Are we so Societally Evolved as to render the Constitiution (2nd Amend.) Antiquated...

The con butthurt is bigly here. How they cling to this idea of being the modern day minuteman. A dream that ended around 1901. But lordy they can't wrap their heads around reality.
Perhaps if you live in the metro areas... I would tend to agree with you. But why does a "militia" have to be a rag tag group of 'robin hoods merry men' hanging out in a group? Do you think the State & federal governments are going to be successful knocking on individual doors in the 'burbs' / country? Guess a gain. - The Holocaust never would have happened if the Jewish people were a little bit more proactive answering their doors to the SS w/ a revolver in their right hand...

The ones that did were soon housed in a concentration camp or shot on the spot. You suffer from the same affliction, you think whatever you imagine in your head is real. If the ATF showed up at your door tomorrow you'd do nothing. "Well we country folk are a different breed". No you're not, you just have a need to believe that. You people really need to stop with this myth worship.
Yeah, the holocaust would have happened if the Jews had a revolver or not.

Who are these yokes who do not know history and military arts and so forth.
You "Sheeple", - - go back your barn. - -
You blame the victims: that detracts from your character and propensity by others to believe you.
Ok. - Starkey. - tell that to my 94 yo. Grandmother... Her name is Dorothy Forthman & you can reach her at [email protected]

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