Are you worried about Biden's Mental State?

Are you worried about Joe Biden's Mental State

  • Not remotely -- He is the same as he was 10 or 20 years ago

    Votes: 18 25.7%
  • Somewhat -- He seems to have regressed but not materially

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Moderate -- He has regressed notably but he can still govern

    Votes: 1 1.4%
  • Very -- He is a shell of his former self

    Votes: 51 72.9%

  • Total voters

I believe Biden will be exposed as a senile old man and basically un-electable. What are your thoughts?

Thank you and try not to make this about Trump.

PS - if you don't vote for him you ain't black and poor kids can be just as smart as white kids --- his words not mine.

Now I'm worried about the mental state of his campaign spokesman who said Trump should have told them (Dem politicians) about the seriousness of the virus.
Ummm- they were, they all got the same exact intelligence briefing, Biden however is not in that loop (not even on the same planet) & would not know about it unless his party leaked the info.
Biden has amnesia himself, he forgot Trump acted quickly with 3m and their mask issues and when realized ventilators were needed he got cooperation with that as well. They keep screaming Trump is not a Doctor well then how would he know ventillators would be needed until it was brought up? Governor Cuomo is responsible for his state's emergency supplies, hospitals are responsible for their supplies, but it's not the presidents job of stock boy until he has to correct their miss cues and sees a lacking in order to mobilize resources. You can't mobilize resources from an unknown. The CDC is what they are complaining about, that's the agency that deals with the mess W.H.O. left them to figure out.
Biden and his spokesperson are either too stupid to know the difference between the President and the CDC or they do know and think their voters are too stupid to know the difference.


They never got the same intel. 100% false. You are fake news.

Trump gets CONFIDENTIAL daily briefings about Covid, that only his administration sees. Trump admited ON TAPE, on FEB 7, that Covid was 5x more deadly than flu and very contagious, yet he did nothing. He did nothing to prepare for the pandemic and hundreds of thousands of Americans died and $trillions wasted because of Trump's failure.

Not only were they in the room with the president getting the same intel, but guess what, they have the same exact access to the CdC as the President.
Until you apologize to the people you scared out the markets and apologize to me for arguing over the stock market when you were proven wrong, you have zero credibility. You missed the great run up in the market as you did the news that after congress got the briefing they went and sold their stocks or spouses did.

Huh??? The president and the administration got the confidential intel. This intel isn't from the CDC it is from the US and global intel community. As president Trump and his admin are privy to confidential daily briefings. It is the job of the president to use that intel and to better America. He failed in doing that. Clearly you have no clue how the executive branch works.

"In the morning, there will be a coronavirus briefing for all members at 10:30," McConnell stated on Jan. 23, noting the Senate Health panel was taking the lead on it.

McConnell's remarks represented the first time that the novel coronavirus was mentioned in the Congressional Record this year. At the time, there was one confirmed case in the United States.

Note this was not the briefing chief members got at the same time the president was briefed.
Even Pelosi talked about that.
This is why there were investigations of politicians trading the news.

Trump received daily briefings on Covid from his intel dept. He ignored those warnings. He told Woodward covid was 5x more deadly than flu, and very contagious. Trump is responsible for preparing for this andemic and protecting us from the pandemic. He failed miserably on both and we have the death toll to prove it.

Funny how people never want to hold the person in charge of the country responsible, they always look to blame everyone else. Clearly Trump can't handle the job of being president, he has failed miserably, just like Bush.

You heard a 50 second clip. Yeah he heard it was bad and he made sure people from China were banned from coming here something you called xenophobic. None of us knew how bad it was including intel. I still believe it’s overblown and we should have never shut down the economy.
I'm actually more worried about the mental state of the Democratic party. From the Marxism to the defund police movement to the riots, death and destruction, The new Democrat norm is dangerous to our country. MAGA, live and let live
Gee, the 15th (?) post on Joe Biden's mental health status. Seems to be an anomaly when other threads on the same theme are usually put into one.

Those who continue to post on these threads are clearly not authorities on mental health, otherwise they wouldn't support Donald Trump who may not stutter now and then as does Joe, but many of his spoken words appear to be word salad, symptoms of a serious mental illness and possible TIA's.
Nah. Trump just has a stuttering problem.

I believe Biden will be exposed as a senile old man and basically un-electable. What are your thoughts?

Thank you and try not to make this about Trump.

PS - if you don't vote for him you ain't black and poor kids can be just as smart as white kids --- his words not mine.

Now I'm worried about the mental state of his campaign spokesman who said Trump should have told them (Dem politicians) about the seriousness of the virus.
Ummm- they were, they all got the same exact intelligence briefing, Biden however is not in that loop (not even on the same planet) & would not know about it unless his party leaked the info.
Biden has amnesia himself, he forgot Trump acted quickly with 3m and their mask issues and when realized ventilators were needed he got cooperation with that as well. They keep screaming Trump is not a Doctor well then how would he know ventillators would be needed until it was brought up? Governor Cuomo is responsible for his state's emergency supplies, hospitals are responsible for their supplies, but it's not the presidents job of stock boy until he has to correct their miss cues and sees a lacking in order to mobilize resources. You can't mobilize resources from an unknown. The CDC is what they are complaining about, that's the agency that deals with the mess W.H.O. left them to figure out.
Biden and his spokesperson are either too stupid to know the difference between the President and the CDC or they do know and think their voters are too stupid to know the difference.


They never got the same intel. 100% false. You are fake news.

Trump gets CONFIDENTIAL daily briefings about Covid, that only his administration sees. Trump admited ON TAPE, on FEB 7, that Covid was 5x more deadly than flu and very contagious, yet he did nothing. He did nothing to prepare for the pandemic and hundreds of thousands of Americans died and $trillions wasted because of Trump's failure.

Not only were they in the room with the president getting the same intel, but guess what, they have the same exact access to the CdC as the President.
Until you apologize to the people you scared out the markets and apologize to me for arguing over the stock market when you were proven wrong, you have zero credibility. You missed the great run up in the market as you did the news that after congress got the briefing they went and sold their stocks or spouses did.

Huh??? The president and the administration got the confidential intel. This intel isn't from the CDC it is from the US and global intel community. As president Trump and his admin are privy to confidential daily briefings. It is the job of the president to use that intel and to better America. He failed in doing that. Clearly you have no clue how the executive branch works.

"In the morning, there will be a coronavirus briefing for all members at 10:30," McConnell stated on Jan. 23, noting the Senate Health panel was taking the lead on it.

McConnell's remarks represented the first time that the novel coronavirus was mentioned in the Congressional Record this year. At the time, there was one confirmed case in the United States.

Note this was not the briefing chief members got at the same time the president was briefed.
Even Pelosi talked about that.
This is why there were investigations of politicians trading the news.

Trump received daily briefings on Covid from his intel dept. He ignored those warnings. He told Woodward covid was 5x more deadly than flu, and very contagious. Trump is responsible for preparing for this andemic and protecting us from the pandemic. He failed miserably on both and we have the death toll to prove it.

Funny how people never want to hold the person in charge of the country responsible, they always look to blame everyone else. Clearly Trump can't handle the job of being president, he has failed miserably, just like Bush.

But that's not what we were talking about, and your rerouting of the subject is a smokescreen to once again fail to admit and apoligize being wrong.
It's so much easier and wiser to stop squirming and allow the info to teach you where you are going wrong in your assumptions.
Gee, the 15th (?) post on Joe Biden's mental health status. Seems to be an anomaly when other threads on the same theme are usually put into one.

Those who continue to post on these threads are clearly not authorities on mental health, otherwise they wouldn't support Donald Trump who may not stutter now and then as does Joe, but many of his spoken words appear to be word salad, symptoms of a serious mental illness and possible TIA's.
Nah. Trump just has a stuttering problem.

Nah, Trump is a pathological liar. His brand of stuttering occurs when he is confronted with Truth and Justice, only then he cannot provide a substantive clear response.
I'm actually more worried about the mental state of the Democratic party. From the Marxism to the defund police movement to the riots, death and destruction, The new Democrat norm is dangerous to our country. MAGA, live and let live
LOL!!..Democrats are not in favor of abolishing or defunding PDs, to republicans pure democracy =Marxism, and 'riots' are increasingly being instagated by groups like the Proud Boys and other assorted right wing militias, lastly MAGA is code for the good old Jim Crow days. Which explains why most Trump rallies are mostly attended by beer bellied old white guys and snaggly toothed old white women.

I believe Biden will be exposed as a senile old man and basically un-electable. What are your thoughts?

Thank you and try not to make this about Trump.

PS - if you don't vote for him you ain't black and poor kids can be just as smart as white kids --- his words not mine.

Now I'm worried about the mental state of his campaign spokesman who said Trump should have told them (Dem politicians) about the seriousness of the virus.
Ummm- they were, they all got the same exact intelligence briefing, Biden however is not in that loop (not even on the same planet) & would not know about it unless his party leaked the info.
Biden has amnesia himself, he forgot Trump acted quickly with 3m and their mask issues and when realized ventilators were needed he got cooperation with that as well. They keep screaming Trump is not a Doctor well then how would he know ventillators would be needed until it was brought up? Governor Cuomo is responsible for his state's emergency supplies, hospitals are responsible for their supplies, but it's not the presidents job of stock boy until he has to correct their miss cues and sees a lacking in order to mobilize resources. You can't mobilize resources from an unknown. The CDC is what they are complaining about, that's the agency that deals with the mess W.H.O. left them to figure out.
Biden and his spokesperson are either too stupid to know the difference between the President and the CDC or they do know and think their voters are too stupid to know the difference.


They never got the same intel. 100% false. You are fake news.

Trump gets CONFIDENTIAL daily briefings about Covid, that only his administration sees. Trump admited ON TAPE, on FEB 7, that Covid was 5x more deadly than flu and very contagious, yet he did nothing. He did nothing to prepare for the pandemic and hundreds of thousands of Americans died and $trillions wasted because of Trump's failure.

Not only were they in the room with the president getting the same intel, but guess what, they have the same exact access to the CdC as the President.
Until you apologize to the people you scared out the markets and apologize to me for arguing over the stock market when you were proven wrong, you have zero credibility. You missed the great run up in the market as you did the news that after congress got the briefing they went and sold their stocks or spouses did.

Huh??? The president and the administration got the confidential intel. This intel isn't from the CDC it is from the US and global intel community. As president Trump and his admin are privy to confidential daily briefings. It is the job of the president to use that intel and to better America. He failed in doing that. Clearly you have no clue how the executive branch works.

"In the morning, there will be a coronavirus briefing for all members at 10:30," McConnell stated on Jan. 23, noting the Senate Health panel was taking the lead on it.

McConnell's remarks represented the first time that the novel coronavirus was mentioned in the Congressional Record this year. At the time, there was one confirmed case in the United States.

Note this was not the briefing chief members got at the same time the president was briefed.
Even Pelosi talked about that.
This is why there were investigations of politicians trading the news.

Trump received daily briefings on Covid from his intel dept. He ignored those warnings. He told Woodward covid was 5x more deadly than flu, and very contagious. Trump is responsible for preparing for this andemic and protecting us from the pandemic. He failed miserably on both and we have the death toll to prove it.

Funny how people never want to hold the person in charge of the country responsible, they always look to blame everyone else. Clearly Trump can't handle the job of being president, he has failed miserably, just like Bush.

But that's not what we were talking about, and your rerouting of the subject is a smokescreen to once again fail to admit and apoligize being wrong.
It's so much easier and wiser to stop squirming and allow the info to teach you where you are going wrong in your assumptions.

Thank you

Well, let's hope he learned from his serious mistakes over 30 years ago. Let's try to put this in perspective of Trump's problem with the truth today, and in the past months which have put Americans in harm's way.

Even tonight he's having a rally in Michigan with a crowd, most without masks and no respect for social distancing. Two weeks from now some will be residents of their local ER.

I believe Biden will be exposed as a senile old man and basically un-electable. What are your thoughts?

Thank you

PS - if you don't vote for him you ain't black and poor kids can be just as smart as white kids --- his words not mine.

/——/ If Dementia Joe’s family doesn’t worry about him, why should I?

The same reason why you should care if someone abuses their own children. Child abuse is illegal, so is elder abuse. This is the kind of thing that laws have been passed against.

I believe Biden will be exposed as a senile old man and basically un-electable. What are your thoughts?

Thank you and try not to make this about Trump.

PS - if you don't vote for him you ain't black and poor kids can be just as smart as white kids --- his words not mine.

Now I'm worried about the mental state of his campaign spokesman who said Trump should have told them (Dem politicians) about the seriousness of the virus.
Ummm- they were, they all got the same exact intelligence briefing, Biden however is not in that loop (not even on the same planet) & would not know about it unless his party leaked the info.
Biden has amnesia himself, he forgot Trump acted quickly with 3m and their mask issues and when realized ventilators were needed he got cooperation with that as well. They keep screaming Trump is not a Doctor well then how would he know ventillators would be needed until it was brought up? Governor Cuomo is responsible for his state's emergency supplies, hospitals are responsible for their supplies, but it's not the presidents job of stock boy until he has to correct their miss cues and sees a lacking in order to mobilize resources. You can't mobilize resources from an unknown. The CDC is what they are complaining about, that's the agency that deals with the mess W.H.O. left them to figure out.
Biden and his spokesperson are either too stupid to know the difference between the President and the CDC or they do know and think their voters are too stupid to know the difference.


They never got the same intel. 100% false. You are fake news.

Trump gets CONFIDENTIAL daily briefings about Covid, that only his administration sees. Trump admited ON TAPE, on FEB 7, that Covid was 5x more deadly than flu and very contagious, yet he did nothing. He did nothing to prepare for the pandemic and hundreds of thousands of Americans died and $trillions wasted because of Trump's failure.

Not only were they in the room with the president getting the same intel, but guess what, they have the same exact access to the CdC as the President.
Until you apologize to the people you scared out the markets and apologize to me for arguing over the stock market when you were proven wrong, you have zero credibility. You missed the great run up in the market as you did the news that after congress got the briefing they went and sold their stocks or spouses did.

Huh??? The president and the administration got the confidential intel. This intel isn't from the CDC it is from the US and global intel community. As president Trump and his admin are privy to confidential daily briefings. It is the job of the president to use that intel and to better America. He failed in doing that. Clearly you have no clue how the executive branch works.

"In the morning, there will be a coronavirus briefing for all members at 10:30," McConnell stated on Jan. 23, noting the Senate Health panel was taking the lead on it.

McConnell's remarks represented the first time that the novel coronavirus was mentioned in the Congressional Record this year. At the time, there was one confirmed case in the United States.

Note this was not the briefing chief members got at the same time the president was briefed.
Even Pelosi talked about that.
This is why there were investigations of politicians trading the news.

Trump received daily briefings on Covid from his intel dept. He ignored those warnings. He told Woodward covid was 5x more deadly than flu, and very contagious. Trump is responsible for preparing for this andemic and protecting us from the pandemic. He failed miserably on both and we have the death toll to prove it.

Funny how people never want to hold the person in charge of the country responsible, they always look to blame everyone else. Clearly Trump can't handle the job of being president, he has failed miserably, just like Bush.

But that's not what we were talking about, and your rerouting of the subject is a smokescreen to once again fail to admit and apoligize being wrong.
It's so much easier and wiser to stop squirming and allow the info to teach you where you are going wrong in your assumptions.

OH I forgot you were trying to deflect blame from Trump, because it pains you to admit that trump failed miserably.
Sometimes in life it is easier for some people to live a lie than accept reality.

I believe Biden will be exposed as a senile old man and basically un-electable. What are your thoughts?

Thank you and try not to make this about Trump.

PS - if you don't vote for him you ain't black and poor kids can be just as smart as white kids --- his words not mine.

Now I'm worried about the mental state of his campaign spokesman who said Trump should have told them (Dem politicians) about the seriousness of the virus.
Ummm- they were, they all got the same exact intelligence briefing, Biden however is not in that loop (not even on the same planet) & would not know about it unless his party leaked the info.
Biden has amnesia himself, he forgot Trump acted quickly with 3m and their mask issues and when realized ventilators were needed he got cooperation with that as well. They keep screaming Trump is not a Doctor well then how would he know ventillators would be needed until it was brought up? Governor Cuomo is responsible for his state's emergency supplies, hospitals are responsible for their supplies, but it's not the presidents job of stock boy until he has to correct their miss cues and sees a lacking in order to mobilize resources. You can't mobilize resources from an unknown. The CDC is what they are complaining about, that's the agency that deals with the mess W.H.O. left them to figure out.
Biden and his spokesperson are either too stupid to know the difference between the President and the CDC or they do know and think their voters are too stupid to know the difference.


They never got the same intel. 100% false. You are fake news.

Trump gets CONFIDENTIAL daily briefings about Covid, that only his administration sees. Trump admited ON TAPE, on FEB 7, that Covid was 5x more deadly than flu and very contagious, yet he did nothing. He did nothing to prepare for the pandemic and hundreds of thousands of Americans died and $trillions wasted because of Trump's failure.

Not only were they in the room with the president getting the same intel, but guess what, they have the same exact access to the CdC as the President.
Until you apologize to the people you scared out the markets and apologize to me for arguing over the stock market when you were proven wrong, you have zero credibility. You missed the great run up in the market as you did the news that after congress got the briefing they went and sold their stocks or spouses did.

Huh??? The president and the administration got the confidential intel. This intel isn't from the CDC it is from the US and global intel community. As president Trump and his admin are privy to confidential daily briefings. It is the job of the president to use that intel and to better America. He failed in doing that. Clearly you have no clue how the executive branch works.

"In the morning, there will be a coronavirus briefing for all members at 10:30," McConnell stated on Jan. 23, noting the Senate Health panel was taking the lead on it.

McConnell's remarks represented the first time that the novel coronavirus was mentioned in the Congressional Record this year. At the time, there was one confirmed case in the United States.

Note this was not the briefing chief members got at the same time the president was briefed.
Even Pelosi talked about that.
This is why there were investigations of politicians trading the news.

Trump received daily briefings on Covid from his intel dept. He ignored those warnings. He told Woodward covid was 5x more deadly than flu, and very contagious. Trump is responsible for preparing for this andemic and protecting us from the pandemic. He failed miserably on both and we have the death toll to prove it.

Funny how people never want to hold the person in charge of the country responsible, they always look to blame everyone else. Clearly Trump can't handle the job of being president, he has failed miserably, just like Bush.

You heard a 50 second clip. Yeah he heard it was bad and he made sure people from China were banned from coming here something you called xenophobic. None of us knew how bad it was including intel. I still believe it’s overblown and we should have never shut down the economy.

It is clear as day on the "50 second clip" That Trump said covid was 5x more deadly than flu and was very contagious. What don't you understand about that???

Again just another example of you making excuses for Trump's total failure. You care more about the GOP party than the country. You should not be aloud to live in this country. You are a traitor.

I believe Biden will be exposed as a senile old man and basically un-electable. What are your thoughts?

Thank you

PS - if you don't vote for him you ain't black and poor kids can be just as smart as white kids --- his words not mine.

/——/ If Dementia Joe’s family doesn’t worry about him, why should I?

The same reason why you should care if someone abuses their own children. Child abuse is illegal, so is elder abuse. This is the kind of thing that laws have been passed against.

/——/ So what am I supposed to do, call the Elder Abuse Hotline?

I believe Biden will be exposed as a senile old man and basically un-electable. What are your thoughts?

Thank you and try not to make this about Trump.

PS - if you don't vote for him you ain't black and poor kids can be just as smart as white kids --- his words not mine.

Now I'm worried about the mental state of his campaign spokesman who said Trump should have told them (Dem politicians) about the seriousness of the virus.
Ummm- they were, they all got the same exact intelligence briefing, Biden however is not in that loop (not even on the same planet) & would not know about it unless his party leaked the info.
Biden has amnesia himself, he forgot Trump acted quickly with 3m and their mask issues and when realized ventilators were needed he got cooperation with that as well. They keep screaming Trump is not a Doctor well then how would he know ventillators would be needed until it was brought up? Governor Cuomo is responsible for his state's emergency supplies, hospitals are responsible for their supplies, but it's not the presidents job of stock boy until he has to correct their miss cues and sees a lacking in order to mobilize resources. You can't mobilize resources from an unknown. The CDC is what they are complaining about, that's the agency that deals with the mess W.H.O. left them to figure out.
Biden and his spokesperson are either too stupid to know the difference between the President and the CDC or they do know and think their voters are too stupid to know the difference.


They never got the same intel. 100% false. You are fake news.

Trump gets CONFIDENTIAL daily briefings about Covid, that only his administration sees. Trump admited ON TAPE, on FEB 7, that Covid was 5x more deadly than flu and very contagious, yet he did nothing. He did nothing to prepare for the pandemic and hundreds of thousands of Americans died and $trillions wasted because of Trump's failure.

Not only were they in the room with the president getting the same intel, but guess what, they have the same exact access to the CdC as the President.
Until you apologize to the people you scared out the markets and apologize to me for arguing over the stock market when you were proven wrong, you have zero credibility. You missed the great run up in the market as you did the news that after congress got the briefing they went and sold their stocks or spouses did.

Huh??? The president and the administration got the confidential intel. This intel isn't from the CDC it is from the US and global intel community. As president Trump and his admin are privy to confidential daily briefings. It is the job of the president to use that intel and to better America. He failed in doing that. Clearly you have no clue how the executive branch works.

"In the morning, there will be a coronavirus briefing for all members at 10:30," McConnell stated on Jan. 23, noting the Senate Health panel was taking the lead on it.

McConnell's remarks represented the first time that the novel coronavirus was mentioned in the Congressional Record this year. At the time, there was one confirmed case in the United States.

Note this was not the briefing chief members got at the same time the president was briefed.
Even Pelosi talked about that.
This is why there were investigations of politicians trading the news.

Trump received daily briefings on Covid from his intel dept. He ignored those warnings. He told Woodward covid was 5x more deadly than flu, and very contagious. Trump is responsible for preparing for this andemic and protecting us from the pandemic. He failed miserably on both and we have the death toll to prove it.

Funny how people never want to hold the person in charge of the country responsible, they always look to blame everyone else. Clearly Trump can't handle the job of being president, he has failed miserably, just like Bush.

But that's not what we were talking about, and your rerouting of the subject is a smokescreen to once again fail to admit and apoligize being wrong.
It's so much easier and wiser to stop squirming and allow the info to teach you where you are going wrong in your assumptions.

OH I forgot you were trying to deflect blame from Trump, because it pains you to admit that trump failed miserably.
Sometimes in life it is easier for some people to live a lie than accept reality.

He only failed because he acquiesced and locked down. We agree.

I believe Biden will be exposed as a senile old man and basically un-electable. What are your thoughts?

Thank you and try not to make this about Trump.

PS - if you don't vote for him you ain't black and poor kids can be just as smart as white kids --- his words not mine.

Now I'm worried about the mental state of his campaign spokesman who said Trump should have told them (Dem politicians) about the seriousness of the virus.
Ummm- they were, they all got the same exact intelligence briefing, Biden however is not in that loop (not even on the same planet) & would not know about it unless his party leaked the info.
Biden has amnesia himself, he forgot Trump acted quickly with 3m and their mask issues and when realized ventilators were needed he got cooperation with that as well. They keep screaming Trump is not a Doctor well then how would he know ventillators would be needed until it was brought up? Governor Cuomo is responsible for his state's emergency supplies, hospitals are responsible for their supplies, but it's not the presidents job of stock boy until he has to correct their miss cues and sees a lacking in order to mobilize resources. You can't mobilize resources from an unknown. The CDC is what they are complaining about, that's the agency that deals with the mess W.H.O. left them to figure out.
Biden and his spokesperson are either too stupid to know the difference between the President and the CDC or they do know and think their voters are too stupid to know the difference.


They never got the same intel. 100% false. You are fake news.

Trump gets CONFIDENTIAL daily briefings about Covid, that only his administration sees. Trump admited ON TAPE, on FEB 7, that Covid was 5x more deadly than flu and very contagious, yet he did nothing. He did nothing to prepare for the pandemic and hundreds of thousands of Americans died and $trillions wasted because of Trump's failure.

Not only were they in the room with the president getting the same intel, but guess what, they have the same exact access to the CdC as the President.
Until you apologize to the people you scared out the markets and apologize to me for arguing over the stock market when you were proven wrong, you have zero credibility. You missed the great run up in the market as you did the news that after congress got the briefing they went and sold their stocks or spouses did.

Huh??? The president and the administration got the confidential intel. This intel isn't from the CDC it is from the US and global intel community. As president Trump and his admin are privy to confidential daily briefings. It is the job of the president to use that intel and to better America. He failed in doing that. Clearly you have no clue how the executive branch works.

"In the morning, there will be a coronavirus briefing for all members at 10:30," McConnell stated on Jan. 23, noting the Senate Health panel was taking the lead on it.

McConnell's remarks represented the first time that the novel coronavirus was mentioned in the Congressional Record this year. At the time, there was one confirmed case in the United States.

Note this was not the briefing chief members got at the same time the president was briefed.
Even Pelosi talked about that.
This is why there were investigations of politicians trading the news.

Trump received daily briefings on Covid from his intel dept. He ignored those warnings. He told Woodward covid was 5x more deadly than flu, and very contagious. Trump is responsible for preparing for this andemic and protecting us from the pandemic. He failed miserably on both and we have the death toll to prove it.

Funny how people never want to hold the person in charge of the country responsible, they always look to blame everyone else. Clearly Trump can't handle the job of being president, he has failed miserably, just like Bush.

You heard a 50 second clip. Yeah he heard it was bad and he made sure people from China were banned from coming here something you called xenophobic. None of us knew how bad it was including intel. I still believe it’s overblown and we should have never shut down the economy.

It is clear as day on the "50 second clip" That Trump said covid was 5x more deadly than flu and was very contagious. What don't you understand about that???

Again just another example of you making excuses for Trump's total failure. You care more about the GOP party than the country. You should not be aloud to live in this country. You are a traitor.

Trump often speaks in hyperboles. He said they tell me this and they tell me that. You don’t think he consulted with the CDC and the WHO after hearing this? Both played it off. Come on man. Don’t be so stupid. Blaming one man for this is craziness. Well, you are a Leftist buffoon.
Note for the Reader: I purposely took on Pete's partisan posts and urged readers to verify everything he posts, since most of it has come from Trump's Ministry of Truth*. Ronald Reagan famously said, "Trust but verify", I reminded the readers to not trust but to make sure anything posted by the blue boy be verified.

Since then Pete has had a temper tantrum, as one can see in his comments above. Using such verbiage as "democrook political whore" and "meat puppet faggot" are phrases one might hear in a psychiatric hospital treating paranoid schizophrenics.

*The Novel 1984

Of course Spooge Catcher has no reply about the fact his beloved leaders only get rich through corruption, ruling people and stealing wealth, and wants to piss and moan about a president that LOST MONEY to take the job.

Go suck a fat one pillow biter.

Gee, the 15th (?) post on Joe Biden's mental health status. Seems to be an anomaly when other threads on the same theme are usually put into one.

Those who continue to post on these threads are clearly not authorities on mental health, otherwise they wouldn't support Donald Trump who may not stutter now and then as does Joe, but many of his spoken words appear to be word salad, symptoms of a serious mental illness and possible TIA's.
Nah. Trump just has a stuttering problem.

Nah, Trump is a pathological liar. His brand of stuttering occurs when he is confronted with Truth and Justice, only then he cannot provide a substantive clear response.
Gee, the 15th (?) post on Joe Biden's mental health status. Seems to be an anomaly when other threads on the same theme are usually put into one.

Those who continue to post on these threads are clearly not authorities on mental health, otherwise they wouldn't support Donald Trump who may not stutter now and then as does Joe, but many of his spoken words appear to be word salad, symptoms of a serious mental illness and possible TIA's.
Nah. Trump just has a stuttering problem.

Nah, Trump is a pathological liar. His brand of stuttering occurs when he is confronted with Truth and Justice, only then he cannot provide a substantive clear response.
Thank you and try not to make this about Trump.

I guess you missed the request by the OP, so I quoted it above for you. One would think a Gold Member would respect the OP request and stick to the subject at hand, which is Sleepy Joe Bidens mental acuity or lack there of.
I'm actually more worried about the mental state of the Democratic party. From the Marxism to the defund police movement to the riots, death and destruction, The new Democrat norm is dangerous to our country. MAGA, live and let live

Biden isn't meant to be in power---

If he wins, great for the one world order---he will be replaced by Kamala and whoever they really want in

If he loses, they will act to claim that the election is undecideable and put Queen pelosi in.

I believe Biden will be exposed as a senile old man and basically un-electable. What are your thoughts?

Thank you and try not to make this about Trump.

PS - if you don't vote for him you ain't black and poor kids can be just as smart as white kids --- his words not mine.

Now I'm worried about the mental state of his campaign spokesman who said Trump should have told them (Dem politicians) about the seriousness of the virus.
Ummm- they were, they all got the same exact intelligence briefing, Biden however is not in that loop (not even on the same planet) & would not know about it unless his party leaked the info.
Biden has amnesia himself, he forgot Trump acted quickly with 3m and their mask issues and when realized ventilators were needed he got cooperation with that as well. They keep screaming Trump is not a Doctor well then how would he know ventillators would be needed until it was brought up? Governor Cuomo is responsible for his state's emergency supplies, hospitals are responsible for their supplies, but it's not the presidents job of stock boy until he has to correct their miss cues and sees a lacking in order to mobilize resources. You can't mobilize resources from an unknown. The CDC is what they are complaining about, that's the agency that deals with the mess W.H.O. left them to figure out.
Biden and his spokesperson are either too stupid to know the difference between the President and the CDC or they do know and think their voters are too stupid to know the difference.


They never got the same intel. 100% false. You are fake news.

Trump gets CONFIDENTIAL daily briefings about Covid, that only his administration sees. Trump admited ON TAPE, on FEB 7, that Covid was 5x more deadly than flu and very contagious, yet he did nothing. He did nothing to prepare for the pandemic and hundreds of thousands of Americans died and $trillions wasted because of Trump's failure.

Not only were they in the room with the president getting the same intel, but guess what, they have the same exact access to the CdC as the President.
Until you apologize to the people you scared out the markets and apologize to me for arguing over the stock market when you were proven wrong, you have zero credibility. You missed the great run up in the market as you did the news that after congress got the briefing they went and sold their stocks or spouses did.

Huh??? The president and the administration got the confidential intel. This intel isn't from the CDC it is from the US and global intel community. As president Trump and his admin are privy to confidential daily briefings. It is the job of the president to use that intel and to better America. He failed in doing that. Clearly you have no clue how the executive branch works.

"In the morning, there will be a coronavirus briefing for all members at 10:30," McConnell stated on Jan. 23, noting the Senate Health panel was taking the lead on it.

McConnell's remarks represented the first time that the novel coronavirus was mentioned in the Congressional Record this year. At the time, there was one confirmed case in the United States.

Note this was not the briefing chief members got at the same time the president was briefed.
Even Pelosi talked about that.
This is why there were investigations of politicians trading the news.

Trump received daily briefings on Covid from his intel dept. He ignored those warnings. He told Woodward covid was 5x more deadly than flu, and very contagious. Trump is responsible for preparing for this andemic and protecting us from the pandemic. He failed miserably on both and we have the death toll to prove it.

Funny how people never want to hold the person in charge of the country responsible, they always look to blame everyone else. Clearly Trump can't handle the job of being president, he has failed miserably, just like Bush.

You heard a 50 second clip. Yeah he heard it was bad and he made sure people from China were banned from coming here something you called xenophobic. None of us knew how bad it was including intel. I still believe it’s overblown and we should have never shut down the economy.

It is clear as day on the "50 second clip" That Trump said covid was 5x more deadly than flu and was very contagious. What don't you understand about that???

Again just another example of you making excuses for Trump's total failure. You care more about the GOP party than the country. You should not be aloud to live in this country. You are a traitor.

Trump often speaks in hyperboles. He said they tell me this and they tell me that. You don’t think he consulted with the CDC and the WHO after hearing this? Both played it off. Come on man. Don’t be so stupid. Blaming one man for this is craziness. Well, you are a Leftist buffoon.

You are so pathetic. Look around the world and compare the US response to other countries. Most other countries have performed substantially better than the US, AND most other countries don't still have a mega covid problem. The US is losing almost 1 thousand people a week, that is a disgrace. Terrorists never killed this many people. No other country in this world still has the severe covid problem that the US has. Trump has failed miserably.

Trump has no plan what so ever.

On FEB 7 Trump knew this was going to big very bad and he did nothing. He had no plan, he made no plan, he took no precautions, he got no protective equipment or testing. When the virus hit he said it was nothing but the flu, and hundreds of thousands have died, and we have wasted $trillions of dollars. We are projected to have another 100k+ deaths... DISGUSTING. No other country in the world has such a severe covid problem. Trump has failed, he is another Bush. Bush and Trump 2 failed presidents.

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