Are Whites the racist ones? Or is it time to finally punish blacks who break the law?


INDEPENDENTly ruthless
May 18, 2011
Well, there are blacks who can be the most respectable person you know, who you often view as a rolemodel and there are the ones who act like the scum of this country.

This is not about racial differences or racism, this is about behavior and if it's time to stop cutting black people a break when it comes to the law.

I'm going to give you videos on how these people do such things. (Surely all other races do such things aswell, but there aren't videos of them dong this on Youtube. Please post them if you DO have other races doing so)
[ame=]Video "flash mob" robbery | youths, teens looting Washington, D.C. local 7- Eleven store - [ame=]Black Teens Trash Dunkin' Donuts in New York City - YouTube[/ame]

When are WE going to stop this!?
Why ARENT we stopping this!?

Those videos depict the black psyche in it's purest form!!wait till 2012!!
What evidence do you have that those who committed these crimes weren’t prosecuted. What evidence do you have that Blacks, when there’s sufficient evidence for an indictment, are freed to not stand trial only due to race.
Those videos depict the black psyche in it's purest form!!wait till 2012!!

I'm not sure how to respond to this.
Because there are blacks who are the awesomest people you can know!
There are ones who are rolemodels for everyone!
And there are ones who set the proper example!

But I guess the real question is why is this behavior and crimes going unpunished?
It's time to do something about it, even if they hide behind their race.
What evidence do you have that those who committed these crimes weren’t prosecuted. What evidence do you have that Blacks, when there’s sufficient evidence for an indictment, are freed to not stand trial only due to race.

Because the reports said only few were arrested with minor charges.
I can't provide the proof because only some videos showed it.
What evidence do you have that those who committed these crimes weren’t prosecuted. What evidence do you have that Blacks, when there’s sufficient evidence for an indictment, are freed to not stand trial only due to race.

Because the reports said only few were arrested with minor charges.
I can't provide the proof because only some videos showed it.

They should of been charged for hate crime if the owner and employees were white. We all know that if the shoe was on the other foot they would cry hate crime, and if no one listened to them they would bring Jesse Jackson in.

I'm not a racist either, but what's good for the goose is good for the gander.
Well, there are blacks who can be the most respectable person you know, who you often view as a rolemodel and there are the ones who act like the scum of this country.

This is not about racial differences or racism, this is about behavior and if it's time to stop cutting black people a break when it comes to the law.

I'm going to give you videos on how these people do such things. (Surely all other races do such things aswell, but there aren't videos of them dong this on Youtube. Please post them if you DO have other races doing so)
Video "flash mob" robbery | youths, teens looting Washington, D.C. local 7- Eleven store - [ame=]Black Teens Trash Dunkin' Donuts in New York City - YouTube

When are WE going to stop this!?
Why ARENT we stopping this!?


police have bigger priorities

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[ame=]Substantial Jaywalking around BYU-Idaho campus - YouTube[/ame]
and where did the videos that i posted go?

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