Are the liberal cries of "RACISM" in every conversation cover for not being able to discuss issues?

Why do so many liberals cry "RACISM"!!!!!!? In every conversation, this seems to come up.

Job creation, terrorism, infrastructure, tax code, monetary policy....try to have a rational policy discussion with a liberal without them crying about RACISM and MISOGYNY.

It's the lazy go to for the ignorant.

Funny that Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania actually VOTED FOR that they vote for TRUMP, they are RACIST?!

That is some stupid shit.

How is it that you see this as stupid shit, but you can't see the stupid shit you spend most of your time spewing out as stupid shit?

Thanks for reading my shit.

FBI: Hillary Clinton Lost Cell Phones with Classified Emails

I read this Shit

"So, she isn't corrupt....just a focking moron?

Is that the narrative for Hillary supporters?"

Dem Strategy from Podesta leaked emails: "Drop Civics, create an unaware and compliant citizenry"

And this shit

"Libs are happy and stupid sheep,"

"Congrats you morons, you are exactly what they want. STUPID AND COMPLIANT."

Come on now, you're thinking when others do it it's stupid shit, so why not when you do it?

I'm not sure the obtuse point you are attempting to make, but I appreciate the home movies.

I certainly complained a lot about Hillarys corruption and that she should not be President as a consequence of her decades of corruption.

Many liberals pull the race and misogyny card too often and on almost any issue.

I was sort of stalking DragonLady, and you're sort of stalking me. If you could just start stalking her, it would save me time and effort. Thanks in advance.
Why do so many liberals cry "RACISM"!!!!!!? In every conversation, this seems to come up.

Job creation, terrorism, infrastructure, tax code, monetary policy....try to have a rational policy discussion with a liberal without them crying about RACISM and MISOGYNY.

It's the lazy go to for the ignorant.

Funny that Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania actually VOTED FOR that they vote for TRUMP, they are RACIST?!

That is some stupid shit.

How is it that you see this as stupid shit, but you can't see the stupid shit you spend most of your time spewing out as stupid shit?

Thanks for reading my shit.

FBI: Hillary Clinton Lost Cell Phones with Classified Emails

I read this Shit

"So, she isn't corrupt....just a focking moron?

Is that the narrative for Hillary supporters?"

Dem Strategy from Podesta leaked emails: "Drop Civics, create an unaware and compliant citizenry"

And this shit

"Libs are happy and stupid sheep,"

"Congrats you morons, you are exactly what they want. STUPID AND COMPLIANT."

Come on now, you're thinking when others do it it's stupid shit, so why not when you do it?

I'm not sure the obtuse point you are attempting to make, but I appreciate the home movies.

I certainly complained a lot about Hillarys corruption and that she should not be President as a consequence of her decades of corruption.

Many liberals pull the race and misogyny card too often and on almost any issue.

I was sort of stalking DragonLady, and you're sort of stalking me. If you could just start stalking her, it would save me time and effort. Thanks in advance.

The point is pretty simple. You're not talking politics here. You're playing partisan games.

You complain other people talk shit, and yet you do exactly the same thing. Where I'm from that's hypocrisy.

So, are you going to change? Or just carry on doing the same shit?
Let's face it; the ugly poison of racism is common in the USA.
Let's face it, you're a douche bag just like every other leftwinger. You jumped to prove the OP correct. So on top of being a douche bag, you're also a sucker.
You have to understand that the progressive ideology is completely and totally indefensible because it is built on pure emotion. It lacks all logic and reason. It is impossible to logically defend feelings. Thus progressives get really angry and resort to vicious lies.

Like the ones Trump told for 8+ years about Obama being born overseas. Remember his investigators in Hawaii and we "wouldn't believe what they were finding". Apparently neither did Donald...we never heard from them again.
That has nothing to do with ideology or policy. That has to do with integrity and lying. Something you won't be hearing me defending Donald Trump on.

Great. So we agree, it is not based on ideology or policy.

What was it based on?

Surely if his name were Larry Bird, Kevin McHale, or Bob Cousy the allegation would go nowhere. It only got any traction because of his funny sounding name and his skin color. That it was continuously (and still is by some of you here) propegated after his BC was released is pure hatred.
What are you talking about? Everything I said was in regards to Donald Trump. How did you magically morph that into Barack Obama?!?

The allegations against Barack Obama gained traction because he went around telling everyone during his Ivy League years that he was "born in Kenya, raised in Indonesia".

That "mistake" just happened to remain for 30 years when it was suddenly found right when he decides to run for president. It takes a a disingenuous hack to not acknowledge that there is something seriously wrong there. As Wayne Allen Root said - he either wasn't legal citizen or he scammed the American tax payer by attending the Ivy League as a "foreigner" receiving financial assistance. But either way there was a scandal there. It had nothing to do with his color.
So nice of the conservatives here to work so hard to prove my point. Which would be that they constantly make up fake stories about being called racists because they're too gutless to debate liberals.

Now, not every conservative is an intellectual coward, but most are. They've been trained in the art of "Be a bully then play the victim" by their DearLeaderDonald, who is the master of the tactic.

I've been here for about a year and a half, but this forum is no different than all the other political forums. You seldom see the right bring up race, but it's constant with the left. Criticizing DumBama is racist, criticizing his policies are racist, voter ID is racist, supporting our police officers are racist.

Unless it's to turn the tables back on you, you don't see the right use race as an excuse for any of the lefts positions or policies.

You seldom see the right bring up race? That is awesome.
I don't think they cry racism because they can't discus the issues, I think they cry racism because it resolves the cognitive dissonance in their head about the big question they can't wrap their minds around: "why/how did Hillary lose"?

Now we all know the reason: she was a crappy candidate and a sketchy individual. People may not like Trumps immigrant policy...but at least he has one. Obama didn't do as good of a job as many of them believe he did (due to their bias).

It's really a big laundry list as to why.

He's deported (Obama) more than any other President....


Hillary got beat (she didn't lose). Trump ran a better campaign.

-I was referring to Hillary's lack of an immigration plan (or at least lack of mentioning it during her campaign)
-If somebody beats you, it means that you lost

disclaimer: I did not vote for Trump...but the whining and hyperboles are becoming ridiculous.

If voting for Trump makes somebody racist, then what does it mean for people who voted for Robert Byrd?

Voting for trump doesn't make you racist.
Let's face it; the ugly poison of racism is common in the USA.
Let's face it, you're a douche bag just like every other leftwinger. You jumped to prove the OP correct. So on top of being a douche bag, you're also a sucker.
Since you use the term for anyone who disagrees with you, it's time you got it right, i.e. douchebag.
Why do so many liberals cry "RACISM"!!!!!!? In every conversation, this seems to come up.

Job creation, terrorism, infrastructure, tax code, monetary policy....try to have a rational policy discussion with a liberal without them crying about RACISM and MISOGYNY.

It's the lazy go to for the ignorant.

Funny that Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania actually VOTED FOR that they vote for TRUMP, they are RACIST?!

That is some stupid shit.

How many liberals here have said that Michiganers are racist because Trump (may have) won that state?
This is one of the key reasons the left lost this election.
The white working class simply got fed up with being demonized by the left.

That's nonsense. The 'white' working class shifted to Trump to some extent because the Republicans finally ran a candidate who at least appeared not to be waging a class war against them.
I am a big fan of Ben Carson.
I am a big fan of Allen West.
I am a big fan of David Clarke.
I am a big fan of Condi Rice.
The leftist traitors say I'm racist.
I say it's the leftist traitors that are racist.
I am a big fan of Ben Carson.
I am a big fan of Allen West.
I am a big fan of David Clarke.
I am a big fan of Condi Rice.
The leftist traitors say I'm racist.
I say it's the leftist traitors that are racist.
Being a big fan of individual people of color means nothing in regards to whether you are racist or not. It's like saying you have a friend of color and that proves you are not racist. Means nothing.
I am a big fan of Ben Carson.
I am a big fan of Allen West.
I am a big fan of David Clarke.
I am a big fan of Condi Rice.
The leftist traitors say I'm racist.
I say it's the leftist traitors that are racist.
Being a big fan of individual people of color means nothing in regards to whether you are racist or not. It's like saying you have a friend of color and that proves you are not racist. Means nothing.
To a racist as yourself, that's probably true.
I am a big fan of Ben Carson.
I am a big fan of Allen West.
I am a big fan of David Clarke.
I am a big fan of Condi Rice.
The leftist traitors say I'm racist.
I say it's the leftist traitors that are racist.

Every savvy modern day racist knows the importance of having a black BFF, for appearances sake.
Let's face it; the ugly poison of racism is common in the USA.
Let's face it, you're a douche bag just like every other leftwinger. You jumped to prove the OP correct. So on top of being a douche bag, you're also a sucker.
Since you use the term for anyone who disagrees with you, it's time you got it right, i.e. douchebag.
I only use the term for actual douche bags, which means every single leftist on this planet.
I am a big fan of Ben Carson.
I am a big fan of Allen West.
I am a big fan of David Clarke.
I am a big fan of Condi Rice.
The leftist traitors say I'm racist.
I say it's the leftist traitors that are racist.
Being a big fan of individual people of color means nothing in regards to whether you are racist or not. It's like saying you have a friend of color and that proves you are not racist. Means nothing.
To a racist as yourself, that's probably true.
When people say things like you say, it is usually an indication that they are in fact, racist. It's a tell, a giveaway sign.
I am a big fan of Ben Carson.
I am a big fan of Allen West.
I am a big fan of David Clarke.
I am a big fan of Condi Rice.
The leftist traitors say I'm racist.
I say it's the leftist traitors that are racist.
Being a big fan of individual people of color means nothing in regards to whether you are racist or not. It's like saying you have a friend of color and that proves you are not racist. Means nothing.

ROFL! So people who have black friends are still racists? What does that say about white Democrats? Don't they all claim they have black friends?
Are the liberal cries of "RACISM" in every conversation cover for not being able to discuss issues?

IMO, most of the time, yes.
I am a big fan of Ben Carson.
I am a big fan of Allen West.
I am a big fan of David Clarke.
I am a big fan of Condi Rice.
The leftist traitors say I'm racist.
I say it's the leftist traitors that are racist.
Being a big fan of individual people of color means nothing in regards to whether you are racist or not. It's like saying you have a friend of color and that proves you are not racist. Means nothing.

ROFL! So people who have black friends are still racists? What does that say about white Democrats? Don't they all claim they have black friends?
It's the only card these fools have left to play.
Let's face it; the ugly poison of racism is common in the USA.
Let's face it, you're a douche bag just like every other leftwinger. You jumped to prove the OP correct. So on top of being a douche bag, you're also a sucker.
Since you use the term for anyone who disagrees with you, it's time you got it right, i.e. douchebag.
I only use the term for actual douche bags, which means every single leftist on this planet.
You use the term douche bag whenever your limited vocabulary and lack of wit leaves you too dumbfounded to make a comprehensive and intelligent response to just about anything. If not for elementary insult posting you would be lost for words. Increasing the limited number of words you know how to use would do you great communication improvement. Otherwise, you are going to go through life with the 150-word vocabulary you have now.

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