Are the liberal cries of "RACISM" in every conversation cover for not being able to discuss issues?

Why do so many liberals cry "RACISM"!!!!!!? In every conversation, this seems to come up.

Job creation, terrorism, infrastructure, tax code, monetary policy....try to have a rational policy discussion with a liberal without them crying about RACISM and MISOGYNY.

It's the lazy go to for the ignorant.

Funny that Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania actually VOTED FOR that they vote for TRUMP, they are RACIST?!

That is some stupid shit.

It's a way of shutting down opposing views. I think people are sick of it, which is one of many reasons why Hillary lost.
Holy shit, how did you just swallow that much HYPOCRISY without overdosing

As I keep telling your kind of PC ubervictims, telling whiny lies about me does not make me a hypocrite. It just makes you a liar.

"Be a bully then play the victim" is exactly what the left wing PC shock troops do CONSTANTLY, with their thought police like tactics on anybody that diverges even the least bit from their orthodoxy.

Look, I know FOX News feeds you stories of your victimhood 24/7, about how the eeeeevil leftists are beating up on your somehow. And, being that you consented to be neutered before you joined your victimhood cult, that kind of victimhood orgasm is the only kind of satisfaction you can get. You just need to understand that normal humans are disgusted by the way you play the bully and then squeal like a sissy when you get called on it.

Now, my sweet little PC candyass, maybe you should proceed cry about how meeeeeaaaaaan I am. That would be in keeping in the spirit of your side's victimhood tantrums.
Why do so many liberals cry "RACISM"!!!!!!? In every conversation, this seems to come up.

Job creation, terrorism, infrastructure, tax code, monetary policy....try to have a rational policy discussion with a liberal without them crying about RACISM and MISOGYNY.

It's the lazy go to for the ignorant.

Funny that Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania actually VOTED FOR that they vote for TRUMP, they are RACIST?!

That is some stupid shit.

Liberals do not cry "racism" in every discussion. Thread fail.

Its basically the only trick the right wingers have at this point. Claim to be the wounded party (Trump did it when he said the media was unfair, when he said the system was rigged, when he said the moderators were unfair, when the voting was rigged. Now they can't say that any it's the left is racist which is clearly hogwash.
You have to understand that the progressive ideology is completely and totally indefensible because it is built on pure emotion. It lacks all logic and reason. It is impossible to logically defend feelings. Thus progressives get really angry and resort to vicious lies.
I got called a racist today for not supporting Ben Carson.
That's because you are racist. Progressives are the party of the KKK. You people are fiercely racist. You're just willing to tolerate people like Barack Obama as "useful idiots" to the cause.
So nice of the conservatives here to work so hard to prove my point. Which would be that they constantly make up fake stories about being called racists because they're too gutless to debate liberals.

Now, not every conservative is an intellectual coward, but most are. They've been trained in the art of "Be a bully then play the victim" by their DearLeaderDonald, who is the master of the tactic.

I've been here for about a year and a half, but this forum is no different than all the other political forums. You seldom see the right bring up race, but it's constant with the left. Criticizing DumBama is racist, criticizing his policies are racist, voter ID is racist, supporting our police officers are racist.

Unless it's to turn the tables back on you, you don't see the right use race as an excuse for any of the lefts positions or policies.
Why do so many liberals cry "RACISM"!!!!!!? In every conversation, this seems to come up.

Job creation, terrorism, infrastructure, tax code, monetary policy....try to have a rational policy discussion with a liberal without them crying about RACISM and MISOGYNY.

It's the lazy go to for the ignorant.

Funny that Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania actually VOTED FOR that they vote for TRUMP, they are RACIST?!

That is some stupid shit.

Yes! That is all you need know, lol!
I don't think they cry racism because they can't discus the issues, I think they cry racism because it resolves the cognitive dissonance in their head about the big question they can't wrap their minds around: "why/how did Hillary lose"?

Now we all know the reason: she was a crappy candidate and a sketchy individual. People may not like Trumps immigrant policy...but at least he has one. Obama didn't do as good of a job as many of them believe he did (due to their bias).

It's really a big laundry list as to why.
You have to understand that the progressive ideology is completely and totally indefensible because it is built on pure emotion. It lacks all logic and reason. It is impossible to logically defend feelings. Thus progressives get really angry and resort to vicious lies.

Like the ones Trump told for 8+ years about Obama being born overseas. Remember his investigators in Hawaii and we "wouldn't believe what they were finding". Apparently neither did Donald...we never heard from them again.
I don't think they cry racism because they can't discus the issues, I think they cry racism because it resolves the cognitive dissonance in their head about the big question they can't wrap their minds around: "why/how did Hillary lose"?

Now we all know the reason: she was a crappy candidate and a sketchy individual. People may not like Trumps immigrant policy...but at least he has one. Obama didn't do as good of a job as many of them believe he did (due to their bias).

It's really a big laundry list as to why.

He's deported (Obama) more than any other President....


Hillary got beat (she didn't lose). Trump ran a better campaign.
I don't think they cry racism because they can't discus the issues, I think they cry racism because it resolves the cognitive dissonance in their head about the big question they can't wrap their minds around: "why/how did Hillary lose"?

Now we all know the reason: she was a crappy candidate and a sketchy individual. People may not like Trumps immigrant policy...but at least he has one. Obama didn't do as good of a job as many of them believe he did (due to their bias).

It's really a big laundry list as to why.

He's deported (Obama) more than any other President....


Hillary got beat (she didn't lose). Trump ran a better campaign.

-I was referring to Hillary's lack of an immigration plan (or at least lack of mentioning it during her campaign)
-If somebody beats you, it means that you lost

disclaimer: I did not vote for Trump...but the whining and hyperboles are becoming ridiculous.

If voting for Trump makes somebody racist, then what does it mean for people who voted for Robert Byrd?
I don't think they cry racism because they can't discus the issues, I think they cry racism because it resolves the cognitive dissonance in their head about the big question they can't wrap their minds around: "why/how did Hillary lose"?

Now we all know the reason: she was a crappy candidate and a sketchy individual. People may not like Trumps immigrant policy...but at least he has one. Obama didn't do as good of a job as many of them believe he did (due to their bias).

It's really a big laundry list as to why.

He's deported (Obama) more than any other President....


Hillary got beat (she didn't lose). Trump ran a better campaign.

-I was referring to Hillary's lack of an immigration plan (or at least lack of mentioning it during her campaign)
You're right there. Up until Trump got into the race; Immigration polled at about 3%. He placed it front and center. Now those who supported him will learn that illegals are not taking their jobs; automation is.

-If somebody beats you, it means that you lost
That is a shallow answer. You can lose for several reasons that have nothing to do with your opponent. Then there are races you cannot win because of your opponent (Obama in '08, Dole in '96) no matter what you do. Hillary did just about everything right if you look at the manual and still lost decisively in the electoral college.

disclaimer: I did not vote for Trump...but the whining and hyperboles are becoming ridiculous.

If voting for Trump makes somebody racist, then what does it mean for people who voted for Robert Byrd?

Glad you brought that up.

Trump employed racist tones in his campaign. The "mexican" judge from Indiana for example. Trump complained to Jake Tapper on CNN about the rulings he was getting and chalked them up to the judge being "mexican". Sorry, that is racism.

Here is what other Repubicans said about it:

Speaker Paul D. Ryan, the nation’s highest-ranking Republican, on Tuesday called Donald J. Trump’s remarks about a Latino judge “racist,” --New York Times.

“I don’t think there’s a place for the comments that were made,” said Sen. Richard Burr (R-N.C.). --Politco

“His comments are very harmful, and that’s all I can say.” John McCain--Politico

“I felt that his comments were wrong and offensive, and I’ve urged him to retract them,” said Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.)--Politico

So it's not a figment of someone's imagination....

The reason I'm glad you brought it up is this... we do not fill out forms for why we vote for X or Y. So it is completely subjective. Maybe Trump voters liked the fact that he was a funny, a celebrity and would be fun to watch (I personally think that played a much larger role than any one other factor) because he likes to stick it to people. Maybe Trump supporters liked the fact that he is a very energetic senior citizen compared to HRC who portrays the exact opposite of energy. Maybe they didn't like Hillary. I don't know. But I do know that whatever compelled them to vote for Donald Trump was greater than whatever personal disgust they had harbored for his racist remarks. So they're "okay" with what he said at the very least. It cannot be disputed. The same goes for his sexism and his litany of moronic statements and actions about knowing more than the Generals do about ISIS, the NFL writing him a letter to get the days changed for debates, crank calling a reproter... Whoever voted for President Elect Trump valued what he brought to the table more than whatever detractions he had.

And the same can be said about HRC supporters. There is no denial that she left critical information unprotected; I just thought the positives outweighted the negatives.

Because they supported Mr. Trump and because I supported Ms. Clinton... that doesn't make their mis-steps and unfavorable aspects of their past disappear.

As for Senator Byrd; he's dead.
You have to understand that the progressive ideology is completely and totally indefensible because it is built on pure emotion. It lacks all logic and reason. It is impossible to logically defend feelings. Thus progressives get really angry and resort to vicious lies.

Like the ones Trump told for 8+ years about Obama being born overseas. Remember his investigators in Hawaii and we "wouldn't believe what they were finding". Apparently neither did Donald...we never heard from them again.
That has nothing to do with ideology or policy. That has to do with integrity and lying. Something you won't be hearing me defending Donald Trump on.
You have to understand that the progressive ideology is completely and totally indefensible because it is built on pure emotion. It lacks all logic and reason. It is impossible to logically defend feelings. Thus progressives get really angry and resort to vicious lies.

Like the ones Trump told for 8+ years about Obama being born overseas. Remember his investigators in Hawaii and we "wouldn't believe what they were finding". Apparently neither did Donald...we never heard from them again.
That has nothing to do with ideology or policy. That has to do with integrity and lying. Something you won't be hearing me defending Donald Trump on.

Great. So we agree, it is not based on ideology or policy.

What was it based on?

Surely if his name were Larry Bird, Kevin McHale, or Bob Cousy the allegation would go nowhere. It only got any traction because of his funny sounding name and his skin color. That it was continuously (and still is by some of you here) propegated after his BC was released is pure hatred.
Why do so many liberals cry "RACISM"!!!!!!? In every conversation, this seems to come up.

Job creation, terrorism, infrastructure, tax code, monetary policy....try to have a rational policy discussion with a liberal without them crying about RACISM and MISOGYNY.

It's the lazy go to for the ignorant.

Funny that Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania actually VOTED FOR that they vote for TRUMP, they are RACIST?!

That is some stupid shit.

How is it that you see this as stupid shit, but you can't see the stupid shit you spend most of your time spewing out as stupid shit?
Why do so many liberals cry "RACISM"!!!!!!? In every conversation, this seems to come up.

Job creation, terrorism, infrastructure, tax code, monetary policy....try to have a rational policy discussion with a liberal without them crying about RACISM and MISOGYNY.

It's the lazy go to for the ignorant.

Funny that Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania actually VOTED FOR that they vote for TRUMP, they are RACIST?!

That is some stupid shit.

How is it that you see this as stupid shit, but you can't see the stupid shit you spend most of your time spewing out as stupid shit?

Thanks for reading my shit.
Why do so many liberals cry "RACISM"!!!!!!? In every conversation, this seems to come up.

Job creation, terrorism, infrastructure, tax code, monetary policy....try to have a rational policy discussion with a liberal without them crying about RACISM and MISOGYNY.

It's the lazy go to for the ignorant.

Funny that Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania actually VOTED FOR that they vote for TRUMP, they are RACIST?!

That is some stupid shit.

How is it that you see this as stupid shit, but you can't see the stupid shit you spend most of your time spewing out as stupid shit?

Thanks for reading my shit.

FBI: Hillary Clinton Lost Cell Phones with Classified Emails

I read this Shit

"So, she isn't corrupt....just a focking moron?

Is that the narrative for Hillary supporters?"

Dem Strategy from Podesta leaked emails: "Drop Civics, create an unaware and compliant citizenry"

And this shit

"Libs are happy and stupid sheep,"

"Congrats you morons, you are exactly what they want. STUPID AND COMPLIANT."

Come on now, you're thinking when others do it it's stupid shit, so why not when you do it?

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