Are you born gay?

That 'splains a lot about your last few responses. I am interested in discussion; you are interested in defamation.:thumbdown:
Defamation? Where? What post #? I haven't defamed you in any way.

If you're interested in discussion, what's your response to post 238 then?
1. Your entire 3 or 4 day tangential insistence that perfection cannot be destroyed.:thumbdown:
:laugh: You call that defamation? Defamation of what? The word perfection? Certainly not of you, right? Defamation. That's rich.
2. Now you expect me to respond to your post quoting someone else. :cuckoo:
No. Hence why I asked you the question outright to respond, because I don't expect you to do much of anything. Which you haven't.

Interested in discussion my ass.
:laugh: You call that defamation? Defamation of what? The word perfection? Certainly not of you, right? Defamation. That's rich.No. Hence why I asked you the question outright to respond, because I don't expect you to do much of anything. Which you haven't.

Interested in discussion my ass.

Gee. I'm shocked at your belligerence.
I guess it depends on semantics as to whether the working definition of perfect is true to the technical definition. Your examples do illustrate the working definition of something perfect quite well, and I will admit I was getting caught up in the technicalities.

I suppose I have difficulty comparing our existence with a butterfly underfoot or a rose in clenched fist. But perhaps that has to do with my innate belief that life evolves so as to not crush underfoot so easily the next time. Wouldn't a butterfly that was capable of dodging a life-threatening foot stomp be more perfect than the regular, dead, squished butterfly?

Essentially, I think the entire food chain is susceptible to any species that is higher up. Cats will always be excellent hunters of mice, for example. I just don't see mice evolving to be grest at escaping the clutches of my cat. That doesn't mean that any particular mouse can't be "perfect" as a mouse.

Anyway, Clay, you yourself are pretty close to perfect. We just need to "conservatize" you a bit. :D
Essentially, I think the entire food chain is susceptible to any species that is higher up. Cats will always be excellent hunters of mice, for example. I just don't see mice evolving to be grest at escaping the clutches of my cat. That doesn't mean that any particular mouse can't be "perfect" as a mouse.
I guess it comes down to absolute vs. relative perfection. Either way, I appreciate your patience in talking about it.
Anyway, Clay, you yourself are pretty close to perfect. We just need to "conservatize" you a bit. :D
Am I the butterfly or the rose?
Hey, don't shoot the messenger. I didn't invent the words or give them meanings. Using Glock's thin-skin, is "leftie" an insult?


1 noun a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion.
2 a prejudiced person who is intolerant of any opinions differing from his own

Sounds like Glock re homosexuality to me.


1 noun a person who fears or hates homosexuals and homosexuality.
2 Fear of or contempt for lesbians and gay men. Behavior based on such a feeling.

Ditto above.

Tell me that she DOESN'T feel that way...

I don't see that glockmail, nor anyone else who opposes homosexuality, or anything else necessarily fits those definitions.

By definition, we are ALL bigots. However, the dictionary definition is a bit different than the label, but then, you KNOW that. It carries with it a connotation of hatred, and is used to demean.

Believing homosexuality is wrong, abnormal behavior, and not deserving of special laws that cater specifically to a behavior does not make one a homophobe, by definition.
I don't see that glockmail, nor anyone else who opposes homosexuality, or anything else necessarily fits those definitions.

By definition, we are ALL bigots. However, the dictionary definition is a bit different than the label, but then, you KNOW that. It carries with it a connotation of hatred, and is used to demean.

Believing homosexuality is wrong, abnormal behavior, and not deserving of special laws that cater specifically to a behavior does not make one a homophobe, by definition.
I was recently referred to, by a colleague, as a "gender bigot", because I do not do same-sex unions.
Wow. I had no idea the marriage business had that kind of people in it.
You'd be surprised at what I've come across.
Women wanting to marry during the Equinox as all things male & female are equal.
People including their pets in the ceremony. In fact, the lady who referred to me as a gender bigot performs pet funerals.
Ceremonies for
But mostly same-sex unions.

I don't seem to fit in too many places. :dunno:
You'd be surprised at what I've come across.
Women wanting to marry during the Equinox as all things male & female are equal.
People including their pets in the ceremony. In fact, the lady who referred to me as a gender bigot performs pet funerals.
Ceremonies for
But mostly same-sex unions.

I don't seem to fit in too many places. :dunno:

What's wrong with pet funerals?

I have my beloved Sam's ashes on my mantle right now. He was that one great dog I think all of us dog lovers have in our lifetimes. All dogs are great, but there is always one that is a great dog.

Sam died on August 16, 1999. I still miss him. He was my baby boy.

Sam Blaze
1987-August 16, 1999

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