Are States Legally Obligated to Defy Obergefell (2015)? Silhouette vs the 50 States.

What a laughable bunch of bullshit. Nobody wants to ban you. Spare me the whiny victim act.
Of course you do, that is why you are talking about reporting people. You expose yourself with your Freudian slips.

You don't know what you're taking about but why should now be any different?
I know what you have said, which indicates how you feel. I know you reacted with rage when I called you on it, which seems telling.

This little fantasy you're concocting about me is most amusing. I can't wait to see what new yarn you'll spin next. lol
That is all you are about, fantasy, you have not addressed any of my posts with anything but, it is nice to see that everyone of your posts is nothing more than Freudian slips and fantasy. And you are hardly sincere, you do not want to see which yarn I will spin, you have hoped that your all powerful posts would intimidate and shame me, into not posting, seeings how you can not report me nor get me banned, as you have indicated you wish. I would go as far to say, you always have to have the last word as well, and can simply ignore me, further proving how correct I am.

Your posts are to pretend that you speak for all children.

You don't.

Your posts have now been discussed.
What a laughable bunch of bullshit. Nobody wants to ban you. Spare me the whiny victim act.
Of course you do, that is why you are talking about reporting people. You expose yourself with your Freudian slips.

You don't know what you're taking about but why should now be any different?
I know what you have said, which indicates how you feel. I know you reacted with rage when I called you on it, which seems telling.

This little fantasy you're concocting about me is most amusing. I can't wait to see what new yarn you'll spin next. lol
That is all you are about, fantasy, you have not addressed any of my posts with anything but, it is nice to see that everyone of your posts is nothing more than Freudian slips and fantasy. And you are hardly sincere, you do not want to see which yarn I will spin, you have hoped that your all powerful posts would intimidate and shame me, into not posting, seeings how you can not report me nor get me banned, as you have indicated you wish. I would go as far to say, you always have to have the last word as well, and can simply ignore me, further proving how correct I am.

Now you're just lying through your teeth. I never once wished for you to get banned. Stop making shit up, loon. I'll make this very plain, I don't give the slightest of fucks if you post or not.
Your posts are to pretend that you speak for all children.

You don't.

Your posts have now been discussed.
Your posts sound grammatically incorrect.

I like cheese.

Now both our posts have the same relevance to this thread. Is that about it, Elektra?

If yes, then feel free to join us when you have something relevant to contribute.
I'm not citing me. I'm citing the Supreme Court.

Try again. This time with a little more than you pretending you speak for all children.
Oh, I missed that link, could you post it again?

No, you can look through the thread and find every reference I've made to every supreme court ruling.
As I thought, you have nothing, your links always end up being irrelevant, that is why I challenged you to post what you are talking about. You though have learned, it is best not to link when I challenge you, skylar knows the result of that little exercise.
I like cheese.

Now both our posts have the same relevance to this thread. Is that about it, Elektra?

If yes, then feel free to join us when you have something relevant to contribute.
like this link to the supreme court you made a claim to?

I will be back in a couple hours to see if you have that link, I doubt you will post it, you really hate to have your position exposed as being built on lies.
I'm not citing me. I'm citing the Supreme Court.

Try again. This time with a little more than you pretending you speak for all children.
Oh, I missed that link, could you post it again?

No, you can look through the thread and find every reference I've made to every supreme court ruling.
As I thought, you have nothing, your links always end up being irrelevant, that is why I challenged you to post what you are talking about. You though have learned, it is best not to link when I challenge you, skylar knows the result of that little exercise.

You can easily read the thread and find every single reference to every single supreme court case I've cited. You refuse to do so. You refuse to post anything even remotely related to the thread.

When and if you ever chose to do either, feel free to join us. Until then, you're dismissed.
I think I'm suffering from Sil Spam fatigue.

Recognize her spam for what it is: desperation.

And it gets so much easier.

Plus her pseudo-legal arguments require so little brain power to refute. Most of my replies occur while I'm the phone with clients. Or having a pleasant conversation about something useful.

I wonder if Silly Sil knows that most child abuse comes from straight families?

And if Silly Sil is so concerned about child abuse, why isn't she organized with a child abuse prevention group?

Sil could genuinely care less. The first thing to realize about Sil's that she doesn't give a fiddler's fuck about children. Her proposal helps no child. And hurts hundreds of thousands of children. And she's completely cool with long as it lets her hurt gay people.

If she's willing, even eager to hurt hundreds of thousands of children to hurt gay people....what makes you think she cares about child abuse in straight families?
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Bigotry is a mental illness.
Child abuse is a mental illness. Holding children hostage for life away from either a mother or father is abuse.

And once again, Sil......since you insist that same sex parenting is 'child abuse', are you arguing that we take children from same sex parents?

Laughing...its always adorable when accidentally you reveal your *actual* motivation and goals
I like cheese.

Now both our posts have the same relevance to this thread. Is that about it, Elektra?

If yes, then feel free to join us when you have something relevant to contribute.
like this link to the supreme court you made a claim to?

I will be back in a couple hours to see if you have that link, I doubt you will post it, you really hate to have your position exposed as being built on lies.
Its your responsibility to be "up to speed" on a thread hon, not anyone else's
I like cheese.

Now both our posts have the same relevance to this thread. Is that about it, Elektra?

If yes, then feel free to join us when you have something relevant to contribute.
like this link to the supreme court you made a claim to?

I will be back in a couple hours to see if you have that link, I doubt you will post it, you really hate to have your position exposed as being built on lies.
Its your responsibility to be "up to speed" on a thread hon, not anyone else's

That's what cracks me up about Elecktra. She literally argues that *I'm* responsible for *her* willful ignorance.

You can't teach that kind of batshit. If she ever wants to educate herself, the thread awaits to be read. She won't, though. As she doesn't want to know the cases, doesn't want to see the evidence.
Though marriage has ancient roots, until recently love had little to do with it.

"What marriage had in common was that it really was not about the relationship between the man and the woman," said Stephanie Coontz, the author of "Marriage, a History: How Love Conquered Marriage," (Penguin Books, 2006). "It was a way of getting in-laws, of making alliances and expanding the family labor force."

History of Marriage: 13 Surprising Facts
Yes, its ancient roots were and are to provide children remedy for all the ills of not having a mother and father. That it was warped along the way is not the support for further warping when it comes to children. In fact it's the opposite. It is the argument for more stringent diligence against warping from its original purpose: to cure the ills children suffer when without both a mother and father...

The LGBT arguments for destroying marriage have always been .)

Again you just lie.

The homosexual community demanded their rights to be legally married- just like my wife and I are- and now more people are getting married.

Why you think that more people getting married has destroyed marriage is bizarre.

Can you show me a single marriage 'destroyed' because a gay couple marries?
I like cheese.

Now both our posts have the same relevance to this thread. Is that about it, Elektra?

If yes, then feel free to join us when you have something relevant to contribute.
like this link to the supreme court you made a claim to?

I will be back in a couple hours to see if you have that link, I doubt you will post it, you really hate to have your position exposed as being built on lies.
Its your responsibility to be "up to speed" on a thread hon, not anyone else's

That's what cracks me up about Elecktra. She literally argues that *I'm* responsible for *her* willful ignorance.

You can't teach that kind of batshit. If she ever wants to educate herself, the thread awaits to be read. She won't, though. As she doesn't want to know the cases, doesn't want to see the evidence.

Elektra is Silhoutte- not literally but in the sense of being equally oblivous to facts and obsessed with a topic.

Elektra's obsession is attacking any alternative electric generation system- anything that is not nuclear, coal or gas generated- if someone came up with a way to generate power by rubbing balloons rapidly, Elektra would start a thread with the horrors of balloon generated power.

Apparently she is expanding her obsessions.
I wonder if Silly Sil knows that most child abuse comes from straight families?

And if Silly Sil is so concerned about child abuse, why isn't she organized with a child abuse prevention group?
Yet, all children in Homosexual Families are in a family they would not choose, hence all Homosexual Families are child abuse.

Yet- not only do I know children in a homosexual family who are gloriously happy and adore their parents- hundreds of children raised by gay parents have testified about how they support gay marriage

"Family is really important in Utah and [Gov. Gary Herbert and the state of Utah] claim to want to protect families, but it hurts me and my brother to not be able to have married parents," one 12-year-old, identified by the initials R.H.P., told the authors of the brief. "My parents are good moms and are patient with me and are just regular people."

The Huffington Post spoke to a handful of kids of gays and lesbians in Utah who participated in the Family Equality Council's brief. All were bewildered and upset by the state's argument that growing up with gay parents somehow harmed them.

"I'm perfectly fine. My brother's perfectly fine. There's nothing wrong with us," said Riley Hackford-Peer, a 12-year-old whose moms were married in December.

The state’s argument is "kind of bully-like," he added.

All the children interviewed said that the most difficult aspect of having gay parents in a conservative state like Utah has nothing to do with the quality of parental support.

Rieley Frederick, a 14-year-old whose dads were married late last year, said one of her teachers recently told a story about a gay man who was not "loyal" to his partners. The teacher said that gay people shouldn't be allowed to get married.

"It's not true, it's just not true. My dad's been loyal my whole life," Rieley said. She hopes that if Utah's ban is overturned, this kind of talk might stop, eventually. "I think after a while, people
would realize that it's just part of life and they can't just talk about people that way," she said.
You speak for 'all children'? When did that happen?

You speak for you, hence your babble about what 'all children' would choose is meaningless. As you have no idea what you're talking about
Children typically can not speak until 18 months old, so it is obvious you have zero idea of what you are speaking of.

If they don't speak until their 18 do you claim to speak for *all* of them?

Seriously, is this your entire argument? Self delusion?
Is that your argument? That because a child does not speak, they choose to live in a homosexual lifestyle? Can I speak for every baby and state unequivocally what they want? That answer is yes, Children naturally want their mother and father. Anyone who thinks different is delusional.

So yes, I speak for all children, they want love from a mother and father, they learn from a mother and a father.

What is delusional is that you think you speak for all children.

I know many people who didn't want either their mother or father- some of those mother's and father's were real bastards.

You are so delusional that you think that a girl being molested by her father would prefer that family to a family with two lesbian mothers who were not molesting her.
I wonder if Silly Sil knows that most child abuse comes from straight families?

And if Silly Sil is so concerned about child abuse, why isn't she organized with a child abuse prevention group?
Yet, all children in Homosexual Families are in a family they would not choose, hence all Homosexual Families are child abuse.

An opinion not corroborated by a shred of evidence. I am not too concerned b/c the only thing you can do about it is whine is on the Internet. Wallow in your irrelevance.
Yes, I know I am irrelevant, but that does not make me wrong, nor can you give evidence to the contrary. All I can do is protect my children from your ideology as long as I can. My kids will grow up to know you are wrong, and all with your ideology are wrong, even if you are in a position of power.

You will just keep them in the bunker.......

See the difference between me and you is that I support your right as a parent to raise your kids- even when you raise them with bigotry and stupidity.

You want to tell other parents how they can or cannot raise their kids- because your bigoted opinion is more important than the parents.
I wonder if Silly Sil knows that most child abuse comes from straight families?

And if Silly Sil is so concerned about child abuse, why isn't she organized with a child abuse prevention group?
Yet, all children in Homosexual Families are in a family they would not choose, hence all Homosexual Families are child abuse.

An opinion not corroborated by a shred of evidence. I am not too concerned b/c the only thing you can do about it is whine is on the Internet. Wallow in your irrelevance.
Yes, I know I am irrelevant, but that does not make me wrong, nor can you give evidence to the contrary. All I can do is protect my children from your ideology as long as I can. My kids will grow up to know you are wrong, and all with your ideology are wrong, even if you are in a position of power.

Good for you. You worry about your family and I'll worry about mine. All the best.
Actually, it is not, "all the best", not when the ideology you believe in is forced on my family. I guess you may not realize to the extent that they now force the teaching of Homosexuality to children. So this is not simply about me living my life and raising my family. You may not personally advocate teaching my children you view, but your views are forced upon my children. My only recourse is to fight against Common Core education.

Because of course- Common Core is just about homosexuality........

Elektra will ensure her children learn the 'truth'- that the earth is flat, and only 6,000 years old, and that calculas is a Communist plot.

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