Zone1 And Black People Wonder Why They Make Us Feel Uncomfortable

I think black people need to stay away from Road Runner

She is very dainty
Going down this rabbit hole…Neo-Nazi’s and their kin (typically referred to as skinheads) tend to be White and they are not insubstantial, making up some of our most notorious violent gangs. White gangsters. Why don’t Whites get stuck with this kind of reputation?
Simple, we always repudiate their actions and statements. To almost all whites' skinheads are objects of ridicule, NOT people to emulate. You don't see us glorifying them in music or on the silver screen, they are thugs, pure and simple.
Simple, we always repudiate their actions and statements. To almost all whites' skinheads are objects of ridicule, NOT people to emulate. You don't see us glorifying them in music or on the silver screen, they are thugs, pure and simple.
Whites emulate and are equally fascinated by gangsters, they don’t ridicule them. How many movies have been made mythologizing Bonnie and Clyde or the Mafia? It is no different.

This came from Quora, but is a really spot on answer:

People, regardless of race, have admired and idolized the outlaw image (now called the anti hero). They consider a disregard for authority and lawlessness to be badass, thus, seek to emulate that sort of attitude that the stereotypical gangster would possess. Gangsters put on tough guy image to be feared, and it works.

Gangsters appear to be fearless, when, in fact, many of them are actually cowards and unloyal individuals who would rat out and/or kill their colleagues to secure their own future and justify it as “just business”.

Ironically, the smartest gangsters are the ones who aren't like this. Compare Pablo Escobar, an overly-ambitious prick to the Cali Cartel and how they were able to keep their business going. Brains goes a much longer ways than pseudo-macho bullshit does.
Whites emulate and are equally fascinated by gangsters, they don’t ridicule them. How many movies have been made mythologizing Bonnie and Clyde or the Mafia? It is no different.

This came from Quora, but is a really spot on answer:

People, regardless of race, have admired and idolized the outlaw image (now called the anti hero). They consider a disregard for authority and lawlessness to be badass, thus, seek to emulate that sort of attitude that the stereotypical gangster would possess. Gangsters put on tough guy image to be feared, and it works.

Gangsters appear to be fearless, when, in fact, many of them are actually cowards and unloyal individuals who would rat out and/or kill their colleagues to secure their own future and justify it as “just business”.

Ironically, the smartest gangsters are the ones who aren't like this. Compare Pablo Escobar, an overly-ambitious prick to the Cali Cartel and how they were able to keep their business going. Brains goes a much longer ways than pseudo-macho bullshit does.
At least read what I post before complaining. WE ARE TALKING ABOUT SKINHEADS.
Hmmm…so you are afraid of “rough looking” Black people…and apply it to an entire race, but not White people who look and act similarly? And yes they do. With obnoxious bass-amplified rap thumping out of their cars, full of nose rings, tattoos and f-bombs?
She did not say that. YOU put YOUR words in her mouth and then berate her for what YOU said.

1. Blacks commit a disproportionate number of crimes nationwide.
That's a fact, not a racist statement, as you would categorize all such facts.

2. Black roughians rape many more white women than the converse.
That too is a fact which YOU would call "racist" because you are a race-baiting Leftist.

Homicide rate by race.jpg

She did not say that. YOU put YOUR words in her mouth and then berate her for what YOU said.

1. Blacks commit a disproportionate number of crimes nationwide.
That's a fact, not a racist statement, as you would categorize all such facts.

2. Black roughians rape many more white women than the converse.
That too is a fact which YOU would call "racist" because you are a race-baiting Leftist.

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Most violent incidents against white (69%)
and black (66%) victims were committed by an offender of the same race or ethnicity as the victim.

More facts:

74.9% of rapes on white women were committed by white men

74.8% of rapes on black women were commited by black men.
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So Black people need to be held to a different standard when it comes to appearance than White people?

Did I say that?

Going down this rabbit hole…Neo-Nazi’s and their kin (typically referred to as skinheads) tend to be White and they are not insubstantial, making up some of our most notorious violent gangs. White gangsters. Why don’t Whites get stuck with this kind of reputation?

It's simple, that's because black crime is a whole lot worse than white crime. Especially black on black. I saw this video earlier but I didn't know where to put it but this looks like a really good spot to. Even black people are aware how bad black crime is.

Again, did I say that?

Most violent incidents against white (69%)
and black (66%) victims were committed by an offender of the same race or ethnicity as the victim.

My point exactly.
Did I say that?
You don’t appear to hold them to the same standard, maybe I missed where you stated that Whites playing loud f-bomb dropping music and emulating gangsters scared you.

It's simple, that's because black crime is a whole lot worse than white crime. Especially black on black. I saw this video earlier but I didn't know where to put it but this looks like a really good spot too. Even black people are aware how bad black crime is.
What your media doesn’t tell you: when you are talking about crime, you are talking about an infinitesimally small percentage of a population, of any race, committing crimes. Within that group the majority of violent crimes are committed by a person on a person of the same race.

Again, did I say that?

Yes. Because the title of your thread is on why black people make you uncomfortable, right? Black people.

My point exactly.
Then why do Black people make you feel uncomfortable?
You don’t appear to hold them to the same standard, maybe I missed where you stated that Whites playing loud f-bomb dropping music and emulating gangsters scared you.

What your media doesn’t tell you: when you are talking about crime, you are talking about an infinitesimally small percentage of a population, of any race, committing crimes. Within that group the majority of violent crimes are committed by a person on a person of the same race.

Yes. Because the title of your thread is on why black people make you uncomfortable, right? Black people.

Then why do Black people make you feel uncomfortable?

I think that I can answer all of your questions with this response. First of all, this is not a white people versus black people topic. Second of all, did you even watch the video that I posted as that should answer why black people often times make me feel uncomfortable. B. Tatum even stated at the end of the video that although blacks committing crimes and their population is small they're still at fault for the race committing the most crimes in The United States of America. Another member (I forgot who) even posted a statistics chart in this thread.
It's simple, that's because black crime is a whole lot worse than white crime. Especially black on black. I saw this video earlier but I didn't know where to put it but this looks like a really good spot to. Even black people are aware how bad black crime is.

^^^This. Roughly a 50-50 chance any black under 40 will be a violent criminal, regardless if they're poor or middle class.
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Minuscule compared to black and latino gangs. And they don't murder nearly as many people. Skinheads? lol even fewer of them than 1%ers.
They have a worldwide presence ( Hell’s Angels Melbourne Hell’s Angels Stuttgart Hell’s Angels Quebec Hell’s Angels Liverpool Hell’s Angels Amsterdam ...
I think that I can answer all of your questions with this response. First of all, this is not a white people versus black people topic.
Actually, it kind of is when you lump all Black people together, defined by those who dress like “gangsters” and hold them to a different standard than White folks who you do not lump together.

Second of all, did you even watch the video that I posted as that should answer why black people often times make me feel uncomfortable. B. Tatum even stated at the end of the video that although blacks committing crimes and their population is small they're still at fault for the race committing the most crimes in The United States of America. Another member (I forgot who) even posted a statistics chart in this thread.
How is an entire race “at fault” for the miniscule proportion of their population that commits crimes? I also posted a static that showed the majority of violent crime, such as rape is committed by a person of the same race as the victim.
Actually, it kind of is when you lump all Black people together, defined by those who dress like “gangsters” and hold them to a different standard than White folks who you do not lump together.

How is an entire race “at fault” for the miniscule proportion of their population that commits crimes? I also posted a static that showed the majority of violent crime, such as rape is committed by a person of the same race as the victim.

Oh my gosh seriously!? How is it white people's fault for how black people choose how to dress and act? I've also stated multiple times that I'm not saying that all black people are murders and gangsters, but do you ever see Jews and Asians filling the prisons for killing other Jews and Asians?

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