Are we fully engaged in a passive civil war right now?

The right has no desire to enslave the left, we just want to be left alone to live our lives. The left requires a constant flow of OPM to finance their utopian welfare society, which requires varying degrees of slavery via taxation.

Then in order to live peacefully as conservative, traditional, Christian, patriotic Americans the American political left will have to be destroyed or restricted down to the point of near non-existence. Two radically different ideologies, both rabidly self-righteous in their own respective ways, cannot coexist peacefully without the extreme misery of one or both.
Then in order to live peacefully as conservative, traditional, Christian, patriotic Americans the American political left will have to be destroyed or restricted down to the point of near non-existence. Two radically different ideologies, both rabidly self-righteous in their own respective ways, cannot coexist peacefully without the extreme misery of one or both.
Does the "leave me alone" right require anything from the left to achieve its goals?
Does the "it takes a village" left require anything from the right to achieve its goals?
Watch and learn, kid.

I am my own savior and I wasn't on the ballot.

I've donated zero dollars to the democrat big lie of 2020. :)

I've been watching and waiting for 18 months, Kitty.
So far, crickets and bupkus. Still waiting for that Krakken to be released.
Lets be honest and call it what it really is….Republicans and Democrats / Left and Right…..We HATE eachother and view eachother as enemies / adversaries.
The Right believes the Left is America’s greatest threat, an existential threat, our worst enemy.
Does ‘civil war‘ really require gun fire and deaths?
Not when your enemies lay down like little bitches to let their demographic replacement happen.
The enemies of America's Republic stimulate interest in "civil war". They heap divisiveness and partiality on the bonfire of debate, trying their utmost to destroy.
Are you sure that’s whats happening? Did you hear about the shooting in Buffalo?
Sorry, should I have specified doing something effective? Is your plan one off mass shootings because I got to tell you as far as plans go that's a shit one.
Nah, they just want to shower you with Genocide and loving to hate you and tel me that because I do not support their rhetoric I am the enemy…

What they never knew is I love being the enemy…

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