Aren't Leftwingers curious why Obama won't release his College records?

Why won't Mitt show us his tax returns for the last 12 years?

What is he hiding?

How does having wealth relate to Obama's School records?

Are you saying we can have an idiot for President but we cannot have a rich President?

I don't care how much Romney is worth....... but I do care that we have a Fake for a President :)

but then again some want a rich idiot for president.

Since Lokhota found it we know it is true as a Lib would never provide false evidence against his Man in the White House....

Lets see: Economics, Business, Accounting -- All D's or F

No wonder Obama is doing so well with our Economy :D

BTW, never heard of anyone getting into Harvard with a 3.0, Obama must have gotten one of the special Wavers...

Born in Kenya... hmmmm

I guess this explains it all, Obama is a Fake :)

We are told over and over he is the smartest man we have ever had as President yet he spend money and time to HIDE the proof. He hired lawyers to hide his college years and those of his wife.

Are you left wingers not curious why that is? I mean no other President has ever hired Lawyers to hide their college transcripts and papers nor those of their wife's. What exactly is he afraid we will find in those records?

I'm more interested in Mitt's Tax Returns and you should be too.
We are told over and over he is the smartest man we have ever had as President yet he spend money and time to HIDE the proof. He hired lawyers to hide his college years and those of his wife.

Are you left wingers not curious why that is? I mean no other President has ever hired Lawyers to hide their college transcripts and papers nor those of their wife's. What exactly is he afraid we will find in those records?

No...we're not in the least bit concerned.

Why are you so obsessed with Obama?

Do you have a crush on him or something?

I bet that's it. You have a CRUSH on Obama...don't you?

We are told over and over he is the smartest man we have ever had as President
Who told you that? I've never heard anyone say that.
yet he spend money and time to HIDE the proof. He hired lawyers to hide his college years and those of his wife.
No, he didn't. Not a single one of Obama's lawyers has been hired to hide his college years. Why would he need a lawyer to do that?

Are you left wingers not curious why that is? I mean no other President has ever hired Lawyers to hide their college transcripts and papers nor those of their wife's. What exactly is he afraid we will find in those records?
Obama has not hired any lawyers to hide his college transcripts.
We are told over and over he is the smartest man we have ever had as President
Who told you that? I've never heard anyone say that.
yet he spend money and time to HIDE the proof. He hired lawyers to hide his college years and those of his wife.
No, he didn't. Not a single one of Obama's lawyers has been hired to hide his college years. Why would he need a lawyer to do that?

Are you left wingers not curious why that is? I mean no other President has ever hired Lawyers to hide their college transcripts and papers nor those of their wife's. What exactly is he afraid we will find in those records?
Obama has not hired any lawyers to hide his college transcripts.

Don't stress yourself my friend.

You have to realize that the Tin Foil is strong with that one...

Why won't Mitt show us his tax returns for the last 12 years?

What is he hiding?

How does having wealth relate to Obama's School records?

Are you saying we can have an idiot for President but we cannot have a rich President?

I don't care how much Romney is worth....... but I do care that we have a Fake for a President :)

but then again some want a rich idiot for president.

Well, Obama is richer than I am and I would say a little dumber also :)

To answer you comment, I think a rich smart person better in the White House is a better alternative to Obama

I want to see Obama's marriage license! How do we know he isn't shacked up in our White House?

Who cares if he is shacked up, as long as he does a good job I don't give a rats behind if he is married or not :)


But, but, I thought Cons frowned on fornicatin' in the White House?

Those blasted RepubliCON$ are always moving the goalpost.

When a Dem was in office and he had the country's economy running **** and span like a tight ship it was all about morality. "Oh how Clinton is disrespecting and disparaging the Office" they wailed. The got as far as impeaching the man for a BJ, during THE BEST economy in decades.

Now we have a Dem in office, with a pristine moral code, the picture of a Family Man, a Christian by deed and by nature, can't find a single thing bad about his character (except some made up and trumped up charge about "narcissism") and they have to get him out because of how "HE'S" doing to the economy. Mind you, this is the SAME economy that Bush brought down on our heads.

Speaking of which, they totally ignored all the corruption and ineptness that went on 24/7 under that regime.

These RW bastards always move the goal posts to fit their political needs and agenda at the time. Always.

It never fails.

I have nothing but contempt for those SOBs.
Who cares if he is shacked up, as long as he does a good job I don't give a rats behind if he is married or not :)


But, but, I thought Cons frowned on fornicatin' in the White House?

Those blasted RepubliCON$ are always moving the goalpost.

When a Dem was in office and he had the country's economy running **** and span like a tight ship it was all about morality. "Oh how Clinton is disrespecting and disparaging the Office" they wailed. The got as far as impeaching the man for a BJ, during THE BEST economy in decades.

Now we have a Dem in office, with a pristine moral code, the picture of a Family Man, a Christian by deed and by nature, can't find a single thing bad about his character (except some made up and trumped up charge about "narcissism") and they have to get him out because of how "HE'S" doing to the economy. Mind you, this is the SAME economy that Bush brought down on our heads.

Speaking of which, they totally ignored all the corruption and ineptness that went on 24/7 under that regime.

These RW bastards always move the goal posts to fit their political needs and agenda at the time. Always.

It never fails.

I have nothing but contempt for those SOBs.

As Lokhota so kindly pointed out, it was not till the 7th year of Bush's Presidency that the Stock market got below 14k and then we have all the loss of jobs, peoples homes, etc. in the 7th year, most likely not all Bushes Fault, (we need another thread about how the Democrats got the ball rolling on the burst of the housing bubble which eventually caught up in 2008) but maybe all teh problems had a lot to do with people realizing a Democrat was about to become President who's only real experience was zero and who only had a 3.0 GPA during most of his college days, never thought of that did you :)

How does having wealth relate to Obama's School records?

Are you saying we can have an idiot for President but we cannot have a rich President?

I don't care how much Romney is worth....... but I do care that we have a Fake for a President :)

Felony tax evasion.

Stealing from every tax payer in America.

Continue to troll in this thread when you already have a thread ON THIS subject and I will report you.

I repeat you have a thread that asks those questions. Post in it.


Says the guy who LOVES to "b-but Obama this and b-but the Democrats that" in response to OPs attacking republicans.
I realize Lakota was trying to be funny with this "copy" of the transcript. After I've given it some thought, I wonder why there even needs to be a fake. It's not that funny, in fact it's a little weird.

Why won't Obama release his college records?? And why doesn't it matter to the left??
I realize Lakota was trying to be funny with this "copy" of the transcript. After I've given it some thought, I wonder why there even needs to be a fake. It's not that funny, in fact it's a little weird.

Why won't Obama release his college records?? And why doesn't it matter to the left??

Like i said....the man is so full of himself i'm really surprised he hasn't shown all he did in college so he could brag about how smart he is. I would think he would be proud of his record if it's as good as they say and be GLAD to show it to everyone. I believe he IS hiding something in there.

And why doesn't it matter to the left? Because they're afraid that we're right!!
Just before Mitt Romney left the Massachusetts governor’s office and first ran for president, 11 of his top aides purchased their state-issued computer hard drives, and the Romney administration’s e-mails were all wiped from a server, according to interviews and records obtained by the Globe.

Romney administration officials had the remaining computers in the governor’s office replaced just before Governor Deval Patrick’s staff showed up to take power in January 2007, according to Mark Reilly, Patrick’s chief legal counsel.

As a result, Patrick’s office, which has been bombarded with inquiries for records from the Romney era, has no electronic record of any Romney administration e-mails, Reilly said.

“The governor’s office has found no e-mails from 2002-2006 in our possession,’’ Reilly said in a statement. “Before the current administration took office, the computers used during that time period were replaced and the server used during that time period was taken out of service, all files were removed from it, and it was also replaced.’’

Romney staffers wiped out records in 06 -

What was Romney and his staff hiding?

There's no need to spend that money to destroy all of those records unless you are trying to hide something.
Why won't Mitt show us his tax returns for the last 12 years?

What is he hiding?

oh Chris you make it so easy to one up.
Why does obama have so many tax cheats in his administration?

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