Zone1 And Black People Wonder Why They Make Us Feel Uncomfortable

Did you watch the video then? My favorite part of it was when was the last time you saw Jews killing each other or Asians?
Crime statistics are not broken down by religion. We have no way of knowing what percentage of crimes are committed by Jews (or any other faith).
Crime statistics are not broken down by religion. We have no way of knowing what percentage of crimes are committed by Jews (or any other faith).

Okay then tell me how many prisons are filled with Asians that murdered other Asians.
Oh my gosh seriously!? How is it white people's fault for how black people choose how to dress and act?
What? Who said it was!

I've also stated multiple times that I'm not saying that all black people are murders and gangsters, but do you ever see Jews and Asians filling the prisons for killing other Jews and Asians?
Incarceration rates are not same as crime rates. And we have no statistics on Jews because they are not broken down by religion.
They have a worldwide presence ( Hell’s Angels Melbourne Hell’s Angels Stuttgart Hell’s Angels Quebec Hell’s Angels Liverpool Hell’s Angels Amsterdam ...

A worldwide collection of small gangs. Compared to the black gangs they're not even on the radar; Los Angeles black gangs alone number 10 times more members than the Angles' entire membership, past and present.
Yeah, I just got back from a bike ride around my neighborhood a little bit ago and there was a black man following me on his motorcycle.

He looked like he just escaped prison. He was blasting rap music with the F bomb in it every few seconds and had a bright red bandana on his head with bling around his neck.

I got extremely nervous so you can just imagine what any parents thought if they had their children outside at the time exposed to garbage like the filth coming out of his stereo. You know blacks, you're not doing a very good job trying to change your reputation.
Music critic = neighbor is scary. :lmao:
What? Who said it was!

Since I already responded to the other part this is just apparently seems to be how yours and many different lefties and black people's minds work from what I've been seeing you post.


Asians are 7% of the population and commit 1.8% of violent crime.

Now tell many how many prisons are full of black people who murdered other black people.

Music critic = neighbor is scary. :lmao:

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That's obvious but you would think that they would after they think that is white folks are so judgemental. Oh yeah, I've been yelled at out the window of cars by black teenagers too.
Were you working the drive through at Wendy's?
Since I already responded to the other part this is just apparently seems to be how yours and many different lefties and black people's minds work from what I've been seeing you post.

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Who is blaming it on White people? I’m pointing out the fact that you broad brushed Black people but not White people. It isn’t an issue of fault, it is one of applying the same standards.

Now tell many how many prisons are full of black people who murdered other black people.


The point is you are “uncomfortable” with Black people playing obnoxious music and wearing a lot of bling but not White people doing the same thing even though, as a White woman you are far more likely to be victimized by a White make.
Who is blaming it on White people? I’m pointing out the fact that you broad brushed Black people but not White people. It isn’t an issue of fault, it is one of applying the same standards.

Because it isn't the point of this thread and off topic.

And so you admit that the prisons are full of black people murdering other blacks correct?
Because it isn't the point of this thread and off topic.
Woah…so you are only allowed to bash Blacks…? I think applying equal standards for the same behavior, when the only difference is race is a pertinent challenge to your premise.

And so you admit that the prisons are full of black people murdering other blacks correct?
I have no idea. Incarceration rates don’t necessarily reflect crime rates, only who gets penalized and who gets off. Who has a good lawyer and who has a public defender. Incarceration also includes a wide variety of ip offenses: drugs, violent crime, 3 strikes your out sentences etc.
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I have no idea.

I'm pretty sure you do and you just don't want to answer because you know what I'm talking about and that would be admitting defeat on your end. After all you aren't stupid. You just like playing dumb so you don't have to say that you were wrong.
See you still have not sought therapy as has been suggested several times .

We have no problem with our fellow whites -- they are largely brought up nicely , polite and talk good English .
The same is not true about so many of your brothers and sisters and you are just incredibly boring / obsessional / compulsive .
You are theone who needs therapy. There are plenty of whites in the NE and deep south who don't speak good english. Cajuns for example. Racism is a mental disorder. Get help.
yeh, the lawless ones among them prove the OP point

namely that they are ruining things for their entire race
Your white ass is talking about electing a convict for president and you are talking about lawless blacks ruining something?
I'm pretty sure you do and you just don't want to answer because you know what I'm talking about and that would be admitting defeat on your end. After all you aren't stupid. You just like playing dumb so you don't have to say that you were wrong.
No, I do not, I would need to look up the statistics, but again, incarcerations rates are a problematic way to determine crime rates.

Why won’t you broad brush Whites like you do Blacks?

Why won’t you admit that you are far more likely to be a victim of a violent crime committed by a White than a Black?
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You are theone who needs therapy. There are plenty of whites in the NE and deep south who don't speak good english. Cajuns for example. Racism is a mental disorder. Get help.
Maybe you two can go together.
No, I do not, I would need to look up the statistics, but again, incarcerations rates are a problematic way to determine crime rates.

Then look it up. Your fingers aren't broken are they?

Why won’t you admit that you are far more likely to be a victim of a violent crime committed by a White than a Black?

Because it's a lie?
Blacks here are just like anyone else , until we listen to IM2's baloney.....

I post facts. You can't handle them. Most blacks are like me. You either don't know any blacks or you haven't really tried to have an honest discussion of race with a black person. Most blacks won't try taking to you about race, because they know they will end up catching a case because yu are bound to say something stupid. Therefore they will just agree with your nonsense or say nothing and keep moving.

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