Zone1 And Black People Wonder Why They Make Us Feel Uncomfortable

Blacks are 15,7% of the U.S population and they were arrested at the rate of 26.7% of U.S. population for rape. and figures.

You're woke, but you need to WAKE UP to reality.

Progressives are mentally ill.

June 8, 2024

The Evidence Is In: Progressivism Is a Mental Illness​

By Todd Gregory, Erik Gregory

Conservative media provide innumerable examples of Democrats shamelessly exhibiting hypocrisy and engaging in psychological projection — the habit of ascribing Democrats’ behaviors to conservatives (e.g., Trump and the GOP are guilty of engaging in lawfare and election interference, destroying democracy).

In trying to understand the shambolic, emotion-driven mentality of Democrats, it is noteworthy that psychological displacement is also a prominent feature of the progressive mindset. In psychology, displacement is when a person takes a negative emotion (anger, frustration) and redirects the emotion from its original source to a less threatening recipient. An example of displacement would be a work supervisor who refuses to confront a bad, lazy employee for fear of the employee’s reaction, and instead redirects the resentment to a good, high-performing employee whom the supervisor does not fear.
We see psychological displacement when progressives transfer blame for crime from criminals onto cops, with demands to defund, abolish, or even kill (“pigs in a blanket, fry ’em like bacon”) the police.
2.1 percent of the total popuation commits crimes. And whites commit 50-60 percent of the rapes. So your numbers are based on bullshit.
Yeah, I just got back from a bike ride around my neighborhood a little bit ago and there was a black man following me on his motorcycle.

He looked like he just escaped prison. He was blasting rap music with the F bomb in it every few seconds and had a bright red bandana on his head with bling around his neck.

I got extremely nervous so you can just imagine what any parents thought if they had their children outside at the time exposed to garbage like the filth coming out of his stereo. You know blacks, you're not doing a very good job trying to change your reputation.

Sadly, tragically, the propensity toward creepiness and evil does not know racial barriers. Creeps come in all races.
Yeah, I just got back from a bike ride around my neighborhood a little bit ago and there was a black man following me on his motorcycle.

He looked like he just escaped prison. He was blasting rap music with the F bomb in it every few seconds and had a bright red bandana on his head with bling around his neck.

I got extremely nervous so you can just imagine what any parents thought if they had their children outside at the time exposed to garbage like the filth coming out of his stereo. You know blacks, you're not doing a very good job trying to change your reputation.

I am so sorry the scary black man scared the shit out of you. :itsok:
If your experience that was so traumatizing that you had to come here and start a thread about it was simply seeing a black guy riding a bike listening to “scary” music…. all that proves is that you’re a racist, uptight white woman with too much time on her hands

Spoken like a card-carrying Leftist who thinks he's smarter and better than everyone else. You Leftists created the racial divide with irresponsible men knocking up women and abandoning them to let the government pay for illegitimate children by the hundreds of thousands. Many grow up without a father to commit crimes and that's all on YOU LEFTISTS, for screaming "racism, racism, racism, racism, racism, racism." It's a bald-faced lie and you are the liars.
Dude, bad taste in music doesn't make the man scary or bad.

How would you feel about big, heavily tattooed white guy with long hair on a loud Harley blasting death metal?
Well at least the F bombs would go by so fast you'd never hear 'em. :dunno:
Most white criminals have public defenders, you and IM2 seem to think that all whites are rich enough to afford good attorneys. I know I couldn’t afford a good attorney for more than a few hours.

And black criminals typically have even less money because they come from the ghetto.

Sadly, tragically, the propensity toward creepiness and evil does not know racial barriers. Creeps come in all races.

Yes but blacks and Hispanics have to be at the top of the list.
Yeah, I just got back from a bike ride around my neighborhood a little bit ago and there was a black man following me on his motorcycle.

He looked like he just escaped prison. He was blasting rap music with the F bomb in it every few seconds and had a bright red bandana on his head with bling around his neck.

I got extremely nervous so you can just imagine what any parents thought if they had their children outside at the time exposed to garbage like the filth coming out of his stereo. You know blacks, you're not doing a very good job trying to change your reputation.
Who cares about white validation? That's the flaw in your premise. I want you to fear us. I want to dominate you.
Behind Muslim terrorists from the middle east. Biden is letting them in by the hundreds. Another terrorist attack on America is assured thanks to Democrats today.
And if Trump wins, Gd-willing, the leftists will blame it on Trump.

When he gets in, he needs to start a task force to try to reverse as much of Biden’s damage as possible. They need to conduct raids in the Muslim areas known for being terrorist training grounds, and do a sweep of all illegals - and send them back to Somalia, Pakistan, Syria, wherever.

But in all reality, it’s probably too late. All it takes is a few of these Muslim haters to murder thousands of innocent Americans, and they’re probably all over the nation by now.
Nope. I have no problems at all with any minority.

Me neither until a few years ago, black woman shoved me on the escalator at the airport. Complete stranger. Another woman caught me in her arms. It really scared me. I'm not as agile or quick as I was 25 years ago in my 50s.
I have problems with ( Illegals ) ( Drug Addled Criminals ) ( Pedo / NAMBLA types ) ( Gungrabbing Marxists ) ( BLM / Black Bloc / ANTIFA CPUSA Street Rabble ) ...

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