Are you getting nervous !!

We survived 8 years of Obama. We will survive Biden if we must.

No, we won't. Biden will do away with our borders. We are the #1 country that migrants want to come to. There are about 30 million USA citizens. It is expected that 158 million foreigners will roll into our country in the first year. By the end of the Democrat's term there will be more strangers in our country than citizens.
The good, the bad, and the ugly will take over...
A lifetime supply of sweet smelling shampoo for all 11 year old girls?

And a free copy of his book...

Biden has already won the popular vote

Even the very red states of Georgia and Arizona have been destroyed by chain migration and shifting demographics
Atlanta has more blacks than Nigeria lol

No, he hasn't.
Meh. . . It doesn't matter who wins.

The establishment and bureaucracy controls everything.

If having Trump not be able to do what he wants, when he wants, hasn't shown you that, then nothing will.

He wasn't even able to pick that cabinet he wanted, only Deep Staters that were disloyal to him and stabbed him in the back every chance they got.

Things will role on, pretty much the same as they always have.

No, that's why Trumps election was so important. It has given us a chance to get that control back.

I don't think he has control now. He never really had it, and he doesn't have it now. Any chance to get it back was lost a long time ago. It was lost when they sabotaged Flynn and other transition team plans.

The way that the Constitution is organized, he doesn't get to put who he wants in charge of the various branches of the administrative agencies, not without the approval of the corruption in the congress.

Several of them (cabinet officials) have been actively working against him this entire time.

In fact, I am pretty sure that Pompeo is working against him as we have been going along. I've heard it with my own two ears, and seen his displeasure with my own two eyes.

. . . but what can he do? Fire him? Who is he going to replace him with? There isn't anyone that Congress will approve any better that he will like.

The Congress has only approved folks that will keep the essential structure of power relationships in tact.

I agree, he doesn't. However he has exposed the political class, and the deep state more than they have EVER been exposed. We see the snake. Now, we can kill it.
I am not ..yet
Come mid-Oct- I will be very nervous !!

If Biden wins then “welcome to the jungle “
I believe that the Trump ads will hit the rioting , looting and assaults in the cities and let the voters know the Democrats have refused to stop it and that is why the citizens need to vote Republican to get the law in charge. I think that would make the difference.
We survived 8 years of Obama. We will survive Biden if we must.

No, we won't. Biden will do away with our borders. We are the #1 country that migrants want to come to. There are about 30 million USA citizens. It is expected that 158 million foreigners will roll into our country in the first year. By the end of the Democrat's term there will be more strangers in our country than citizens.
The good, the bad, and the ugly will take over...
You and I will “ become strangers In a strange land “
I am not ..yet
Come mid-Oct- I will be very nervous !!

If Biden wins then “welcome to the jungle “

This country is doomed no matter which one of those idiots win. Most of you just haven't realized it yet.
Trump buys us only 4 more yrs
Biden will turn America into a “ public outhouse “
We survived 8 years of Obama. We will survive Biden if we must.

No, we won't. Biden will do away with our borders. We are the #1 country that migrants want to come to. There are about 30 million USA citizens. It is expected that 158 million foreigners will roll into our country in the first year. By the end of the Democrat's term there will be more strangers in our country than citizens.
The good, the bad, and the ugly will take over...
You and I will “ become strangers In a strange land “

I just read my post and realized that I left a 0 off. We have 300 million citizens not 30 million, with 158 million foreigners expected the first year we open our borders.
What this country has to look forward to is the same socialism that destroyed Venezuela. Look forward > (anticipate) someone else taking your job. If you manage to find work, the government will seize your paycheck to pay for migrants free healthcare and free everything else. And since you won't be able to pay your mortgage or rent, HUD housing will be available to you, and a card to buy what little food there is.

We will become Venezuela, part 2, in just a few years. Venezuela was 12 times richer than China. The richest country is So. America. Now it's citizens are starving to death, because they let their socialist government take over and dictate their future.
We have a socialist bartender who wants to dictate our future. And Biden will give her the opportunity if we let him....
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