Are the liberal cries of "RACISM" in every conversation cover for not being able to discuss issues?

Well when trumps tax breaks don't work we will discuss the issue then and when trump makes terrorism worse we will discuss.

And it's good to see Obama is going to do infrastructure but who's going to pay for it? The rich won't. Get ready to pay a toll every day driving back and forth to work.

Now that the threat of higher fuel prices is behind us, I think it's safe to put a ten cents per gallon for gasoline and diesel fuel to pay for infrastructure.
I work 7 minutes from home. I hope so.

And I hope Republicans Defunding public schools because I don't have kids and my nephews go to private schools.

They will push school vouchers so all kids can go to the school of their choice and escape the monstrous public schools in our inner cities.....controlled of course by the education wing of the democrat party who stood in the school house door to keep black kids out when schools were good....and now stand in the school house door when public schools keep black kids in.....

They are vile...

I know w few people who home school. For the most part, it works out well.

But the United States spends more per capita on education than any other industrialized country in the world, and we only have mediocre results to show for it.

The last figure I seen was something like 13K per student on average. Well......if home schooling is working well, and we need to spend less and get more, why not pay those home school mothers to take on some neighborhood kids for extra cash?

Say we pay those moms 8k per student they take in. For four extra kids, that's an income of 32K. For taxpayers, we save 20K for those four students. I think it's a win-win for everybody.

That is just one model that is possible if the parents are actually paying to educate kids.......teachers...good ones...could start their own their own buildings....and teach kids with success.....

You always see these stories on the news of a local, small school, started by a teacher fed up with the system...whose students are reading Shakespeare in 3rd grade and doing Trigonometry in the 4th grade because the teacher can actually teach them...and not have to teach about how great 3rd world countries are compared to the U.S........

New models of education would be possible....and our kids ....all kids, would have a chance to have good lives.......

That is why we have to get end the democrat monopoly on our schools...and to save all of these kids they are destroying....
Now that the threat of higher fuel prices is behind us, I think it's safe to put a ten cents per gallon for gasoline and diesel fuel to pay for infrastructure.
I work 7 minutes from home. I hope so.

And I hope Republicans Defunding public schools because I don't have kids and my nephews go to private schools.

They will push school vouchers so all kids can go to the school of their choice and escape the monstrous public schools in our inner cities.....controlled of course by the education wing of the democrat party who stood in the school house door to keep black kids out when schools were good....and now stand in the school house door when public schools keep black kids in.....

They are vile...
Same way they'll replace Medicare. Here's your $5k voucher. Good luck.

Why not improve the public schools? Ever think of that?

How about if you don't like your public school move? Or pay for private but don't defund public schools.

I get what you are saying though. Looks like we will try it your way. I won't fight you. Let's try vouchers will, actually improve public schools.....right now they get more money than anywhere else in the world and the kids are coming out unable to isn't the problem and we can't get past the unions who don't care about fixing the schools...

So...we go around those morons, and let the parents send their kids to any school they want....using the same dollars a scholarship for college......and when these public hell holes realize ....Gee Whiz, they actually want us to improve the school......then they will have to improve the school or not get paid......

Chicago public schools are fucking disaster.......and rahm emanuel just gave the Teachers Union a huge raise after they threatened a strike...they get more money, the schools don't get better, and more lives are ruined.....

You guys have I-phones, and big screen t.v.s and cars....and you still don't understand how competition makes all of those things better....and you can't make the connection between competition and making our schools better...

That is why you can't be allowed to run have no clue...
Show us! You have all the power.

And are you making other public schools available to these people? No you are not. I wish West Bloomfield was forced to accept kids from other districts but that's not what you are talking about. You're talking about them going to charter or private schools. Id like to see poor kids get to transfer to better public schools but you know the whites in those better neighborhoods will not allow that.

No your typical, left wing inability to understand how competition models for education will spring up...since teachers can compete for those educational dollars without having to deal with the democrat controlled education bureaucracy....

you have a troubled kid.....then the new troubled kid school will take him since they specialize in dealing with them.....have a gifted kid.....send your kid to the gifted kid school...because you now have the money to do it even though you are poor and on food kid now has a chance to have a life......

The teachers that actually care about teaching kids...just opened their own school down the block....they rented out a small space and plan on teaching in the community.....send your kids...and the education money in your voucher there...

Do you freaking see how it actually works....

Take your cell phone out of your pocket...that is a model of how competition makes things better and more affordable....

monopoly destroys things....and it is killing our inner city kids...
Well when trumps tax breaks don't work we will discuss the issue then and when trump makes terrorism worse we will discuss.

And it's good to see Obama is going to do infrastructure but who's going to pay for it? The rich won't. Get ready to pay a toll every day driving back and forth to work.

Now that the threat of higher fuel prices is behind us, I think it's safe to put a ten cents per gallon for gasoline and diesel fuel to pay for infrastructure.
I work 7 minutes from home. I hope so.

And I hope Republicans Defunding public schools because I don't have kids and my nephews go to private schools.

They will push school vouchers so all kids can go to the school of their choice and escape the monstrous public schools in our inner cities.....controlled of course by the education wing of the democrat party who stood in the school house door to keep black kids out when schools were good....and now stand in the school house door when public schools keep black kids in.....

They are vile...

I know a few people who home school. For the most part, it works out well.

But the United States spends more per capita on education than any other industrialized country in the world, and we only have mediocre results to show for it.

The last figure I seen was something like 13K per student on average. Well......if home schooling is working well, and we need to spend less and get more, why not pay those home school mothers to take on some neighborhood kids for extra cash?

Say we pay those moms 8k per student they take in. For four extra kids, that's an income of 32K. For taxpayers, we save 20K for those four students. I think it's a win-win for everybody.
This is a tough one to solve because in a poor inner city we have so many bad parents who are forced to send their kids to school.

I'm actually glad Republicans are in charge because some of the things that need to be said and done, us liberals will never do.

Blacks need to be held accountable. It really all boils down to too many people who shouldn't be having kids
I work 7 minutes from home. I hope so.

And I hope Republicans Defunding public schools because I don't have kids and my nephews go to private schools.

They will push school vouchers so all kids can go to the school of their choice and escape the monstrous public schools in our inner cities.....controlled of course by the education wing of the democrat party who stood in the school house door to keep black kids out when schools were good....and now stand in the school house door when public schools keep black kids in.....

They are vile...
Same way they'll replace Medicare. Here's your $5k voucher. Good luck.

Why not improve the public schools? Ever think of that?

How about if you don't like your public school move? Or pay for private but don't defund public schools.

I get what you are saying though. Looks like we will try it your way. I won't fight you. Let's try vouchers will, actually improve public schools.....right now they get more money than anywhere else in the world and the kids are coming out unable to isn't the problem and we can't get past the unions who don't care about fixing the schools...

So...we go around those morons, and let the parents send their kids to any school they want....using the same dollars a scholarship for college......and when these public hell holes realize ....Gee Whiz, they actually want us to improve the school......then they will have to improve the school or not get paid......

Chicago public schools are fucking disaster.......and rahm emanuel just gave the Teachers Union a huge raise after they threatened a strike...they get more money, the schools don't get better, and more lives are ruined.....

You guys have I-phones, and big screen t.v.s and cars....and you still don't understand how competition makes all of those things better....and you can't make the connection between competition and making our schools better...

That is why you can't be allowed to run have no clue...
Show us! You have all the power.

And are you making other public schools available to these people? No you are not. I wish West Bloomfield was forced to accept kids from other districts but that's not what you are talking about. You're talking about them going to charter or private schools. Id like to see poor kids get to transfer to better public schools but you know the whites in those better neighborhoods will not allow that.

No your typical, left wing inability to understand how competition models for education will spring up...since teachers can compete for those educational dollars without having to deal with the democrat controlled education bureaucracy....

you have a troubled kid.....then the new troubled kid school will take him since they specialize in dealing with them.....have a gifted kid.....send your kid to the gifted kid school...because you now have the money to do it even though you are poor and on food kid now has a chance to have a life......

The teachers that actually care about teaching kids...just opened their own school down the block....they rented out a small space and plan on teaching in the community.....send your kids...and the education money in your voucher there...

Do you freaking see how it actually works....

Take your cell phone out of your pocket...that is a model of how competition makes things better and more affordable....

monopoly destroys things....and it is killing our inner city kids...
Hard to have a conversation with someone who keeps calling me moron
They will push school vouchers so all kids can go to the school of their choice and escape the monstrous public schools in our inner cities.....controlled of course by the education wing of the democrat party who stood in the school house door to keep black kids out when schools were good....and now stand in the school house door when public schools keep black kids in.....

They are vile...
Same way they'll replace Medicare. Here's your $5k voucher. Good luck.

Why not improve the public schools? Ever think of that?

How about if you don't like your public school move? Or pay for private but don't defund public schools.

I get what you are saying though. Looks like we will try it your way. I won't fight you. Let's try vouchers will, actually improve public schools.....right now they get more money than anywhere else in the world and the kids are coming out unable to isn't the problem and we can't get past the unions who don't care about fixing the schools...

So...we go around those morons, and let the parents send their kids to any school they want....using the same dollars a scholarship for college......and when these public hell holes realize ....Gee Whiz, they actually want us to improve the school......then they will have to improve the school or not get paid......

Chicago public schools are fucking disaster.......and rahm emanuel just gave the Teachers Union a huge raise after they threatened a strike...they get more money, the schools don't get better, and more lives are ruined.....

You guys have I-phones, and big screen t.v.s and cars....and you still don't understand how competition makes all of those things better....and you can't make the connection between competition and making our schools better...

That is why you can't be allowed to run have no clue...
Show us! You have all the power.

And are you making other public schools available to these people? No you are not. I wish West Bloomfield was forced to accept kids from other districts but that's not what you are talking about. You're talking about them going to charter or private schools. Id like to see poor kids get to transfer to better public schools but you know the whites in those better neighborhoods will not allow that.

No your typical, left wing inability to understand how competition models for education will spring up...since teachers can compete for those educational dollars without having to deal with the democrat controlled education bureaucracy....

you have a troubled kid.....then the new troubled kid school will take him since they specialize in dealing with them.....have a gifted kid.....send your kid to the gifted kid school...because you now have the money to do it even though you are poor and on food kid now has a chance to have a life......

The teachers that actually care about teaching kids...just opened their own school down the block....they rented out a small space and plan on teaching in the community.....send your kids...and the education money in your voucher there...

Do you freaking see how it actually works....

Take your cell phone out of your pocket...that is a model of how competition makes things better and more affordable....

monopoly destroys things....and it is killing our inner city kids...
Hard to have a conversation with someone who keeps calling me moron

Then stop being a moron......
Same way they'll replace Medicare. Here's your $5k voucher. Good luck.

Why not improve the public schools? Ever think of that?

How about if you don't like your public school move? Or pay for private but don't defund public schools.

I get what you are saying though. Looks like we will try it your way. I won't fight you. Let's try vouchers will, actually improve public schools.....right now they get more money than anywhere else in the world and the kids are coming out unable to isn't the problem and we can't get past the unions who don't care about fixing the schools...

So...we go around those morons, and let the parents send their kids to any school they want....using the same dollars a scholarship for college......and when these public hell holes realize ....Gee Whiz, they actually want us to improve the school......then they will have to improve the school or not get paid......

Chicago public schools are fucking disaster.......and rahm emanuel just gave the Teachers Union a huge raise after they threatened a strike...they get more money, the schools don't get better, and more lives are ruined.....

You guys have I-phones, and big screen t.v.s and cars....and you still don't understand how competition makes all of those things better....and you can't make the connection between competition and making our schools better...

That is why you can't be allowed to run have no clue...
Show us! You have all the power.

And are you making other public schools available to these people? No you are not. I wish West Bloomfield was forced to accept kids from other districts but that's not what you are talking about. You're talking about them going to charter or private schools. Id like to see poor kids get to transfer to better public schools but you know the whites in those better neighborhoods will not allow that.

No your typical, left wing inability to understand how competition models for education will spring up...since teachers can compete for those educational dollars without having to deal with the democrat controlled education bureaucracy....

you have a troubled kid.....then the new troubled kid school will take him since they specialize in dealing with them.....have a gifted kid.....send your kid to the gifted kid school...because you now have the money to do it even though you are poor and on food kid now has a chance to have a life......

The teachers that actually care about teaching kids...just opened their own school down the block....they rented out a small space and plan on teaching in the community.....send your kids...and the education money in your voucher there...

Do you freaking see how it actually works....

Take your cell phone out of your pocket...that is a model of how competition makes things better and more affordable....

monopoly destroys things....and it is killing our inner city kids...
Hard to have a conversation with someone who keeps calling me moron

Then stop being a moron......
Ok, I don't have anything else to ask. You are right. Or let's see if you are right vouchers will, actually improve public schools.....right now they get more money than anywhere else in the world and the kids are coming out unable to isn't the problem and we can't get past the unions who don't care about fixing the schools...

So...we go around those morons, and let the parents send their kids to any school they want....using the same dollars a scholarship for college......and when these public hell holes realize ....Gee Whiz, they actually want us to improve the school......then they will have to improve the school or not get paid......

Chicago public schools are fucking disaster.......and rahm emanuel just gave the Teachers Union a huge raise after they threatened a strike...they get more money, the schools don't get better, and more lives are ruined.....

You guys have I-phones, and big screen t.v.s and cars....and you still don't understand how competition makes all of those things better....and you can't make the connection between competition and making our schools better...

That is why you can't be allowed to run have no clue...
Show us! You have all the power.

And are you making other public schools available to these people? No you are not. I wish West Bloomfield was forced to accept kids from other districts but that's not what you are talking about. You're talking about them going to charter or private schools. Id like to see poor kids get to transfer to better public schools but you know the whites in those better neighborhoods will not allow that.

No your typical, left wing inability to understand how competition models for education will spring up...since teachers can compete for those educational dollars without having to deal with the democrat controlled education bureaucracy....

you have a troubled kid.....then the new troubled kid school will take him since they specialize in dealing with them.....have a gifted kid.....send your kid to the gifted kid school...because you now have the money to do it even though you are poor and on food kid now has a chance to have a life......

The teachers that actually care about teaching kids...just opened their own school down the block....they rented out a small space and plan on teaching in the community.....send your kids...and the education money in your voucher there...

Do you freaking see how it actually works....

Take your cell phone out of your pocket...that is a model of how competition makes things better and more affordable....

monopoly destroys things....and it is killing our inner city kids...
Hard to have a conversation with someone who keeps calling me moron

Then stop being a moron......
Ok, I don't have anything else to ask. You are right. Or let's see if you are right

Hopefully, we will.........
I noticed you quoted nobody who was "told" Obama was born in Kenya...making stuff up again?
Seriously candycorn?!? It's been going on for 8 years and you're going to pretend that you're unaware that that quote comes from Obama's own Bio when he was president of the Harvard Law Review?!? You want the "quote"? I'll do you one better - here is the actual Bio sweetie...


You can apologize any time you are ready...
I noticed you quoted nobody who was "told" Obama was born in Kenya...making stuff up again?
Seriously candycorn?!? It's been going on for 8 years and you're going to pretend that you're unaware that that quote comes from Obama's own Bio when he was president of the Harvard Law Review?!? You want the "quote"? I'll do you one better - here is the actual Bio sweetie...

View attachment 99735

You can apologize any time you are ready...
We managed to keep this a secret for 8 years. And Michelle is a man.
This is a tough one to solve because in a poor inner city we have so many bad parents who are forced to send their kids to school.

I'm actually glad Republicans are in charge because some of the things that need to be said and done, us liberals will never do.

Blacks need to be held accountable. It really all boils down to too many people who shouldn't be having kids

There is a solution to that problem, but nobody would have the guts to do it.

If you apply for any government assistance, you don't get a dime until you are fixed first; men and women. Children are the reason many of these lowlifes have kids in the first place. The more kids, the bigger welfare check, the bigger SNAP's card, the bigger house in the suburbs. As long as we reward people to keep poverty going, then we can never solve poverty. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
The liberals who bashed BEN CARSON are racist as shit, it's pretty sad how ignorant they are.

The liberals who bashed SARAH PALIN are misogynist as shit, it's pretty sad how ignorant they are.

The liberals who bashed CONDY RICE are RACIST AND MISOGYNIST AS SHIT, it's pretty sad to see how ignorant they are.
This is a tough one to solve because in a poor inner city we have so many bad parents who are forced to send their kids to school.

I'm actually glad Republicans are in charge because some of the things that need to be said and done, us liberals will never do.

Blacks need to be held accountable. It really all boils down to too many people who shouldn't be having kids

There is a solution to that problem, but nobody would have the guts to do it.

If you apply for any government assistance, you don't get a dime until you are fixed first; men and women. Children are the reason many of these lowlifes have kids in the first place. The more kids, the bigger welfare check, the bigger SNAP's card, the bigger house in the suburbs. As long as we reward people to keep poverty going, then we can never solve poverty. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
Who can stop us from doing that? The supreme Court wont find that unconstitutional

Do you think this would get blacks to show up and vote? Do you think fixing welfare recipients would cost Republicans elections? I don't think so.

In fact I predict Republicans will do this.
That is just one model that is possible if the parents are actually paying to educate kids.......teachers...good ones...could start their own their own buildings....and teach kids with success.....

You always see these stories on the news of a local, small school, started by a teacher fed up with the system...whose students are reading Shakespeare in 3rd grade and doing Trigonometry in the 4th grade because the teacher can actually teach them...and not have to teach about how great 3rd world countries are compared to the U.S........

New models of education would be possible....and our kids ....all kids, would have a chance to have good lives.......

That is why we have to get end the democrat monopoly on our schools...and to save all of these kids they are destroying....

Yes, that would help. But the other is to get the parents more involved.

Here we are assessed school taxes based on our property value and not how many (or if any) kids you have in public school. It's a ripoff.

My sister sent both her kids to private Catholic school. She paid an arm and a leg for that education, that's on top of what she was forced to pay for the public schools via property tax.

My niece started to have problems in school and the nuns contacted my sister. They were almost ready to throw her out of the school. My sister sat with that kid every night and made sure her homework was done and done correctly. She drove my niece to school to make sure she attended. She called the school once every other week to see if there were any problems she should be aware of.

My nieces grades improved, she was out of hot water with the school, and now she's a college graduate.

When you pay your own hard earned money for your child's education, you make sure that they learn. With public school, the parents responsibility stops when that kid gets on the school bus. If we started to tax the parents for those schools based on how many kids they have instead of their property, those parents would do the same as my sister when their kids start failing. As for us with no kids, we could get a reduction on school taxes since we are not using them anyway.
The liberals who bashed BEN CARSON are racist as shit, it's pretty sad how ignorant they are.

The liberals who bashed SARAH PALIN are misogynist as shit, it's pretty sad how ignorant they are.

The liberals who bashed CONDY RICE are RACIST AND MISOGYNIST AS SHIT, it's pretty sad to see how ignorant they are.
Why? We bash bush for all the same reasons.

What about the people who voted for trump but not Sarah?

How come Cindy rice and Ben carson can't be Republican senators? Why has there never been a black who ran and won a Senate seat or governorship?

Democrats elect black people you appoint uncle tom's and aunt Jemima's
The liberals who bashed BEN CARSON are racist as shit, it's pretty sad how ignorant they are.

The liberals who bashed SARAH PALIN are misogynist as shit, it's pretty sad how ignorant they are.

The liberals who bashed CONDY RICE are RACIST AND MISOGYNIST AS SHIT, it's pretty sad to see how ignorant they are.
Why? We bash bush for all the same reasons.

What about the people who voted for trump but not Sarah?

How come Cindy rice and Ben carson can't be Republican senators? Why has there never been a black who ran and won a Senate seat or governorship?

Democrats elect black people you appoint uncle tom's and aunt Jemima's

You are a little slow....we have a black Senator in the Republican party, Tim Scott.....the problem is that too many blacks think the democrats actually care about them....there are seats in congress on the Republican side just waiting for a black Mia Love, from Utah.....
That is just one model that is possible if the parents are actually paying to educate kids.......teachers...good ones...could start their own their own buildings....and teach kids with success.....

You always see these stories on the news of a local, small school, started by a teacher fed up with the system...whose students are reading Shakespeare in 3rd grade and doing Trigonometry in the 4th grade because the teacher can actually teach them...and not have to teach about how great 3rd world countries are compared to the U.S........

New models of education would be possible....and our kids ....all kids, would have a chance to have good lives.......

That is why we have to get end the democrat monopoly on our schools...and to save all of these kids they are destroying....

Yes, that would help. But the other is to get the parents more involved.

Here we are assessed school taxes based on our property value and not how many (or if any) kids you have in public school. It's a ripoff.

My sister sent both her kids to private Catholic school. She paid an arm and a leg for that education, that's on top of what she was forced to pay for the public schools via property tax.

My niece started to have problems in school and the nuns contacted my sister. They were almost ready to throw her out of the school. My sister sat with that kid every night and made sure her homework was done and done correctly. She drove my niece to school to make sure she attended. She called the school once every other week to see if there were any problems she should be aware of.

My nieces grades improved, she was out of hot water with the school, and now she's a college graduate.

When you pay your own hard earned money for your child's education, you make sure that they learn. With public school, the parents responsibility stops when that kid gets on the school bus. If we started to tax the parents for those schools based on how many kids they have instead of their property, those parents would do the same as my sister when their kids start failing. As for us with no kids, we could get a reduction on school taxes since we are not using them anyway.

You don't have to convince us anymore. You won the election. What you're suggesting is coming.

And I laugh at all the poor people with kids whodisagree with you who either didn't vote or voted for trump. If I'm right it's them who will suffer.

What do I have to lose? And what do poor schools have to lose? They already suck.

And if we break the teachers union that will save a lot in taxes and cost. Ha ha to all the teachers who didn't vote or voted for trump. Their pay will be going down that's a fact. And I'm not a teacher either
The liberals who bashed BEN CARSON are racist as shit, it's pretty sad how ignorant they are.

The liberals who bashed SARAH PALIN are misogynist as shit, it's pretty sad how ignorant they are.

The liberals who bashed CONDY RICE are RACIST AND MISOGYNIST AS SHIT, it's pretty sad to see how ignorant they are.
Why? We bash bush for all the same reasons.

What about the people who voted for trump but not Sarah?

How come Cindy rice and Ben carson can't be Republican senators? Why has there never been a black who ran and won a Senate seat or governorship?

Democrats elect black people you appoint uncle tom's and aunt Jemima's

You are a little slow....we have a black Senator in the Republican party, Tim Scott.....the problem is that too many blacks think the democrats actually care about them....there are seats in congress on the Republican side just waiting for a black Mia Love, from Utah.....
He didn't win. He was appointed, no?
The liberals who bashed BEN CARSON are racist as shit, it's pretty sad how ignorant they are.

The liberals who bashed SARAH PALIN are misogynist as shit, it's pretty sad how ignorant they are.

The liberals who bashed CONDY RICE are RACIST AND MISOGYNIST AS SHIT, it's pretty sad to see how ignorant they are.
Why? We bash bush for all the same reasons.

What about the people who voted for trump but not Sarah?

How come Cindy rice and Ben carson can't be Republican senators? Why has there never been a black who ran and won a Senate seat or governorship?

Democrats elect black people you appoint uncle tom's and aunt Jemima's

You are a little slow....we have a black Senator in the Republican party, Tim Scott.....the problem is that too many blacks think the democrats actually care about them....there are seats in congress on the Republican side just waiting for a black Mia Love, from Utah.....
He didn't win. He was appointed, no?

He won know...a bunch of white republicans voted him into office for another term....

Black Republican Tim Scott Wins Reelection in South Carolina

SC’s Scott poised to make history, but not with black votes

But, if political polls hold true, black S.C. voters will reject Scott on Nov. 4, casting their ballots instead for his black Democratic challenger, Joyce Dickerson of Columbia.

Republican Scott, who is running to keep the seat Gov. Nikki Haley appointed him to when U.S. Sen. Jim DeMint resigned in 2012, does not dwell on the fact that his approval among fellow African-Americans is low.

“(I)t’s helpful to know how far down you are, no doubt,” Scott told The State newspaper Wednesday.

“For me, though, from a completely authentic position, the people that I talk to very often are the people that need the most help and the most hope. My life story is a story of hope and opportunity. If I don’t share that with the folks, I’m not honoring the opportunity I was given. ... Whether I get people to vote for me or not – I hope that they do – but it’s not really the only goal.”

Scott frequently talks about his path from poverty in a single-parent household and flunking school, to finding a mentor in a fast-food business owner, to eventually starting his own business before he was elected a Charleston County councilman.

Read more here: SC’s Scott poised to make history, but not with black votes
That is just one model that is possible if the parents are actually paying to educate kids.......teachers...good ones...could start their own their own buildings....and teach kids with success.....

You always see these stories on the news of a local, small school, started by a teacher fed up with the system...whose students are reading Shakespeare in 3rd grade and doing Trigonometry in the 4th grade because the teacher can actually teach them...and not have to teach about how great 3rd world countries are compared to the U.S........

New models of education would be possible....and our kids ....all kids, would have a chance to have good lives.......

That is why we have to get end the democrat monopoly on our schools...and to save all of these kids they are destroying....

Yes, that would help. But the other is to get the parents more involved.

Here we are assessed school taxes based on our property value and not how many (or if any) kids you have in public school. It's a ripoff.

My sister sent both her kids to private Catholic school. She paid an arm and a leg for that education, that's on top of what she was forced to pay for the public schools via property tax.

My niece started to have problems in school and the nuns contacted my sister. They were almost ready to throw her out of the school. My sister sat with that kid every night and made sure her homework was done and done correctly. She drove my niece to school to make sure she attended. She called the school once every other week to see if there were any problems she should be aware of.

My nieces grades improved, she was out of hot water with the school, and now she's a college graduate.

When you pay your own hard earned money for your child's education, you make sure that they learn. With public school, the parents responsibility stops when that kid gets on the school bus. If we started to tax the parents for those schools based on how many kids they have instead of their property, those parents would do the same as my sister when their kids start failing. As for us with no kids, we could get a reduction on school taxes since we are not using them anyway.

You think parents' concern for their children's education is nothing more than return on investment?
That is just one model that is possible if the parents are actually paying to educate kids.......teachers...good ones...could start their own their own buildings....and teach kids with success.....

You always see these stories on the news of a local, small school, started by a teacher fed up with the system...whose students are reading Shakespeare in 3rd grade and doing Trigonometry in the 4th grade because the teacher can actually teach them...and not have to teach about how great 3rd world countries are compared to the U.S........

New models of education would be possible....and our kids ....all kids, would have a chance to have good lives.......

That is why we have to get end the democrat monopoly on our schools...and to save all of these kids they are destroying....

Yes, that would help. But the other is to get the parents more involved.

Here we are assessed school taxes based on our property value and not how many (or if any) kids you have in public school. It's a ripoff.

My sister sent both her kids to private Catholic school. She paid an arm and a leg for that education, that's on top of what she was forced to pay for the public schools via property tax.

My niece started to have problems in school and the nuns contacted my sister. They were almost ready to throw her out of the school. My sister sat with that kid every night and made sure her homework was done and done correctly. She drove my niece to school to make sure she attended. She called the school once every other week to see if there were any problems she should be aware of.

My nieces grades improved, she was out of hot water with the school, and now she's a college graduate.

When you pay your own hard earned money for your child's education, you make sure that they learn. With public school, the parents responsibility stops when that kid gets on the school bus. If we started to tax the parents for those schools based on how many kids they have instead of their property, those parents would do the same as my sister when their kids start failing. As for us with no kids, we could get a reduction on school taxes since we are not using them anyway.

You think parents' concern for their children's education is nothing more than return on investment?

Yes....I am sure that is exactly what he meant...and if the kid doesn't return the investment they take the kid out and shoot them....right Ray?

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