Are there any positives at all to attribute to Capitalism?

OK, so everybody knows that capitalism is evil and promotes wealth redistribution from the many toward the rich......duh.

But does capitalism have a positive aspect? Anything at all?
And everybody knows that it took you every bit of 2 minutes to answer your own stupid bullshit.

Positive aspect?
It pisses you off :clap2:

then splain yourself. Can you name a positive aspect of capitalism?

Keep in mind we don't live in a capitalist paradigm, never have since the dawn of civilization, and to the degree that capitalism does exist, it exists alongside numerous other actors that contributed mightily to the events of the last 200 years.

What is progress? What progress that may have occurred is the product of capitalism rather than the organization of society, advances in technology, advances in literacy, education and information disemination?

Were patents and copyrights more or less responsible than capitalism was in facilitating the advents of the last two centuries?

What about war and defense? How great a role did noncapitalistic war and defense programs have to do with our technological progress?
I won't use the word "capitalism" being such that it is a pejorative. I do believe that a market economy is the most practicable means of distributing goods and services to those in the market for them, but an imperfect one to say the least. It falls upon the community that benefits from the market to bear the responsibility for mitigating the side effects, either through voluntary association, or democratic action--and likely both.

The franchising of governing power to incorporated companies by government does not in any way limit the power exercised over the people however, but rather, it spreads power into unelected hands that may be difficult to put checks upon. Solving this problem is the key to both a just market, as well as a responsive and relatively uncorrupted government

indeed a market economy is not capitalism. Capitalism is a specific kind of market economy. China, for example is a communist state advancing some new hybrid market economy. Nobody knows what it will look like as it matures but it is safe to guess it will look nothing like our market economy of the past. But they definitely are not a capitalist society.
[...]Capitalism is the only economic system for the FREE. Where $ is made by hard work, personal merits, intelligence . . .[...]
You've got it exactly wrong, which I know doesn't matter at all to you. But for the benefit of anyone who might be misinformed by your error, capitalism is essentially a means of making money by exploiting the work of others. Simply stated, hard work is a way of earning a living. Capitalism is a way of becoming rich.

While capitalism has the potential for evil implementation, as in the example of slavery, if properly administered by socialist regulations it can be an effective means of creating equitably distributed wealth. A properly managed system of capitalist productivity existed between the commencement of FDR's New Deal and the commencement of Reaganomics, an anti-socialist effort to undermine the middle class by decimating the union movement, implementing laissez faire capitalism through de-regulation, promoting illegal immigration, eliminating foreign trade controls and the outsourcing of American jobs to foreign workers.

Briefly stated, socialistically regulated capitalism enabled the growth of America's material empire and unbridled capitalism is presently destroying it.

you advocate bridled capitalism. Or quasi capitalist paradigms.
OK, so everybody knows that capitalism is evil and promotes wealth redistribution from the many toward the rich......duh.

But does capitalism have a positive aspect? Anything at all?
And everybody knows that it took you every bit of 2 minutes to answer your own stupid bullshit.

Positive aspect?
It pisses you off :clap2:

then splain yourself. Can you name a positive aspect of capitalism?

Keep in mind we don't live in a capitalist paradigm, never have since the dawn of civilization, and to the degree that capitalism does exist, it exists alongside numerous other actors that contributed mightily to the events of the last 200 years.

What is progress? What progress that may have occurred is the product of capitalism rather than the organization of society, advances in technology, advances in literacy, education and information disemination?

Were patents and copyrights more or less responsible than capitalism was in facilitating the advents of the last two centuries?

What about war and defense? How great a role did noncapitalistic war and defense programs have to do with our technological progress?
Are you purposefully this thick?

One needs only to look at the definition of capitalism to see the positive aspect:

an economic system in which investment in and ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange of wealth is made and maintained chiefly by private individuals or corporations, esp. as contrasted to cooperatively or state-owned means of wealth.
I am a capitalist.

I believe in the free market.

I also believe it has to have regulations to keep greed from distroying it.

An unfettered market results in concentration of the wealth in any free market into smaller and smaller hands until you no longer have a free market.

Unfettered capitalism has been proven over and over again by history to evolve into something else.

That is how the kings of europe all developed.
Maintaining competition is key to Capitalism. If that is taken out of the equation, what's left is no longer capitalism.

Indeed. Capitalism is a sort of survival of the fittest market economy. It's proponents like to argue that competition serves everybody by creating a more efficient economy.

But the flip side is that capitalism also promotes destruction of the least fit. destruction of the least fit individuals, ideas and ventures.

It is a kind of Darwinian market economy.
CAPITALISM is obviously what made America great. REAL, largely unhindered, Laissez Faire Capitalism indeed, the desire to keep earning more, the competition, race for profits. It's what made America rich, and drove us to countless innovations in all fields of this society.

A lot of people make that assumption but it is anything but true.

What made America wealthy was mostly an entire continent of virgin resources to exploit an ocean removed from any international rivals capable of stealing that. Then came the Bretton Woods accord and since then the dollar itself has been a tool that allowed us to literally milk the world's resources from them as if the world was our cow.

Slavery, technology, pioneering ethics and a selective immigration policy also contributed a great deal to our wealth. As did our DEMOCRATIC ideas.

It is hard to say if capitalism even played a major role in our accumulation of wealth considering the sheer number of other contributors.

I am a capitalist.

I believe in the free market.

I also believe it has to have regulations to keep greed from distroying it.

An unfettered market results in concentration of the wealth in any free market into smaller and smaller hands until you no longer have a free market.

Unfettered capitalism has been proven over and over again by history to evolve into something else.

That is how the kings of europe all developed.
I don't know whether your grasp of basic economics or history is more tragicomic. :lol::lol::lol:
And everybody knows that it took you every bit of 2 minutes to answer your own stupid bullshit.

Positive aspect?
It pisses you off :clap2:

then splain yourself. Can you name a positive aspect of capitalism?

Keep in mind we don't live in a capitalist paradigm, never have since the dawn of civilization, and to the degree that capitalism does exist, it exists alongside numerous other actors that contributed mightily to the events of the last 200 years.

What is progress? What progress that may have occurred is the product of capitalism rather than the organization of society, advances in technology, advances in literacy, education and information disemination?

Were patents and copyrights more or less responsible than capitalism was in facilitating the advents of the last two centuries?

What about war and defense? How great a role did noncapitalistic war and defense programs have to do with our technological progress?
Are you purposefully this thick?

One needs only to look at the definition of capitalism to see the positive aspect:

an economic system in which investment in and ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange of wealth is made and maintained chiefly by private individuals or corporations, esp. as contrasted to cooperatively or state-owned means of wealth.

Those are not the only two choices. The world is not a choice between state owned wealth and capitalism which you can't even define.

False dichotomy. Fail. Try to keep up. Seriously. IF you have something to contribute I won't want to miss it.
Aside from the fact that it's been working for thousands of years?


What would you replace it with? Keeping in mind that socialism and communism are know failures. What's left?
Unfettered capitalism is not survival of the fitest its survival of the most dishonest.

Those willing to do anything for money will win.

The decent people end up getting robbed by the not so decent people.
Aside from the fact that it's been working for thousands of years?


What would you replace it with? Keeping in mind that socialism and communism are know failures. What's left?

everything is left. 3 choices out of an infinite number leaves a lot of options.

Capitalism has never existed tho, far from working for 1000s of years.

anarcho syndicalism is one of many alternative systems. But seriously there must be 300 different hybrids that have already been tested in the real world. Non of them were capitalism, many involved degrees of authoritarianism, fascism, socialism, democracy, social democracy, autocracy, monarchy, oligarchy and most of them worked. Rome for example did quite well and the Roman economy blended a variety of ideas and classes.

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