Are you for globalization?


Senior Member
May 26, 2015
Do you support globalization? Do you want to see the world being united into a one big state without any nation states or races? That's kinda a thing we are currently heading to. It may sound like a good idea from the first glance however it kills diversity. American culture is clearly dominant in the modern world so people can speak broken English everywhere on our planet, everyone is listening to American music and watching American movies. I think it makes our world a very dull place. People were struggling for too long both in Europe and Asia to create their own countries populated with their own kin and now it slowly goes away. I'd like to see a few cultural centers in the world attracting look alike countries so their nation cultures could not die out completely.
global government would inevitably come with undo influence by corporate crooks. It is already happening with the WTO ruling that retaliatory tariffs were ok because Americans had the audacity to require country of origin labeling (COOL)......

now a bunch of weak Congresspeople...bowing to pressure from this world government and corporate powers here, have voted against COOL in the house of "representatives".
Do not like the idea of a global government

It's creepy
Not full globalization, as it would attack sovergnity of nation-states and make them heavily subvervent to some central authority.

The best solution would be a confederation of nation-states, with a combined military, and basic economic, political and human rights obligations - rather than a heavily centralized Federal government that makes nation-states give up their power over domestic affairs.
I don't like globalization I don't like tyranny I don't like Big Brother!

get it?
Globalization leads to corporate rule, which leads to mass murder. So, no.
Hell, no. Think of the oppressive governments in the world who would influence a one world government. I want nothing to do with them, especially the dictatorships and I would never want to live under any Muslim laws.
Globalization leads to corporate rule, which leads to mass murder. So, no.


President Dwight D. Eisenhower's Farewell Address (1961)

"... we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist".

Never truer words have been spoken.
I think the human races should live within our own regions as we have always done so. I wish they'd stop attempting to mix and destroy them!!! This is part of globalization!!! It must be stopped.
I completely agree with you. There are a few cultural 'centers' and people living in those different 'centers' have completely different mentality. An Arab living in a desert will never understand the concept of democracy as well as we can't understand the concept of sharia law.
Globalization leads to corporate rule, which leads to mass murder. So, no.


President Dwight D. Eisenhower's Farewell Address (1961)

"... we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist".

Never truer words have been spoken.
That quote is often used by the Democrats to show how much the Right has departed from Eisenhower's advice.
I'm all for it. Can't wait till it happens. You think it'd end diversity? Is that your biggest issue with it? My problem is why hasn't it happened yet?
Also could you edit the thread and make it a poll? I'd like to see how the community stands on this

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