Are States Legally Obligated to Defy Obergefell (2015)? Silhouette vs the 50 States.

You poor thing. If you believe I am trolling or flaming you than report me. If not, quit whining like a toddler.
Ah, you suffer much, you want to be reported? You think what you post is that good that it actually effects how I feel. Talk about being a pompous arrogant elitist.

Report you? You are a joke mdk, the fact that you state I should report you means you wish you could report me, or ban me as irrelevant. Go ahead and do your best, I am sure you have already reported me and many others. Freudian slips, you got to love mdk.

Yep, when the truth exposes mdk, he whines, not like a toddler, but a sissy. So how many posts have you reported, mdk?
You speak for 'all children'? When did that happen?

You speak for you, hence your babble about what 'all children' would choose is meaningless. As you have no idea what you're talking about
Children typically can not speak until 18 months old, so it is obvious you have zero idea of what you are speaking of.

If they don't speak until their 18 do you claim to speak for *all* of them?

Seriously, is this your entire argument? Self delusion?
Is that your argument? That because a child does not speak, they choose to live in a homosexual lifestyle? Can I speak for every baby and state unequivocally what they want? That answer is yes, Children naturally want their mother and father. Anyone who thinks different is delusional.

So yes, I speak for all children, they want love from a mother and father, they learn from a mother and a father.
who elected you to do that? :eusa_eh:
What makes you think I am "elected".
You poor thing. If you believe I am trolling or flaming you than report me. If not, quit whining like a toddler.
Ah, you suffer much, you want to be reported? You think what you post is that good that it actually effects how I feel. Talk about being a pompous arrogant elitist.

Report you? You are a joke mdk, the fact that you state I should report you means you wish you could report me, or ban me as irrelevant. Go ahead and do your best, I am sure you have already reported me and many others. Freudian slips, you got to love mdk.

Yep, when the truth exposes mdk, he whines, not like a toddler, but a sissy. So how many posts have you reported, mdk?

What a laughable bunch of bullshit. Nobody wants to ban you. Spare me the whiny victim act.
You speak for 'all children'? When did that happen?

You speak for you, hence your babble about what 'all children' would choose is meaningless. As you have no idea what you're talking about
Children typically can not speak until 18 months old, so it is obvious you have zero idea of what you are speaking of.

If they don't speak until their 18 do you claim to speak for *all* of them?

Seriously, is this your entire argument? Self delusion?
Is that your argument?

Its the extent of your argument; pretending that you speak for all children.

You don't.

What else have you got?

That because a child does not speak, they choose to live in a homosexual lifestyle?

Then how, pray tell, do you claim to speak for them? Your argument is a circular mess.
You poor thing. If you believe I am trolling or flaming you than report me. If not, quit whining like a toddler.
Ah, you suffer much, you want to be reported? You think what you post is that good that it actually effects how I feel. Talk about being a pompous arrogant elitist.

Report you? You are a joke mdk, the fact that you state I should report you means you wish you could report me, or ban me as irrelevant. Go ahead and do your best, I am sure you have already reported me and many others. Freudian slips, you got to love mdk.

Yep, when the truth exposes mdk, he whines, not like a toddler, but a sissy. So how many posts have you reported, mdk?

What a laughable bunch of bullshit. Nobody wants to ban you. Spare me the whiny victim act.

Ugh. There really is nothing more to her than pretending that her subjective opinion and imagination is objective fact.

It isn't.

So much for that argument.
Ugh. There really is nothing more to her than pretending that her subjective opinion and imagination is objective fact.

It isn't.

So much for that argument

As if I am working to get Elektra banned. :lol:
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Ugh. There really is nothing more to her than pretending that her subjective opinion and imagination is objective fact.

It isn't.

So much for that argument

As if I am working to Elektra banned. :lol:

Naked self delusion is a rabbit hole that has no bottom. That she's added new delusions doesn't make her claims any less meaningless.

She's shown her hand. Its one, long, delusional Begging the Question fallacy where she pretends she speaks for all children everywhere.

She doesn't. There's nothing else she has to offer.
Bigotry is a mental illness.
Child abuse is a mental illness. Holding children hostage for life away from either a mother or father is abuse.

Sigh- so did you abuse your children?

Do you believe that all single parents are child abusers?

Don't give me that crap about 'hope'- either it is child abuse to raise a child without either a mother or a father- or it is not child abuse to raise a child without a mother and a father.

So by being a single parent- were you a child abuser?
You suffer from a mental illness – you have a delusional, unfounded, unwarranted hatred of gay Americans whom you seek to disadvantage through force of law for no other reason than who they are.

Fortunately the Constitution prohibits you from doing so, but you are at liberty to continue to wallow in your own bigotry and hate.

Can you direct me to the part of the Constitution you are referring to when you claim special rights for gay sexual behaviors.

What a homophobic delusional bigot.

There are no 'special rights' for gay Americans- no they are treated like heterosexual Americans- instead of having to face discriminatory laws that harmed them.

A Gay couple has the same legal rights as my wife and I have.

I think marriage equality is a good thing- you are appalled by people being treated equally.
Crazy talk.
Nope, just a simple fact. It is abuse to force Children into a homosexual family. Crazy talk is ignoring that a larger percentage of children are abused in Homosexual families.

Elektra has shown over and over she wouldn't recognize a 'fact' if she was slapped in the face by one.

There are very few homosexual familes- more than half of those are headed by lesbians- the fact is that 90-95% of all child molestation is by men- by a huge margin towards girls. And by a large margin is more likely to be by a family member- step father, grandfather, brother.

A girl whose mother divorces and remarries is much more likely to be molested- than a girl being raised by two lesbians.

But like all homophobes- you don't give a damn about whether a child is more likely to be molested or not- you just want to rail against homosexuals.
Crazy talk.
Nope, just a simple fact. It is abuse to force Children into a homosexual family. Crazy talk is ignoring that a larger percentage of children are abused in Homosexual families.

Elektra has shown over and over she wouldn't recognize a 'fact' if she was slapped in the face by one.

There are very few homosexual familes- more than half of those are headed by lesbians- the fact is that 90-95% of all child molestation is by men- by a huge margin towards girls. And by a large margin is more likely to be by a family member- step father, grandfather, brother.

A girl whose mother divorces and remarries is much more likely to be molested- than a girl being raised by two lesbians.

But like all homophobes- you don't give a damn about whether a child is more likely to be molested or not- you just want to rail against homosexuals.
Molestation is the only abuse you know of? Rally against homosexuals? Now that is a very bigoted statement, how do you know I am not homosexual myself, or that all my family members are homosexuals. Maybe, by chance I know more about homosexuality than yourself.

As far as who abuses children more, of course it is going to be men, which includes rape of boys, Homosexual men are the only men that rape boys, it is a fact. As far as your opinion goes about fathers and or brothers raping girl family members, you have never ever been able to substantiate that.

I guess you could post your "study", and I can point out the fallacies contained within.

But either way, a terrible fact for you to admit, is most rapes of boys are by homosexuals. I am surprised you wanted to speak of rape, seeings how it exposes the danger posed by homosexual men, I mean, "some" homosexual men.
You poor thing. If you believe I am trolling or flaming you than report me. If not, quit whining like a toddler.
Ah, you suffer much, you want to be reported? You think what you post is that good that it actually effects how I feel. Talk about being a pompous arrogant elitist.

Report you? You are a joke mdk, the fact that you state I should report you means you wish you could report me, or ban me as irrelevant. Go ahead and do your best, I am sure you have already reported me and many others. Freudian slips, you got to love mdk.

Yep, when the truth exposes mdk, he whines, not like a toddler, but a sissy. So how many posts have you reported, mdk?

What a laughable bunch of bullshit. Nobody wants to ban you. Spare me the whiny victim act.

Ugh. There really is nothing more to her than pretending that her subjective opinion and imagination is objective fact.

It isn't.

So much for that argument.
Which equally applies to all your posts, for your standard applies to you, as well, it is shame that all you can do is post your opinion in this regard, without anything substantial, to back it up.
What a laughable bunch of bullshit. Nobody wants to ban you. Spare me the whiny victim act.
Of course you do, that is why you are talking about reporting people. You expose yourself with your Freudian slips.
What a homophobic delusional bigot.

There are no 'special rights' for gay Americans- no they are treated like heterosexual Americans- instead of having to face discriminatory laws that harmed them.

A Gay couple has the same legal rights as my wife and I have.

I think marriage equality is a good thing- you are appalled by people being treated equally.
Yes, equality, you are all for it except when it comes to children.
What a laughable bunch of bullshit. Nobody wants to ban you. Spare me the whiny victim act.
Of course you do, that is why you are talking about reporting people. You expose yourself with your Freudian slips.

You don't know what you're taking about, but why should now be any different?
What a laughable bunch of bullshit. Nobody wants to ban you. Spare me the whiny victim act.
Of course you do, that is why you are talking about reporting people. You expose yourself with your Freudian slips.

You don't know what you're taking about but why should now be any different?
I know what you have said, which indicates how you feel. I know you reacted with rage when I called you on it, which seems telling.
What a laughable bunch of bullshit. Nobody wants to ban you. Spare me the whiny victim act.
Of course you do, that is why you are talking about reporting people. You expose yourself with your Freudian slips.

You don't know what you're taking about but why should now be any different?
I know what you have said, which indicates how you feel. I know you reacted with rage when I called you on it, which seems telling.

This little fantasy you're concocting about me is most amusing. I can't wait to see what new yarn you'll spin next. lol
You poor thing. If you believe I am trolling or flaming you than report me. If not, quit whining like a toddler.
Ah, you suffer much, you want to be reported? You think what you post is that good that it actually effects how I feel. Talk about being a pompous arrogant elitist.

Report you? You are a joke mdk, the fact that you state I should report you means you wish you could report me, or ban me as irrelevant. Go ahead and do your best, I am sure you have already reported me and many others. Freudian slips, you got to love mdk.

Yep, when the truth exposes mdk, he whines, not like a toddler, but a sissy. So how many posts have you reported, mdk?

What a laughable bunch of bullshit. Nobody wants to ban you. Spare me the whiny victim act.

Ugh. There really is nothing more to her than pretending that her subjective opinion and imagination is objective fact.

It isn't.

So much for that argument.
Which equally applies to all your posts, for your standard applies to you, as well, it is shame that all you can do is post your opinion in this regard, without anything substantial, to back it up.

I'm not citing me. I'm citing the Supreme Court.

Try again. This time with a little more than you pretending you speak for all children.
What a laughable bunch of bullshit. Nobody wants to ban you. Spare me the whiny victim act.
Of course you do, that is why you are talking about reporting people. You expose yourself with your Freudian slips.

You don't know what you're taking about but why should now be any different?
I know what you have said, which indicates how you feel. I know you reacted with rage when I called you on it, which seems telling.

This little fantasy you're concocting about me is most amusing. I can't wait to see what new yarn you'll spin next. lol
That is all you are about, fantasy, you have not addressed any of my posts with anything but, it is nice to see that everyone of your posts is nothing more than Freudian slips and fantasy. And you are hardly sincere, you do not want to see which yarn I will spin, you have hoped that your all powerful posts would intimidate and shame me, into not posting, seeings how you can not report me nor get me banned, as you have indicated you wish. I would go as far to say, you always have to have the last word as well, and can simply ignore me, further proving how correct I am.
What a laughable bunch of bullshit. Nobody wants to ban you. Spare me the whiny victim act.
Of course you do, that is why you are talking about reporting people. You expose yourself with your Freudian slips.

You don't know what you're taking about but why should now be any different?
I know what you have said, which indicates how you feel. I know you reacted with rage when I called you on it, which seems telling.

So you fantasize 'rage'. You fantasize that you 'speak for all children'. You fantasize that people are 'trying to get you banned'. All citing yourself. we even need to be here any of this?

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