Are we in for a market correction??


Army Vet
Jun 30, 2008

I am seriously looking at my stock IRA portfolio and my mutual fund disbursement

We all pretty much know that the recent growth in the market has not been really backed with anything of substance.. I am seriously thinking of some slow growth staples to dump into for a while.. something just smells like time to collect and observe

Anyone else have any thoughts on this projection??

I am seriously looking at my stock IRA portfolio and my mutual fund disbursement

We all pretty much know that the recent growth in the market has not been really backed with anything of substance.. I am seriously thinking of some slow growth staples to dump into for a while.. something just smells like time to collect and observe

Anyone else have any thoughts on this projection??

I feel like the guy who bets against the person making their point in Craps...

I'm 39 years old, so market "corrections" are good for me as they lower the prices of the funds I buy. The key is to move the stock funds to bond and MM funds in increments as I get older only when the market is peaking.

I have also taken out a 401k loan to pay off credit card bills, so any correction makes me get more shares for the same money
I am not in.
No way I am risking another year until a correction takes place.
IMO - the correction will be deeep and will stay down this time. The government will not be able to
toss another $3 trillion at them again and the investors know it. Can you imagine the outrage if they did?
I would expect serious riots in every major city.
The 'correction' won't right itself the next time. Once the Magic Fairy Dollar Man ceases to sprinkle his dust on Wall Street, it's going to crash, and burn, like a 70's disaster Film.
The 'correction' won't right itself the next time.
IMO - the correction will be deeep and will stay down this time.
So I'm genuinely curious do you guys hop in and out of the stock market, do you just not save at all, or do you invest in other assets? Did you miss the huge year in 2013 or have you only recently formed this opinion and sold your stock positions?

When you say it will stay down are you just going to never invest in the stock market again since you believe it will never rise again in your lifetimes?

A correction wouldn't surprise me as we've had a hell of a run and volatility has definitely been up this spring, but I think if it happens we'll recover within 6 months. Mark me down for continuing to throw money into the pipe every month regardless of what happens, and rebalancing very January. I'm a boring investor.
LOL. But if we do not get such, and the market continues to do well, and the unemployment comes down, what do you get to say about our President then? Such a terrible thing, a successful President that is not white. Especially considering the record of the prior white President.
We've already had a bit of a correction. The Russell 2000 was down nearly 10%.

I'm buying here, but with options to protect my downside if I'm wrong and we go down more.
LOL. But if we do not get such, and the market continues to do well, and the unemployment comes down, what do you get to say about our President then? Such a terrible thing, a successful President that is not white. Especially considering the record of the prior white President.

Nobody mentioned Obama, but you.

Nobody mentioned race, but you.

However you did mention BOOOOOOOSH!

Wall Street Journal’s Steve Moore has rightly called Keynesian economics “magic fairy dust economics.”
The 'correction' won't right itself the next time.
IMO - the correction will be deeep and will stay down this time.
So I'm genuinely curious do you guys hop in and out of the stock market, do you just not save at all, or do you invest in other assets? Did you miss the huge year in 2013 or have you only recently formed this opinion and sold your stock positions?

When you say it will stay down are you just going to never invest in the stock market again since you believe it will never rise again in your lifetimes?

A correction wouldn't surprise me as we've had a hell of a run and volatility has definitely been up this spring, but I think if it happens we'll recover within 6 months. Mark me down for continuing to throw money into the pipe every month regardless of what happens, and rebalancing very January. I'm a boring investor.

I did really well with Apple and Netflix and some others but went to cash a couple months ago, then bought some good real estate deals. I'm staying out for the foreseeable future.

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