Our Enemies Endorse Biden

Well actually, to be totally honest, I used that word from experience as a court-qualified expert where at this point, it is only an alledged yet unproven theory that this kid was the shooter, who /allegedly /operated solely on behalf of himself, with no entanglements from other people or organizations. That said, why does a kid with far-left attitudes and strong aspirations who reportedly was a donor to groups like Act Blue registering himself as a republican--- a kid who had never even voted yet?

Is that the new ploy?--- for people to register as republicans then do stuff anti-GOP or anti-Trump so they can claim: "Look at that?! Even his OWN party is against him, that is how bad Trump is?"
I think it could be the reason. Another reason is kids who just become old enough to vote register what their parents are. His school piers said he hated Trump and Republicans. That’s all that matters. Registered Republican is irrelevant. He was radicalized somewhere along the way. It sounds like he was bullied in school.
That's typical Putin bullshit!

Putin says Biden is better for Russia than a Trump presidency​

“He is a more experienced, predictable person, an old-school politician,” the Russian leader said in an interview Wednesday.

yep, he is always looking for what's best for Russia

Putin says Biden is better for Russia than a Trump presidency​

“He is a more experienced, predictable person, an old-school politician,” the Russian leader said in an interview Wednesday.

yep, he is always looking for what's best for Russia
Please, just stop! You're fucking full of shit! No one believes this nonsense so just stop!
I think it could be the reason. Another reason is kids who just become old enough to vote register what their parents are.
That's what I did. I grew up in a very blue area and my parents were democrats, so naturally, I registered a democrat too, at least until I really grew up and had a better sense of the world.

His school piers said he hated Trump and Republicans. That’s all that matters. Registered Republican is irrelevant. He was radicalized somewhere along the way. It sounds like he was bullied in school.
He also apparently was a member and contributor to some far left organizations such as Act Blue. Not sure what they do or are about with the BILLIONS they have taken in, but I find it interersting that a kid barely out of high school working a lowly job making food for a nursing home has time and money to contribute to political activism much less already has radicalized views.

And look where being a radicalized far-leftist youth got him.

He kinda reminds me of a Hitler youth or maybe looks a bit reminiscent of Lee Harvey Oswald, doesn't he?

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