Ares/Hades: Capitalism & Pity [Book of Job]


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Sep 22, 2013
Ares is the god of war. Hades is the god of the underworld. Both are from Greek/ancient mythology and both represent ideas about governance and ethics. The New Deal (a social security based approach to governance created by FDR during the Great Depression) represented America's investments in homogenizing capitalism ('the American Dream') with democracy (the Statue of Liberty).

Are capitalism and democracy compatible? Always?

The Book of Job (Christian Bible) tells us that when Satan took away the fortunes/comforts of a man named Job, Job cursed God for his misfortune. Satan then accused God of 'over-praising' man who was seemingly easily unnerved in the face of adversity. Man was full of pride and yearning. However, God suggested that Job's 'test' was to understand/appreciate faith in the face of change.

So here's a vignette about 'capitalism ergonomics' involving Ares/Hades visiting Earth and debating about the virtues of democracy and why capitalism-flowery could be evaluated in terms of 'TrumpUSA conscience.'

Is capitalism a thing requiring pity?

1: 8 And the Lord said unto Satan, Hast thou considered my servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that feareth God, and escheweth evil?

9 Then Satan answered the Lord, and said, Doth Job fear God for nought?

10 Hast not thou made an hedge about him, and about his house, and about all that he hath on every side? thou hast blessed the work of his hands, and his substance is increased in the land.

11 But put forth thine hand now, and touch all that he hath, and he will curse thee to thy face (Job, KJV)


Ares (god of war) and Hades (god of the underworld) decided to commune together and debate/discuss the contours of capitalism values and democracy ramifications. Capitalism and democracy were at times at odds with each other since the former promoted individualism and the latter teamwork. Ares and Hades decided to take the form of a female centurion and a female witch in ice-maiden costumes (respectively!) and visit the campus of Yale University on Halloween to attend a special economics lecture about the irreconcilability between capitalism and democracy as they related to race, gender, and class. Ares and Hades then held a debate/discussion of their own to focus on the scope of capitalism and investigate whether the 'American Dream' required basic...pity.

ARES: Without pity, there is no trust...
HADES: Capitalism is based on contracts but also competition!
ARES: No one wants to be betrayed; hence, betrayal is a sin.
HADES: The rebellious spirit yearns for individual liberty.
ARES: Personal liberty is fine as long as it does not cost others.
HADES: Even the poor admire the successful/wealthy!
ARES: The concept of capitalism is that everyone can attain wealth...
HADES: So while there are rich and poor, we should pity the poor?
ARES: Without social security nets, there can be no real democracy!
HADES: I'm not a big fan of the New Deal.
ARES: It's the New Deal that set the way for welfare-consciousness.

After this brief discussion/debate, Ares (god of war/wisdom) showed to Hades (god of the underworld/vice) a key passage in the Book of Job (Christian Bible!), passages 1:8-11. Hades noted that the passages signified a spiritual focus on the dangers of rage in the face of adversity, and Ares indicated that the passages also signified a human interest in using suffering to understand/appreciate faith. Ares and Hades were both correct. Capitalism did require faith and teamwork to flourish (e.g., World Bank), but it also promoted rugged individualism and individual liberty (e.g., Wall Street).

ARES: Incompatibilities do not destroy all contracts...
HADES: True; but capitalism will be at odds with democracy!
ARES: True; capitalism promotes individualism, while democracy praises teamwork.
HADES: Of course when Americans celebrate the film Wall Street, they praise culture!
ARES: Capitalists should have the 'liberty' to download Wall Street on Netflix!
HADES: Yes, personal space is therefore a necessity for a functioning capitalism.
ARES: You might find that a Yale economics course titled "New Deal Marketing."
HADES: Yes, students want to explore the contours of liberty and welfare.
ARES: Let's agree that welfare-programs also espouse the 'American Dream.'
HADES: Yes, welfare reminds capitalists that safety-nets symbolize ethos/creed.
ARES: Perhaps the Book of Job suggests resilience is a virtue strengthening capitalism!
HADES: Sure; maybe that's why Job is 'cited' in the action-film Mission: Impossible.

Ares and Hades resolved to work together in some capacity to understand/appreciate why/how capitalism and democracy could be 'negotiated' in tandem so as to facilitate more productive negotiations regarding the World Bank and Social Security in the USA. If capitalism (e.g., 'TrumpUSA') was to flourish, sociologists and economists would have to analyze why empathy/teamwork was conducive to pacts/contracts about investment-diversification. After all, different experts offered different expertise regarding varying/differing markets and goods. Without pity, the pensive Ares reasoned, TrumpUSA would never be 'hygienic.'




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