Are We All Masochist?


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
Financial False Hope
I Know You’re Lying…but I Trust You with My Life!

Investing trust in the wrong people and policies can be ruinous. How much dishonesty does it take before the public stops putting blind faith in debt dealers, corporate crooks and the servile politicians who do their bidding? The widespread acceptance of ‘healthy’ inflation, monopoly patent rights, the ‘retirement’ trap and enslaving corporate ‘benefits’ would suggest we enjoy the abuse.

A condensed table of contents for the section headings of this essay is provided below.

A lengthy essay-

why do we put up with the shenanigans of the District of Criminals enterprise? I understand the alleged role of the fed reserve, but, this shit has gotten out of hand, as does any government enterprise- yet, we argue about who's running the enterprise as though it really matters. Nothing will change. Follow the money, see the agenda. It ain't rocket science and it isn't an esoteric endeavor-
it is the privilege class that the US claims doesn't exist. The ones like Trump who managed to bilk taxpayers to stay at his properties.
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it is the privilege class that the US claims doesn't exist. The ones like Trump who managed to bilk taxpayers to stay at his properties.
Is that all you have? Orange Man Bad- good godalmighty you fucking idiot- geezus h christ
it is the privilege class that the US claims doesn't exist. The ones like Trump who managed to bilk taxpayers to stay at his properties.
Is that all you have? Orange Man Bad- good godalmighty you fucking idiot- geezus h christ
The typical US resident is worked to the bone,Irving pay check to pay check and wear there slavery like a badge of honor. They are so tired at the end of the day they do not have the energy to do the work it takes to ferret out the truth. It is easier to pick a tribe follow those edits and place faith in them. If they did not place faith in them their belief and hope would crumble and they would not have the motivation to make it through the day. Makes me wonder if the Sumatra creation story is not real. Maybe we were actually created as a slave race and it is deeply imbed in our DNA. Americans work more hours, more days, least amount of vacation in the world and still have a good amount of our culture telling us we are lazy. Ya, it is fucked up.
it is the privilege class that the US claims doesn't exist. The ones like Trump who managed to bilk taxpayers to stay at his properties.
Is that all you have? Orange Man Bad- good godalmighty you fucking idiot- geezus h christ
The typical US resident is worked to the bone,Irving pay check to pay check and wear there slavery like a badge of honor. They are so tired at the end of the day they do not have the energy to do the work it takes to ferret out the truth. It is easier to pick a tribe follow those edits and place faith in them. If they did not place faith in them their belief and hope would crumble and they would not have the motivation to make it through the day. Makes me wonder if the Sumatra creation story is not real. Maybe we were actually created as a slave race and it is deeply imbed in our DNA. Americans work more hours, more days, least amount of vacation in the world and still have a good amount of our culture telling us we are lazy. Ya, it is fucked up.

What is the Sumatra Creation story?
it is the privilege class that the US claims doesn't exist. The ones like Trump who managed to bilk taxpayers to stay at his properties.
Is that all you have? Orange Man Bad- good godalmighty you fucking idiot- geezus h christ
The typical US resident is worked to the bone,Irving pay check to pay check and wear there slavery like a badge of honor. They are so tired at the end of the day they do not have the energy to do the work it takes to ferret out the truth. It is easier to pick a tribe follow those edits and place faith in them. If they did not place faith in them their belief and hope would crumble and they would not have the motivation to make it through the day. Makes me wonder if the Sumatra creation story is not real. Maybe we were actually created as a slave race and it is deeply imbed in our DNA. Americans work more hours, more days, least amount of vacation in the world and still have a good amount of our culture telling us we are lazy. Ya, it is fucked up.

What is the Sumatra Creation story?
Look up the book of Enki. Pretty interesting stuff. I grew up close to the Mariah Stein seminary and one of my biggest influences of my youth was father Ray. He was the lead historian there, he had access to ancient texts we would discuss these texts before they were available to the general public. He was not only an expert on catholic texts but also most religions in the world. The book of Enki is now available to the general public and is an interesting read. Check it out. Maybe also check out the Sumatra book of kings also an interesting read. 460000 year list of kings with accompanying history found on stone tablets.
it is the privilege class that the US claims doesn't exist. The ones like Trump who managed to bilk taxpayers to stay at his properties.
If what you say is true about Trump and others which could be, he and they did not write the tax laws. And both parties have had ample time to change the tax code and the tax loopholes. They did not. Progs had total control in a dominant fashion the first two years of Obama a san example. The top tax rate was at 39% i believe at one time before Trump. Yet the loophole lowered the taxes paid below 15% for the rich people. Why no changes to the tax code at that time?

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