Are the liberal cries of "RACISM" in every conversation cover for not being able to discuss issues?

And you're making the assumption that it wasn't noticed. I'm not. Barack Obama himself called it an "oversight".
Maybe it wasn't noticed. Maybe it was noticed and maybe Obama didn't think it was worth correcting.
You actually believe that a person wouldn't feel it is important enough to get their country of birth right? Grasp at straws much?
Maybe he tried to correct it. Maybe it was corrected and there are still some incorrect copies laying around that were siezed upon...
Again...that would have been a fairly legitimate excuse. Too bad Obama didn't use it. Instead he said that it was a mistake that went overlooked.
Yet you still have people on this board still calling him a muslim and Kenyan. It has nothing to do with policy or ideology; it's pure racism. Or do you want to legitimize it any further?
Of course. Anything that left finds inconvenient is automatically "racist". :eusa_doh:


Yeah, it was inconvenient that he released his birth certificate yet you guys and your new Messiah kept on propogating the lie.

Sorry you found the truth inconvenient.
And you're making the assumption that it wasn't noticed. I'm not. Barack Obama himself called it an "oversight".
Maybe it wasn't noticed. Maybe it was noticed and maybe Obama didn't think it was worth correcting.
You actually believe that a person wouldn't feel it is important enough to get their country of birth right? Grasp at straws much?
Maybe he tried to correct it. Maybe it was corrected and there are still some incorrect copies laying around that were siezed upon...
Again...that would have been a fairly legitimate excuse. Too bad Obama didn't use it. Instead he said that it was a mistake that went overlooked.
Yet you still have people on this board still calling him a muslim and Kenyan. It has nothing to do with policy or ideology; it's pure racism. Or do you want to legitimize it any further?
Of course. Anything that left finds inconvenient is automatically "racist". :eusa_doh:


Yeah, it was inconvenient that he released his birth certificate yet you guys and your new Messiah kept on propogating the lie.

Sorry you found the truth inconvenient.

Again..Hilary started the lie...Trump ended it.....I mean President Trump ended it.....
And that is “telling everyone” he was a Kenyan? Hardly.
What is a Bio if not "telling everyone" about yourself?

Depends who writes it. Did Obama write his? You'll say yes, of course. Do you have proof?
Let me ask you a question CC...have you ever known someone to create a Bio for someone else? I haven't. And I do have some experience in this area. Was contacted on more than a few occasions for my background information for a Bio.

Anything is possible. Someone could have made that up out of thin air (as highly unlikely as that is). But you know where that wild accusation falls apart? When someone is forced to believe that plus that it went unnoticed by Obama for 30 years. I know I checked my Bio's when they were published. Find it extremely hard to believe that Obama never saw it. Or that his friends never saw it. Or that fellow members of the Harvard Law Review never saw it.

And you're making the assumption that it wasn't noticed. Maybe it wasn't noticed. Maybe it was noticed and maybe Obama didn't think it was worth correcting. Maybe he tried to correct it. Maybe it was corrected and there are still some incorrect copies laying around that were siezed upon...

Happens all the time where editors miss things.

The point is that he released his birth certificate several years to put it to rest once and for all. Yet you still have people on this board still calling him a muslim and Kenyan. It has nothing to do with policy or ideology; it's pure racism. Or do you want to legitimize it any further?

Neither he involves racism twit..........technically, he is a Muslim.....according to Islam, the pet religion of you left wingers...his father was a Muslim, so according to Islam he is a Muslim........and not being an is that a racist belief......?

Why is racism your default issue......again...neither thing you pointed out is racism....

Would it have happened if his name were Sam Smith and he was white? No. Hence racism.
And you're making the assumption that it wasn't noticed. I'm not. Barack Obama himself called it an "oversight".
Maybe it wasn't noticed. Maybe it was noticed and maybe Obama didn't think it was worth correcting.
You actually believe that a person wouldn't feel it is important enough to get their country of birth right? Grasp at straws much?
Maybe he tried to correct it. Maybe it was corrected and there are still some incorrect copies laying around that were siezed upon...
Again...that would have been a fairly legitimate excuse. Too bad Obama didn't use it. Instead he said that it was a mistake that went overlooked.
Yet you still have people on this board still calling him a muslim and Kenyan. It has nothing to do with policy or ideology; it's pure racism. Or do you want to legitimize it any further?
Of course. Anything that left finds inconvenient is automatically "racist". :eusa_doh:


Yeah, it was inconvenient that he released his birth certificate yet you guys and your new Messiah kept on propogating the lie.

Sorry you found the truth inconvenient.

Again..Hilary started the lie...Trump ended it.....I mean President Trump ended it.....

Wait, I thought it was a brochure about guys should coordinate your fiction.
What is a Bio if not "telling everyone" about yourself?

Depends who writes it. Did Obama write his? You'll say yes, of course. Do you have proof?
Let me ask you a question CC...have you ever known someone to create a Bio for someone else? I haven't. And I do have some experience in this area. Was contacted on more than a few occasions for my background information for a Bio.

Anything is possible. Someone could have made that up out of thin air (as highly unlikely as that is). But you know where that wild accusation falls apart? When someone is forced to believe that plus that it went unnoticed by Obama for 30 years. I know I checked my Bio's when they were published. Find it extremely hard to believe that Obama never saw it. Or that his friends never saw it. Or that fellow members of the Harvard Law Review never saw it.

And you're making the assumption that it wasn't noticed. Maybe it wasn't noticed. Maybe it was noticed and maybe Obama didn't think it was worth correcting. Maybe he tried to correct it. Maybe it was corrected and there are still some incorrect copies laying around that were siezed upon...

Happens all the time where editors miss things.

The point is that he released his birth certificate several years to put it to rest once and for all. Yet you still have people on this board still calling him a muslim and Kenyan. It has nothing to do with policy or ideology; it's pure racism. Or do you want to legitimize it any further?

Neither he involves racism twit..........technically, he is a Muslim.....according to Islam, the pet religion of you left wingers...his father was a Muslim, so according to Islam he is a Muslim........and not being an is that a racist belief......?

Why is racism your default issue......again...neither thing you pointed out is racism....

Would it have happened if his name were Sam Smith and he was white? No. Hence racism. happened to a guy named John McCain.....when he ran for President
And you're making the assumption that it wasn't noticed. I'm not. Barack Obama himself called it an "oversight".
Maybe it wasn't noticed. Maybe it was noticed and maybe Obama didn't think it was worth correcting.
You actually believe that a person wouldn't feel it is important enough to get their country of birth right? Grasp at straws much?
Maybe he tried to correct it. Maybe it was corrected and there are still some incorrect copies laying around that were siezed upon...
Again...that would have been a fairly legitimate excuse. Too bad Obama didn't use it. Instead he said that it was a mistake that went overlooked.
Yet you still have people on this board still calling him a muslim and Kenyan. It has nothing to do with policy or ideology; it's pure racism. Or do you want to legitimize it any further?
Of course. Anything that left finds inconvenient is automatically "racist". :eusa_doh:


Yeah, it was inconvenient that he released his birth certificate yet you guys and your new Messiah kept on propogating the lie.

Sorry you found the truth inconvenient.

Again..Hilary started the lie...Trump ended it.....I mean President Trump ended it.....

Wait, I thought it was a brochure about guys should coordinate your fiction.

Yep...and Hilary sent her minions...out to push the idea that he was born in Kenya.....Sydney bloomenthal was the lead minion on that job....
Yeah, it was inconvenient that he released his birth certificate yet you guys and your new Messiah kept on propogating the lie. Sorry you found the truth inconvenient.
You don't even have your facts straight CC. Obama never produced a birth certificate. He produced a "certificate of live birth". There is a monumental difference between the two (and it only went to increase the suspicion and speculation around the situation).

Also, Obama is your messiah. Don't accuse me of being you. I hate Donald Trump and have criticized him on this board dozens (if not hundreds) of times.
Why do so many liberals cry "RACISM"!!!!!!? In every conversation, this seems to come up.

Job creation, terrorism, infrastructure, tax code, monetary policy....try to have a rational policy discussion with a liberal without them crying about RACISM and MISOGYNY.

It's the lazy go to for the ignorant.

Funny that Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania actually VOTED FOR that they vote for TRUMP, they are RACIST?!

That is some stupid shit.

Thanks for discussing issues.

Some people just come here and make stupid generalizations about their policy opponents.

Here are my thoughts.

The majority of Republicans I know are not racists.

Both parties have gotten in bed with racist coalitions to create durable electoral success.

FDR's New Deal coalition went right through the Bible Belt and South where there were plenty of racists. You're familiar with the Dixiecrats and Solid South?

After the Civil Rights Act shattered the New Deal Coalition, the Republican Party made a home for Southern racists. See the Southern Strategy of Nixon/Wallace and Goldwater which blossomed with Reagan, after which the South pretty much stayed Red.

But the fact remains. 99% of both parties would accept any color politician who furthered their agenda.

The OP is trying. He knows he hates the Left, after that, things get shaky.

I do not "hate the left". There are people on the left that I hate. (Reid and Pelosi) There are people on the right that I hate (McConnell and Graham).

I disagree with the left on most fiscal policies.
Why do so many liberals cry "RACISM"!!!!!!? In every conversation, this seems to come up.
Job creation, terrorism, infrastructure, tax code, monetary policy....try to have a rational policy discussion with a liberal without them crying about RACISM and MISOGYNY.
It's the lazy go to for the ignorant.
Funny that Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania actually VOTED FOR that they vote for TRUMP, they are RACIST?!
That is some stupid shit.

Yeah, it was inconvenient that he released his birth certificate yet you guys and your new Messiah kept on propogating the lie.

Sorry you found the truth inconvenient.

You guys?

When we bring up these protestors and rioters, we are cautioned by the left that they are not the epitome of Democrat voters. Yet when we had a handful of people promoting this birther thing, it's "you guys."
I thought a candidates health issues was starting to replace the Republicans usual charge of communist, but maybe it is now racist? In any case I think the Republicans are are searching for a new term to replace their old McCarthy charge of communist. They did get their money's worth out of that, but it does need to be replaced.
I don't think they cry racism because they can't discus the issues, I think they cry racism because it resolves the cognitive dissonance in their head about the big question they can't wrap their minds around: "why/how did Hillary lose"?

Now we all know the reason: she was a crappy candidate and a sketchy individual. People may not like Trumps immigrant policy...but at least he has one. Obama didn't do as good of a job as many of them believe he did (due to their bias).

It's really a big laundry list as to why.

He's deported (Obama) more than any other President....


Hillary got beat (she didn't lose). Trump ran a better campaign.

-I was referring to Hillary's lack of an immigration plan (or at least lack of mentioning it during her campaign)
You're right there. Up until Trump got into the race; Immigration polled at about 3%. He placed it front and center. Now those who supported him will learn that illegals are not taking their jobs; automation is.

-If somebody beats you, it means that you lost
That is a shallow answer. You can lose for several reasons that have nothing to do with your opponent. Then there are races you cannot win because of your opponent (Obama in '08, Dole in '96) no matter what you do. Hillary did just about everything right if you look at the manual and still lost decisively in the electoral college.

disclaimer: I did not vote for Trump...but the whining and hyperboles are becoming ridiculous.

If voting for Trump makes somebody racist, then what does it mean for people who voted for Robert Byrd?

Glad you brought that up.

Trump employed racist tones in his campaign. The "mexican" judge from Indiana for example. Trump complained to Jake Tapper on CNN about the rulings he was getting and chalked them up to the judge being "mexican". Sorry, that is racism.

Here is what other Repubicans said about it:

Speaker Paul D. Ryan, the nation’s highest-ranking Republican, on Tuesday called Donald J. Trump’s remarks about a Latino judge “racist,” --New York Times.

“I don’t think there’s a place for the comments that were made,” said Sen. Richard Burr (R-N.C.). --Politco

“His comments are very harmful, and that’s all I can say.” John McCain--Politico

“I felt that his comments were wrong and offensive, and I’ve urged him to retract them,” said Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.)--Politico

So it's not a figment of someone's imagination....

The reason I'm glad you brought it up is this... we do not fill out forms for why we vote for X or Y. So it is completely subjective. Maybe Trump voters liked the fact that he was a funny, a celebrity and would be fun to watch (I personally think that played a much larger role than any one other factor) because he likes to stick it to people. Maybe Trump supporters liked the fact that he is a very energetic senior citizen compared to HRC who portrays the exact opposite of energy. Maybe they didn't like Hillary. I don't know. But I do know that whatever compelled them to vote for Donald Trump was greater than whatever personal disgust they had harbored for his racist remarks. So they're "okay" with what he said at the very least. It cannot be disputed. The same goes for his sexism and his litany of moronic statements and actions about knowing more than the Generals do about ISIS, the NFL writing him a letter to get the days changed for debates, crank calling a reproter... Whoever voted for President Elect Trump valued what he brought to the table more than whatever detractions he had.

And the same can be said about HRC supporters. There is no denial that she left critical information unprotected; I just thought the positives outweighted the negatives.

Because they supported Mr. Trump and because I supported Ms. Clinton... that doesn't make their mis-steps and unfavorable aspects of their past disappear.

As for Senator Byrd; he's dead.

-I merely brought up Byrd because he was alive in this decade, and my point was that racism knows no political parties or boundaries. It cannot be disputed that Byrd's racist history is much worse than Trump, Clinton, or anybody who ran for nomination in either major political party this past election. I see many Democrats who like to pretend that only Republicans are racist (not that all of them are-but that racist people are Republicans).

-Voting for somebody doesn't mean you're ok with everything they say/do. I wasn't ok with Gary Johnson not knowing what Aleppo was (boy that was embarrassing)...but was that enough to sway my vote? Ultimately it was not. At the end of the day as somebody who tends to be socially liberal, and tends to be fiscally conservative he's the person who represented my views the most.

-Most politicians are shady/morally corrupt people. Bill Clinton stuck a cigar into a young intern's vagina in the Oval Office...and Democrats tell other people about how they shouldn't vote for people who don't respect women? JFK and FDR both had extensive histories of cheating and sleeping around with women. Personally those things don't really bother me if it's a Democrat (I care about the job they do) why would it bother me if Trump is that? My issue is with people blasting other people for voting for Trump even though he doesn't respect women...but those same exact people claim that Clinton was such a great can't have your cake and eat it too.

Here's where Hillary messed up:

She lost the following states:

Wisconsin (every Democrat has won since Reagan)
Michigan (every Democrat has won since HW Bush)
Pennsylvania (every Democrat has won since HW Bush)
Virginia (Obama won twice)
Ohio (Obama won twice)
Florida (Obama won twice)
Lost a vote in Maine (first Democrat since HW Bush to do so)
Iowa (6/7 times went Democrat before this past election)

Considering the history of all of those states going blue (including twice for Obama)--it's tough to say that the reason they all flipped was due to racism/sexism...the truth is they flipped in spite of those things.

The economy is not fixed, it's marginally better since when Obama came into office (for the middle class). Yes wall street has rebounded, and the stocks are going back up-as is the housing market (slowly but steadily) in most regions. However people aren't getting jobs. Now jobs have increased under Obama-but barely at the rate of population growth so it's not anything amazing.

Hillary narrowly lost in all of those states so the people who she lost (the white working/middle class) looked around and here's the message Hillary feed them:

A) Look at how great our economy is doing! We need to keep going the direction we are! Obama's presidency has been successful

The white working class/middle class families in those states (specifically the Rust Belt) look around and say "wtf are they talking about? How is the economy significantly better? We're all still out of work"

Their response? "check your privilege white people!"

I do think that if racism had a major impact it was that...I did a privilege walk at work (we were forced to), and basically the point was that white people (especially men) have more privilege in this country. Now while that may be true in a very broad sense-it's not true on a micro level. I looked over at my white (male) co-worker who literally grew up in trailer parks and felt embarrassed for him that he was basically told he grew up privileged.

Long story short: Hillary had a lot going against her, and as out of touch as the GOP might be with middle class America...the truth is the Democrats are just as out of touch-and that cost them the election.
-I merely brought up Byrd because he was alive in this decade, and my point was that racism knows no political parties or boundaries. It cannot be disputed that Byrd's racist history is much worse than Trump, Clinton, or anybody who ran for nomination in either major political party this past election. I see many Democrats who like to pretend that only Republicans are racist (not that all of them are-but that racist people are Republicans).
You're right about that...and he is still dead.

-Voting for somebody doesn't mean you're ok with everything they say/do. I wasn't ok with Gary Johnson not knowing what Aleppo was (boy that was embarrassing)...but was that enough to sway my vote? Ultimately it was not. At the end of the day as somebody who tends to be socially liberal, and tends to be fiscally conservative he's the person who represented my views the most.
I agree. However, as I stated you're "okay enough" with it to overlook what you don't like.

-Most politicians are shady/morally corrupt people.

Bill Clinton stuck a cigar into a young intern's vagina in the Oval Office...and Democrats tell other people about how they shouldn't vote for people who don't respect women? JFK and FDR both had extensive histories of cheating and sleeping around with women. Personally those things don't really bother me if it's a Democrat (I care about the job they do) why would it bother me if Trump is that? My issue is with people blasting other people for voting for Trump even though he doesn't respect women...but those same exact people claim that Clinton was such a great can't have your cake and eat it too.
Yeah...Bill Clinton wasn't running.

Here's where Hillary messed up:

She lost the following states:

Wisconsin (every Democrat has won since Reagan)
Michigan (every Democrat has won since HW Bush)
Pennsylvania (every Democrat has won since HW Bush)
Virginia (Obama won twice)
Ohio (Obama won twice)
Florida (Obama won twice)
Lost a vote in Maine (first Democrat since HW Bush to do so)
Iowa (6/7 times went Democrat before this past election)
Hillary won Virginia.

Yeah, she messed up by not getting as many votes. I think her 50 state strategy was stupid from the get-go. She ignored a lot of states that she just thought was hers (I agreed with her by the way). Then again the polling told her as much. At the end of the day however, you need to play the game as if you're behind.

Considering the history of all of those states going blue (including twice for Obama)--it's tough to say that the reason they all flipped was due to racism/sexism...the truth is they flipped in spite of those things.
I don't think anyone said it was. Certainly nobody with standing of any type said as much.

The economy is not fixed, it's marginally better since when Obama came into office (for the middle class). Yes wall street has rebounded, and the stocks are going back up-as is the housing market (slowly but steadily) in most regions. However people aren't getting jobs. Now jobs have increased under Obama-but barely at the rate of population growth so it's not anything amazing.

Hillary narrowly lost in all of those states so the people who she lost (the white working/middle class) looked around and here's the message Hillary feed them:

A) Look at how great our economy is doing! We need to keep going the direction we are! Obama's presidency has been successful

The white working class/middle class families in those states (specifically the Rust Belt) look around and say "wtf are they talking about? How is the economy significantly better? We're all still out of work"
Can't argue with any of that. Spot on.

Their response? "check your privilege white people!"
I think that is nonsense. HRC spent a lot of time demonizing Trump. She didn't spend as much time talking about how she is going to bring jobs back.

Trump did. He said he is going to bring jobs back.

Now, the old way of running a campaign is that you may make promises that you know won't be followed up on because of politics or other priorities but you can say, "I will fight for ________" knowing it won't get considered by Congress. What Trump did was promise the moon, stars, the other 7 planets, tossed in Pluto and a DVD Blu-Ray of Star Trek and the voters in the rust belt believed it without hearing a detail about how he'd do it. If it were as simplistic as tarriffs, it would have been done already.

But the difference is that he made the promises. Hillary didn't even do that. Time will tell if any such follow through is carried out.

I do think that if racism had a major impact it was that...I did a privilege walk at work (we were forced to), and basically the point was that white people (especially men) have more privilege in this country. Now while that may be true in a very broad sense-it's not true on a micro level. I looked over at my white (male) co-worker who literally grew up in trailer parks and felt embarrassed for him that he was basically told he grew up privileged.

Long story short: Hillary had a lot going against her, and as out of touch as the GOP might be with middle class America...the truth is the Democrats are just as out of touch-and that cost them the election.

Out of touch... Well the Dems gained seats in both Houses and she did win the popular vote. So there is that.

But I think you're right regardless.

Still, it is VERY hard to hold onto the Oval for that 3rd term. It's ony happened twice since 1930; Truman and GHWB who followed presidents who would be on a Mt. Rushmore if they were to build it today.

Good post
Why do so many liberals cry "RACISM"!!!!!!? In every conversation, this seems to come up.

Job creation, terrorism, infrastructure, tax code, monetary policy....try to have a rational policy discussion with a liberal without them crying about RACISM and MISOGYNY.

It's the lazy go to for the ignorant.

Funny that Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania actually VOTED FOR that they vote for TRUMP, they are RACIST?!

That is some stupid shit.

Yup. If you don't agree with their take on things your a racist, a Misogynist or a Natzi.

Of course most of them wouldn't know a real racist, misogynist or a Natzi if one kicked them in the ass.

It is what it is and ignoring them and LYAO at their stupidity is the best bet.
Why do so many liberals cry "RACISM"!!!!!!? In every conversation, this seems to come up.

Job creation, terrorism, infrastructure, tax code, monetary policy....try to have a rational policy discussion with a liberal without them crying about RACISM and MISOGYNY.

It's the lazy go to for the ignorant.
You need your safe space?
Which was the better term to call the other party: racist or communist? I think it was communist because the Republicans used it for so long. Plus Marx was behind the communist thing, who is behind "racist"?
Yup. If you don't agree with their take on things your a racist, a Misogynist or a Natzi.

Of course most of them wouldn't know a real racist, misogynist or a Natzi if one kicked them in the ass.

It is what it is and ignoring them and LYAO at their stupidity is the best bet.

Racism claims is a defense mechanism of sorts. In their tiny minds, when they accuse one of being racist, they are expecting a reaction like "Oh No! Please don't call me a racist. I'll do anything if you just don't call me that! I'll agree with whatever you say, but please......please don't call me a racist!"

What they don't realize is that it's overplayed, tired, and even offensive to many in the middle. But shhhhhh. Don't tell them that. We don't want them to know.

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