Argo: An Urban Drugstore


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
What is the Western world's 'response/translation' of the anti-capitalism fundamentalism-oriented terrorism floating around in recent times (e.g., ISIS)?

Do we Americans have our own 'social euphoria'?

This comics-adapted 'vignette' was inspired by the film Smoke.

Signing off,


Killer Croc had emerged as a new 'villain' in the hall of figurines in neo-gothic art media such as comic books representing social consciousness regarding criminal insanity. Bruce Wayne ('Batman') was already dealing with the hideous anti-social Gotham City 'ghoul' named Leatherface (a chainsaw-wielding cannibalistic cop-killer) and was wary of taking on any new challenges, either for himself or for his Wayne Industries (involved in airlines, petroleum, Chinese and American toys, opium-operations for medicinal use in Europe, and contracts with bio-tech engineering). Bruce cared about what people thought regarding the respect deserved for Wayne Industries and wanted to remain 'in-touch' with the people (and the voters!).

Wayne Industries (under Bruce's assistance) orchestrated a comedy-themed comic book stick-figure doodle contest between inmates at a juvenile correctional facility for the criminally insane. There were stand-up comics there (Sandra Bernhard, Richard Pryor, Jerry Seinfeld, and Robin Williams) and the troubled teens seemed to get a kick out of the experience of drawing about Batman and his rival(s). The comedians reminded them of the optimism in crime-fighting, and the teens responded by commenting on ideals loftier than the silly doodles they handed in for the politically-symbolic but academically-casual drawing community experience. One teen said, "Maybe Batman is willing to deal with what no one else is 'comfortable' dealing with..."

Killer Croc couldn't care less about all these society affairs regarding Wayne Industries. He wanted Batman to be distracted by Leatherface just long enough for him to seize control of the punk-rock journalism social-sector (e.g., hip stockbrokers included!) away from 'goodie-goodies' like Wayne/Batman (ensuring no 'metropolitan capitalism-bias system could subdue the voices of the urban underground. Then, Killer Croc intended to use chemical bombs from the sewers in Times Square on New Year's Eve (NYC) as a gesture signifying his 'sewer-world passion for anarchy' (Killer Croc was after all a 'product' of toxic-waste contact and bad science).

Batman had to decide if he should pursue Leatherface with his words of wit or try to wrestle with Killer Croc who threatened commerce and consumerism-hub rails with his 'deformed anti-capitalism politics/rebellion.' Batman decided to ask U.S. President Donald Trump to endorse the new reality-dramatized crime-disco television show Gotham (Fox TV), so pro-populism ideas regarding 'low-brow politics' could circulate much more profitably for 'mindless consumerism' (ironically good for the economy). Gotham became a hit for Fox and had been running since 2014. It was a nice 'addendum' to the Batman-related chatter/media available to the public, and Batman wondered if capitalism itself would require a 'shopping-marionette crusader.' Batman decided to call himself 'Argo' (as in Jason and the Argonauts).




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