Are we fully engaged in a passive civil war right now?

Not getting the 1984 reference, are ya slick?

Your side is the one taking a winner take all position on the culture war, and these issues flow from the primary issue of SJW's thinking their side is the only valid side, and thus the only side that needs to be allowed.
Yeah. Got it..and ignored it. People like quoting Orwell WAY too often. It really wasn't that prescient of a book. You can make generalizations on both sides of things like this happening...and a lot of them long before Orwell wrote his book. As I recall, the right wing in this country has been taking a winner take all approach in the culture wars for at least three decades now. Openly spouting ideals like liberty and free speech out of one side of their mouth's, while simultaneously trying to remove them out of the other...for certain "classes" of people.
Lets be honest and call it what it really is….Republicans and Democrats / Left and Right…..We HATE eachother and view eachother as enemies / adversaries.
The Right believes the Left is America’s greatest threat, an existential threat, our worst enemy.
Does ‘civil war‘ really require gun fire and deaths?
And what are you doing in this Civil War? Writing harsh posts?
Yeah. Got it..and ignored it. People like quoting Orwell WAY too often. It really wasn't that prescient of a book. You can make generalizations on both sides of things like this happening...and a lot of them long before Orwell wrote his book. As I recall, the right wing in this country has been taking a winner take all approach in the culture wars for at least three decades now. Openly spouting ideals like liberty and free speech out of one side of their mouth's, while simultaneously trying to remove them out of the other...for certain "classes" of people.

Really? LOLOLOL. The equivocation attempts you are trying here are truly pathetic.

Only the left tries to shut down opposing speech. Only the left takes it to the homes of those they oppose. Only the left has a handshake deal with big tech to silence any opposition.
It's not a civil war. It's just republicans and democrats arguing the stupid stuff. The political violence (physical) is only there because our police have been hamstrung from retarded city councils, mayors & lazy prosecutors. Punishment is too lenient. Everyone get's away with way too much now a days.
Not a republican, and I don't think that burning and sacking cities, sexualizing little children, and turning urban areas into shooting galleries is "stupid stuff".

Violent goon squads and preverts are on the march, and only one political faction in Murica doesn't think that's any big deal.
Well there is one saving grace.....Every time the left acts-out they burn their own blue areas down or otherwise disrupt them.

It's fun to watch on TV. ;)
Lets be honest and call it what it really is….Republicans and Democrats / Left and Right…..We HATE eachother and view eachother as enemies / adversaries.
The Right believes the Left is America’s greatest threat, an existential threat, our worst enemy.
Does ‘civil war‘ really require gun fire and deaths?

All that's missing are uniforms. Personally, I believe we're presently living the long, monotonous lead-up to the next fully engaged shooting civil war. Our national conscience hasn't quite kicked in yet for enough average good Americans to pick up rifles and get busy. Think about it though: the democratic party is personally and intimately and celebratorily responsible for the genocide of tens and tens of millions of unborn American children. Same as they are personally responsible for claiming men can become women, women men, boys girls and girls boys—which has led to democrat politicians openly calling for the mutilation of our precious children in the name of transgender religion. The democrats cater to everyone who is not a traditional American and label traditional Americans enemies of the state. Such political, religions, ethical and cultural differences can only be 'settled' by lots and lots of bloodshed. Second civil war? Either it's only a matter of time or one side will have to be enslaved by the other to keep them in line. It's that simple.
You Lefties have passively declared war on America’s institutions, principles, core value systems, culture, traditions and history…essentially declaring war against American Patriots….Have you not?

There's nothing passive about their declaration of cultural and ideological war; they're converting our kids as we type in public schools across America.
Scammers always desperately want to move on after their scam worked. There will be no moving on until the 2020 fraud is rectified.
Except nothing was scammed. Your savior lost the election. The only scam in play right now is his Big Lie. Which I'm sure you've happily donated your hard earned cash to helping him continue. :)

Either it's only a matter of time or one side will have to be enslaved by the other to keep them in line. It's that simple.
The right has no desire to enslave the left, we just want to be left alone to live our lives. The left requires a constant flow of OPM to finance their utopian welfare society, which requires varying degrees of slavery via taxation.

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