Are the FBI obligated to report?

The FBI are conducting a background investigation, not a criminal investigation. And nothing in the Kavvy saga appears to be a federal crime so the FBI would have no jurisdiction to pursue a criminal matter anyway. But through this whole thing we've learned that Maryland has not statute of limitations for sexual assault. Shouldn't the FBI be expected to turn over their findings to local law enforcement if they collect enough information to warrant criminal charges? Won't it be grand to have a Supreme Court justice under criminal investigation for sexual assault?

Why are the cultists so horny for Kavvy?

They won't find anything.
Liberals are too stupid to realize that. They're like children on Christmas eve hoping to see Santa
its very much "find what i want or keep looking til you do."

the right did that w hillary and the left mocked them. now they do it but its justified.

exhibit a as to the disfunction in our country.
They would and will and have sold their souls for a justice on the court who will vote to keep the President out of the hot seat if anything comes of the Russia investigation.

And that's what it all comes down to, doesn't it? That's why they're so horny for Kavvy. That's why they won't do what would have been the common sense thing, which is to move on with another conservative judge. They want this person because this is the one person who gives them the best chance to weaponize the judiciary to protect their Lord and Savior.
i thought "weaponizing" the gov was a myth. at least when obama did it. suddenly its your mantra.
The FBI are conducting a background investigation, not a criminal investigation. And nothing in the Kavvy saga appears to be a federal crime so the FBI would have no jurisdiction to pursue a criminal matter anyway. But through this whole thing we've learned that Maryland has not statute of limitations for sexual assault. Shouldn't the FBI be expected to turn over their findings to local law enforcement if they collect enough information to warrant criminal charges? Won't it be grand to have a Supreme Court justice under criminal investigation for sexual assault?

Why are the cultists so horny for Kavvy?
so you finally admit this wasnt the fbi's job?

Not the FBI's job to do a background check? Or a criminal investigation?

Did you ever once see me say that the FBI should do a criminal investigation? Hell, I don't think I've hardly said anything about the FBI even reopening the background investigation. Mostly, I've been saying that the most important thing is to evaluate Kavvy's honesty and trustworthiness, and that we already have enough information to know that Kavvy has been dishonest throughout his entire confirmation.
so you want the fbi to look into something where your mind is already made up anyway.

fucking liberals.
fucking conservatives. They would and will and have sold their souls for a justice on the court who will vote to keep the President out of the hot seat if anything comes of the Russia investigation.
so this isnt about justice, its about protecting the investigation?

wow. admit your full of shit, huh?
All it has been is politics.
The FBI did six background checks but was so incompetent that they did not find even a hint of bad acting. Now suddenly they are so brilliant that they will find things they never did before.

Even Fords polygraph was a joke. No baseline questions. Only two general questions. The numbers of people again is not what she claimed.

This is one of the most vile and despicable women around. She claims that someone tried to rape her yet leaves a supposed friend alone with the supposed rapist without even the hint of a warning. A decent person would at least have mentioned it to her friend.

Another woman claims she was gang raped but still is so vile and despicable that she continued to go to these parties, did not warn anyone, did not report it to anyone.

The Democrats said that they would not confirm before the name was even anounounced. They complained that documents that were not even part of his rulings were not turned over. They have reviewed more documents then any other nominee for the court. He spent more time as a judge then some already on the court.

They somehow leaked a letter that was "not meant" to be leaked just before there was no other way to delay the vote. A polygraph was taken, social media was scrubbed, and lawyer hired before the letter was leaked.
The FBI are conducting a background investigation, not a criminal investigation. And nothing in the Kavvy saga appears to be a federal crime so the FBI would have no jurisdiction to pursue a criminal matter anyway. But through this whole thing we've learned that Maryland has not statute of limitations for sexual assault. Shouldn't the FBI be expected to turn over their findings to local law enforcement if they collect enough information to warrant criminal charges? Won't it be grand to have a Supreme Court justice under criminal investigation for sexual assault?

Why are the cultists so horny for Kavvy?

There is a statute of limitations on misdemeanor assault.
Which I would imagine this would be considered a misdemeanor considering nothing really happened.

Maryland Statutes of Limitations for Sexual Abuse | LegalMatch Law Library
They would and will and have sold their souls for a justice on the court who will vote to keep the President out of the hot seat if anything comes of the Russia investigation.

And that's what it all comes down to, doesn't it? That's why they're so horny for Kavvy. That's why they won't do what would have been the common sense thing, which is to move on with another conservative judge. They want this person because this is the one person who gives them the best chance to weaponize the judiciary to protect their Lord and Savior.
i thought "weaponizing" the gov was a myth. at least when obama did it. suddenly its your mantra.

How about you live in the present instead of blaming Obama or how bad your Lord and Savior is at being President, mmmkaaaay?
This type of tactic has been used in confirmation processes before

It's almost like there's this whole group of people who think that sexual assault and harassment speak to a person's character. What kind of person would think such a think!?!
The FBI are conducting a background investigation, not a criminal investigation. And nothing in the Kavvy saga appears to be a federal crime so the FBI would have no jurisdiction to pursue a criminal matter anyway. But through this whole thing we've learned that Maryland has not statute of limitations for sexual assault. Shouldn't the FBI be expected to turn over their findings to local law enforcement if they collect enough information to warrant criminal charges? Won't it be grand to have a Supreme Court justice under criminal investigation for sexual assault?

Why are the cultists so horny for Kavvy?
so you finally admit this wasnt the fbi's job?
Please see Anita Hill for historical precedence.
This type of tactic has been used in confirmation processes before

It's almost like there's this whole group of people who think that sexual assault and harassment speak to a person's character. What kind of person would think such a think!?!
Why wouldn't it speak to one's character..............If someone rapes women they are a scumbag..........I pretty much think that is a judgement of character.........

My statements are that the Dems have used these tactics when they cry wolf we no longer believe them. The stalling tactics.......timed leaks look like a political hit job just as before.

Her testimony looks like swiss cheese.......too many dang holes in it.
Too many unknowns..............can't even remember which house...........

That isn't credible need to show CREDIBLE EVIDENCE..........or it's nothing..........

I accuse you of molesting young boys it true........I'll make sure my accusations are I can't be called out legally on the matter later............Is it true.................

Prove the dang thing happened with credible evidence.............or it's worthless to me..............
They would and will and have sold their souls for a justice on the court who will vote to keep the President out of the hot seat if anything comes of the Russia investigation.

And that's what it all comes down to, doesn't it? That's why they're so horny for Kavvy. That's why they won't do what would have been the common sense thing, which is to move on with another conservative judge. They want this person because this is the one person who gives them the best chance to weaponize the judiciary to protect their Lord and Savior.
i thought "weaponizing" the gov was a myth. at least when obama did it. suddenly its your mantra.

How about you live in the present instead of blaming Obama or how bad your Lord and Savior is at being President, mmmkaaaay?

When you say shit like, "lord and savior" all you are doing it revealing how YOU think about people YOU support politically.

It has nothing to do with anything we are doing or have done.
They would and will and have sold their souls for a justice on the court who will vote to keep the President out of the hot seat if anything comes of the Russia investigation.

And that's what it all comes down to, doesn't it? That's why they're so horny for Kavvy. That's why they won't do what would have been the common sense thing, which is to move on with another conservative judge. They want this person because this is the one person who gives them the best chance to weaponize the judiciary to protect their Lord and Savior.
i thought "weaponizing" the gov was a myth. at least when obama did it. suddenly its your mantra.

How about you live in the present instead of blaming Obama or how bad your Lord and Savior is at being President, mmmkaaaay?
how about you recognize bullshit regardless of when it happened.

you dont get to hide the past so you can continue your bullshit.

The FBI are conducting a background investigation, not a criminal investigation. And nothing in the Kavvy saga appears to be a federal crime so the FBI would have no jurisdiction to pursue a criminal matter anyway. But through this whole thing we've learned that Maryland has not statute of limitations for sexual assault. Shouldn't the FBI be expected to turn over their findings to local law enforcement if they collect enough information to warrant criminal charges? Won't it be grand to have a Supreme Court justice under criminal investigation for sexual assault?

Why are the cultists so horny for Kavvy?
Why did Ford not file any kind of complaint? Because when you file a complaint that is proved false you can come under legal troubles.

Funny that everyone that was supposed to have been at that party has sworn that a. Never happened. b. No such party c. Never was at a party with Kavanaugh.

Yet you are crazy enough to assume that Kavanaugh was a liar and guilty.

That's the playbook for making false accusations.

It's not about you having no boils down to you not being charged
with making a false report.

They all know that nothing "legal" will come out of this. They just want a
public opinion contest.
The FBI are conducting a background investigation, not a criminal investigation. And nothing in the Kavvy saga appears to be a federal crime so the FBI would have no jurisdiction to pursue a criminal matter anyway. But through this whole thing we've learned that Maryland has not statute of limitations for sexual assault. Shouldn't the FBI be expected to turn over their findings to local law enforcement if they collect enough information to warrant criminal charges? Won't it be grand to have a Supreme Court justice under criminal investigation for sexual assault?

Why are the cultists so horny for Kavvy?
The FBI investigates....and they turn over their findings to the committee during a background investigation.
Why isn't Dr Ford filing a warrant for Kavanaugh's arrest?

For starters, because private citizens don't file warrants for arrest.
You can swear out a warrant for assault which leads directly to an arrest.
They usually take you down town for booking and you have to post bail.
The FBI are conducting a background investigation, not a criminal investigation. And nothing in the Kavvy saga appears to be a federal crime so the FBI would have no jurisdiction to pursue a criminal matter anyway. But through this whole thing we've learned that Maryland has not statute of limitations for sexual assault. Shouldn't the FBI be expected to turn over their findings to local law enforcement if they collect enough information to warrant criminal charges? Won't it be grand to have a Supreme Court justice under criminal investigation for sexual assault?

Why are the cultists so horny for Kavvy?

Just what do you think the FBI can learn of a supposed meeting at a beer party 36+ years ago between teenagers that the woman herself who says she was there doesn't know or remember, another guy claimed to be there denies ever being at and the last guy said to be there in the room has clear records to show he was somewhere else that weekend and not even in the area?

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