Are we sure Trump or DeSantis is ‘extreme’ enough for this new-age Republican voter?

Hardly. Illegal immigration was a trickle.
Good to see you admit this wasn't something that happened just under Democrats.... This is how easy it is to paint you as an idiot.
No shortages.
Rather hilarious statement on your part.

Gasoline was $2.50.
Why did he set the price of gasoline so high?
No inflation? LOL.
Low crime until Democrats encouraged blm and antifa.
Until his folks injured 140 cops and tried to overthrow the government....
Keep trying.
I"m not trying...kicking your ass takes no effort.
Good to see you admit this wasn't something that happened just under Democrats.... This is how easy it is to paint you as an idiot.

Rather hilarious statement on your part.

Why did he set the price of gasoline so high?

No inflation? LOL.

Until his folks injured 140 cops and tried to overthrow the government....

I"m not trying...kicking your ass takes no effort.
You're such a liar. BLM and antifa was far worse. There was no inflation. The mask shortage wasn't Trump's responsibility. What's next? Gonna blame Trump for the toilet paper shortage when the pandemic began? You're hilarious. Daffy Duck would be a better President than Biden. Sad.
There was no inflation.
Economists would disagree with you. But then again so does anyone who has a brain.
The mask shortage wasn't Trump's responsibility.
Okay, whose responsibility was it to maintain the Strategic National Stockpile?
What's next? Gonna blame Trump for the toilet paper shortage when the pandemic began?
Sure. The trade war he started predicated the shortages we had and are still suffering from in some sectors.
You're hilarious. Daffy Duck would be a better President than Biden. Sad.
Your blob lost to Biden.

What's next...are you still going to pretend there was voter fraud?
Their rage is real. Many of their grievances are real. And they're not going away. We have to find a way to appeal to the "rational fringe" among them and pull this all back from the ledge.
Yes. And I agree to a point with many of their grievances. It's the misguided, myopic, ignorant, paranoid zealotry that is so destructive.

As to your second point, I hope that happens, and my fingers are crossed. To me, there are three things still standing in the way:
  1. Not enough effort is being put into understanding the grievances, which would require some mirror-gazing by the Left
  2. The American Left still refuses to understand or admit the role it has played, and continues to play, in feeding into this rage
  3. We're still not looking at the bigger picture: What it says about this society & culture that a person like this is so popular
There are still things I don't understand about this. But I do know that, as you say, many of the grievances are real.
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