Are you born gay?

Perhaps you can ask him how he justifies his sins against God.
But see, they don't view it as sin. We are celebrating LOVE! This is "living & let live". By me refusing to do same-sex unions, I'm told I'm not tolerant; I'm discriminating, because of gender.

And I had girls/women from one bridal message board email me & tell me they donot agree with my principles; my way of thinking. Gee, I don't remember asking them. I don't go there anymore.
What's wrong with pet funerals?

I have my beloved Sam's ashes on my mantle right now. He was that one great dog I think all of us dog lovers have in our lifetimes. All dogs are great, but there is always one that is a great dog.

Sam died on August 16, 1999. I still miss him. He was my baby boy.

Sam Blaze
1987-August 16, 1999
You misunderstood. That was not a criticism. That was just info. Pets are a vital part of a family.
Gee, I don't remember asking them.

That's an excellent point. It's very funny how some people expect their own opinions to just be excepted and validated, but never anybody elses.

I guess we're all guilty of doing that when we think we're right about something.
But see, they don't view it as sin. We are celebrating LOVE! This is "living & let live". By me refusing to do same-sex unions, I'm told I'm not tolerant; I'm discriminating, because of gender.


Let me get this straight- are you a Christain minister?
Let me get this straight- are you a Christain minister?
I'm ordained by a Christian church & licensed by the State (a requirement here, not everywhere) as a nondenominational minister; tho' for many years I followed a particular religion and still do believe their message. But I do not force that belief upon people. But I do honor the Christian part.

Here is a link to my website:

Is this about the gun?
I'm ordained by a Christian church & licensed by the State (a requirement here, not everywhere) as a nondenominational minister; tho' for many years I followed a particular religion and still do believe their message. But I do not force that belief upon people. But I do honor the Christian part.

Here is a link to my website:

Is this about the gun?

Well if you are ordained by a Christian church then its a no-brainer. Homosexuality is a sin and a minister should not propagate that sin. This moral relativism practiced by some is pure baloney. No matter how you “interpret” homosexuality, it has always been and always will be a grave sin.

What about what gun?
Well if you are ordained by a Christian church then its a no-brainer. Homosexuality is a sin and a minister should not propagate that sin. This moral relativism practiced by some is pure baloney. No matter how you “interpret” homosexuality, it has always been and always will be a grave sin.
You would think that, wouldn't you? But that's not the way things are going. More & more Christians are accepting this practice. It's as though, God's origional plan isn't "up-to-date", that this Meany is trying to keep us from being happy. God needs a more "with-it" attitude.

This Wiccan priestess claims to be a Christian.

One woman that was corresponding with me refuses to answer my email because she read that I don't perform same-sex unions. I never said she couldn't do them. I just stated I wouldn't.

What about what gun?
The Glock picture
You would think that, wouldn't you? But that's not the way things are going. More & more Christians are accepting this practice. It's as though, God's origional plan isn't "up-to-date", that this Meany is trying to keep us from being happy. God needs a more "with-it" attitude.

This Wiccan priestess claims to be a Christian.

One woman that was corresponding with me refuses to answer my email because she read that I don't perform same-sex unions. I never said she couldn't do them. I just stated I wouldn't.

The Glock picture

The "New Age Christians" are going to be in one Hell of a surprise! :dev1:

You mean the one with the silencer? Nice.
You would think that, wouldn't you? But that's not the way things are going. More & more Christians are accepting this practice. It's as though, God's origional plan isn't "up-to-date", that this Meany is trying to keep us from being happy. God needs a more "with-it" attitude.

This Wiccan priestess claims to be a Christian.

One woman that was corresponding with me refuses to answer my email because she read that I don't perform same-sex unions. I never said she couldn't do them. I just stated I wouldn't.

Hope you don't mind my jumping in here, Joz. But I wanted to add my .02. I don't think anyone, of any religious denomination should be forced to perform a wedding service for a gay couple. If a particular group wishes to perform such services, that's certainly up to them, but that should be a matter of personal choice and conscience.

My only position on the gay marriage issue is that they should have the same civil rights as any other couple. For example, they can't collect each other's social security benefits, etc.

On a religious front, it's the province of the particular denomination. So if that's a service that you would choose not to perform, I respect that as an outgrowth of your beliefs.

My only position on the gay marriage issue is that they should have the same civil rights as any other couple. For example, they can't collect each other's social security benefits, etc.

On a religious front, it's the province of the particular denomination. So if that's a service that you would choose not to perform, I respect that as an outgrowth of your beliefs.


I agree with that. I have nothing but disdain for all religions, but I think it's ridiculous for gays to expect a religion to change it's rules and beliefs just for them. I feel the same way about gays and the Boy Scouts and about atheists and the Boy Scouts.

What's dumber than an atheist wanting the Boy Scouts to change their pledge just so they can join and not have their wittle feelings hurt? Sheesh. Talk about stupid.
I agree with that. I have nothing but disdain for all religions, but I think it's ridiculous for gays to expect a religion to change it's rules and beliefs just for them. I feel the same way about gays and the Boy Scouts and about atheists and the Boy Scouts.

What's dumber than an atheist wanting the Boy Scouts to change their pledge just so they can join and not have their wittle feelings hurt? Sheesh. Talk about stupid.

I respect religion. I don't understand why people find certain things credible (like the whole 72 virgins thing) but if someone walks the walk, then kudos to them. It's fake religious people who make me crazy.... the hucksters and hypocrites and the people who use religion to shed blood. That said, I don't think any religion should have to change for anyone. If someone doesn't find what they're looking for in one faith, I'm pretty sure they can find it in another if that's what they want, or in another denomination of their own faith.
I respect religion. I don't understand why people find certain things credible (like the whole 72 virgins thing) but if someone walks the walk, then kudos to them. It's fake religious people who make me crazy.... the hucksters and hypocrites and the people who use religion to shed blood. That said, I don't think any religion should have to change for anyone. If someone doesn't find what they're looking for in one faith, I'm pretty sure they can find it in another if that's what they want, or in another denomination of their own faith.

The 72 virgin thing is a myth, I think. Or maybe I just never read the right source with that translation. I have no clue. But I spent almost two years reading lots of different versions of the Koran and Hadiths online, and while I did not read all of it, I never read anything about any 72 virgins. I searched for it, too, and I couldn't find anything about it except from obviously Christian anti-Islam sites.

The rewards of paradise for those who die in defense of Islam? Oh, yeah, there was a lot of that. But no 72 Virgins. I have no idea who came up with that or why.

As far as people wanting "their" religion to change to make their ideas acceptable, like Jews For Jesus, or Catholics who want priests to be able to marry, I look at those people the same way I look at politically active atheists. They just need a cause. They're self centered egotists who just don't get the fact that world does not revolve around them.
What is "gay?"

What is the definition?

1. An anal lover?

2. A same sex lover?

3. A person who acts on one or both of those?

If you say one or two, then if you have ever looked at another and thought certain thoughts, then from a christain perspective, you have sinned. He/she who lusts after by looks...

Three, is what I consider to be what the Bible is against. If you want to say that just simply being someone who likes the same sex is a homo and therefore condemned, show me the verse. My understanding is putting your God given reproductive organ in a a**dumpster.

If you are religious, and you believe that homosexuals" are not natural, then how did they get that way. As the thread starter said, an aberration?
What is "gay?"

What is the definition?

1. An anal lover?

2. A same sex lover?

3. A person who acts on one or both of those?

If you say one or two, then if you have ever looked at another and thought certain thoughts, then from a christain perspective, you have sinned. He/she who lusts after by looks...

Three, is what I consider to be what the Bible is against. If you want to say that just simply being someone who likes the same sex is a homo and therefore condemned, show me the verse. My understanding is putting your God given reproductive organ in a a**dumpster.

If you are religious, and you believe that homosexuals" are not natural, then how did they get that way. As the thread starter said, an aberration?

Aberration works.
My only position on the gay marriage issue is that they should have the same civil rights as any other couple. For example, they can't collect each other's social security benefits, etc....
My intent is not to argue; but don't they already? I mean they have the same rights as you or I.

If you're speaking as a married couple, they can't have the same rights because we as a people have deemd that a "marriage" is one man & one woman. Therefore they cannot have the same rights because they aren't legally married.
Same goes for any couple that lives together. Most states do not recognize common law marriage anymore. A couple can be together all their lives but they can't share in the same rights as a legally married couple.

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