Are we sure Trump or DeSantis is ‘extreme’ enough for this new-age Republican voter?

Hahaha…surely you jest?
Mr Turtle McConnell pushed what Trump ran on and promised the people…he pushed what he was told to push…he pushed what he knew Trump would support….that’s all

If you say so.

What policies and ideologies are the right pushing that can be considered “bat shit crazy” by sane folks?

Well, not necessarily policy, but just the general tone and attitude - things like charging into the US Capitol armed. I'm sure I can pick apart policy but I'll just leave it at that. Lying about election results and trying to prevent the peaceful transfer of power's a good place to start.
Well, not necessarily policy, but just the general tone and attitude
Republicans have been nothing but retaliatory and everybody paying attention knows it.

things like charging into the US Capitol armed. I'm sure I can pick apart policy but I'll just leave it at that. Lying about election results and trying to prevent the peaceful transfer of power's a good place to start.
Very few “charged the capitol”….us sane folks saw a massive protest and few badass hardcores…that’s all.
Nobody “lied” about election results nor did anyone try to prevent the peaceful transfer of power…Good real Americans simply wanted a stay on results and an investigation into fraud….Remember when Democrats spent their days trying to prevent the peaceful transfer of power from 2016-2020?
Cool hypothesis….now can you demonstrate how you arrive such a theory?
America’s core people were in fact “taking their country back” under Trump……point us to an example of the neo-feudalism you speak of.

Let's flip this around. I assume you and others voted for Trump because, among other things, lots of cheap labor was invited into the country without your permission and a lot of it was sent overseas as well. Did the woke mob do that? Who made those decisions? You think that it's all just a ploy to make us all diverse, buy the world a Coke, and sing kumbaya?

The people in this society, on this planet, who make the most important decisions, the kinds of decisions that move markets and that move trillions and trillions of dollars around the globe, are really rich, and they want to keep it that way. They're not interested in making America great. They're interested in their own private guarded estates and their Gulfstream, and if necessary, they have no problem leaving the country and watching it burn from Svalbard if they have to.
Let's flip this around. I assume you and others voted for Trump because, among other things, lots of cheap labor was invited into the country without your permission and a lot of it was sent overseas as well. Did the woke mob do that? Who made those decisions? You think that it's all just a ploy to make us all diverse, buy the world a Coke, and sing kumbaya?

The people in this society, on this planet, who make the most important decisions, the kinds of decisions that move markets and that move trillions and trillions of dollars around the globe, are really rich, and they want to keep it that way. They're not interested in making America great. They're interested in their own private guarded estates and their Gulfstream, and if necessary, they have no problem leaving the country and watching it burn from Svalbard if they have to.
Agreed…and thanks for proving my point for me.
Trump was vigorously attacked, vilified, denigrated and despised by the oligarchy and cabal…..Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey, Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Bezos, the google faggots, all of Hollywood…the list goes on and on….
Why do you think that is?
Think about it…While Trump did many great things he didn’t build the wall, he didn’t defund sanctuary cities / states, he didn’t stop states from providing free healthcare to Mexico’s people at the peoples expense, he didn’t reform a bullshit welfare system, he didn’t shrink the size and scope of government, he didn’t stop governors from imposing unconstitutional bullshit on the people during the scamdemic.

Ultimately I think we need someone far more extreme…we need a male version of a fully unbridled MTG.

States rights.
Agreed…and thanks for proving my point for me.
Trump was vigorously attacked, vilified, denigrated and despised by the oligarchy and cabal…..Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey, Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Bezos, the google faggots, all of Hollywood…the list goes on and on….
Why do you think that is?

If they despised Trump, it's probably because they concluded that he was thicker than pig shit and that he was getting in the way and costing them control of the federal government, which they think they own as though it were one of their subsidiaries. Trump losing made my day, but I doubt it made theirs.

You think any of the people you mentioned are happy about the "Inflation Act" or whatever it's called? You think they enjoy higher taxes and more federal spending?
Look around at the radical democrat base today. Are they satisfied? Are they ready to tell us what a great job the Biden administration is doing? Of course not. They would rather play the victim and pretend they lost the election.
Women raising children at home and caring for the household is a primary tenet that pillars our nation and lies at the foundation of America…whereas your buttfucking faggots, rug munchers and chicks with dicks are a primary cause of the degradation and decay of America….simple shit.
Women raising children at home and caring for the household is a primary tenet that pillars our nation and lies at the foundation of America…whereas your buttfucking faggots, rug munchers and chicks with dicks are a primary cause of the degradation and decay of America….simple shit.

The world changed, and it didn't ask your permission - it didn't ask mine either if that makes you feel better. But change is a constant. People can fight like hell to make the world go backward but even if somehow achieve that trip back to the 1960s, it probably won't be like they remembered.
If they despised Trump, it's probably because they concluded that he was thicker than pig shit and that he was getting in the way and costing them control of the federal government, which they think they own as though it were one of their subsidiaries. Trump losing made my day, but I doubt it made theirs.
You’re kind of all over the place on this….you’re starting to confuse me.
Are you now saying Trump was bad for the cabal and oligarchy but that doesn’t matter because he was also bad for you emotional FEELZ folks as well?
Why did Trump losing “make your day”? Do you dislike prosperity and unity among Americas best citizens?

You think any of the people you mentioned are happy about the "Inflation Act" or whatever it's called? You think they enjoy higher taxes and more federal spending?
You tell me…have their complicit propaganda arm / mouth-pieces….CNN, MSN and the like bad-mouthed this “Inflation Act”….has Twitter and Facebook?
OR do you think there are still work-arounds within the tax code for them to use?
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Think about it…While Trump did many great things he didn’t build the wall, he didn’t defund sanctuary cities / states, he didn’t stop states from providing free healthcare to Mexico’s people at the peoples expense, he didn’t reform a bullshit welfare system, he didn’t shrink the size and scope of government, he didn’t stop governors from imposing unconstitutional bullshit on the people during the scamdemic.

Ultimately I think we need someone far more extreme…we need a male version of a fully unbridled MTG.


We live in a country of checks and balances. You think that a President can do anything they want. Voters do not support a wall. Only Congress can set strings on any federal money. States are free to do anything they want. When you say reforming a welfare system, you mean having children go hungry, more people living on the street and telling low income people to drop dead while the rich are getting richer. Interfering with the relationship between a individual and a doctor is big government. Attacking free speech rights is big government. You want big government as long as it does what you want it to do. Nothing governors did during the pandemic was unconstitutional.
The world changed, and it didn't ask your permission - it didn't ask mine either if that makes you feel better. But change is a constant. People can fight like hell to make the world go backward but even if somehow achieve that trip back to the 1960s, it probably won't be like they remembered.
Hahaha…oh that ever so exciting “CHANGE” you Progs are so addicted to and love so much…..see, CHANGE is only a good thing that should be embraced when it’s good for the nation and it’s trajectory for the whole….change for a few is usually a recipe for disaster and division as you’re clearly witnessing.
Not really…that’s Mexicans you speak of.
But REAL women do raise children and take care of household responsibilities.
Anyway…stay on topic.

You are the one who brought it up. Women are more than capable of being leaders. You are a real sexist bigot as well as a racist.
Hahaha…oh that ever so exciting “CHANGE” you Progs are so addicted to and love so much…..see, CHANGE is only a good thing that should be embraced when it’s good for the nation and it’s trajectory for the whole….change for a few is usually a recipe for disaster and division as you’re clearly witnessing.

Change is a natural thing. You cannot bring back the past.
So you support concentration camps for people you disagree with politically.
It’s not a political thing with you Regressives….it’s all about social construct and your condemnation of American virtue and America’s core foundational values and principles.
I would LOVE to see Leftists in Auschwitz type concentration camps…I’ll be the gasser.

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