Are you okay with Border States Sending Illegal Immigrants to NYC, DC, and Martha's Vineyard?

'Screw 'em - Send them more!'

As Republicans bring the Democrat-created Open Border Illegal Immigrant Crisis to the Democrats' 'playground' / literal doorsteps, Liberals / Democrats are freaking out over receiving total numbers of Illegals border states see in 1 hour.

And social media is dragging them for their freak out and their reaction to the GOP's attempt to hold Democrats accountable for their border crisis by making it their problem, too.

Oh, its all fun and games until the Obamas, Bidens, Kerrys, and Kennedys see a Latino in Martha's Vineyard and VP Harris has a couple of Latinos outside her front gate, huh?!

(I thought fences didn't work and were a waste of time and money...)


It's amusing to think all Republicans have left are culture wars and "stunts" like this one...which will blow up in their faces.

Oh well, on their own heads.. :)
Still bragging about your human trafficking stunt? Really?
this is xiden human trafficking stunt…his pro-cartel policies have created a human rights crisis on the border and he’s done nothing to help. The demafascict have all cheered it on as states on the border have suffered as well.

It’s time for you all to do your fair share and step up to the plate…texas and fl are merely helping you, help
It's amusing to think all Republicans have left are culture wars and "stunts" like this one...which will blow up in their faces.

Oh well, on their own heads.. :)

The libs are the ones who started the "culture wars" not the Republicans.

Inventing things like Gay Marriage and promoting the idea of allowing men to compete against broads weren't started by anyone remotely conservative.
The libs are the ones who started the "culture wars" not the Republicans.

Inventing things like Gay Marriage and promoting the idea of allowing men to compete against broads weren't started by anyone remotely conservative.
The culture wars started in the early 80's when the Republican party sold their platform out to the Christian Conservative right.
Just about the same time, AIDS was demonized....and so it began.

And they are exclusively waged by conservative religious zealots.
Still bragging about your human trafficking stunt? Really?

'MY' human trafficking stunt?

laughing hilariously.jpg


Oh, poor lil' mean the illegal transporting of criminal illegal aliens across state lines, which Biden and Democrats have been perpetrating for nearly 2 years now after creating their Un-Constututional, illegal Open Border Illegal Immigration Crisis...

Moronic, desperate, freaked-out comments like yours are why Democrats and snowflakes like you are being dragged by Americans on social media.

The culture wars started in the early 80's when the Republican party sold their platform out to the Christian Conservative right.
Just about the same time, AIDS was demonized....and so it began.

And they are exclusively waged by conservative religious zealots.

People were against Gay Marriage long before the 1980's, Jack.
Human trafficking? Really?
Do you even know what the term means?
What are these people being FORCED to do after being transported?
Work off debt to Cartels for getting them into the US, participate in the sex trafficking industry, apply for US tax payer-funded benefits, register for free housing, education, medical, phones, etc...

The refugees are being well treated as the Martha Vineyard communities welcome them. I`m sure the immigrants are happy to put the Ku Kluxxers in their rear view mirrors.
The refugees are being well treated as the Martha Vineyard communities welcome them. I`m sure the immigrants are happy to put the Ku Kluxxers in their rear view mirrors.
:laughing0301: Those white elitists -- well, maybe half-white elitists like Big Mike and Barry -- are shitting themselves over having their own little corner invaded by the third world.

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