homosexuality? I guess as long as you guys can change the meanings of words anything you can dream up is reality.

But what is very nice to note, is that your link does not support your original statement, not in the least, just as I said it would not. It is also note worthy to state that you changed your statement as well.

And that is just to start, I have to question who is running the VA, and how they could post unsubstantiated claims on the VA website, maybe a link at the bottom leads to the truth. But that is not a study, nor does it contain a substantiated statistic.

But either way, it states the opposite of your original statement. That is why I challenge you to link.

A googled result is far from the truth, especially when it links to the government.
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I like cheese.

Now both our posts have the same relevance to this thread. Is that about it, Elektra?

If yes, then feel free to join us when you have something relevant to contribute.
like this link to the supreme court you made a claim to?

I will be back in a couple hours to see if you have that link, I doubt you will post it, you really hate to have your position exposed as being built on lies.
Its your responsibility to be "up to speed" on a thread hon, not anyone else's

That's what cracks me up about Elecktra. She literally argues that *I'm* responsible for *her* willful ignorance.

You can't teach that kind of batshit. If she ever wants to educate herself, the thread awaits to be read. She won't, though. As she doesn't want to know the cases, doesn't want to see the evidence.
I think its more like laziness. Ironic that SOCONs exhibit the trait that they continuously decry
But either way, a terrible fact for you to admit, is most rapes of boys are by homosexuals. I am surprised you wanted to speak of rape, seeings how it exposes the danger posed by homosexual men, I mean, "some" homosexual men.

The men that rape children are child molesters.

Between 69%-90% of all child sexual molestation is by men against girls.

Like all homophobic bigots- you want to focus on the tragedy of boys who are molested- so you can blame it on homosexuals.

And then you ignore the vast majority of child molestation victims- who are girls- because you can't blame that on homosexuals.


Either you have a problem with little girls- and just don't care that they are being sexually assaulted or
Your point is just to attack homosexuals.
Sounds like you are starting a new thread in the middle of this one.
I like cheese.

Now both our posts have the same relevance to this thread. Is that about it, Elektra?

If yes, then feel free to join us when you have something relevant to contribute.
like this link to the supreme court you made a claim to?

I will be back in a couple hours to see if you have that link, I doubt you will post it, you really hate to have your position exposed as being built on lies.
Its your responsibility to be "up to speed" on a thread hon, not anyone else's

That's what cracks me up about Elecktra. She literally argues that *I'm* responsible for *her* willful ignorance.

You can't teach that kind of batshit. If she ever wants to educate herself, the thread awaits to be read. She won't, though. As she doesn't want to know the cases, doesn't want to see the evidence.
Agreed. I've read 15 page threads, to get up to speed, so that I didn't put my foot in my mouth by asking for something thats already been provided.
I believe that children should be treated equally in marriage- so that the children of gay parents can have married parents just like my child has married parents.

Why would you prefer that the children of gay parents suffer legal harm by denying those children married parents?
You believe children "suffer legal harm", I would love to see a link to that, just to know where you get your ridiculous ideas from. Children can suffer if they homosexuals they live with are not married but they can not suffer by being forced to live with homosexuals against their will.

You are an idiot.
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I like cheese.

Now both our posts have the same relevance to this thread. Is that about it, Elektra?

If yes, then feel free to join us when you have something relevant to contribute.
like this link to the supreme court you made a claim to?

I will be back in a couple hours to see if you have that link, I doubt you will post it, you really hate to have your position exposed as being built on lies.
Its your responsibility to be "up to speed" on a thread hon, not anyone else's

That's what cracks me up about Elecktra. She literally argues that *I'm* responsible for *her* willful ignorance.

You can't teach that kind of batshit. If she ever wants to educate herself, the thread awaits to be read. She won't, though. As she doesn't want to know the cases, doesn't want to see the evidence.
Agreed. I've read 15 page threads, to get up to speed, so that I didn't put my foot in my mouth by asking for something thats already been provided.
Actually, I never asked to be brought up to speed, somebody made a claim, in a post, I asked for the link. If you make a claim in post I will ask for a link as well. You should link when you make claims from a link. If you don't think so, fine. You are up to speed on all the links? Bullshit.
I like cheese.

Now both our posts have the same relevance to this thread. Is that about it, Elektra?

If yes, then feel free to join us when you have something relevant to contribute.
like this link to the supreme court you made a claim to?

I will be back in a couple hours to see if you have that link, I doubt you will post it, you really hate to have your position exposed as being built on lies.
Its your responsibility to be "up to speed" on a thread hon, not anyone else's

That's what cracks me up about Elecktra. She literally argues that *I'm* responsible for *her* willful ignorance.

You can't teach that kind of batshit. If she ever wants to educate herself, the thread awaits to be read. She won't, though. As she doesn't want to know the cases, doesn't want to see the evidence.
I think its more like laziness. Ironic that SOCONs exhibit the trait that they continuously decry

Nah, its desperate, willful ignorance on your part. As this thread is hardly the only source for any of the cases surrounding same sex marriage. And you refuse to look at any of them. As you don't want to know.

The amusing part is when you insist that your willful ignorance is somehow *my* responsibility. Lek....that's on you.

Worse, its not like we can't read the cases, see the Supreme Court's ruling, or verify their quotes because you pretend it doesn't exist.

But tell us again how you speak for 'all children'. We can always use a giggle.
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I like cheese.

Now both our posts have the same relevance to this thread. Is that about it, Elektra?

If yes, then feel free to join us when you have something relevant to contribute.
like this link to the supreme court you made a claim to?

I will be back in a couple hours to see if you have that link, I doubt you will post it, you really hate to have your position exposed as being built on lies.
Its your responsibility to be "up to speed" on a thread hon, not anyone else's

That's what cracks me up about Elecktra. She literally argues that *I'm* responsible for *her* willful ignorance.

You can't teach that kind of batshit. If she ever wants to educate herself, the thread awaits to be read. She won't, though. As she doesn't want to know the cases, doesn't want to see the evidence.
Agreed. I've read 15 page threads, to get up to speed, so that I didn't put my foot in my mouth by asking for something thats already been provided.
Actually, I never asked to be brought up to speed, somebody made a claim, in a post, I asked for the link. If you make a claim in post I will ask for a link as well. You should link when you make claims from a link. If you don't think so, fine. You are up to speed on all the links? Bullshit.

And exactly as I described......she's insisting that her willful ignorance and refusal to read the thread is somehow my responsibility.

You can't teach that. But you can point and laugh at it.

Its remarkably simple; Lek and her ilk don't want to know what the Supreme Court ruled. They don't want to see the Supreme Court's explicit findings that same sex marriage benefits children. Or that the right to marriage isn't conditioned on children or the ability to have them.

Because then they would have to admit that their entire argument is just ignoring the findings of the Supreme Court......and replacing it with whatever pseudo-legal gibberish they care to make up.
There are very few homosexual familes- more than half of those are headed by lesbians- the fact is that 90-95% of all child molestation is by men- by a huge margin towards girls. And by a large margin is more likely to be by a family member- step father, grandfather, brother..

No- homosexual men are not the only men who can rape boys- a sterling example was Jerry Sandusky- an openly heterosexual man who raped little boys. Child molesters are almost exclusively men- and some rape girs, some rape boys, some rape both- and that is not necessarily related to what gender- if any that of the adults that they have sex with.

I am not expressing my opinion- I am expressing a statistical fact- a child is far more likely statistically to be molested by a male family member than by any lesbian- since 90-95% of child sexual predators are men- and 30% of child molesters are close family members

About 30% of those who sexually abuse children are relatives of the child, such as fathers, uncles, or cousins.

Child Sexual Abuse - PTSD: National Center for PTSD

When it comes to protecting a child from sexual molestation- statistically- any child- boy or girl- is safer in a home with two lesbian mothers- than any home with a male in it- any male.
Statistically safer with Lesbians, than any male, so all males are child molesters in your book, good to know, t.

You were the one implying that all homosexuals are child molesters.

I was presenting the statistical facts- that statistically any child is safer from sexual molestation with any woman versus any man.

And that is the statistical fact.

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