Are we so Societally Evolved as to render the Constitiution (2nd Amend.) Antiquated...

The days of 'the people' using rifles to fight their own army ended over a hundred years ago. In the age of the musket the people could own, generally, equal arms to what any government could own except maybe warships. That relative equity between forces of the people and the government ended around the time the Gatling Gun came into existence. The advent of modern artillery and then aircraft in the early 20th century forever ended any parity that may have been attainable by 'the people'.

If the American people have to fight their own army it would last a week and we'd lose on all counts. Even millions of kitted and fully auto AK47's or AR15's are going to be nothing more than a nuisance for our modern army. And since the whole argument for the 2nd amendment is so 'the people' can keep themselves free by arms is more than a century obsolete it now is nothing more than the Queen of England. No real power and it is more just a quaint old tradition that people feel all fuzzy about.

And don't get me wrong, I don't like that we can no longer defend ourselves from tyranny here. But reality is what it is. And all you nibs who think you're going to be a 'hero' and 'save the nation' go back to bed. The myth you live and breath is meaningless in physical reality. When a company of M1 Abrams supported by attack helicopters and jets come rolling down the road to your town and you have a line of 100,000 guys with full auto machine guns guess who loses. So don't post any stupid 'well these people did this 50 years ago'. We aren't talking about some other bullshit, we're talking about American people fighting their own army, marines, navy, and air force.

Should people still have rifles for hunting and pistols for self protection, yes. But this nonsense about 'pertectin freedom' is mental archeology. That myth ended a hundred years ago.

Maybe you're too young to have heard about the "Viet Cong".

Hilarious false equivalency. Yes describe in detail how auto-fire rifles will win against our military. Oh, you're one solution is if they leave America and we win by default. Yeah that could happen. :113:
The days of 'the people' using rifles to fight their own army ended over a hundred years ago. In the age of the musket the people could own, generally, equal arms to what any government could own except maybe warships. That relative equity between forces of the people and the government ended around the time the Gatling Gun came into existence. The advent of modern artillery and then aircraft in the early 20th century forever ended any parity that may have been attainable by 'the people'.

If the American people have to fight their own army it would last a week and we'd lose on all counts. Even millions of kitted and fully auto AK47's or AR15's are going to be nothing more than a nuisance for our modern army. And since the whole argument for the 2nd amendment is so 'the people' can keep themselves free by arms is more than a century obsolete it now is nothing more than the Queen of England. No real power and it is more just a quaint old tradition that people feel all fuzzy about.

And don't get me wrong, I don't like that we can no longer defend ourselves from tyranny here. But reality is what it is. And all you nibs who think you're going to be a 'hero' and 'save the nation' go back to bed. The myth you live and breath is meaningless in physical reality. When a company of M1 Abrams supported by attack helicopters and jets come rolling down the road to your town and you have a line of 100,000 guys with full auto machine guns guess who loses. So don't post any stupid 'well these people did this 50 years ago'. We aren't talking about some other bullshit, we're talking about American people fighting their own army, marines, navy, and air force.

Should people still have rifles for hunting and pistols for self protection, yes. But this nonsense about 'pertectin freedom' is mental archeology. That myth ended a hundred years ago.

Maybe you're too young to have heard about the "Viet Cong".

Hilarious false equivalency. Yes describe in detail how auto-fire rifles will win against our military. Oh, you're one solution is if they leave America and we win by default. Yeah that could happen. :113:

Tell me how the military will defeat when a convoy has a bag of Thermite detonated on the lead vehicle and is then ambushed heavily. Same type of tactics that the Colonial army used.

You shouldn't speak of things that you can't comprehend. It wasn't auto-fire rifles that made the Viet Cong deadly, it was booby traps and tunnels.
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Yes: Raise the age for gun purchase at many retail establishments , Heighten background checks, Limit ammunition...

^And there it is folks. And they wonder why people are stocking up on extra ammo? Personally, Obama did exactly that, and no .22 ammo could be found. Needless to say, many are well-stocked with it now. Me, I got a gun that shoots the next-cheapest bullets and stocked up on that, and continue to do so, on a schedule, largely because of people like I just quoted.

Limit ammunition, how 'bout limit your food? Limit your cars?

Hate to break it to you my friend (Mr. Morrison). Under the Obama 'regime' they were not to keen on "preppers" & the philosophy of storing up provisions, arms, etc...etc...
The days of 'the people' using rifles to fight their own army ended over a hundred years ago. In the age of the musket the people could own, generally, equal arms to what any government could own except maybe warships. That relative equity between forces of the people and the government ended around the time the Gatling Gun came into existence. The advent of modern artillery and then aircraft in the early 20th century forever ended any parity that may have been attainable by 'the people'.

If the American people have to fight their own army it would last a week and we'd lose on all counts. Even millions of kitted and fully auto AK47's or AR15's are going to be nothing more than a nuisance for our modern army. And since the whole argument for the 2nd amendment is so 'the people' can keep themselves free by arms is more than a century obsolete it now is nothing more than the Queen of England. No real power and it is more just a quaint old tradition that people feel all fuzzy about.

And don't get me wrong, I don't like that we can no longer defend ourselves from tyranny here. But reality is what it is. And all you nibs who think you're going to be a 'hero' and 'save the nation' go back to bed. The myth you live and breath is meaningless in physical reality. When a company of M1 Abrams supported by attack helicopters and jets come rolling down the road to your town and you have a line of 100,000 guys with full auto machine guns guess who loses. So don't post any stupid 'well these people did this 50 years ago'. We aren't talking about some other bullshit, we're talking about American people fighting their own army, marines, navy, and air force.

Should people still have rifles for hunting and pistols for self protection, yes. But this nonsense about 'pertectin freedom' is mental archeology. That myth ended a hundred years ago.

Maybe you're too young to have heard about the "Viet Cong".

Hilarious false equivalency. Yes describe in detail how auto-fire rifles will win against our military. Oh, you're one solution is if they leave America and we win by default. Yeah that could happen. :113:

Tell me how the military will defeat when a convoy has a bag of Thermite detonated on the lead vehicle and is then ambushed heavily.

You shouldn't speak of things that you can't comprehend.

You are actually arguing that a group of men with rifles could defeat our military in a real war.
The days of 'the people' using rifles to fight their own army ended over a hundred years ago. In the age of the musket the people could own, generally, equal arms to what any government could own except maybe warships. That relative equity between forces of the people and the government ended around the time the Gatling Gun came into existence. The advent of modern artillery and then aircraft in the early 20th century forever ended any parity that may have been attainable by 'the people'.

If the American people have to fight their own army it would last a week and we'd lose on all counts. Even millions of kitted and fully auto AK47's or AR15's are going to be nothing more than a nuisance for our modern army. And since the whole argument for the 2nd amendment is so 'the people' can keep themselves free by arms is more than a century obsolete it now is nothing more than the Queen of England. No real power and it is more just a quaint old tradition that people feel all fuzzy about.

And don't get me wrong, I don't like that we can no longer defend ourselves from tyranny here. But reality is what it is. And all you nibs who think you're going to be a 'hero' and 'save the nation' go back to bed. The myth you live and breath is meaningless in physical reality. When a company of M1 Abrams supported by attack helicopters and jets come rolling down the road to your town and you have a line of 100,000 guys with full auto machine guns guess who loses. So don't post any stupid 'well these people did this 50 years ago'. We aren't talking about some other bullshit, we're talking about American people fighting their own army, marines, navy, and air force.

Should people still have rifles for hunting and pistols for self protection, yes. But this nonsense about 'pertectin freedom' is mental archeology. That myth ended a hundred years ago.

Maybe you're too young to have heard about the "Viet Cong".

Hilarious false equivalency. Yes describe in detail how auto-fire rifles will win against our military. Oh, you're one solution is if they leave America and we win by default. Yeah that could happen. :113:

Tell me how the military will defeat when a convoy has a bag of Thermite detonated on the lead vehicle and is then ambushed heavily.

You shouldn't speak of things that you can't comprehend.

You are actually arguing that a group of men with rifles could defeat our military in a real war.

The military takes an oath to uphold the Constitution. The US military would not wage war on the people.
The days of 'the people' using rifles to fight their own army ended over a hundred years ago. In the age of the musket the people could own, generally, equal arms to what any government could own except maybe warships. That relative equity between forces of the people and the government ended around the time the Gatling Gun came into existence. The advent of modern artillery and then aircraft in the early 20th century forever ended any parity that may have been attainable by 'the people'.

If the American people have to fight their own army it would last a week and we'd lose on all counts. Even millions of kitted and fully auto AK47's or AR15's are going to be nothing more than a nuisance for our modern army. And since the whole argument for the 2nd amendment is so 'the people' can keep themselves free by arms is more than a century obsolete it now is nothing more than the Queen of England. No real power and it is more just a quaint old tradition that people feel all fuzzy about.

And don't get me wrong, I don't like that we can no longer defend ourselves from tyranny here. But reality is what it is. And all you nibs who think you're going to be a 'hero' and 'save the nation' go back to bed. The myth you live and breath is meaningless in physical reality. When a company of M1 Abrams supported by attack helicopters and jets come rolling down the road to your town and you have a line of 100,000 guys with full auto machine guns guess who loses. So don't post any stupid 'well these people did this 50 years ago'. We aren't talking about some other bullshit, we're talking about American people fighting their own army, marines, navy, and air force.

Should people still have rifles for hunting and pistols for self protection, yes. But this nonsense about 'pertectin freedom' is mental archeology. That myth ended a hundred years ago.

Maybe you're too young to have heard about the "Viet Cong".

Hilarious false equivalency. Yes describe in detail how auto-fire rifles will win against our military. Oh, you're one solution is if they leave America and we win by default. Yeah that could happen. :113:

Tell me how the military will defeat when a convoy has a bag of Thermite detonated on the lead vehicle and is then ambushed heavily.

You shouldn't speak of things that you can't comprehend.

You are actually arguing that a group of men with rifles could defeat our military in a real war.

If the government is so keen, why didn't they stop this latest mass shooter before he got started? They only had every opportunity in the world and blew it.
A hi-cap. magazine ban has been an issue for decades and it underscores the essential point of contention between the camps of the 'gun rights' & 'anti's'... Does it boil down to the fundamental point of the 2nd Amendment... a check, by 'the people', against tyranny?

Are we so evolved as a Society & Nation that this notion of a check against tyranny... is 'foolish' and a silly relic...? We do (currently) see dozens and dozens of Countries around the world where there is rampant oppression by dictatorships, quasi governments, political parties, royal families... over the freedoms and "inalienable rights" of their people... So are we 'above all that', now well into our 3rd century as a Nation?

House Democrats Push Ban on 'High Capacity' Magazines and 205 Different Firearms

Magazine capacity is perhaps the clearest tangible measure of where our Nation stands on this... After all, what use is an "assault rifle" if it can only be used with 'tiny' capacity mags... Is having an armed citizenry... 'armed commensurately' with that of the 'civilian' authority policing them, a bygone notion? Do our remaining 90's something elder's notions of the Wiemar Republic, no longer apply here...?
now whats funny is that the Parkland shooter only had 10 round mags.


You sick F_ _ _ !!! .. It's not "funny" that a 'semi-proficient' individual can just about seamlessly do repetitive 'mag' changes just above the rate of... < frequency / large cap. mag changes... You mentally & ideologically... deplorable (progressive)!

OK, so a hi-cap ban isn't going to change much for those quasi - proficient with their firearm.. (despite what Demented Feinstein thinks...) 'I' will resist a 'hi-cap.' ban on the fundamental premise that there must be a 'commensurate' "balance" of arms (capability / capacity) between the citizenry & the 'civilian authority' tasked with policing the citizenry...

Above video has been shared by other USMB members elsewhere... objectively inform yourself ( even though it runs counter to every fiber of your 'Bloomberg inspired' DNA)

this seems to be a great place for a "fuck you".

i'll leave it at that.
The days of 'the people' using rifles to fight their own army ended over a hundred years ago. In the age of the musket the people could own, generally, equal arms to what any government could own except maybe warships. That relative equity between forces of the people and the government ended around the time the Gatling Gun came into existence. The advent of modern artillery and then aircraft in the early 20th century forever ended any parity that may have been attainable by 'the people'.

If the American people have to fight their own army it would last a week and we'd lose on all counts. Even millions of kitted and fully auto AK47's or AR15's are going to be nothing more than a nuisance for our modern army. And since the whole argument for the 2nd amendment is so 'the people' can keep themselves free by arms is more than a century obsolete it now is nothing more than the Queen of England. No real power and it is more just a quaint old tradition that people feel all fuzzy about.

And don't get me wrong, I don't like that we can no longer defend ourselves from tyranny here. But reality is what it is. And all you nibs who think you're going to be a 'hero' and 'save the nation' go back to bed. The myth you live and breath is meaningless in physical reality. When a company of M1 Abrams supported by attack helicopters and jets come rolling down the road to your town and you have a line of 100,000 guys with full auto machine guns guess who loses. So don't post any stupid 'well these people did this 50 years ago'. We aren't talking about some other bullshit, we're talking about American people fighting their own army, marines, navy, and air force.

Should people still have rifles for hunting and pistols for self protection, yes. But this nonsense about 'pertectin freedom' is mental archeology. That myth ended a hundred years ago.

Maybe you're too young to have heard about the "Viet Cong".

Hilarious false equivalency. Yes describe in detail how auto-fire rifles will win against our military. Oh, you're one solution is if they leave America and we win by default. Yeah that could happen. :113:

Tell me how the military will defeat when a convoy has a bag of Thermite detonated on the lead vehicle and is then ambushed heavily.

You shouldn't speak of things that you can't comprehend.

You are actually arguing that a group of men with rifles could defeat our military in a real war.

The military takes an oath to uphold the Constitution. The US military would not wage war on the people.

Then there is no need for the 2nd amendment. Choose your poison.

Maybe you're too young to have heard about the "Viet Cong".

Hilarious false equivalency. Yes describe in detail how auto-fire rifles will win against our military. Oh, you're one solution is if they leave America and we win by default. Yeah that could happen. :113:

Tell me how the military will defeat when a convoy has a bag of Thermite detonated on the lead vehicle and is then ambushed heavily.

You shouldn't speak of things that you can't comprehend.

You are actually arguing that a group of men with rifles could defeat our military in a real war.

The military takes an oath to uphold the Constitution. The US military would not wage war on the people.

Then there is no need for the 2nd amendment. Choose your poison.

View attachment 180191

False Dichotomy fallacy, there are other reasons beyond simple self-protection.

What about all the Federal agencies that Obama weaponized, hmm? Yes, there is a need for a 2nd amendment.

If not, Raise a 8' x 10' sign over your house that says "This is a gun free zone" and take pics.
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The days of 'the people' using rifles to fight their own army ended over a hundred years ago. In the age of the musket the people could own, generally, equal arms to what any government could own except maybe warships. That relative equity between forces of the people and the government ended around the time the Gatling Gun came into existence. The advent of modern artillery and then aircraft in the early 20th century forever ended any parity that may have been attainable by 'the people'.

If the American people have to fight their own army it would last a week and we'd lose on all counts. Even millions of kitted and fully auto AK47's or AR15's are going to be nothing more than a nuisance for our modern army. And since the whole argument for the 2nd amendment is so 'the people' can keep themselves free by arms is more than a century obsolete it now is nothing more than the Queen of England. No real power and it is more just a quaint old tradition that people feel all fuzzy about.

And don't get me wrong, I don't like that we can no longer defend ourselves from tyranny here. But reality is what it is. And all you nibs who think you're going to be a 'hero' and 'save the nation' go back to bed. The myth you live and breath is meaningless in physical reality. When a company of M1 Abrams supported by attack helicopters and jets come rolling down the road to your town and you have a line of 100,000 guys with full auto machine guns guess who loses. So don't post any stupid 'well these people did this 50 years ago'. We aren't talking about some other bullshit, we're talking about American people fighting their own army, marines, navy, and air force.

Should people still have rifles for hunting and pistols for self protection, yes. But this nonsense about 'pertectin freedom' is mental archeology. That myth ended a hundred years ago.

Maybe you're too young to have heard about the "Viet Cong".

Hilarious false equivalency. Yes describe in detail how auto-fire rifles will win against our military. Oh, you're one solution is if they leave America and we win by default. Yeah that could happen. :113:

Tell me how the military will defeat when a convoy has a bag of Thermite detonated on the lead vehicle and is then ambushed heavily.

You shouldn't speak of things that you can't comprehend.

You are actually arguing that a group of men with rifles could defeat our military in a real war.
You have never heard of "asymetrical warfare, have you, idiot?
Maybe you're too young to have heard about the "Viet Cong".

Hilarious false equivalency. Yes describe in detail how auto-fire rifles will win against our military. Oh, you're one solution is if they leave America and we win by default. Yeah that could happen. :113:

Tell me how the military will defeat when a convoy has a bag of Thermite detonated on the lead vehicle and is then ambushed heavily.

You shouldn't speak of things that you can't comprehend.

You are actually arguing that a group of men with rifles could defeat our military in a real war.

The military takes an oath to uphold the Constitution. The US military would not wage war on the people.

Then there is no need for the 2nd amendment. Choose your poison.

View attachment 180191
and yet the left keeps LYING about "we're not coming for your guns" and wonders why there's such resistance to "common sense" laws.
A hi-cap. magazine ban has been an issue for decades and it underscores the essential point of contention between the camps of the 'gun rights' & 'anti's'... Does it boil down to the fundamental point of the 2nd Amendment... a check, by 'the people', against tyranny?

Are we so evolved as a Society & Nation that this notion of a check against tyranny... is 'foolish' and a silly relic...? We do (currently) see dozens and dozens of Countries around the world where there is rampant oppression by dictatorships, quasi governments, political parties, royal families... over the freedoms and "inalienable rights" of their people... So are we 'above all that', now well into our 3rd century as a Nation?

House Democrats Push Ban on 'High Capacity' Magazines and 205 Different Firearms

Magazine capacity is perhaps the clearest tangible measure of where our Nation stands on this... After all, what use is an "assault rifle" if it can only be used with 'tiny' capacity mags... Is having an armed citizenry... 'armed commensurately' with that of the 'civilian' authority policing them, a bygone notion? Do our remaining 90's something elder's notions of the Wiemar Republic, no longer apply here...?
You mean 'de-evolved' right?

A society that gives up its basic right to resist a tyrannical government is a society that is regressing to a lesser level of intellect.
A hi-cap. magazine ban has been an issue for decades and it underscores the essential point of contention between the camps of the 'gun rights' & 'anti's'... Does it boil down to the fundamental point of the 2nd Amendment... a check, by 'the people', against tyranny?

Are we so evolved as a Society & Nation that this notion of a check against tyranny... is 'foolish' and a silly relic...? We do (currently) see dozens and dozens of Countries around the world where there is rampant oppression by dictatorships, quasi governments, political parties, royal families... over the freedoms and "inalienable rights" of their people... So are we 'above all that', now well into our 3rd century as a Nation?

House Democrats Push Ban on 'High Capacity' Magazines and 205 Different Firearms

Magazine capacity is perhaps the clearest tangible measure of where our Nation stands on this... After all, what use is an "assault rifle" if it can only be used with 'tiny' capacity mags... Is having an armed citizenry... 'armed commensurately' with that of the 'civilian' authority policing them, a bygone notion? Do our remaining 90's something elder's notions of the Wiemar Republic, no longer apply here...?
now whats funny is that the Parkland shooter only had 10 round mags.


You sick F_ _ _ !!! .. It's not "funny" that a 'semi-proficient' individual can just about seamlessly do repetitive 'mag' changes just above the rate of... < frequency / large cap. mag changes... You mentally & ideologically... deplorable (progressive)!

OK, so a hi-cap ban isn't going to change much for those quasi - proficient with their firearm.. (despite what Demented Feinstein thinks...) 'I' will resist a 'hi-cap.' ban on the fundamental premise that there must be a 'commensurate' "balance" of arms (capability / capacity) between the citizenry & the 'civilian authority' tasked with policing the citizenry...

Above video has been shared by other USMB members elsewhere... objectively inform yourself ( even though it runs counter to every fiber of your 'Bloomberg inspired' DNA)

this seems to be a great place for a "fuck you".

i'll leave it at that.

this seems to be a great place for a (" " ) in response... "f_ _k you". as well... have a blessed Sunday!
The con butthurt is bigly here. How they cling to this idea of being the modern day minuteman. A dream that ended around 1901. But lordy they can't wrap their heads around reality.
A hi-cap. magazine ban has been an issue for decades and it underscores the essential point of contention between the camps of the 'gun rights' & 'anti's'... Does it boil down to the fundamental point of the 2nd Amendment... a check, by 'the people', against tyranny?

Are we so evolved as a Society & Nation that this notion of a check against tyranny... is 'foolish' and a silly relic...? We do (currently) see dozens and dozens of Countries around the world where there is rampant oppression by dictatorships, quasi governments, political parties, royal families... over the freedoms and "inalienable rights" of their people... So are we 'above all that', now well into our 3rd century as a Nation?

House Democrats Push Ban on 'High Capacity' Magazines and 205 Different Firearms

Magazine capacity is perhaps the clearest tangible measure of where our Nation stands on this... After all, what use is an "assault rifle" if it can only be used with 'tiny' capacity mags... Is having an armed citizenry... 'armed commensurately' with that of the 'civilian' authority policing them, a bygone notion? Do our remaining 90's something elder's notions of the Wiemar Republic, no longer apply here...?
We are devolving socialy in my opinion!
Evolved as a society? LOL
We have one of the most corrupt govts on the planet. Our society is fucking retarded.
Whats weird is, all these people that say trump is a dictator and will eventually start eating our babies, want to put their families safety in their hands?
A lot of disingenuous bullshit going on, ey?
Some how every American now thinks they know every thing. I walked in to a kitchen the other day and saw two freinds setting cabinets. The floor was one of the most unlevel floors I have ever seen. Dropped over an inch over 9 ft. They were setting the cabinet on the low side of the floor. If I had said nothing they would not have been able to level the cabinets with out cutting down the cabinets. I told them to set the cabinet on the high side first. They did not listen to me and waisted I do n ot know how many hours. So they call me up and want me to come fix it. I come hang the cabinets. The next day they are pissed at me because I told them what to do! WTF.
The con butthurt is bigly here. How they cling to this idea of being the modern day minuteman. A dream that ended around 1901. But lordy they can't wrap their heads around reality.
Perhaps if you live in the metro areas... I would tend to agree with you. But why does a "militia" have to be a rag tag group of 'robin hoods merry men' hanging out in a group? Do you think the State & federal governments are going to be successful knocking on individual doors in the 'burbs' / country? Guess a gain. - The Holocaust never would have happened if the Jewish people were a little bit more proactive answering their doors to the SS w/ a revolver in their right hand...
Yeah, the holocaust would have happened if the Jews had a revolver or not.

Who are these yokes who do not know history and military arts and so forth.

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