Are you hungry or horny(randy)? Japan and China have your solutions.


Aug 12, 2011
Japan is making a meat product that will soon be on the market mad from the mud and yuk at the bottom of sewer ponds. They have technologies allowing them to make meat that taste like any animal they want it to by adding the right flavors while making it. It is made mostly of human feces and excrement. See link for whole story...

Scientist claims to have made an edible steak out of human feces. Huh?

Hearing about unexpected things, people used to say, "How do they think up these things? There must be something in the water…."

The Digital Trends web site, among others (see video), reports that a scientist has devised a way to make meat, of a sort, from feces:

China takes aborted baby fetus's and makes a Viagra like product to give me better sex.
See story linked below...

Ew ew ew ew ew. We know China's had somewhat of a bad record with grinding up crazy things into pills before, but ABORTED FETUSES?! A South Korean TV station has reportedly aired a documentary showing that "man pills" - aphrodisiacs - from China had contents with turned out to be 99.7% human. The Ministry of Health here was so

:clap2: <<<LINKS>>>:clap2:

Korean documentary claims China selling "ground up aborted fetus" viagra pills - Shanghaiist

Scientist claims to have made an edible steak out of human feces. Huh?

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