Are we sure Trump or DeSantis is ‘extreme’ enough for this new-age Republican voter?

Hahaha…oh that ever so exciting “CHANGE” you Progs are so addicted to and love so much…..see, CHANGE is only a good thing that should be embraced when it’s good for the nation and it’s trajectory for the whole….change for a few is usually a recipe for disaster and division as you’re clearly witnessing.

Okay, what changes do you feel harmed America, and why? And who do you think is responsible for them and what do you consider to be their motives? Sorry, I know I'm tossing several questions at once.
It’s not a political thing with you Regressives….it’s all about social construct and your condemnation of American virtue

But what is "American virtue"? Slavery?

and America’s core foundational values and principles.

Which ones are the important ones in your opinion?

I would LOVE to see Leftists in Auschwitz type concentration camps…I’ll be the gasser.

That's a Nazi principle, not an American principle. You seem to identify with the ideology of oppression and violence, probably because you're angry about...things. On some level I actually get it - I sometimes like to rage against the machine myself. But raging blindly ain't gonna help your situation or America's.

Americans liberated the prisoners from that concentration camp and others, and your trivialization of that act is essentially spitting on the graves of the soldiers who tried to liberate it but were cut down on the beaches of Normandy, as well as to those who got there and have since passed on.
I think you make a good point.

All Coulter has taken to excoriating Trump, saying things like the left accused him of being authoritarian which is a laugh because he was such a weak sister on building the wall. I agree, he should have instructed the Army Corps of engineers to shift whatever funds they needed from diversity training to wall building.

Republicans never shrink the size of government. At best, they slow the growth from exponential to linear. We had a beautiful economy under Trump because he made a show of eliminating regulations. The free market knew he wasn't really going to de-regulate, but at least there would be no new and even crazier regulations like we get when a Dem is in power.

Not sure why you suspect DeSantis would not deliver as promised, other than that politicians never do. But if that's a universal truism, why would a male MTG do any better?

That is so much bullshit. Dirty air and dirty water are not good for the economy. Too often regulations are created because of abuse by private companies. He had no right to shift funds as the House has the power of the purse. Apparently you support sedition.
There was relative peace and prosperity during the Trump administration. That's how they used to judge successful administrations. What do we have now?

That prosperity was inherited from the Obama Administration. What we have now is a Republican attack on the rights of Americans. That is ultimately the most important. Once rights are lost, they can be difficult or impossible to get back.
Think about it…While Trump did many great things he didn’t build the wall, he didn’t defund sanctuary cities / states, he didn’t stop states from providing free healthcare to Mexico’s people at the peoples expense, he didn’t reform a bullshit welfare system, he didn’t shrink the size and scope of government, he didn’t stop governors from imposing unconstitutional bullshit on the people during the scamdemic.

Ultimately I think we need someone far more extreme…we need a male version of a fully unbridled MTG.

I support your crusade to run unelectable.candidates in your party. :113:

But what is "American virtue"? Slavery?
Lets start with hard work, law and order, sovereignty, a moral and value system developed from Biblical principles.

Which ones are the important ones in your opinion?
Lets start with hard work, law and order, sovereignty, a moral and value system developed from Biblical principles.

That's a Nazi principle, not an American principle. You seem to identify with the ideology of oppression and violence, probably because you're angry about...things. On some level I actually get it - I sometimes like to rage against the machine myself. But raging blindly ain't gonna help your situation or America's.

Americans liberated the prisoners from that concentration camp and others, and your trivialization of that act is essentially spitting on the graves of the soldiers who tried to liberate it but were cut down on the beaches of Normandy, as well as to those who got there and have since passed on.
NEGATIVE…..protecting and preserving America at all costs is actually a very American principle.
Think about it…While Trump did many great things he didn’t build the wall, he didn’t defund sanctuary cities / states, he didn’t stop states from providing free healthcare to Mexico’s people at the peoples expense, he didn’t reform a bullshit welfare system, he didn’t shrink the size and scope of government, he didn’t stop governors from imposing unconstitutional bullshit on the people during the scamdemic.

Ultimately I think we need someone far more extreme…we need a male version of a fully unbridled MTG.

Ya know, I love you and hate you at the same time! But is it possible to get more extreme than Ron and The Donald?
And still lose. You prove my point.

By design of-course….it‘s so bizarre to watch you self proclaimed fence-sitters brag about voting laws/guidelines being changed in the 11th hour outside of state legislatures and under the guise of national emergency. Your Depends wearing star of One Flew Over The Cuckoos nest could not have been elected if it not for absentee ballot harvesting….EVERYBODY sane knows it.
Lets start with hard work, law and order, sovereignty, a moral and value system developed from Biblical principles.

I don't really have a problem with these and I don't know many people who do, though there will always be people who don't work hard and who break the law. As for that last item, I think I have a different interpretation of Biblical principles from some of the people posting here. It's probably for the best that I leave it at that for the time being.

NEGATIVE…..protecting and preserving America at all costs is actually a very American principle.

How does a concentration camp protect the Colorado River from drying up? How does it prevent our aquifers from running out of water and destroying American agriculture forever?
Speaking from a non-Trump perspective, I can't help but note the irony of your statement, which is that McConnell has been far more effective at advancing many of the things that conservatives want. They wanted a conservative judicial system, and McConnell made sure it happened with some pretty no-holds-barred political maneuvering in the Senate. Conservatives wanted the tax cut and they got it. Trump just sat on his ass and signed where he was told to sign.

McConnell is right about something else: Republicans are in danger of letting an opportunity to control the senate slip away because Trump and his supporters have turned off the same kinds of voters that got Glenn Youngkin elected in Virginia. Democrats misread their mandate in 2020 - the country didn't vote for 'wokeness'. But the country doesn't want batshit insanity from the right either.

You are totally wrong on wokeness. Republicans have turned this into a dirty word but it is not. Acknowledging that this country has been racist in the past and that there is racism today is not a bad thing. You apparently don't think that racism is a big deal and that we should not try to remove it from this country. Gerrymandering has been used to deny black voters equal representation in the House.

McConnell is partially wrong. It is not just bad candidates that are causing issues. It is the Republican assault on rights that are frightening voters. Overturning Roe vs Wade may turn into a Republican Waterloo. In many state legislatures, we have seen how extreme Republicans are. Clarence Thomas spilled the beans on how he wants to go after other rights after his right wing extremists got rid of abortion rights. Youngkin is restrained in Virginia because of a Democrat Senate that has prevented him from becoming too extreme.
By design of-course….it‘s so bizarre to watch you self proclaimed fence-sitters brag about voting laws/guidelines being changed in the 11th hour outside of state legislatures and under the guise of national emergency. Your Depends wearing star of One Flew Over The Cuckoos nest could not have been elected if it not for absentee ballot harvesting….EVERYBODY sane knows it.

Voting laws were not changed at the last minute. State legislatures can delegate their authority to outside bodies. There is nothing wrong with absentee ballots and ballot harvesting.
By design of-course….it‘s so bizarre to watch you self proclaimed fence-sitters brag about voting laws/guidelines being changed in the 11th hour outside of state legislatures and under the guise of national emergency.
Bizarre? :auiqs.jpg: No. This is business as usual in the current state of our political theater. The popcorn is exquisite.
Your Depends wearing star of One Flew Over The Cuckoos nest could not have been elected if it not for absentee ballot harvesting….EVERYBODY sane knows it.
I'm quite aware of how magaturds view their own narrative. Doesn't make it correct.

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