Are you born gay?

You would be one of the most rudest, in your face posters I have ever come across, period. You spew more hate than most, and openly admit it, so I dunno why you got you titties in a tangle re Jillian.

Where have I spewed hate? I am the one tolerant of homos, not YOU. I am the one saying don't paint all Muslims with the same brush, NOT you. And yet, we hate. Classic neocon behaviour. Bitch, moan and hate, then tell liberals and centre folk theyr'e the ones doing such...RATFLMAO...

I would really appreciate it if you liberals would make some effort, no matter how small, to find out what the hell a neocon is before you attempt to use it as an insult. Really.
Again, thanks for proving my point.

Accusing someone of being a bigot and a homophobe is an insult. It's the most common tactic of the gay rights movement and it's been used very successfully to shut down debate.

It's the same as calling someone a racist.

Nobody likes the French so you can get away with that one. :thup:

So now using a word in its correct definition is an insult? I posted the meaning fo the word. Soembody who doesn't like homos is a homophobe. Take it up with the wordsmiths who invent words and give them their meaning. I certainly don't see it as any way to stiffle debate. I have never seen a debate stopped, or somebody scuttle off with their tail between their legs, due to being called a homophobe..
Again, thanks for proving my point.

Accusing someone of being a bigot and a homophobe is an insult. It's the most common tactic of the gay rights movement and it's been used very successfully to shut down debate.

It's the same as calling someone a racist.

Nobody likes the French so you can get away with that one. :thup:

lets see being a homophobe would mean that one has an innate fear of the gay lifestyle.....a fear they are born with and can do nothing about....should not the accepting tolerant gay community tolerate and accept the poor homophobe for they are born that way? i mean no one would choose to be frightened of such a tolerant accepting well dressed group of people.
So now using a word in its correct definition is an insult? I posted the meaning fo the word. Soembody who doesn't like homos is a homophobe. Take it up with the wordsmiths who invent words and give them their meaning. I certainly don't see it as any way to stiffle debate. I have never seen a debate stopped, or somebody scuttle off with their tail between their legs, due to being called a homophobe..

Another classic liberal tactic. "Take it up with..."

You can insult someone all you want and see nothing wrong with it, and then when called on it you claim the insultee is overreacting or simply doesn't understand.

America haters do this kind of thing all the time. They post articles and links to the worst kind of anti-American bullshit and when someone objects, or replies with a counter argument, they say "take it up with the author".

I never claimed I don't insult people. If I think someone deserves it, I'll call them whatever I think they deserve to be called.

I have to say, though, that I don't understand why stupid people object to being called stupid, except that they're too stupid to realize how stupid they are.
lets see being a homophobe would mean that one has an innate fear of the gay lifestyle.....a fear they are born with and can do nothing about....should not the accepting tolerant gay community tolerate and accept the poor homophobe for they are born that way? i mean no one would choose to be frightened of such a tolerant accepting well dressed group of people.

Nah...homophobes CHOOSE to fear gays.
It is an obvious fact that Homosexuals cannot reproduce. Therefore someone cannot have a genetic homosexual parent. Since traits are passed on through generations, it is clear that the “trait” of homosexuality is not passed on through generations, but is in fact a learned response.

Sorry to interject 14 pages later, but that is a terrible argument. The science is just completely off.

If traits were passed in such a black and white manner, full sized couples would not give birth to midgets, healthy couples would not give birth to impaired children, and so on. It is all about dominant and recessive traits. The actual condition may not have appeared on a family tree for many generations (not even necessarily to a direct descendant), but with the "right" pairing, that trait may manifest itself again.

The incorrect science you alluded to is why Hitler sterilized the reality, such a plan for "cleansing" the world of disability would never work. Every relative of a disabled person is going to pass down the trait as well.
Sorry to interject 14 pages later, but that is a terrible argument. The science is just completely off.

If traits were passed in such a black and white manner, full sized couples would not give birth to midgets, healthy couples would not give birth to impaired children, and so on. It is all about dominant and recessive traits. The actual condition may not have appeared on a family tree for many generations (not even necessarily to a direct descendant), but with the "right" pairing, that trait may manifest itself again.

The incorrect science you alluded to is why Hitler sterilized the reality, such a plan for "cleansing" the world of disability would never work. Every relative of a disabled person is going to pass down the trait as well.

no worries....tell me .... how does a gay couple reproduce in the wild?
I would really appreciate it if you liberals would make some effort, no matter how small, to find out what the hell a neocon is before you attempt to use it as an insult. Really.

I know what a neocon is. Is this the part where you take me to that site that explains that all this time liberals and normal folk have been using the term incorrectly? Been there, done that. Outsida that, I didn't know it was an insult. However, calling me a liberal is!
As I just posted, gays do not have to reproduce (and never did have to reproduce) for the trait to get passed on.

you have read the recent studies that claim it is tied to hormones in the womb and not genetic?
I know what a neocon is. Is this the part where you take me to that site that explains that all this time liberals and normal folk have been using the term incorrectly? Been there, done that. Outsida that, I didn't know it was an insult. However, calling me a liberal is!

this has always facinated me....why is being liberal (tollerant in your thinking) an insult and why is being a neocon (new conservative) an insult.....

seems to me if i was one of those and belived in what the words stood for i would say thank you.....

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