Are the Ds self Destructing?

william the wie

Gold Member
Nov 18, 2009
First came Obama destroying the Ds at the state and local level.

Then came Hillary's drinking problems interfering with her campaigning as at the 9/11 memorial ceremony.

Then came the Resist movement and the rent-a-riot campaign.

Now many of the Blue States are teetering on the edge of default

Then suddenly the hard left turn has taken off costing the Ds funding.

Then they solicited Ford's perjuries and the Rs are thanking Harry Reid's attack on the filibuster.

This is a highly stupid way to try and get back in power.

Have they lost all contact with reality, because their arguments no longer even make good nonsense.

Can they be more than a regional party going forward?
This Moon Bat butt hurt over Kavanaugh is going to cost the Democrats the possibility of a blue wave in November.

The Republicans have been energized like they were in 2016.

They look like assholes and. Trump called them today "mean and despicable" and many American agree with that label.

The main reason most American gave for voting for Trump was to prevent the Democrats from having the ability to nominate. That is the issue the Democrats decided to go to the mat on? Really? How stupid was that?

This strong turn to the Left by the shithead Democrats is going to cost them even more than the 1,000 national seats they lost in addition to Congress and the Presidency.

They are not going to win by being the party of Welfare Queens, Illegals, Moon Bats and Globalists.

They have become the American Communist Party.

Some folks think I'm joking about mass suicides...


First came Obama destroying the Ds at the state and local level.

Then came Hillary's drinking problems interfering with her campaigning as at the 9/11 memorial ceremony.

Then came the Resist movement and the rent-a-riot campaign.

Now many of the Blue States are teetering on the edge of default

Then suddenly the hard left turn has taken off costing the Ds funding.

Then they solicited Ford's perjuries and the Rs are thanking Harry Reid's attack on the filibuster.

This is a highly stupid way to try and get back in power.

Have they lost all contact with reality, because their arguments no longer even make good nonsense.

Can they be more than a regional party going forward?

Not really. You gotta understand something.... dimocraps are the scum of the Earth. They just don't care what you think, or what I think or what any conservative, patriotic, decent human being thinks.

They play to their own audience, they preach to the choir. They are not interested in expanding their base, they simply create more dimocrap scum voters by keeping their constituents down.

Look at the Emmys.... Lowest viewership -- EVER.

Look at the States, towns and Cities they control -- Shitholes. All of them.

And that is their voter base. Shithole dwellers.

There are others that are sucking the blood out of the lifeless carcasses they create on their power-trip (which is ALL they care about).

They keep Blacks down by convincing them they're victims of whitey. Thiry year ago, maybe.

They keep women down by encouraging them to get preggo at 17, go welfare, wic, SNAP, get in subsidized housing and get so gaddamned fat that no man worth a shit will pay them any attention at all.

So they lead a life of misery and loneliness, subsidized by the Deep State and kept in pens like a dog on a leash, only to be payed any attention to once every few years when dimocrap FILTH want their votes.

Same with Blacks.

Now, that is the bulk of the dimocrap scum voter base. There's others; like the corrupt Unions destroying our Country. Teacher Unions that demand the highest pay in the civilized world and put out the worst product in the known universe.

The Media, Academia, Hollywood.

But the bulk, the overwhelming majority of dimocrap scum votes comes from two groups...... Women and Blacks with Hispanics mixed in there.

That's all dimocrap scum care about. Not you. Not me. Not America.

They play to their own audience, not to anyone or anything else.

Judge Kavanaugh sez: "How's my ass taste, bitchez?"
First came Obama destroying the Ds at the state and local level.

Then came Hillary's drinking problems interfering with her campaigning as at the 9/11 memorial ceremony.

Then came the Resist movement and the rent-a-riot campaign.

Now many of the Blue States are teetering on the edge of default

Then suddenly the hard left turn has taken off costing the Ds funding.

Then they solicited Ford's perjuries and the Rs are thanking Harry Reid's attack on the filibuster.

This is a highly stupid way to try and get back in power.

Have they lost all contact with reality, because their arguments no longer even make good nonsense.

Can they be more than a regional party going forward?

Not really. You gotta understand something.... dimocraps are the scum of the Earth. They just don't care what you think, or what I think or what any conservative, patriotic, decent human being thinks.

They play to their own audience, they preach to the choir. They are not interested in expanding their base, they simply create more dimocrap scum voters by keeping their constituents down.

Look at the Emmys.... Lowest viewership -- EVER.

Look at the States, towns and Cities they control -- Shitholes. All of them.

And that is their voter base. Shithole dwellers.

There are others that are sucking the blood out of the lifeless carcasses they create on their power-trip (which is ALL they care about).

They keep Blacks down by convincing them they're victims of whitey. Thiry year ago, maybe.

They keep women down by encouraging them to get preggo at 17, go welfare, wic, SNAP, get in subsidized housing and get so gaddamned fat that no man worth a shit will pay them any attention at all.

So they lead a life of misery and loneliness, subsidized by the Deep State and kept in pens like a dog on a leash, only to be payed any attention to once every few years when dimocrap FILTH want their votes.

Same with Blacks.

Now, that is the bulk of the dimocrap scum voter base. There's others; like the corrupt Unions destroying our Country. Teacher Unions that demand the highest pay in the civilized world and put out the worst product in the known universe.

The Media, Academia, Hollywood.

But the bulk, the overwhelming majority of dimocrap scum votes comes from two groups...... Women and Blacks with Hispanics mixed in there.

That's all dimocrap scum care about. Not you. Not me. Not America.

They play to their own audience, not to anyone or anything else.

Judge Kavanaugh sez: "How's my ass taste, bitchez?"
it is a cult. look at the gang outside the capitol!!! someone said go, and they went, like good cultists do.
First came Obama destroying the Ds at the state and local level.

Then came Hillary's drinking problems interfering with her campaigning as at the 9/11 memorial ceremony.

Then came the Resist movement and the rent-a-riot campaign.

Now many of the Blue States are teetering on the edge of default

Then suddenly the hard left turn has taken off costing the Ds funding.

Then they solicited Ford's perjuries and the Rs are thanking Harry Reid's attack on the filibuster.

This is a highly stupid way to try and get back in power.

Have they lost all contact with reality, because their arguments no longer even make good nonsense.

Can they be more than a regional party going forward?
They won’t even be a regional party pretty soon.
You're being very disingenuous. Democrats could easily post a list of stupid shit republicans do and claim the same thing. Neither side would admit to anything, and would make excuses for everything.

Its just partisan sheep being partisan sheep.
You're being very disingenuous. Democrats could easily post a list of stupid shit republicans do and claim the same thing. Neither side would admit to anything, and would make excuses for everything.

Its just partisan sheep being partisan sheep.
that is why there is Trump in the WH
You're being very disingenuous. Democrats could easily post a list of stupid shit republicans do and claim the same thing. Neither side would admit to anything, and would make excuses for everything.

Its just partisan sheep being partisan sheep.

Democrats are traitors and psychopaths. Republicans will never catch up to their lunacy.
When you look at it the democrat party is a pretty closed society. Democrats have the liberal media feeding them propaganda and protecting them from meaningful scrutiny while they attend the same elitist cocktail parties where jokes about amputating a penis seem funny. The polls are skewed and democrats fool themselves into thinking that all Americans are as full of crazy hatred and Trump derangement as they are. The Kavanaugh issue is proof that democrats have drifted so far into a fantasy world that they are out of touch with reality.
You're being very disingenuous. Democrats could easily post a list of stupid shit republicans do and claim the same thing. Neither side would admit to anything, and would make excuses for everything.

Its just partisan sheep being partisan sheep.
that is why there is Trump in the WH

That has.............absolutely nothing to do with anything I posted. What topic do you think you're in?
You're being very disingenuous. Democrats could easily post a list of stupid shit republicans do and claim the same thing. Neither side would admit to anything, and would make excuses for everything.

Its just partisan sheep being partisan sheep.
that is why there is Trump in the WH

That has.............absolutely nothing to do with anything I posted. What topic do you think you're in?
that has everything to do with what you posted idiot.
You're being very disingenuous. Democrats could easily post a list of stupid shit republicans do and claim the same thing. Neither side would admit to anything, and would make excuses for everything.

Its just partisan sheep being partisan sheep.

Democrats are traitors and psychopaths. Republicans will never catch up to their lunacy.

Blind partisan sheep.

A republican could shoot someone and you would excuse it. If a Democrat looks at someone wrong you lose your shit.

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