Are you born gay?

Oops- it looks like I was was off, as the actual percentage is even lower. Are you going to call me a liar now?

You are referring to a non scientific report from the 1940's when you refer to 10%. Weren't you the one who stated that you prefer science to opinion, or something like that?

And like my comment to Grump, I am not surprised by your name-calling, but I am disapointed.

I'm not the one who calls people "liar". Remember?

How on earth would you know what I'm referring to. I didn't post a link, but stated only that estimates go as high as 10%.

Once again, you use religious-based sites, which are always biased toward under-reporting and not based on scientific evidence, to make your point. Why don't you try reading something that doesn't have that type of bias?

Modern survey results
Australia 2003: The largest and most thorough survey in Australia to date was conducted by telephone interview with 19,307 respondents between the ages of 16 and 59 in 2001/2002. The study found that 97.4% of men identified as heterosexual, 1.6% as gay and 0.9% as bisexual. For women 97.7% identified as heterosexual, 0.8% as gay and 1.4% as bisexual. Nevertheless, 8.6% of men and 15.1% of women reported either feelings of attraction to the same sex or some sexual experience with the same sex. Half the men and two thirds of the women who had same sex sexual experience regarded themselves as heterosexual rather than homosexual.[2]
Canada 1988: A study of 5,514 college and university students under the age of 25 found 1% who were homosexual and 1% who were bisexual. [3]
Canada 1998: A stratified random sample of 750 males aged 18 to 27 in Calgary, Canada included questions on sexual activity and orientation. 15.3% of men "reported being homosexual to some degree" on the basis of three (often overlapping) measures of homosexuality: (1) voluntary, same-gender sexual contact from age 12 to 27: 14.0%; (2) overlapping homosexual (5.9%) and/or bisexual (6.1%) self-identification: 11.1%; and (3) exclusive (4.3%) and non-exclusive (4.9%) same-gender sexual relationships in past 6 months: 9.2%.[4]
Canada 2003: A survey of 135,000 Canadians found that 1.0% of the respondents identified themselves as homosexual and 0.7% identified themselves as bisexual. About 1.3% of men considered themselves homosexual, about twice the proportion of 0.7% among women. However, 0.9% of women reported being bisexual, slightly higher than the proportion of 0.6% among men. 2.0 % of those in the 18-35 age bracket considered themselves to be either homosexual or bisexual, but the number decreased to 1.9 among 35-44 year olds, and further still to 1.2% in the population aged 45-59. Quebec and British Columbia had higher percentages than the national average at 2.3% and 1.9%, respectively.[5]
Denmark 1992: A random survey found that 2.7% of the 1,373 men who responded to their questionnaire had homosexual experience (intercourse).[6]
France 1992: A study of 20,055 people found that 4.1% of the men and 2.6% of the women had at least one occurrence of intercourse with person of the same sex during their lifetime. [7]
Norway 1988: In a random survey of 6,300 Norwegians, 3.5% of the men and 3% of the women reported that they had had a homosexual experience sometime in their life. [8]
United Kingdom 1992: A study of 8,337 British men found that 6.1% had had "any homosexual experience" and 3.6% had "1+ homosexual partner ever." [9]
United States 1990-1992: The American National Health Interview Survey does household interviews of the civilian non-institutionalized population. The results of three of these surveys, done in 1990-1991 and based on over 9,000 responses each time, found between 2-3% of the people responding said yes to a set of statements which included "You are a man who has had sex with another man at some time since 1977, even one time." [10]
United States 1992: The National Health and Social Life Survey asked 3,432 respondents whether they had any homosexual experience. The findings were 1.3% for women within the past year, and 4.1% since 18 years; for men, 2.7% within the past year, and 4.9% since 18 years;[11]
United States 1993: The Alan Guttmacher Institute found of sexually-active men aged 20–39 found that 2.3% had experienced same-sex sexual activity in the last ten years, and 1.1% reported exclusive homosexual contact during that time.[12]
United States 1998: A random survey of 1672 males (number used for analysis) aged 15 to 19. Subjects were asked a number of questions, including questions relating to same-sex activity. This was done using two methods — a pencil and paper method, and via computer, supplemented by a verbal rendition of the questionnaire heard through headphones — which obtained vastly different results. There was a 400% increase in males reporting homosexual activity when the computer-audio system was used: from a 1.5% to 5.5% positive response rate; the homosexual behavior with the greatest reporting difference (800%, adjusted) was to the question "Ever had receptive anal sex with another male (his penis in your rectum or butt)": 0.1% to 0.8%.[13]
United States 2003: Smith's 2003 analysis of National Opinion Research Center data[14] states that 4.9% of sexually active American males had had a male sexual partner since age 18, but that "since age 18 less than 1% are [exclusively] gay and 4+% bisexual". In the top twelve urban areas however, the rates are double the national average. Smith adds that "It is generally believed that including adolescent behavior would further increase these rates."The NORC data has been criticised because the original design sampling techniques were not followed, and depended upon direct self report regarding masturbation and same sex behaviors. (For example, the original data in the early 1990s reported that approximately 40% of adult males had never masturbated--a finding inconsistent with some other studies.)
In general, surveys quoted by anti-gay activists tend to show figures nearer 1%, while surveys quoted by gay activists tend to show figures nearer 10%, with a mean of 4-5% figure most often cited in mainstream media reports.

It is important to note, however, that these numbers are subject to many of the pitfalls inherent in researching sensitive social issues. It is possible that survey results may be biased by under-reporting, for instance. (See note 1.) The frequent use of non-random samples (white college students) in many studies could also serve to skew the data.

In general, most research agrees that the number of people who have had multiple same-gender sexual experiences is fewer than the number of people who have had a single such experience, and that the number of people who identify themselves as exclusively homosexual is fewer than the number of people who have had multiple homosexual experiences.

In addition, major historical shifts can occur in the prevalence of homosexuality. For example, the Hamburg Institute for Sexual Research conducted a survey over the sexual behavior of young people in 1970, and repeated it in 1990. Whereas in 1970 18% of the boys aged 16 and 17 reported to have made same-sex sexual experiences, the number had dropped to 2% by 1990. [2] "Ever since homosexuality became publicly argued to be an innate sexual orientation, boys' fear of being seen as gay has, if anything, increased," the director of the institute, Volkmar Sigusch, suggested in a 1998 article for a German medical journal. [3]

In 2005, as part of the statistical and financial measurements required to implement the UK's new Civil Partnerships Act, the British government's H.M. Treasury actuaries calculated that there are 3.6 million British people who may want to enter into a gay or lesbian civil partnership arrangement. This is equal to around 6 percent of the UK population.
I'm not the one who calls people "liar". Remember?

How on earth would you know what I'm referring to. I didn't post a link, but stated only that estimates go as high as 10%.

Once again, you use religious-based sites, which are always biased toward under-reporting and not based on scientific evidence, to make your point. Why don't you try reading something that doesn't have that type of bias?

1. Neither am I, remember?
2. The Kinsey "report" has been referenced by the pro-gay agenda for years.
3. The stimates that you cite are in the range that I originally suggested, so by your own data I am correct. You stated earlier:
It's also been estimated at approximately 10% (which might, or might not be on the high side) which is in line with the appearance of certain recessive traits in the general population.
And it appears that you were incorrect.
4. Just because a source has some connection with religion (and I don't know as that one did, as I did not use 'religion' in my search string to find it; I simply picked the first one listed) does not make it invalid, as I have proved to you once again.
Actually it is, because you asked something rather obvious, and I explained it to you a second time.
:laugh: Bullshit. You said perfection is sullied by free will and pure evil. If that's perfection, then what do you call something that is incapable of being sullied? What's better than perfection? Maybe I need you to explain to me what your idea of perfection is so that I can contrast it with mine.
Now you are asking me to spoon-feed you. Instead you should think a little more about what you originally asked.
The condescension is great; keep up the good work. :thup:
so it is normal for a man to wake up one day and say.....

"ya know i like takin it in the ass and i prefer balls on my chin rather than tits in my face"

sounds normal to me....i mean what else could mother nature have had in mind....

Another assinine assumption. Let me give you the facts. No one "wakes up" gay. They are aware, even in early childhood that they are somehow different. But that difference becomes clearer with adolescence and all that accompanies it. They find thay are not sexually attracted to females and are sexually attracted to males. Some try to bury these feelings with varying degrees of failure, others embrace it and accept it. It is they who have the fewest difficulties personally or psychologically.

As for those who repress themselves, the more harsh the repression the greater the personal and psychological damage they endure. Some come to finally accept their sexual orietation and often recover their self-esteem and self-respect. Those that don't, well, they wind up as televangelists.
From being gay itself? None.

From the effects of homosexual behavior, to include STDs (like AIDS) caught while participating in homosexual behavior? Dunno, but probably thousands annually in the US.

Let's not forget straight folks who engage in promiscuous sexual behaviors...Let's get those stats too.
Another assinine assumption. Let me give you the facts. No one "wakes up" gay. They are aware, even in early childhood that they are somehow different. But that difference becomes clearer with adolescence and all that accompanies it. They find thay are not sexually attracted to females and are sexually attracted to males. Some try to bury these feelings with varying degrees of failure, others embrace it and accept it. It is they who have the fewest difficulties personally or psychologically.

As for those who repress themselves, the more harsh the repression the greater the personal and psychological damage they endure. Some come to finally accept their sexual orietation and often recover their self-esteem and self-respect. Those that don't, well, they wind up as televangelists.

funny, i had this exact conversation with a gay friend of mine that was married and he told me he woke up one morning and the thought of tits in his face suddenly repulsed him an the idea of anal sex and balls on chin thrilled him to no end.....
It does not surprise me that you would resort to name calling. Disapointed, yes.

No, not name calling. Look up the words bigot and homophobe. Name calling is things like "dickhead" and "motherfucker" stuff like that. I don't think you are those things. I think you are a bigot and homophobe - words used to describe certain behaviour.
funny, i had this exact conversation with a gay friend of mine that was married and he told me he woke up one morning and the thought of tits in his face suddenly repulsed him an the idea of anal sex and balls on chin thrilled him to no end.....

Well since you know one gay guy that it happened to it must be the norm and true for all..:)
No, not name calling. Look up the words bigot and homophobe. Name calling is things like "dickhead" and "motherfucker" stuff like that. I don't think you are those things. I think you are a bigot and homophobe - words used to describe certain behaviour.

Yeah, right. You mean handy labels for lefties to throw around when someone doesn't agree with their ideals.
What proof can you supply showing homosexuality to be an "abnormal" behavior? The APA removed homoseuality from the DSMV back in the early 70's.

It's gross and disgusting and I don't like it.

Proof enough for me when it comes to judging the behavior of others. What more do I need except my own opinion?

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