Are the liberal cries of "RACISM" in every conversation cover for not being able to discuss issues?

We need a new term for these identity politics authoritarians.

Liberal they are not. They are really closer to fascist in at least one regard - the inability to entertain any idea that does not march in lock step with their extremely rigid orthodoxy. It'a all about group identity and the fear of anything that smacks of original thought.

Safety in numbers, you know.

It's like they literally believe EVERY SINGLE THING the media tells them, and they do not do any research or thinking for themselves.

Seriously, the next time you are in a discussion with a "SNOWFLAKE", and they cry "RACISM", ask them what they think is the best way to spur job growth and what specific policies should be implemented to get the GDP to grow at a pace above 3%.

See how that goes...

Right before they demand a "safe space" made free of white people, no doubt.

Instead of following MLK's old adage about judging people on the content of their character instead of the color of their skin, they have simply turned it around 180 so that the paradigm has been reversed from the previous racist one.

They need their bogeyman so will make one up if they have to.
Why do so many liberals cry "RACISM"!!!!!!? In every conversation, this seems to come up.

Job creation, terrorism, infrastructure, tax code, monetary policy....try to have a rational policy discussion with a liberal without them crying about RACISM and MISOGYNY.

It's the lazy go to for the ignorant.

Funny that Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania actually VOTED FOR that they vote for TRUMP, they are RACIST?!

That is some stupid shit.

What issues did Trump ACTUALLY discuss -- in detail -- during the campaign? His secret plan to defeat ISIS? His undisclosed plan to return jobs to the rust belt? His plan to replace Obamacare with "something terrific"?

Please, tell me all about these POLICY issues Trump has eloquently and extensively discussed. I must've missed it.
Let's face it; the ugly poison of racism is common in the USA.

It isn't anywhere near as prevalent as some would have us believe.
Lesley Stahl asked Trump about all the "TRUMP VERSUS HILLARY SUPPORTERS" attacks, many of which were PROVEN LIES by the "VICTIM".

Meanwhile, ignoring the RIOTS in Portland.

If you believed the media...anyone who voted or Trump is RACIST....even those in WISCONSIN, MICHIGAN, and PENNSYLVANIA who voted for Obama twice.

Here is liberal logic:

A white male votes for Obama in 2008, Obama in 2012, and Trump in 2016.....that person is OBVIOUSLY RACIST!!!!!

I don't blame Hillary for using the RACE CARD to try to get elected....she is a POS with an agenda for power and personal wealth.

What's pathetic are the idiot sheep who get nothing out of the FALSE NARRATIVE and cry racism.
Let's face it; the ugly poison of racism is common in the USA.

It isn't anywhere near as prevalent as some would have us believe.
Lesley Stahl asked Trump about all the "TRUMP VERSUS HILLARY SUPPORTERS" attacks, many of which were PROVEN LIES by the "VICTIM".

Meanwhile, ignoring the RIOTS in Portland.

If you believed the media...anyone who voted or Trump is RACIST....even those in WISCONSIN, MICHIGAN, and PENNSYLVANIA who voted for Obama twice.

Here is liberal logic:

A white male votes for Obama in 2008, Obama in 2012, and Trump in 2016.....that person is OBVIOUSLY RACIST!!!!!

I don't blame Hillary for using the RACE CARD to try to get elected....she is a POS with an agenda for power and personal wealth.

What's pathetic are the idiot sheep who get nothing out of the FALSE NARRATIVE and cry racism.

I've often wondered, Trump has been in the public eye for what, at least 30 years? You would think that if he were the Xenophobic, misogynistic racist that they claim, we'd have heard about it a bit earlier.
Let's face it; the ugly poison of racism is common in the USA.

It isn't anywhere near as prevalent as some would have us believe.
It pretty well saturates the internet.

At what level is the internet anything like real life?
The good thing about racism being all over the internet is that it keeps racists busy on their computers instead of acting on their hate in real life.
Let's face it; the ugly poison of racism is common in the USA.

It isn't anywhere near as prevalent as some would have us believe.
Lesley Stahl asked Trump about all the "TRUMP VERSUS HILLARY SUPPORTERS" attacks, many of which were PROVEN LIES by the "VICTIM".

Meanwhile, ignoring the RIOTS in Portland.

If you believed the media...anyone who voted or Trump is RACIST....even those in WISCONSIN, MICHIGAN, and PENNSYLVANIA who voted for Obama twice.

Here is liberal logic:

A white male votes for Obama in 2008, Obama in 2012, and Trump in 2016.....that person is OBVIOUSLY RACIST!!!!!

I don't blame Hillary for using the RACE CARD to try to get elected....she is a POS with an agenda for power and personal wealth.

What's pathetic are the idiot sheep who get nothing out of the FALSE NARRATIVE and cry racism.

I've often wondered, Trump has been in the public eye for what, at least 30 years? You would think that if he were the Xenophobic, misogynistic racist that they claim, we'd have heard about it a bit earlier.

There was the Trump roast on Comedy Central like 5 years ago. Not once did they mention racism.

Now, imagine that same roast today. All they would talk about is his "racism".

That says it all. He is a racist merely because he DARED to run against Hillary and ruin her coronation as the first female POTUS.
Let's face it; the ugly poison of racism is common in the USA.

You face it isn't.
You have no idea what racism is to have even said that.
United States is by faaaar the most diverse country in the world.
Right; and Israelis do care about Palestinians.

And Palestinians care about Israels... :confused-84:
And WTF does this have to do with the USA?
Ignoring the gutter language, but for the USA the racist state of Israel could not get away with destroying a people.
Let's face it; the ugly poison of racism is common in the USA.

You face it isn't.
You have no idea what racism is to have even said that.
United States is by faaaar the most diverse country in the world.
Right; and Israelis do care about Palestinians.

And Palestinians care about Israels... :confused-84:
And WTF does this have to do with the USA?
Ignoring the gutter language, but for the USA the racist state of Israel could not get away with destroying a people.

?? What about the entire middle east destroying them first? But it's racism if only Israel does it to them?
Let's face it; the ugly poison of racism is common in the USA.

It isn't anywhere near as prevalent as some would have us believe.
Lesley Stahl asked Trump about all the "TRUMP VERSUS HILLARY SUPPORTERS" attacks, many of which were PROVEN LIES by the "VICTIM".

Meanwhile, ignoring the RIOTS in Portland.

If you believed the media...anyone who voted or Trump is RACIST....even those in WISCONSIN, MICHIGAN, and PENNSYLVANIA who voted for Obama twice.

Here is liberal logic:

A white male votes for Obama in 2008, Obama in 2012, and Trump in 2016.....that person is OBVIOUSLY RACIST!!!!!

I don't blame Hillary for using the RACE CARD to try to get elected....she is a POS with an agenda for power and personal wealth.

What's pathetic are the idiot sheep who get nothing out of the FALSE NARRATIVE and cry racism.

I've often wondered, Trump has been in the public eye for what, at least 30 years? You would think that if he were the Xenophobic, misogynistic racist that they claim, we'd have heard about it a bit earlier.
But for the class of people who watch reality TV, no-one cared about Trump until he ran for president. His every move and utterance will be closely watched from now on.
Let's face it; the ugly poison of racism is common in the USA.

It isn't anywhere near as prevalent as some would have us believe.
It pretty well saturates the internet.

At what level is the internet anything like real life?
The good thing about racism being all over the internet is that it keeps racists busy on their computers instead of acting on their hate in real life.

Sure, that's the ticket.
Let's face it; the ugly poison of racism is common in the USA.

It isn't anywhere near as prevalent as some would have us believe.
Lesley Stahl asked Trump about all the "TRUMP VERSUS HILLARY SUPPORTERS" attacks, many of which were PROVEN LIES by the "VICTIM".

Meanwhile, ignoring the RIOTS in Portland.

If you believed the media...anyone who voted or Trump is RACIST....even those in WISCONSIN, MICHIGAN, and PENNSYLVANIA who voted for Obama twice.

Here is liberal logic:

A white male votes for Obama in 2008, Obama in 2012, and Trump in 2016.....that person is OBVIOUSLY RACIST!!!!!

I don't blame Hillary for using the RACE CARD to try to get elected....she is a POS with an agenda for power and personal wealth.

What's pathetic are the idiot sheep who get nothing out of the FALSE NARRATIVE and cry racism.

I've often wondered, Trump has been in the public eye for what, at least 30 years? You would think that if he were the Xenophobic, misogynistic racist that they claim, we'd have heard about it a bit earlier.
But for the class of people who watch reality TV, no-one cared about Trump until he ran for president. His every move and utterance will be closely watched from now on.

And does that make them racists? Any questioning of Obama was surely met with "racist!"
Let's face it; the ugly poison of racism is common in the USA.

You face it isn't.
You have no idea what racism is to have even said that.
United States is by faaaar the most diverse country in the world.
Right; and Israelis do care about Palestinians.

And Palestinians care about Israels... :confused-84:
And WTF does this have to do with the USA?
Ignoring the gutter language, but for the USA the racist state of Israel could not get away with destroying a people.

?? What about the entire middle east destroying them first? But it's racism if only Israel does it to them?
The Americans do nothing for the Palestinians, you see.
Let's face it; the ugly poison of racism is common in the USA.

You face it isn't.
You have no idea what racism is to have even said that.
United States is by faaaar the most diverse country in the world.
Right; and Israelis do care about Palestinians.

And Palestinians care about Israels... :confused-84:
And WTF does this have to do with the USA?
Ignoring the gutter language, but for the USA the racist state of Israel could not get away with destroying a people.

Oh cool, lookie... a Jew hater. You realize that Jews and Arabs are both Semitic people, right?
The Americans do nothing for the Palestinians, you see. what should we DO for them? Yuo want them here?...I can tell you, you do not.
I mean the Americans have taken sides and cannot be trusted to be peace brokers.

So we took a vote did we? Odd I don't remember doing that.
So we should be on the Palestinians side? We would be the only ones. I mean suuure other M.E. countries love to bitch about the situation but not a single one wants to be any part of helping them...

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