Are the liberal cries of "RACISM" in every conversation cover for not being able to discuss issues?

Why do so many liberal cry "RACISM"!!!!!! In every conversation, this seems to come up.

Job creation, terrorism, infrastructure, tax code, monetary policy....try to have a rational policy discussion with a liberal without them crying about RACISM and MISOGYNY.

It's the lazy go to for the ignorant.

Funny that Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania actually VOTED FOR that they vote for TRUMP, they are RACIST?!

That is some stupid shit.
PC = Strategic Hypersensitivity deployed specifically to put your target on the defensive and avoid an honest conversation.

It's also been fabulously successful as a political device. This is why they use it at every opportunity, no matter how absurd the situation.

There are some cracks in the wall, though. We'll see how much longer this works.
Well when trumps tax breaks don't work we will discuss the issue then and when trump makes terrorism worse we will discuss.

And it's good to see Obama is going to do infrastructure but who's going to pay for it? The rich won't. Get ready to pay a toll every day driving back and forth to work.
Obama ain't gonna do shit. The destruction is almost over.
I meant trump. Trumps going to spend some money. Just like bush and Reagan did and just like Obama wanted to but you didn't let him.

Get it? Trumps plan is what Obama wanted to do. For some reason Republicans wouldn't let Obama do what needed to be done but now they are open to spending.

This is the last time Republicans bring up the debt.

Who said they are open to spending? To my knowledge, Congress never addressed what Trump would like to do or spend.
Well when trumps tax breaks don't work we will discuss the issue then and when trump makes terrorism worse we will discuss.

And it's good to see Obama is going to do infrastructure but who's going to pay for it? The rich won't. Get ready to pay a toll every day driving back and forth to work.

Now that the threat of higher fuel prices is behind us, I think it's safe to put a ten cents per gallon for gasoline and diesel fuel to pay for infrastructure.
You seldom see the right bring up race? That is awesome.

That's correct. Prior to DumBama, we spent 8 years reading and listening to the left bash Rice, Powell, Thomas just to name a few, and we on the right seldom used race to substantiate your attacks. If race was brought up, it was leftists using terms like House Negro or Uncle Tom.
Let's face it; the ugly poison of racism is common in the USA.

It isn't anywhere near as prevalent as some would have us believe.
Lesley Stahl asked Trump about all the "TRUMP VERSUS HILLARY SUPPORTERS" attacks, many of which were PROVEN LIES by the "VICTIM".

Meanwhile, ignoring the RIOTS in Portland.

If you believed the media...anyone who voted or Trump is RACIST....even those in WISCONSIN, MICHIGAN, and PENNSYLVANIA who voted for Obama twice.

Here is liberal logic:

A white male votes for Obama in 2008, Obama in 2012, and Trump in 2016.....that person is OBVIOUSLY RACIST!!!!!

I don't blame Hillary for using the RACE CARD to try to get elected....she is a POS with an agenda for power and personal wealth.

What's pathetic are the idiot sheep who get nothing out of the FALSE NARRATIVE and cry racism.

I've often wondered, Trump has been in the public eye for what, at least 30 years? You would think that if he were the Xenophobic, misogynistic racist that they claim, we'd have heard about it a bit earlier.
But for the class of people who watch reality TV, no-one cared about Trump until he ran for president. His every move and utterance will be closely watched from now on.
Trumps every utterance has been closely watched and broadcast for years.
You ain't seen nothin' yet.
It isn't anywhere near as prevalent as some would have us believe.
Lesley Stahl asked Trump about all the "TRUMP VERSUS HILLARY SUPPORTERS" attacks, many of which were PROVEN LIES by the "VICTIM".

Meanwhile, ignoring the RIOTS in Portland.

If you believed the media...anyone who voted or Trump is RACIST....even those in WISCONSIN, MICHIGAN, and PENNSYLVANIA who voted for Obama twice.

Here is liberal logic:

A white male votes for Obama in 2008, Obama in 2012, and Trump in 2016.....that person is OBVIOUSLY RACIST!!!!!

I don't blame Hillary for using the RACE CARD to try to get elected....she is a POS with an agenda for power and personal wealth.

What's pathetic are the idiot sheep who get nothing out of the FALSE NARRATIVE and cry racism.

I've often wondered, Trump has been in the public eye for what, at least 30 years? You would think that if he were the Xenophobic, misogynistic racist that they claim, we'd have heard about it a bit earlier.
But for the class of people who watch reality TV, no-one cared about Trump until he ran for president. His every move and utterance will be closely watched from now on.
Trumps every utterance has been closely watched and broadcast for years.
You ain't seen nothin' yet.
You best be heading to your safe space.....:lol:
Why do so many liberal cry "RACISM"!!!!!! In every conversation, this seems to come up.

Job creation, terrorism, infrastructure, tax code, monetary policy....try to have a rational policy discussion with a liberal without them crying about RACISM and MISOGYNY.

It's the lazy go to for the ignorant.

Funny that Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania actually VOTED FOR that they vote for TRUMP, they are RACIST?!

That is some stupid shit.
PC = Strategic Hypersensitivity deployed specifically to put your target on the defensive and avoid an honest conversation.

It's also been fabulously successful as a political device. This is why they use it at every opportunity, no matter how absurd the situation.

There are some cracks in the wall, though. We'll see how much longer this works.
Well when trumps tax breaks don't work we will discuss the issue then and when trump makes terrorism worse we will discuss.

And it's good to see Obama is going to do infrastructure but who's going to pay for it? The rich won't. Get ready to pay a toll every day driving back and forth to work.
Obama ain't gonna do shit. The destruction is almost over.
I meant trump. Trumps going to spend some money. Just like bush and Reagan did and just like Obama wanted to but you didn't let him.

Get it? Trumps plan is what Obama wanted to do. For some reason Republicans wouldn't let Obama do what needed to be done but now they are open to spending.

This is the last time Republicans bring up the debt.

Who said they are open to spending? To my knowledge, Congress never addressed what Trump would like to do or spend.
They said yesterday Republicans are behind his infrastructure plan. The question is how to pay for it. My guess is you and I will pay for it not rich people or corporations
Well when trumps tax breaks don't work we will discuss the issue then and when trump makes terrorism worse we will discuss.

And it's good to see Obama is going to do infrastructure but who's going to pay for it? The rich won't. Get ready to pay a toll every day driving back and forth to work.

Now that the threat of higher fuel prices is behind us, I think it's safe to put a ten cents per gallon for gasoline and diesel fuel to pay for infrastructure.
I work 7 minutes from home. I hope so.

And I hope Republicans Defunding public schools because I don't have kids and my nephews go to private schools.
PC = Strategic Hypersensitivity deployed specifically to put your target on the defensive and avoid an honest conversation.

It's also been fabulously successful as a political device. This is why they use it at every opportunity, no matter how absurd the situation.

There are some cracks in the wall, though. We'll see how much longer this works.
Well when trumps tax breaks don't work we will discuss the issue then and when trump makes terrorism worse we will discuss.

And it's good to see Obama is going to do infrastructure but who's going to pay for it? The rich won't. Get ready to pay a toll every day driving back and forth to work.
Obama ain't gonna do shit. The destruction is almost over.
I meant trump. Trumps going to spend some money. Just like bush and Reagan did and just like Obama wanted to but you didn't let him.

Get it? Trumps plan is what Obama wanted to do. For some reason Republicans wouldn't let Obama do what needed to be done but now they are open to spending.

This is the last time Republicans bring up the debt.

Who said they are open to spending? To my knowledge, Congress never addressed what Trump would like to do or spend.
They said yesterday Republicans are behind his infrastructure plan. The question is how to pay for it. My guess is you and I will pay for it not rich people or corporations
Since when do liberals care where the money comes from? As long as it's not their own, they don't give a shit.
Well when trumps tax breaks don't work we will discuss the issue then and when trump makes terrorism worse we will discuss.

And it's good to see Obama is going to do infrastructure but who's going to pay for it? The rich won't. Get ready to pay a toll every day driving back and forth to work.
Obama ain't gonna do shit. The destruction is almost over.
I meant trump. Trumps going to spend some money. Just like bush and Reagan did and just like Obama wanted to but you didn't let him.

Get it? Trumps plan is what Obama wanted to do. For some reason Republicans wouldn't let Obama do what needed to be done but now they are open to spending.

This is the last time Republicans bring up the debt.

Who said they are open to spending? To my knowledge, Congress never addressed what Trump would like to do or spend.
They said yesterday Republicans are behind his infrastructure plan. The question is how to pay for it. My guess is you and I will pay for it not rich people or corporations
Since when do liberals care where the money comes from? As long as it's not their own, they don't give a shit.
Says the guy who doesn't want to pay his fair share
You seldom see the right bring up race? That is awesome.

That's correct. Prior to DumBama, we spent 8 years reading and listening to the left bash Rice, Powell, Thomas just to name a few, and we on the right seldom used race to substantiate your attacks. If race was brought up, it was leftists using terms like House Negro or Uncle Tom.

And Aunt Jemima for Condoleeza Rice....don't forget that one.....

But....the democrats aren't the racists...right?
Holy shit, how did you just swallow that much HYPOCRISY without overdosing

As I keep telling your kind of PC ubervictims, telling whiny lies about me does not make me a hypocrite. It just makes you a liar.
What exactly is "my kind"? I'm curious to find out which classification of left winger defined sub-human you think I fit into. That's what you guys do best right? classify people that don't share your worldview into different categories of sub-human........ hmmmm... where in history have we seen that behavior before and what kind of results did it yield?

You are right about one thing though "telling whiny lies about you does not make me a hypocrite" , you own words and the beliefs they appear to espouse make you a hypocrite.

"Be a bully then play the victim" is exactly what the left wing PC shock troops do CONSTANTLY, with their thought police like tactics on anybody that diverges even the least bit from their orthodoxy.

Look, I know FOX News feeds you stories of your victimhood 24/7, about how the eeeeevil leftists are beating up on your somehow. And, being that you consented to be neutered before you joined your victimhood cult, that kind of victimhood orgasm is the only kind of satisfaction you can get. You just need to understand that normal humans are disgusted by the way you play the bully and then squeal like a sissy when you get called on it.

Now, my sweet little PC candyass, maybe you should proceed cry about how meeeeeaaaaaan I am. That would be in keeping in the spirit of your side's victimhood tantrums.
LOL, that's rich, someone who is clearly sporting a heavily propaganda soaked cranium accusing others of being "fed" stories of "victimhood" by FOX news 24/7. When was the last time you peeled your eyeballs from the boob tube to actually check out the real world? was it sometime in THIS decade?

Again I ask, how do you swallow that much HYPOCRISY without overdosing? Is it perhaps that massive COGNITIVE DISSONANCE chaser?

Anywho... have fun with your lil' Progressive Inquisition and be sure and alert the press when/if you come to your senses.

Happy Thanksgiving.
Well when trumps tax breaks don't work we will discuss the issue then and when trump makes terrorism worse we will discuss.

And it's good to see Obama is going to do infrastructure but who's going to pay for it? The rich won't. Get ready to pay a toll every day driving back and forth to work.

Now that the threat of higher fuel prices is behind us, I think it's safe to put a ten cents per gallon for gasoline and diesel fuel to pay for infrastructure.
I work 7 minutes from home. I hope so.

And I hope Republicans Defunding public schools because I don't have kids and my nephews go to private schools.

They will push school vouchers so all kids can go to the school of their choice and escape the monstrous public schools in our inner cities.....controlled of course by the education wing of the democrat party who stood in the school house door to keep black kids out when schools were good....and now stand in the school house door when public schools keep black kids in.....

They are vile...
Holy shit, how did you just swallow that much HYPOCRISY without overdosing

As I keep telling your kind of PC ubervictims, telling whiny lies about me does not make me a hypocrite. It just makes you a liar.
What exactly is "my kind"? I'm curious to find out which classification of left winger defined sub-human you think I fit into. That's what you guys do best right? classify people that don't share your worldview into different categories of sub-human........ hmmmm... where in history have we seen that behavior before and what kind of results did it yield?

You are right about one thing though "telling whiny lies about you does not make me a hypocrite" , you own words and the beliefs they appear to espouse make you a hypocrite.

"Be a bully then play the victim" is exactly what the left wing PC shock troops do CONSTANTLY, with their thought police like tactics on anybody that diverges even the least bit from their orthodoxy.

Look, I know FOX News feeds you stories of your victimhood 24/7, about how the eeeeevil leftists are beating up on your somehow. And, being that you consented to be neutered before you joined your victimhood cult, that kind of victimhood orgasm is the only kind of satisfaction you can get. You just need to understand that normal humans are disgusted by the way you play the bully and then squeal like a sissy when you get called on it.

Now, my sweet little PC candyass, maybe you should proceed cry about how meeeeeaaaaaan I am. That would be in keeping in the spirit of your side's victimhood tantrums.
LOL, that's rich, someone who is clearly sporting a heavily propaganda soaked cranium accusing others of being "fed" stories of "victimhood" by FOX news 24/7. When was the last time you peeled your eyeballs from the boob tube to actually check out the real world? was it sometime in THIS decade?

Again I ask, how do you swallow that much HYPOCRISY without overdosing? Is it perhaps that massive COGNITIVE DISSONANCE chaser?

Anywho... have fun with your lil' Progressive Inquisition and be sure and alert the press when/if you come to your senses.

Happy Thanksgiving.

We saw that done in left wing societies....Germany in the 30s, and communist countries since 1917....where left wing socialists murdered 100 million innocent men, women and children.....

Left wing socialism is a blight on it's diminishes life it's worst, it ends life for hundreds of millions.....
Well when trumps tax breaks don't work we will discuss the issue then and when trump makes terrorism worse we will discuss.

And it's good to see Obama is going to do infrastructure but who's going to pay for it? The rich won't. Get ready to pay a toll every day driving back and forth to work.

Now that the threat of higher fuel prices is behind us, I think it's safe to put a ten cents per gallon for gasoline and diesel fuel to pay for infrastructure.
I work 7 minutes from home. I hope so.

And I hope Republicans Defunding public schools because I don't have kids and my nephews go to private schools.

They will push school vouchers so all kids can go to the school of their choice and escape the monstrous public schools in our inner cities.....controlled of course by the education wing of the democrat party who stood in the school house door to keep black kids out when schools were good....and now stand in the school house door when public schools keep black kids in.....

They are vile...
Same way they'll replace Medicare. Here's your $5k voucher. Good luck.

Why not improve the public schools? Ever think of that?

How about if you don't like your public school move? Or pay for private but don't defund public schools.

I get what you are saying though. Looks like we will try it your way. I won't fight you. Let's try
Well when trumps tax breaks don't work we will discuss the issue then and when trump makes terrorism worse we will discuss.

And it's good to see Obama is going to do infrastructure but who's going to pay for it? The rich won't. Get ready to pay a toll every day driving back and forth to work.

Now that the threat of higher fuel prices is behind us, I think it's safe to put a ten cents per gallon for gasoline and diesel fuel to pay for infrastructure.
I work 7 minutes from home. I hope so.

And I hope Republicans Defunding public schools because I don't have kids and my nephews go to private schools.

I'm all for that. Me nor any of my tenants have kids in our public school, yet over half of my property tax goes to fund them. I have a little distance to go to work everyday, but I drive a Camry and only fill up once every two weeks, and it takes about 14 gallons a fill up.
Well when trumps tax breaks don't work we will discuss the issue then and when trump makes terrorism worse we will discuss.

And it's good to see Obama is going to do infrastructure but who's going to pay for it? The rich won't. Get ready to pay a toll every day driving back and forth to work.

Now that the threat of higher fuel prices is behind us, I think it's safe to put a ten cents per gallon for gasoline and diesel fuel to pay for infrastructure.
I work 7 minutes from home. I hope so.

And I hope Republicans Defunding public schools because I don't have kids and my nephews go to private schools.

They will push school vouchers so all kids can go to the school of their choice and escape the monstrous public schools in our inner cities.....controlled of course by the education wing of the democrat party who stood in the school house door to keep black kids out when schools were good....and now stand in the school house door when public schools keep black kids in.....

They are vile...
Same way they'll replace Medicare. Here's your $5k voucher. Good luck.

Why not improve the public schools? Ever think of that?

How about if you don't like your public school move? Or pay for private but don't defund public schools.

I get what you are saying though. Looks like we will try it your way. I won't fight you. Let's try vouchers will, actually improve public schools.....right now they get more money than anywhere else in the world and the kids are coming out unable to isn't the problem and we can't get past the unions who don't care about fixing the schools...

So...we go around those morons, and let the parents send their kids to any school they want....using the same dollars a scholarship for college......and when these public hell holes realize ....Gee Whiz, they actually want us to improve the school......then they will have to improve the school or not get paid......

Chicago public schools are fucking disaster.......and rahm emanuel just gave the Teachers Union a huge raise after they threatened a strike...they get more money, the schools don't get better, and more lives are ruined.....

You guys have I-phones, and big screen t.v.s and cars....and you still don't understand how competition makes all of those things better....and you can't make the connection between competition and making our schools better...

That is why you can't be allowed to run have no clue...
Well when trumps tax breaks don't work we will discuss the issue then and when trump makes terrorism worse we will discuss.

And it's good to see Obama is going to do infrastructure but who's going to pay for it? The rich won't. Get ready to pay a toll every day driving back and forth to work.

Now that the threat of higher fuel prices is behind us, I think it's safe to put a ten cents per gallon for gasoline and diesel fuel to pay for infrastructure.
I work 7 minutes from home. I hope so.

And I hope Republicans Defunding public schools because I don't have kids and my nephews go to private schools.

They will push school vouchers so all kids can go to the school of their choice and escape the monstrous public schools in our inner cities.....controlled of course by the education wing of the democrat party who stood in the school house door to keep black kids out when schools were good....and now stand in the school house door when public schools keep black kids in.....

They are vile...
Same way they'll replace Medicare. Here's your $5k voucher. Good luck.

Why not improve the public schools? Ever think of that?

How about if you don't like your public school move? Or pay for private but don't defund public schools.

I get what you are saying though. Looks like we will try it your way. I won't fight you. Let's try

How about giving the entire education alotment for the kid to the parents.....and let them choose the freaking school?

How about not trapping people in a crappy public school just because they live in a shitty neighborhood...with schools will open up in those communities and they will be better........and the crappy public school will improve or it will get shut down....just like your cell phone.....make it better or they will buy someone elses........

Why the fuck should people pay for both private school for their own kids and then have tax money taken to pay for crap public schools that create gangs and drug users...and don't educate kids...

Do you think about this or do you just swallow whatever the democrat controlled teacher union tells you?
Well when trumps tax breaks don't work we will discuss the issue then and when trump makes terrorism worse we will discuss.

And it's good to see Obama is going to do infrastructure but who's going to pay for it? The rich won't. Get ready to pay a toll every day driving back and forth to work.

Now that the threat of higher fuel prices is behind us, I think it's safe to put a ten cents per gallon for gasoline and diesel fuel to pay for infrastructure.
I work 7 minutes from home. I hope so.

And I hope Republicans Defunding public schools because I don't have kids and my nephews go to private schools.

They will push school vouchers so all kids can go to the school of their choice and escape the monstrous public schools in our inner cities.....controlled of course by the education wing of the democrat party who stood in the school house door to keep black kids out when schools were good....and now stand in the school house door when public schools keep black kids in.....

They are vile...

I know a few people who home school. For the most part, it works out well.

But the United States spends more per capita on education than any other industrialized country in the world, and we only have mediocre results to show for it.

The last figure I seen was something like 13K per student on average. Well......if home schooling is working well, and we need to spend less and get more, why not pay those home school mothers to take on some neighborhood kids for extra cash?

Say we pay those moms 8k per student they take in. For four extra kids, that's an income of 32K. For taxpayers, we save 20K for those four students. I think it's a win-win for everybody.
Well when trumps tax breaks don't work we will discuss the issue then and when trump makes terrorism worse we will discuss.

And it's good to see Obama is going to do infrastructure but who's going to pay for it? The rich won't. Get ready to pay a toll every day driving back and forth to work.

Now that the threat of higher fuel prices is behind us, I think it's safe to put a ten cents per gallon for gasoline and diesel fuel to pay for infrastructure.
I work 7 minutes from home. I hope so.

And I hope Republicans Defunding public schools because I don't have kids and my nephews go to private schools.

They will push school vouchers so all kids can go to the school of their choice and escape the monstrous public schools in our inner cities.....controlled of course by the education wing of the democrat party who stood in the school house door to keep black kids out when schools were good....and now stand in the school house door when public schools keep black kids in.....

They are vile...
Same way they'll replace Medicare. Here's your $5k voucher. Good luck.

Why not improve the public schools? Ever think of that?

How about if you don't like your public school move? Or pay for private but don't defund public schools.

I get what you are saying though. Looks like we will try it your way. I won't fight you. Let's try vouchers will, actually improve public schools.....right now they get more money than anywhere else in the world and the kids are coming out unable to isn't the problem and we can't get past the unions who don't care about fixing the schools...

So...we go around those morons, and let the parents send their kids to any school they want....using the same dollars a scholarship for college......and when these public hell holes realize ....Gee Whiz, they actually want us to improve the school......then they will have to improve the school or not get paid......

Chicago public schools are fucking disaster.......and rahm emanuel just gave the Teachers Union a huge raise after they threatened a strike...they get more money, the schools don't get better, and more lives are ruined.....

You guys have I-phones, and big screen t.v.s and cars....and you still don't understand how competition makes all of those things better....and you can't make the connection between competition and making our schools better...

That is why you can't be allowed to run have no clue...
Show us! You have all the power.

And are you making other public schools available to these people? No you are not. I wish West Bloomfield was forced to accept kids from other districts but that's not what you are talking about. You're talking about them going to charter or private schools. Id like to see poor kids get to transfer to better public schools but you know the whites in those better neighborhoods will not allow that.

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