Are you born gay?

Yeah, right. You mean handy labels for lefties to throw around when someone doesn't agree with their ideals.

Hey, don't shoot the messenger. I didn't invent the words or give them meanings. Using Glock's thin-skin, is "leftie" an insult?


1 noun a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion.
2 a prejudiced person who is intolerant of any opinions differing from his own

Sounds like Glock re homosexuality to me.


1 noun a person who fears or hates homosexuals and homosexuality.
2 Fear of or contempt for lesbians and gay men. Behavior based on such a feeling.

Ditto above.

Tell me that she DOESN'T feel that way...
No, not name calling. Look up the words bigot and homophobe. Name calling is things like "dickhead" and "motherfucker" stuff like that. I don't think you are those things. I think you are a bigot and homophobe - words used to describe certain behaviour.

Thanks for proving one of my favorite criticisms of liberals. Since you consider it true, it can't be a lie, name calling, or "hate". You can say anything to, or about anybody, and consider yourself above such poor tactics as name calling because you just happen to consider what you call people to be true.
It's gross and disgusting and I don't like it.

Proof enough for me when it comes to judging the behavior of others. What more do I need except my own opinion?

You're certainly entitled to your opinion. What you have no right to do is impose that opinion on others or discriminate based upon it.
Thanks for proving one of my favorite criticisms of liberals. Since you consider it true, it can't be a lie, name calling, or "hate". You can say anything to, or about anybody, and consider yourself above such poor tactics as name calling because you just happen to consider what you call people to be true.

If I thought Glock was an arsehole, I'd say so. That, to me, is an insult. I am bigotted against smokers. I admit it. I don't feel insulted if you call me a bigot for such behaviours. Generally, I am bigotted against the French (at a governmental level). Call me such, and I don't take it as an insult. Go figure...
i guess that would make me wrong about everything and you right about everything.

Nope, not even close...

i would surmise that you are this rude in real life

If that were true, I would surmise a smiley face is considered rude behaviour in your world. If I ever meet you in real life, I'll be sure to wear a frown, just so you don't take a smile the wrong way..:cool:
No one called you names. The sites you referenced are bigoted and homophobic and were referred to as such. No one personalized it by calling you names. You also knew in advance that those sites would hold no sway.

Case number 2 of typical liberal tactics:

Jillian, you are one of the rudest people on this board. You have no qualms about insulting anyone who leans to the right at the slightest provocation. In another post you claim you don't call people liars when you do exactly that.

You are the classic Liberal message board poster. No source is ever good enough unless it agrees with what you already think, and you think so far to the left that NOTHING anyone ever says to you will ever be good enough. No link, no opinion, nothing will ever sway you and your disgust at anything you disagree with because what you believe is paramount. Which is fine, we all have our opinions that are basic to our values, but you are a typical Liberal message board poster because you take any disagreement as a personal insult, but can't understand why others who you insult do the same.

You are rude, and condescending, and insulting to anyone who you think is even a little bit conservative. And for no other reason that you don't like their politics. And you see nothing wrong with it because to you it's true, so therefore it cannot be considered rude, condescending, or "hateful". You liberals only see hate in others, never in yourselves, because to you if it's true, it can't be hate.

The truth is, Liberals spew more hate than anybody. Like you and Grump, they just don't see it that way.
Hey, don't shoot the messenger. I didn't invent the words or give them meanings. Using Glock's thin-skin, is "leftie" an insult?


1 noun a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion.
2 a prejudiced person who is intolerant of any opinions differing from his own

Sounds like Glock re homosexuality to me.


1 noun a person who fears or hates homosexuals and homosexuality.
2 Fear of or contempt for lesbians and gay men. Behavior based on such a feeling.

Ditto above.

Tell me that she DOESN'T feel that way...

Grump, Grump, Grump...haven't you learned by now? An all powerful invisible dude who resides in the sky is REAL and bigots and homophobes are IMAGINARY. :rolleyes:
Nope, not even close...

If that were true, I would surmise a smiley face is considered rude behavior in your world. If I ever meet you in real life, I'll be sure to wear a frown, just so you don't take a smile the wrong way..:cool:

your condensing arrogant post is yet further proof that you are in fact a rude person....
your condensing arrogant post is yet further proof that you are in fact a rude person....

I'm sorry you take it that way. I certainly don't mean it that way, and if you take it that way, so be it. You and I have never got on. Never will. Thing is, generally you're pretty condescending a lot of the time yourself. Just the way things are I guess..
Grump, Grump, Grump...haven't you learned by now? An all powerful invisible dude who resides in the sky is REAL and bigots and homophobes are IMAGINARY. :rolleyes:

Really? I don't believe in that imaginary dude. I'm still against gay right, though.

Hmmm. Could there maybe be another reason?

Like it's gross and I would rather people keep their disgusting personal habits to themselves and away from my kid?

Case numner 2 of typical liberal tactics:

Jillian, you are one of the rudest people on this board.

only with rude-ass ignorant people. I actually think one of the few things I can safely agree with the more right-leaning folk about is that you, in fact, are one of the rudest people on the board. you ever read your own posts? or you just spew without thinking about it? you're the one who tells people who are religious and have faith that they're stupid, tells gay people they're disgusting, liberals they're ignorant...

let's see... I miss any of your rants?

You have no qualms about insulting anyone who leans to the right at the slightest provocation.
Slightest provocation? You mean like having someone who's uninformed call ME stupid? LOL... too funny... and tough... you don't like it, stop running around the board insulting people. Most of us can give as good as we get.

You are the classic Liberal message board poster. No source is ever good enough unless it agrees with what you already think
As opposed to the right-wingers? again.. lol... stop giving crap biased links and there won't be any problem.

and you think so far to the left that NOTHING anyone ever says to you will ever be good enough.

Ummmmmm... if you took your head out your butt and actually read instead of having a knee jerk reaction to anyone who disagrees with you, you'd know that I'm not that far left.

No link, no opinion, nothing will ever sway you

No... nothing YOU say could probably sway me because you're ignorant and mean-spirited. Not very effective debating techniques.

and your disgust at anything you disagree with because what you believe is paramount.

Now you're just projecting, luv.

Now crawl back into your bottle, babe... because the rest of what you had to say isn't worth my time

I hope you feel like you impressed someone... because it sure isn't me :cuckoo:
Case number 2 of typical liberal tactics:

Jillian, you are one of the rudest people on this board. You have no qualms about insulting anyone who leans to the right at the slightest provocation. In another post you claim you don't call people liars when you do exactly that.

You are the classic Liberal message board poster. No source is ever good enough unless it agrees with what you already think, and you think so far to the left that NOTHING anyone ever says to you will ever be good enough. No link, no opinion, nothing will ever sway you and your disgust at anything you disagree with because what you believe is paramount. Which is fine, we all have our opinions that are basic to our values, but you are a typical Liberal message board poster because you take any disagreement as a personal insult, but can't understand why others who you insult do the same.

You are rude, and condescending, and insulting to anyone who you think is even a little bit conservative. And for no other reason that you don't like their politics. And you see nothing wrong with it because to you it's true, so therefore it cannot be considered rude, condescending, or "hateful". You liberals only see hate in others, never in yourselves, because to you if it's true, it can't be hate.

The truth is, Liberals spew more hate than anybody. Like you and Grump, they just don't see it that way.

You would be one of the most rudest, in your face posters I have ever come across, period. You spew more hate than most, and openly admit it, so I dunno why you got you titties in a tangle re Jillian.

Where have I spewed hate? I am the one tolerant of homos, not YOU. I am the one saying don't paint all Muslims with the same brush, NOT you. And yet, we hate. Classic neocon behaviour. Bitch, moan and hate, then tell liberals and centre folk theyr'e the ones doing such...RATFLMAO...
I'm sorry you take it that way. I certainly don't mean it that way, and if you take it that way, so be it. You and I have never got on. Never will. Thing is, generally you're pretty condescending a lot of the time yourself. Just the way things are I guess..

i am extremely condescending, arrogant, conceited, rude and sarcastic....

i do not pretend otherwise.....
Really? I don't believe in that imaginary dude. I'm still against gay right, though.

Hmmm. Could there maybe be another reason?

Like it's gross and I would rather people keep their disgusting personal habits to themselves and away from my kid?


What do your opinions on homosexuals have to do with bigotry and homophobia? :poke:
Grump, Grump, Grump...haven't you learned by now? An all powerful invisible dude who resides in the sky is REAL and bigots and homophobes are IMAGINARY. :rolleyes:

I know, I spew hate. I remember once having a go at someone who hated "*******". He called me a bigot because I didn't like people who hated "*******". Under the definition, he could be right, but I happily wear that...
If I thought Glock was an arsehole, I'd say so. That, to me, is an insult. I am bigotted against smokers. I admit it. I don't feel insulted if you call me a bigot for such behaviours. Generally, I am bigotted against the French (at a governmental level). Call me such, and I don't take it as an insult. Go figure...

Again, thanks for proving my point.

Accusing someone of being a bigot and a homophobe is an insult. It's the most common tactic of the gay rights movement and it's been used very successfully to shut down debate.

It's the same as calling someone a racist.

Nobody likes the French so you can get away with that one. :thup:

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