Are you a stupid person?

so what youre saying is you dont like your beliefs challenged,,
According to the video stupid people try to destory others without any gain. This asshat has tried too destroy this thread and will gain nothing in return.
You didn't watch the video and stupidly making comments about it. According to the video it peg's you as stupid.

you watched the video to find out waht stupid was because you were too stupid to know on your own.

I wish you had the basic intellect to see the irony in your position.
so what youre saying is you dont like your beliefs challenged,,

Not at all.

Instead of watching a video in which someone tells me what is in an article and what it means to me I went and found the article and read it for myself.

That none of your ever thought to do that is the most telling part of this whole thing
According to the video stupid people try to destory others without any gain. This asshat has tried too destroy this thread and will gain nothing in return.

I do gain something in return. I get entertained by your stupidity. That is a gain.
Not at all.

Instead of watching a video in which someone tells me what is in an article and what it means to me I went and found the article and read it for myself.

That none of your ever thought to do that is the most telling part of this whole thing
Well then you got your feelings hurt because it did challenge your beliefs.
Actually you gain nothing

Who are you to tell me what I gain?

What gives you the power or the right to tell me if I have gained something or not?

Remember, you are the person that needed someone else to explain what stupid was.
you watched the video to find out waht stupid was because you were too stupid to know on your own.

I wish you had the basic intellect to see the irony in your position.
Commit of stupid.
Well then you got your feelings hurt because it did challenge your beliefs.

My feelings are not hurt, in fact this whole thread has been rather enjoyable. I am a fan of irony, a person that needed someone else to tell them what stupid is ,calling others stupid is very ironic.

You are not capable of challenging my beliefs.
Who are you to tell me what I gain?

What gives you the power or the right to tell me if I have gained something or not?

Remember, you are the person that needed someone else to explain what stupid was.
You gained nothing except for some self absurd massaging of your chaffed ego.
My feelings are not hurt, in fact this whole thread has been rather enjoyable. I am a fan of irony, a person that needed someone else to tell them what stupid is ,calling others stupid is very ironic.

You are not capable of challenging my beliefs.
Must be hurt.
Not at all.

Instead of watching a video in which someone tells me what is in an article and what it means to me I went and found the article and read it for myself.

That none of your ever thought to do that is the most telling part of this whole thing
man you pivoted away from that [pretty quick,,
I get it you didn't watch the video you read the book regradless of that fact you disagreed with the premise of the video. And once again proving the contract is dead on.
Let me ask you this, are their destructive people who would destroy something knowing they would not benefit themselves? Such as tax the rich crowd?
Whoa now hoss. The tax the rich "crowd" are not harming themselves by asking that out entire system be reevaluated. Take capital gains, why are those taxed at a lower rate than income for those in the highest tax brackets? But if Joe sixpack invests in the stock market through his 401-K, well he has to pay income taxes not capital gains on his, wait for it, capital gains.

It doesn't matter who is president, what party controls Congress, or even what dumbasses are on the SCOTUS. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer precisely because our SYSTEM is fubared. That bit about capital gains above is just one example. Here is another,

A single mother with two children working full-time at McDonald's for $12 an hour. She gets food stamps and the EITC. She is a good worker, shows up on time every day. Now the owner of that McDonald's also owns several more. But he also has tens of thousands of dollars in the stock market. When he sells his winners, well he gets to keep eighty cents out of every dollar in profit he made. Hell, even if he operates his business more efficiently and claims higher earned income, well he gets to keep about sixty cents of every extra dollar earned. He wants the single mother to become a manager, he will even give her a salary, $800 a week. How much of that extra $320 does she get to keep? Is it eighty cents on the dollar, like her owner's capital gains? No. Is it sixty cents on the dollar, like her owners earned income? No. Actually, when you compute taxes, lost EITC, and lost food assistance it comes to about fifteen cents on the dollar. She would be a damn fool to work an additional ten hours a week, have added responsibilities and more headaches, and maybe pocket forty bucks for her troubles.

Do you think she would be stupid to attempt to change that landscape? You think that owner might have a little trouble promoting from within? You think he might have trouble hiring managers? The stupid here is the owner, advocating for making the status quo even worse with additional tax cuts for himself while at the same time advocating even more punishing measures for the very people that make his business profitable. His employees and his customers.

The stupid here is short term thinking. No one is looking at the big picture, and in the process they are advocating things that not only harm others, but in the long run, comes back and harms them. The very definition of stupid.
Whoa now hoss. The tax the rich "crowd" are not harming themselves by asking that out entire system be reevaluated. Take capital gains, why are those taxed at a lower rate than income for those in the highest tax brackets? But if Joe sixpack invests in the stock market through his 401-K, well he has to pay income taxes not capital gains on his, wait for it, capital gains.

It doesn't matter who is president, what party controls Congress, or even what dumbasses are on the SCOTUS. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer precisely because our SYSTEM is fubared. That bit about capital gains above is just one example. Here is another,

A single mother with two children working full-time at McDonald's for $12 an hour. She gets food stamps and the EITC. She is a good worker, shows up on time every day. Now the owner of that McDonald's also owns several more. But he also has tens of thousands of dollars in the stock market. When he sells his winners, well he gets to keep eighty cents out of every dollar in profit he made. Hell, even if he operates his business more efficiently and claims higher earned income, well he gets to keep about sixty cents of every extra dollar earned. He wants the single mother to become a manager, he will even give her a salary, $800 a week. How much of that extra $320 does she get to keep? Is it eighty cents on the dollar, like her owner's capital gains? No. Is it sixty cents on the dollar, like her owners earned income? No. Actually, when you compute taxes, lost EITC, and lost food assistance it comes to about fifteen cents on the dollar. She would be a damn fool to work an additional ten hours a week, have added responsibilities and more headaches, and maybe pocket forty bucks for her troubles.
The tax the rich crowd is pushing those jobs out of country so yes they are harming themselves.
Whoa now hoss. The tax the rich "crowd" are not harming themselves by asking that out entire system be reevaluated. Take capital gains, why are those taxed at a lower rate than income for those in the highest tax brackets? But if Joe sixpack invests in the stock market through his 401-K, well he has to pay income taxes not capital gains on his, wait for it, capital gains.

It doesn't matter who is president, what party controls Congress, or even what dumbasses are on the SCOTUS. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer precisely because our SYSTEM is fubared. That bit about capital gains above is just one example. Here is another,

A single mother with two children working full-time at McDonald's for $12 an hour. She gets food stamps and the EITC. She is a good worker, shows up on time every day. Now the owner of that McDonald's also owns several more. But he also has tens of thousands of dollars in the stock market. When he sells his winners, well he gets to keep eighty cents out of every dollar in profit he made. Hell, even if he operates his business more efficiently and claims higher earned income, well he gets to keep about sixty cents of every extra dollar earned. He wants the single mother to become a manager, he will even give her a salary, $800 a week. How much of that extra $320 does she get to keep? Is it eighty cents on the dollar, like her owner's capital gains? No. Is it sixty cents on the dollar, like her owners earned income? No. Actually, when you compute taxes, lost EITC, and lost food assistance it comes to about fifteen cents on the dollar. She would be a damn fool to work an additional ten hours a week, have added responsibilities and more headaches, and maybe pocket forty bucks for her troubles.

Do you think she would be stupid to attempt to change that landscape? You think that owner might have a little trouble promoting from within? You think he might have trouble hiring managers? The stupid here is the owner, advocating for making the status quo even worse with additional tax cuts for himself while at the same time advocating even more punishing measures for the very people that make his business profitable. His employees and his customers.

The stupid here is short term thinking. No one is looking at the big picture, and in the process they are advocating things that not only harm others, but in the long run, comes back and harms them. The very definition of stupid.
you ever took time to ask yourself why are we punishing people for being successful??
you ever took time to ask yourself why are we punishing people for being successful??
Wow, is that what you took away from that post? Tell me, how is taxing someone that makes three hundred thousand LESS than taxing someone that makes fifty thousand punishing people for being successful? Remember, the one making 300 grand has passed the cap for the Social Security tax. And how does taxing a billionaire on their capital gains less than the police chief on his salary punishing the successful?

And what about that single mother? Without a doubt, she is punished for simply trying to improve her position. That is the status quo, and that has to change.

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