Are the Riots Manufactured?

Do you think these race riots are being trumped up on purpose by the left media like MSNBC?

  • Yes, definitely

    Votes: 11 78.6%
  • No

    Votes: 3 21.4%

  • Total voters
All Riots are manufactured. Can't have a riot that is not. Just consider the mechanics of the riot, what it takes to get the mob together, to hold their attention and to work them up from the typical mindset of a feckless child, to sufficient anger to destroy property and otherwise injure the innocent, which is ironically, what they came to 'protest', before they were converted into a riotous mob.

Now... that such is piled up around and is being exploited by Evil... OKA: the Ideological Left... should not come as a surprise to anyone. As such is the nature of evil.

Well the far right is just as evil. We are talking about people who harbor extreme views, not one political party or the other. It's just that in this particular instance the evil is being manufactured by the far left.

Good points though otherwise.

There's literally no such thing as a 'far-right'. "The Extreme" notion is designed for no other purpose than the legitimize the 'middle', and a moderate is merely a Leftist who for whatever reason prefers to deny it... .

There is good and there is evil. The Ideological Left is the means by which Evil is set to politics.
All Riots are manufactured. Can't have a riot that is not. Just consider the mechanics of the riot, what it takes to get the mob together, to hold their attention and to work them up from the typical mindset of a feckless child, to sufficient anger to destroy property and otherwise injure the innocent, which is ironically, what they came to 'protest', before they were converted into a riotous mob.

Now... that such is piled up around and is being exploited by Evil... OKA: the Ideological Left... should not come as a surprise to anyone. As such is the nature of evil.

Well the far right is just as evil. We are talking about people who harbor extreme views, not one political party or the other. It's just that in this particular instance the evil is being manufactured by the far left.

Good points though otherwise.

There's literally no such thing as a 'far-right'. "The Extreme" notion is designed for no other purpose than the legitimize the 'middle', and a moderate is merely a Leftist who for whatever reason prefers to deny it... .

There is good and there is evil. The Ideological Left is the means by which Evil is set to politics.

How do you know all riots are manufactured. I say spontaneity plays a large part many times, the people also taking part need to have a reason for the protest. And if it makes you feel great to think that you know who fits in what category of political leaning, go ahead and pat yourself on the shoulder. Evil only on the left? Really. Where'd you get that from?
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Mostly the riots are manufactured and organized by communist front groups.

I didn't know that. Who are these groups? Any names?

The community organizer lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. also known as the White House.

More community organizer stuff. Where do you guys get programmed anyway?
Mostly the riots are manufactured and organized by communist front groups.

I didn't know that. Who are these groups? Any names?

The community organizer lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. also known as the White House.

More community organizer stuff. Where do you guys get programmed anyway?

I programmed myself about the time Lyndon Johnson was screwing up the Vietnam police action into a full fledged war. What's your excuse?
Mostly the riots are manufactured and organized by communist front groups.

I didn't know that. Who are these groups? Any names?

The community organizer lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. also known as the White House.

More community organizer stuff. Where do you guys get programmed anyway?
Mostly the riots are manufactured and organized by communist front groups.

I didn't know that. Who are these groups? Any names?

The community organizer lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. also known as the White House.

More community organizer stuff. Where do you guys get programmed anyway?

I programmed myself about the time Lyndon Johnson was screwing up the Vietnam police action into a full fledged war. What's your excuse?

I don't respond to being programmed. But at least you admit to it.
Mostly the riots are manufactured and organized by communist front groups.

I didn't know that. Who are these groups? Any names?

The community organizer lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. also known as the White House.

More community organizer stuff. Where do you guys get programmed anyway?
Mostly the riots are manufactured and organized by communist front groups.

I didn't know that. Who are these groups? Any names?

The community organizer lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. also known as the White House.

More community organizer stuff. Where do you guys get programmed anyway?

I programmed myself about the time Lyndon Johnson was screwing up the Vietnam police action into a full fledged war. What's your excuse?

I don't respond to being programmed. But at least you admit to it.

Then how did you become a liberal/socialist/progressive/commie? You either did yourself or your commie professor/teacher brainwashed your ass. Or maybe it was one (or both) of your parents.
Why won't the police arrest the "protestors" for blocking traffic? Beyond that why did they not arrest the people who stepped in front of the train?
The powers to be want this to go on. Otherwise this whole charade would have ended the day after it started. Ask yourself why are the police stepping back and allowing this to happen?
You`d like to see another Tiananmen Square massacre or would just doing a Kent State be enough to satisfy your bloodlust?

So, you don't think people who blocking traffic should be arrested? What if an ambulance couldn't get through and someone died b/c of it?

As a liberal I absolutely believe people should be arrested for blocking traffic.

IF you are going to go for non-violent protest breaking the law you should be willing to be arrested for your beliefs.
Holy crap, silhouette actually started a thread that wasn't about homosexuals!

Must be winter in hell.
"The Bay Area’s anarchists have a new cause: the killing of unarmed black men by white police officers.
About 1,000 protesters roamed the streets of Berkeley, California, for a third night, chanting “we want justice” and closing a train track and an interstate.
“What you have in the Bay Area is a resident group of anarchists, and they pretty much float around between San Francisco, Oakland and Berkeley,” Oakland Mayor Jean Quan said in a telephone interview. “Before, they tagged them as the Oakland occupiers. It’s the same kind of m.o. They wear black, they hide within bigger crowds and then late at night they commit vandalism.” Berkeley Crowds Protest Over Police Killings of Black Men - Businessweek

Well the sympathy for the deceased is real at least. But the mob mentality may be getting a spur from disgruntled far-lefters. Plus, a little race-riot goes a long way to glom in other alleged civil rights grumblings from the far left sure to march before SCOTUS this year. I think the far left is attempting to "rile up a message" to anyone considering anything but a carte blanche for their ...uh...colorful agenda..

Sending a message are we MSNBC?

What do you think? Are the riots manufactured? Your reasons?

So now the demand that people be held responsible for their actions is "anarchy"?

And the OP wants to make this about MSNBC?

Fact is, all the news outlets are in a constant race to be first and bloodiest. But if you want to see real race-baiting, you gotta turn on fox, limbaugh, brietbart, etc.

Holy crap, silhouette actually started a thread that wasn't about homosexuals!

Must be winter in hell.
Read some of my threads on green energy or nuclear disasters, dipshit. This country has more than one dysfunction. But all bad things start from gross degredation of social mores so I start my weeding program at the roots. Unchecked greed and perversity are the two main tap roots of the weed.
"The Bay Area’s anarchists have a new cause: the killing of unarmed black men by white police officers.
About 1,000 protesters roamed the streets of Berkeley, California, for a third night, chanting “we want justice” and closing a train track and an interstate.
“What you have in the Bay Area is a resident group of anarchists, and they pretty much float around between San Francisco, Oakland and Berkeley,” Oakland Mayor Jean Quan said in a telephone interview. “Before, they tagged them as the Oakland occupiers. It’s the same kind of m.o. They wear black, they hide within bigger crowds and then late at night they commit vandalism.” Berkeley Crowds Protest Over Police Killings of Black Men - Businessweek

Well the sympathy for the deceased is real at least. But the mob mentality may be getting a spur from disgruntled far-lefters. Plus, a little race-riot goes a long way to glom in other alleged civil rights grumblings from the far left sure to march before SCOTUS this year. I think the far left is attempting to "rile up a message" to anyone considering anything but a carte blanche for their ...uh...colorful agenda..

Sending a message are we MSNBC?

What do you think? Are the riots manufactured? Your reasons?

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    Nov 29, 2014 - More on the Muslims busted in the Fergusonterror plot (more on that here). ... In October, pro-terror groups joined CAIR's Ferguson jihad.
Yeah, I'm sure everyone is getting in on the manufactured outrage. Though one good thing to come of this is a long-overdue proposal ( I can't believe it wasn't already requird by law???) to keep a register of how many people police kill and of what race they are.

I still think that because of the particular news outlet milking this story for all it's worth and creating more havoc as a result, we can suspect a certain "civil rights group" long known to be trying to ride the coattails of real black suffrage...that is preparing to really ramp up the rhetoric to pluck the sympathy strings (or alternately strike fear in the hearts of *certain* authorities in charge of their cult's fate) in order to try to march standing federal dominant law of state's choice (Windsor 2013) back to "states have to" (illegal decisions by lower courts violating procedural rules trying to overrule Windsor from underneath)
Holy crap, silhouette actually started a thread that wasn't about homosexuals!

Must be winter in hell.
Read some of my threads on green energy or nuclear disasters, dipshit. This country has more than one dysfunction. But all bad things start from gross degredation of social mores so I start my weeding program at the roots. Unchecked greed and perversity are the two main tap roots of the weed.
No, I don't like reading uneducated clap trap. You know nothing of society, court systems sexuality you are a charlatan, a demagogue, a phoney conservative. Based on your posts in this forum you can't possibly know anything about what you ate talking about in other ones, unless of course you are selectively stupid.
That fellow is a complete tool. He is so hell bent on making money he doesn't care that the damage he is doing to black people.

Actually I'm pretty sure I've got Sharpton figured out. He's all hellabent that Martin Luther King Jr. has a holiday and he doesn't. I think he wants the old days back and if they aren't here, he'll figure a way to manufacture them so he can get his face on a stamp.

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