Are we sure Trump or DeSantis is ‘extreme’ enough for this new-age Republican voter?

The FBI seizure of documents from your blob's house was the government doing it's job. So, you were all for that, right?

Let me'll suddenly be against the government doing it's job.
You're avoiding the point. You know what I'm talking about, but your dishonesty prevents you.
No. I'm painting you as the liar you are.

Are you ready for another coat?
Are you ready to get honest and defend the horseshit you're putting in our schools, the racism in the teacher's unions, the open borders, the high crime rates, the inflation stealing our paychecks, the homeless camping in backyards, all being avoided while you focus on Trump. You're gonna pay for your agenda on election day.
Are you ready to get honest and defend the horseshit you're putting in our schools, the racism in the teacher's unions, the open borders, the high crime rates, the inflation stealing our paychecks, the homeless camping in backyards, all being avoided while you focus on Trump. You're gonna pay for your agenda on election day.
Wow, could you imagine if any of that was actually happening?

You have homeless camping in your backyard and you're blaming Biden? I'd blame myself if I were you. But then again, I'm not on crack like you apparently are.
Wow, could you imagine if any of that was actually happening?

You have homeless camping in your backyard and you're blaming Biden? I'd blame myself if I were you. But then again, I'm not on crack like you apparently are.
And everyone can see you avoided the rest of democrat failures in my post. Time for you to laugh some more.
There's change for good and There's change for bad. America is on a bad road.

In many regards, I would agree that we're on a bad road, particularly where resource conservation is concerned. S&P won't stay at 4000 for long if there's no water for farming or hydroelectric power - or flushing down our own shit for that matter.
This is an important point. This is not a small group, and they're at war. They want to see other Americans die for disagreeing with them, they literally do see those people as evil and of Satan, and they're dead serious.

They were emboldened on Escalator Day, and their rage is only increasing.

Correct. Get that nasty evil shit out of our schools and we might calm down.
Mac still can’t believe that good real core Americans will protect and preserve their nation at all costs…hahaha….
Look Mac, all you Change America / Hate America loons have to do is stop fucking with the foundations of the peoples nation, stop importing Mexico’s filth and we’re good….but you can’t get out of your own way.
America will always be a nation founded, built, funded and run by white male heterosexuals and there isn’t shit you can do about it…STOP TRYING!
This is an important point. This is not a small group, and they're at war. They want to see other Americans die for disagreeing with them, they literally do see those people as evil and of Satan, and they're dead serious.

They were emboldened on Escalator Day, and their rage is only increasing.
“We’ll golly-gee I just can’t understand it…all I’m trying to do is fuck his wife…why does he want to kill me?”
This is an important point. This is not a small group, and they're at war. They want to see other Americans die for disagreeing with them, they literally do see those people as evil and of Satan, and they're dead serious.

They were emboldened on Escalator Day, and their rage is only increasing.
Their rage is real. Many of their grievances are real. And they're not going away. We have to find a way to appeal to the "rational fringe" among them and pull this all back from the ledge.
The Lincoln Project is a conservative group, which has long opposed Trump and his Republican allies. It issued a strongly worded statement late on Tuesday following the primary defeat of Wyoming Representative Liz Cheney.

Trump Republicans have largely abondoned conservative principles. The statement essentially said that the Republican Party is no longer a conservative party. It is something else entirely.

Tonight, the nation marks the end of the Republican Party. What remains shares the name and branding of the traditional GOP, but is in fact an authoritarian nationalist cult dedicated only to Donald Trump.

In 2016, Vladimir Putin helped Trump become our President.

"The [Republican] Senate Intelligence Committee reaffirmed its support for the U.S. intelligence community’s conclusion that the Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election with the goal of putting Donald Trump in the Oval Office."

The cult members don't care. Most of the uninformed educationally challenged members don't know of Putin's role in 2016.

Putin is pleased with his choice because our nation is in turmoil as the former President is embroiled in a number of investigations. They would include White House documents, the Jan. 6 coup attempt to overthrow the elected government, civil and criminal business actions in New York, and Trump's tax returns.

The cult members don't care. Most of the uninformed educationally challenged members don't know of Trump's multiple criminal liabilities, and they don't know they are doing the bidding of the Russian dictator.

All the cult members have one thing in common. They don't know, and they don't want to know. They are not fans of reality, and, beyond the Farm Report, they rarely watch responsible news programming, believing it to be fake news because they report the difficulties faced by their cult leader, Donald Trump.

They believe. That's all they know, and that is all they want to know.

A number of reports involve Trump's many problems with the law. Trump Republicans are a no-show. They don't defend Trump. They don't support Trump.

Their support for their cult leader is based entirely on avoiding what Trump says and does.

The mystery is, why Trump? Why a man with inherited billions? Why an extreme narcissist who doesn't give a rat's ass about anyone except himself?
Lincoln project? A conservative group? Lol…no
Their rage is real. Many of their grievances are real. And they're not going away. We have to find a way to appeal to the "rational fringe" among them and pull this all back from the ledge.
Hahaha…confused and terrified fence-sitters without the balls to pick a side in this political climate are going to “pull this all back from the ledge”…..hahahaha….Good luck Lib.
Lincoln project? A conservative group? Lol…no
Republican voters are mostly from the rural areas of our country, Mostly farmers, ranchers, and shopkeepers, they are educationally challenged and are largely uninformed. That can be seen in their posts. Consequently, their philosophy is see no evil, speak no evil, and hear no evil. Jan. 6 is just another date to them.

They often make baseless accusations. They think just saying it makes it true, when, in fact, they have no idea what they are talking about.
Republican voters are mostly from the rural areas of our country, Mostly farmers, ranchers, and shopkeepers, they are educationally challenged and are largely uninformed. That can be seen in their posts.
How do you suppose these ignorant creatures always seem to out-earn you uber intelligent Berkeley grads?
The "democratic failures"? We had homeless under your blob. We had immigration (illegal immigration) under your blob. We had massive shortages under your blob.
Hardly. Illegal immigration was a trickle. No shortages. Gasoline was $2.50. NO INFLATION. Low crime until Democrats encouraged blm and antifa. Keep trying.
Think about it…While Trump did many great things he didn’t build the wall, he didn’t defund sanctuary cities / states, he didn’t stop states from providing free healthcare to Mexico’s people at the peoples expense, he didn’t reform a bullshit welfare system, he didn’t shrink the size and scope of government, he didn’t stop governors from imposing unconstitutional bullshit on the people during the scamdemic.

Ultimately I think we need someone far more extreme…we need a male version of a fully unbridled MTG.

His name was Hitler. Good luck in your search.

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